
3196 lines
110 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! Copyright (C) 2019 Brian Kolb, Timo Thonhauser
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! This module calculates the non-local correlation contribution to the
! energy and potential according to
! M. Dion, H. Rydberg, E. Schroeder, D.C. Langreth, and
! B.I. Lundqvist, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004).
! henceforth referred to as DION. Further information about the
! functional and its corresponding potential can be found in:
! T. Thonhauser, V.R. Cooper, S. Li, A. Puzder, P. Hyldgaard,
! and D.C. Langreth, Phys. Rev. B 76, 125112 (2007).
! The proper spin extension of vdW-DF, i.e. svdW-DF, is derived in
! T. Thonhauser, S. Zuluaga, C.A. Arter, K. Berland, E. Schroder,
! and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 136402 (2015).
! henceforth referred to as THONHAUSER.
! Two review articles show many of the vdW-DF applications:
! D.C. Langreth et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 084203 (2009).
! K. Berland et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 78, 066501 (2015).
! The method implemented is based on the method of G. Roman-Perez and
! J.M. Soler described in:
! G. Roman-Perez and J.M. Soler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 096102 (2009).
! henceforth referred to as SOLER.
! xc_vdW_DF and xc_vdW_DF_spin are the driver routines for vdW-DF
! calculations and are called from Modules/funct.f90. The routines here
! set up the parallel run (if any) and carry out the calls necessary to
! calculate the non-local correlation contributions to the energy and
! potential.
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi, e2
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_barrier, mp_get, mp_size, mp_rank, mp_bcast
USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fwfft, invfft
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity, gamma_only
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! No implicit variables
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! By default everything is private
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Save all objects in this module
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Public functions
PUBLIC :: xc_vdW_DF, xc_vdW_DF_spin, vdW_DF_stress, &
vdW_DF_energy, vdW_DF_potential, &
generate_kernel, interpolate_kernel, &
initialize_spline_interpolation, spline_interpolation, pw,pw_spin
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Public variables
PUBLIC :: inlc, vdW_DF_analysis, Nr_points, r_max, q_min, q_cut, Nqs, q_mesh
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! General variables
INTEGER :: inlc = 1
! The non-local correlation
INTEGER :: vdW_DF_analysis = 0
! vdW-DF analysis tool as described in PRB 97, 085115 (2018)
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: epsr = 1.0D-12
! A small number to cut off densities
INTEGER :: idx
! Indexing variable
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Kernel specific parameters and variables
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Nr_points = 1024
! The number of radial points (also the number of k points) used in the
! formation of the kernel functions for each pair of q values.
! Increasing this value will help in case you get a run-time error
! saying that you are trying to use a k value that is larger than the
! largest tabulated k point since the largest k point will be 2*pi/r_max
! * Nr_points. Memory usage of the vdW_DF piece of PWSCF will increase
! roughly linearly with this variable.
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: r_max = 100.0D0
! The value of the maximum radius to use for the real-space kernel
! functions for each pair of q values. The larger this value is the
! smaller the smallest k value will be since the smallest k point value
! is 2*pi/r_max. Be careful though, since this will also decrease the
! maximum k point value and the vdW_DF code will crash if it encounters
! a g-vector with a magnitude greater than 2*pi/r_max *Nr_points.
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: dr = r_max/Nr_points, dk = 2.0D0*pi/r_max
! Real space and k-space spacing of grid points.
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: q_min = 1.0D-5, q_cut = 5.0D0
! The maximum and minimum values of q. During a vdW run, values of q0
! found larger than q_cut will be saturated (SOLER equation 5) to q_cut.
REAL(DP), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(Nqs) :: q_mesh = (/ &
q_min , 0.0449420825586261D0, 0.0975593700991365D0, 0.159162633466142D0, &
0.231286496836006D0, 0.315727667369529D0 , 0.414589693721418D0 , 0.530335368404141D0, &
0.665848079422965D0, 0.824503639537924D0 , 1.010254382520950D0 , 1.227727621364570D0, &
1.482340921174910D0, 1.780437058359530D0 , 2.129442028133640D0 , 2.538050036534580D0, &
3.016440085356680D0, 3.576529545442460D0 , 4.232271035198720D0 , q_cut /)
! The above two parameters define the q mesh to be used in the vdW_DF
! code. These are perhaps the most important to have set correctly.
! Increasing the number of q points will DRAMATICALLY increase the
! memory usage of the vdW_DF code because the memory consumption depends
! quadratically on the number of q points in the mesh. Increasing the
! number of q points may increase accuracy of the vdW_DF code, although,
! in testing it was found to have little effect. The largest value of
! the q mesh is q_cut. All values of q0 (DION equation 11) larger than
! this value during a run will be saturated to this value using equation
! 5 of SOLER. In testing, increasing the value of q_cut was found to
! have little impact on the results, although it is possible that in
! some systems it may be more important. Always make sure that the
! variable Nqs is consistent with the number of q points that are
! actually in the variable q_mesh. Also, do not set any q value to 0.
! This will cause an infinity in the Fourier transform.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Nintegration_points = 256
! Number of integration points for real-space kernel generation (see
! DION equation 14). This is how many a's and b's there will be.
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a_min = 0.0D0, a_max = 64.0D0
! Min/max values for the a and b integration in DION equation 14.
REAL(DP) :: kernel( 0:Nr_points, Nqs, Nqs ), d2phi_dk2( 0:Nr_points, Nqs, Nqs )
! Matrices holding the Fourier transformed kernel function and its
! second derivative for each pair of q values. The ordering is
! kernel(k_point, q1_value, q2_value).
REAL(DP) :: W_ab( Nintegration_points, Nintegration_points )
! Defined in DION equation 16.
REAL(DP) :: a_points( Nintegration_points ), a_points2( Nintegration_points )
! The values of the "a" points (DION equation 14) and their squares.
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | functions |
! |_____________|
! Functions to be used in get_q0_on_grid, get_q0_on_grid_spin, and
! phi_value.
REAL(DP) :: s, Fs, Z_ab = 0.0D0
IF ( inlc == 1 .OR. inlc == 3 ) THEN
Z_ab = -0.8491D0
ELSE IF ( inlc == 2 .OR. inlc == 4 .OR. inlc == 5 ) THEN
Z_ab = -1.887D0
Fs = 1.0D0 - Z_ab * s * s / 9.0D0
FUNCTION dFs_ds(s)
REAL(DP) :: s, dFs_ds, Z_ab = 0.0D0
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: prefac = -2.0D0/9.0D0
IF ( inlc == 1 .OR. inlc == 3 ) THEN
Z_ab = -0.8491D0
ELSE IF ( inlc == 2 .OR. inlc == 4 .OR. inlc == 5 ) THEN
Z_ab = -1.887D0
dFs_ds = prefac * s * Z_ab
REAL(DP) :: rho, kF
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: ex = 1.0D0/3.0D0
kF = ( 3.0D0 * pi * pi * rho )**ex
FUNCTION dkF_drho(rho)
REAL(DP) :: rho, dkF_drho
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: prefac = 1.0D0/3.0D0
dkF_drho = prefac * kF(rho) / rho
FUNCTION ds_drho(rho, s)
REAL(DP) :: rho, s, ds_drho
ds_drho = -s * ( dkF_drho(rho) / kF(rho) + 1.0D0 / rho )
FUNCTION ds_dgradrho(rho)
REAL(DP) :: rho, ds_dgradrho
ds_dgradrho = 0.5D0 / (kF(rho) * rho)
END FUNCTION ds_dgradrho
FUNCTION dqx_drho(rho, s)
REAL(DP) :: rho, s, dqx_drho
dqx_drho = dkF_drho(rho) * Fs(s) + kF(rho) * dFs_ds(s) * ds_drho(rho, s)
FUNCTION h_function(y)
REAL(DP) :: y, y2, y4, h_function
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: g1 = fpi/9.0D0 ! vdW-DF1/2
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a3 = 0.94950D0, g3 = 1.12D0, g32 = g3*g3 ! vdW-DF3-opt1
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a4 = 0.28248D0, g4 = 1.29D0, g42 = g4*g4 ! vdW-DF3-opt2
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a5 = 2.01059D0, b5 = 8.17471D0, g5 = 1.84981D0, & ! vdW-DF-C6
AA = ( b5 + a5*(a5/2.0D0-g5) ) / ( 1.0D0+g5-a5 ) !
y2 = y*y
IF ( inlc == 1 .OR. inlc == 2 ) THEN
h_function = 1.0D0 - EXP( -g1*y2 )
ELSE IF ( inlc == 3 ) THEN
y4 = y2*y2
h_function = 1.0D0 - 1.0D0 / ( 1.0D0 + g3*y2 + g32*y4 + a3*y4*y4 )
ELSE IF ( inlc == 4 ) THEN
y4 = y2*y2
h_function = 1.0D0 - 1.0D0 / ( 1.0D0 + g4*y2 + g42*y4 + a4*y4*y4 )
ELSE IF ( inlc == 5 ) THEN
y4 = y2*y2
h_function = 1.0D0 - ( 1.0D0 + ( (a5-g5)*y2 + AA*y4 ) / ( 1.0D0+AA*y2 ) ) * EXP( -a5*y2 )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | XC_VDW_DF |
! |_____________|
SUBROUTINE xc_vdW_DF (rho_valence, rho_core, etxc, vtxc, v)
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Local variables
! _
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_valence(:,:) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_core(:) ! PWSCF input variables
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: etxc, vtxc, v(:,:) !_
INTEGER :: i_grid, theta_i, i_proc ! Indexing variables over grid points,
! theta functions, and processors.
REAL(DP) :: grid_cell_volume ! The volume of the unit cell per G-grid point.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q0(:) ! The saturated value of q (equations 11 and 12
! of DION). This saturation is that of
! equation 5 in SOLER.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_rho(:,:) ! The gradient of the charge density. The
! format is as follows:
! grad_rho(cartesian_component,grid_point).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: potential(:) ! The vdW contribution to the potential.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_drho(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
! (equation 5 of SOLER) with respect
! to the charge density (see
! get_q0_on_grid subroutine for details).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_dgradrho(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
! (equation 5 of SOLER) with respect
! to the gradient of the charge density
! (again, see get_q0_on_grid subroutine).
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: thetas(:,:) ! These are the functions of equation 8 of
! SOLER. They will be forward Fourier transformed
! in place to get theta(k) and worked on in
! place to get the u_alpha(r) of equation 11
! in SOLER. They are formatted as follows:
! thetas(grid_point, theta_i).
REAL(DP) :: Ec_nl ! The non-local vdW contribution to the energy.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: total_rho(:) ! This is the sum of the valence and core
! charge. This just holds the piece assigned
! to this processor.
LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_iteration = .TRUE. ! Whether this is the first time this
! routine has been called.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Write out the vdW-DF information and initialize the calculation.
IF ( first_iteration ) THEN
IF ( inlc > 5 ) CALL errore( 'xc_vdW_DF', 'inlc not implemented', 1 )
CALL generate_kernel
IF ( ionode ) CALL vdW_info
first_iteration = .FALSE.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocate arrays. nnr is a PWSCF variable that holds the number of
! points assigned to a given processor.
allocate( total_rho(dfftp%nnr), grad_rho(3,dfftp%nnr), &
potential(dfftp%nnr), thetas(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), &
q0(dfftp%nnr), dq0_drho(dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho(dfftp%nnr) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Add together the valence and core charge densities to get the total
! charge density. Note that rho_core is not the true core density and
! it is only non-zero for pseudopotentials with non-local core
! corrections.
total_rho = rho_valence(:,1) + rho_core(:)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the gradient in reciprocal space using FFT.
CALL fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, total_rho, g, grad_rho)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Find the value of q0 for all assigned grid points. q is defined in
! equations 11 and 12 of DION and q0 is the saturated version of q
! defined in equation 5 of SOLER. This routine also returns the
! derivatives of the q0s with respect to the charge-density and the
! gradient of the charge-density. These are needed for the potential
! calculated below. This routine also calculates the thetas.
CALL get_q0_on_grid (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, thetas)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Carry out the integration in equation 8 of SOLER. This also turns
! the theta arrays into the precursor to the u_i(k) array which is
! inverse fourier transformed to get the u_i(r) functions of SOLER
! equation 11. Add the energy we find to the output variable etxc.
CALL vdW_DF_energy (thetas, Ec_nl)
etxc = etxc + Ec_nl
IF ( iverbosity > 0 ) THEN
CALL mp_sum(Ec_nl, intra_bgrp_comm)
IF ( ionode ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/ / A)') " -----------------------------------------------"
WRITE(stdout,'(A, F15.8, A)') " Non-local corr. energy = ", Ec_nl, " Ry"
WRITE(stdout,'(A /)') " -----------------------------------------------"
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the potential. This is calculated via equation 10
! of SOLER, using the u_i(r) calculated from quations 11 and 12 of
! SOLER. Each processor allocates the array to be the size of the full
! grid because, as can be seen in SOLER equation 10, processors need
! to access grid points outside their allocated regions. Begin by
! FFTing the u_i(k) to get the u_i(r) of SOLER equation 11.
DO theta_i = 1, Nqs
CALL invfft('Rho', thetas(:,theta_i), dfftp)
CALL vdW_DF_potential (q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, grad_rho, thetas, potential)
v(:,1) = v(:,1) + e2 * potential(:)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! The integral of rho(r)*potential(r) for the vtxc output variable.
grid_cell_volume = omega/(dfftp%nr1*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr3)
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
vtxc = vtxc + e2 * grid_cell_volume * rho_valence(i_grid,1) * potential(i_grid)
DEALLOCATE ( total_rho, grad_rho, potential, thetas, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | XC_VDW_DF_spin |
! |__________________|
! This subroutine is as similar to xc_vdW_DF as possible, but handles
! the collinear nspin=2 case.
SUBROUTINE xc_vdW_DF_spin (rho_valence, rho_core, etxc, vtxc, v)
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Local variables
! _
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_valence(:,:) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_core(:) ! PWSCF input variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: etxc, vtxc, v(:,:) !_
INTEGER :: i_grid, theta_i, i_proc ! Indexing variables over grid points,
! theta functions, and processors, and a
! generic index.
REAL(DP) :: grid_cell_volume ! The volume of the unit cell per G-grid point.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q0(:) ! The saturated value of q (equations 11 and 12
! of DION). This saturation is that of
! equation 5 in SOLER.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_rho(:,:) ! The gradient of the charge density. The
! format is as follows:
! grad_rho(cartesian_component,grid_point).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_rho_up(:,:) ! The gradient of the up charge density.
! Same format as grad_rho.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_rho_down(:,:) ! The gradient of the down charge density.
! Same format as grad_rho.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: potential_up(:) ! The vdW contribution to the potential.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: potential_down(:) ! The vdW contribution to the potential.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_drho_up(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_drho_down(:) ! (equation 5 of SOLER) with respect
! to the charge density (see
! get_q0_on_grid subroutine for details).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_dgradrho_up(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_dgradrho_down(:) ! (equation 5 of SOLER) with respect
! to the gradient of the charge density
! (again, see get_q0_on_grid subroutine).
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: thetas(:,:) ! These are the functions of equation 8 of
! SOLER. They will be forward Fourier transformed
! in place to get theta(k) and worked on in
! place to get the u_alpha(r) of equation 11
! in SOLER. They are formatted as follows:
! thetas(grid_point, theta_i).
REAL(DP) :: Ec_nl ! The non-local vdW contribution to the energy.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: total_rho(:) ! This is the sum of the valence (up and down)
! and core charge. This just holds the piece
! assigned to this processor.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_up(:) ! This is the just the up valence charge.
! This just holds the piece assigned
! to this processor.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_down(:) ! This is the just the down valence charge.
! This just holds the piece assigned
! to this processor.
LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_iteration = .TRUE. ! Whether this is the first time this
! routine has been called.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Write out the vdW-DF information and initialize the calculation.
IF ( first_iteration ) THEN
IF ( inlc > 5 ) CALL errore( 'xc_vdW_DF_spin', 'inlc not implemented', 1 )
CALL generate_kernel
IF ( ionode ) CALL vdW_info
first_iteration = .FALSE.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocate arrays. nnr is a PWSCF variable that holds the number of
! points assigned to a given processor.
ALLOCATE( total_rho(dfftp%nnr), rho_up(dfftp%nnr), rho_down(dfftp%nnr), &
grad_rho(3,dfftp%nnr), grad_rho_up(3,dfftp%nnr), grad_rho_down(3,dfftp%nnr), &
potential_up(dfftp%nnr), potential_down(dfftp%nnr), thetas(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), &
q0(dfftp%nnr), dq0_drho_up(dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho_up(dfftp%nnr), &
dq0_drho_down(dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho_down(dfftp%nnr) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Add together the valence and core charge densities to get the total
! charge density. Note that rho_core is not the true core density and
! it is only non-zero for pseudopotentials with non-local core
! corrections.
rho_up = ( rho_valence(:,1) + rho_valence(:,2) + rho_core(:) )*0.5D0
rho_down = ( rho_valence(:,1) - rho_valence(:,2) + rho_core(:) )*0.5D0
total_rho = rho_up + rho_down
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
rho_up = total_rho*0.5D0
rho_down = rho_up
WRITE(stdout,'(/,/," Performing spin-balanced Ecnl calculation!")')
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the gradient in reciprocal space using FFT.
CALL fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, total_rho, g, grad_rho)
CALL fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, rho_up, g, grad_rho_up)
CALL fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, rho_down, g, grad_rho_down)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Find the value of q0 for all assigned grid points. q is defined in
! equations 11 and 12 of DION and q0 is the saturated version of q
! defined in equation 5 of SOLER. In the spin case, q0 is defined by
! equation 8 (and text above that equation) of THONHAUSER. This
! routine also returns the derivatives of the q0s with respect to the
! charge-density and the gradient of the charge-density. These are
! needed for the potential calculated below.
CALL get_q0_on_grid_spin (total_rho, rho_up, rho_down, grad_rho, &
grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, q0, dq0_drho_up, dq0_drho_down, &
dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down, thetas)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Carry out the integration in equation 8 of SOLER. This also turns
! the thetas array into the precursor to the u_i(k) array which is
! inverse fourier transformed to get the u_i(r) functions of SOLER
! equation 11. Add the energy we find to the output variable etxc.
CALL vdW_DF_energy(thetas, Ec_nl)
etxc = etxc + Ec_nl
IF ( iverbosity > 0 ) THEN
CALL mp_sum(Ec_nl, intra_bgrp_comm)
IF (ionode) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/ / A)') " -----------------------------------------------"
WRITE(stdout,'(A, F15.8, A)') " Non-local corr. energy = ", Ec_nl, " Ry"
WRITE(stdout,'(A /)') " -----------------------------------------------"
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the potential. This is calculated via equation 10
! of SOLER, using the u_i(r) calculated from quations 11 and 12 of
! SOLER. Each processor allocates the array to be the size of the full
! grid because, as can be seen in SOLER equation 10, processors need
! to access grid points outside their allocated regions. Begin by
! FFTing the u_i(k) to get the u_i(r) of SOLER equation 11.
DO theta_i = 1, Nqs
CALL invfft('Rho', thetas(:,theta_i), dfftp)
CALL vdW_DF_potential (q0, dq0_drho_up , dq0_dgradrho_up , grad_rho_up , thetas, potential_up )
CALL vdW_DF_potential (q0, dq0_drho_down, dq0_dgradrho_down, grad_rho_down, thetas, potential_down)
v(:,1) = v(:,1) + e2 * potential_up (:)
v(:,2) = v(:,2) + e2 * potential_down(:)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! The integral of rho(r)*potential(r) for the vtxc output variable
grid_cell_volume = omega/(dfftp%nr1*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr3)
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
vtxc = vtxc + e2 * grid_cell_volume * (rho_valence(i_grid,1) + &
rho_valence(i_grid,2)) * 0.5_dp * potential_up (i_grid) &
+ e2 * grid_cell_volume * (rho_valence(i_grid,1) - &
rho_valence(i_grid,2)) * 0.5_dp * potential_down(i_grid)
DEALLOCATE( total_rho, rho_up, rho_down, grad_rho, grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, &
potential_up, potential_down, thetas, &
q0, dq0_drho_up, dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_drho_down, dq0_dgradrho_down )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | GET_Q0_ON_GRID |
! |__________________|
! This routine first calculates the q value defined in (DION equations
! 11 and 12), then saturates it according to (SOLER equation 5). More
! specifically it calculates the following:
! q0(ir) = q0 as defined above
! dq0_drho(ir) = total_rho * d q0 /d rho
! dq0_dgradrho = total_rho / |grad_rho| * d q0 / d |grad_rho|
SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, thetas)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: total_rho(:), grad_rho(:,:) ! Input variables needed.
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: q0(:), dq0_drho(:), dq0_dgradrho(:) ! Output variables that have been allocated
! outside this routine but will be set here.
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT):: thetas(:,:) ! The thetas from SOLER.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: m_cut = 12 ! How many terms to include in the sum
! of SOLER equation 5.
REAL(DP) :: rho ! Local variable for the density.
REAL(DP) :: r_s ! Wigner-Seitz radius.
REAL(DP) :: s ! Reduced gradient.
REAL(DP) :: q
REAL(DP) :: ec
REAL(DP) :: dq0_dq ! The derivative of the saturated
! q0 with respect to q.
INTEGER :: i_grid ! Indexing variable.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Initialize q0-related arrays.
q0(:) = q_cut
dq0_drho(:) = 0.0D0
dq0_dgradrho(:) = 0.0D0
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
rho = total_rho(i_grid)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! This prevents numerical problems. If the charge density is
! negative (an unphysical situation), we simply treat it as very
! small. In that case, q0 will be very large and will be saturated.
! For a saturated q0 the derivative dq0_dq will be 0 so we set q0 =
! q_cut and dq0_drho = dq0_dgradrho = 0 and go on to the next
! point.
IF ( rho < epsr ) CYCLE
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q.
r_s = ( 3.0D0 / (4.0D0*pi*rho) )**(1.0D0/3.0D0)
s = SQRT( grad_rho(1,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(2,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(3,i_grid)**2 ) / &
(2.0D0 * kF(rho) * rho )
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! This is the q value defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION.
! Use pw() from flib/functionals.f90 to get qc = kf/eps_x * eps_c.
CALL pw(r_s, 1, ec, dq0_drho(i_grid))
q = -4.0D0*pi/3.0D0 * ec + kF(rho) * Fs(s)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Bring q into its proper bounds.
CALL saturate_q ( q, q_cut, q0(i_grid), dq0_dq )
IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) q0(i_grid) = q_min
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we find derivatives. These are actually the density times
! the derivative of q0 with respect to rho and grad_rho. The
! density factor comes in since we are really differentiating
! theta = (rho)*P(q0) with respect to density (or its gradient)
! which will be
! dtheta_drho = P(q0) + dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_drho]
! and
! dtheta_dgrad_rho = dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_dgrad_rho]
! The parts in square brackets are what is calculated here. The
! dP_dq0 term will be interpolated later.
dq0_drho(i_grid) = dq0_dq * rho * ( -4.0D0*pi/3.0D0 * &
(dq0_drho(i_grid) - ec)/rho + dqx_drho(rho, s) )
dq0_dgradrho(i_grid) = dq0_dq * rho * kF(rho) * dFs_ds(s) * ds_dgradrho(rho)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the theta functions of SOLER equation 8. These are
! defined as
! rho * P_i(q0(rho, grad_rho))
! where P_i is a polynomial that interpolates a Kroneker delta
! function at the point q_i (taken from the q_mesh) and q0 is the
! saturated version of q. q is defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION
! and the saturation proceedure is defined in equation 5 of SOLER.
! This is the biggest memory consumer in the method since the thetas
! array is (total # of FFT points)*Nqs complex numbers. In a parallel
! run, each processor will hold the values of all the theta functions
! on just the points assigned to it. thetas are stored in reciprocal
! space as theta_i(k) because this is the way they are used later for
! the convolution (equation 8 of SOLER). Start by interpolating the
! P_i polynomials defined in equation 3 in SOLER for the particular q0
! values we have.
CALL spline_interpolation (q_mesh, q0, thetas)
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
thetas(i_grid,:) = thetas(i_grid,:) * total_rho(i_grid)
DO idx = 1, Nqs
CALL fwfft ('Rho', thetas(:,idx), dfftp)
END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid
SUBROUTINE pw( rs, iflag, ec, vc )
! --A provisional copy of the pw routine in XC lib to avoid external calls--
!! * iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and Y. Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
!! * iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: ec, vc
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a=0.031091d0, b1=7.5957d0, b2=3.5876d0, c0=a, &
c1=0.046644d0, c2=0.00664d0, c3=0.01043d0, d0=0.4335d0, &
REAL(DP) :: lnrs, rs12, rs32, rs2, om, dom, olog
REAL(DP) :: a1(2), b3(2), b4(2)
DATA a1 / 0.21370d0, 0.026481d0 /, b3 / 1.6382d0, -0.46647d0 /, &
b4 / 0.49294d0, 0.13354d0 /
! high- and low-density formulae implemented but not used in PW case
! (reason: inconsistencies in PBE/PW91 functionals).
IF ( rs < 1d0 .AND. iflag == 2 ) THEN
! high density formula
lnrs = LOG(rs)
ec = c0 * lnrs - c1 + c2 * rs * lnrs - c3 * rs
vc = c0 * lnrs - (c1 + c0 / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * c2 * rs * &
lnrs - (2.d0 * c3 + c2) / 3.d0 * rs
ELSEIF ( rs > 100.d0 .AND. iflag == 2 ) THEN
! low density formula
ec = - d0 / rs + d1 / rs**1.5d0
vc = - 4.d0 / 3.d0 * d0 / rs + 1.5d0 * d1 / rs**1.5d0
! interpolation formula
rs12 = SQRT(rs)
rs32 = rs * rs12
rs2 = rs**2
om = 2.d0*a*( b1*rs12 + b2*rs + b3(iflag) * rs32 + b4(iflag)*rs2 )
dom = 2.d0*a*( 0.5d0 * b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + 1.5d0 * b3(iflag) * &
rs32 + 2.d0 * b4(iflag) * rs2 )
olog = LOG( 1.d0 + 1.0d0 / om )
ec = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1(iflag) * rs) * olog
vc = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a1(iflag) * rs) &
* olog - 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1(iflag) * rs) * dom / &
(om * (om + 1.d0) )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | GET_Q0_ON_GRID_spin |
! |_______________________|
SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_spin (total_rho, rho_up, rho_down, grad_rho, &
grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, q0, dq0_drho_up, dq0_drho_down, &
dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down, thetas)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: total_rho(:), grad_rho(:,:) ! Input variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_up(:), grad_rho_up(:,:) ! Input variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_down(:), grad_rho_down(:,:) ! Input variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: q0(:), dq0_drho_up(:), dq0_drho_down(:) ! Output variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: dq0_dgradrho_up(:), dq0_dgradrho_down(:) ! Output variables.
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: thetas(:,:) ! The thetas from SOLER.
REAL(DP) :: rho, up, down ! Local copy of densities.
REAL(DP) :: zeta ! Spin polarization.
REAL(DP) :: r_s ! Wigner-Seitz radius.
REAL(DP) :: q, qc, qx, qx_up, qx_down ! q for exchange and correlation.
REAL(DP) :: q0x_up, q0x_down ! Saturated q values.
REAL(DP) :: fac
REAL(DP) :: ec, vc(2)
REAL(DP) :: dq0_dq, dq0x_up_dq, dq0x_down_dq ! Derivative of q0 w.r.t q.
REAL(DP) :: dqc_drho_up, dqc_drho_down ! Intermediate values.
REAL(DP) :: dqx_drho_up, dqx_drho_down ! Intermediate values.
REAL(DP) :: s_up, s_down ! Reduced gradients.
INTEGER :: i_grid ! Indexing variable.
LOGICAL :: calc_qx_up, calc_qx_down
fac = 2.0D0**(-1.0D0/3.0D0)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Initialize q0-related arrays.
q0(:) = q_cut
dq0_drho_up(:) = 0.0D0
dq0_drho_down(:) = 0.0D0
dq0_dgradrho_up(:) = 0.0D0
dq0_dgradrho_down(:) = 0.0D0
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
rho = total_rho(i_grid)
up = rho_up(i_grid)
down = rho_down(i_grid)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! This prevents numerical problems. If the charge density is
! negative (an unphysical situation), we simply treat it as very
! small. In that case, q0 will be very large and will be saturated.
! For a saturated q0 the derivative dq0_dq will be 0 so we set q0 =
! q_cut and dq0_drho = dq0_dgradrho = 0 and go on to the next
! point.
IF ( rho < epsr ) CYCLE
calc_qx_up = .TRUE.
calc_qx_down = .TRUE.
IF ( up < epsr/2.0D0 ) calc_qx_up = .FALSE.
IF ( down < epsr/2.0D0 ) calc_qx_down = .FALSE.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! The spin case is numerically even more tricky and we have to
! saturate each spin channel separately. Note that we are
! saturating at a higher value here, so that very large q values
! get saturated to exactly q_cut in the second, overall saturation.
q0x_up = 0.0D0
q0x_down = 0.0D0
dqx_drho_up = 0.0D0
dqx_drho_down = 0.0D0
IF ( calc_qx_up ) THEN
s_up = SQRT( grad_rho_up(1,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho_up(2,i_grid)**2 + &
grad_rho_up(3,i_grid)**2 ) / (2.0D0 * kF(up) * up)
qx_up = kF(2.0D0*up) * Fs(fac*s_up)
CALL saturate_q (qx_up, 4.0D0*q_cut, q0x_up, dq0x_up_dq)
IF ( calc_qx_down ) THEN
s_down = SQRT( grad_rho_down(1,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho_down(2,i_grid)**2 + &
grad_rho_down(3,i_grid)**2) / (2.0D0 * kF(down) * down)
qx_down = kF(2.0D0*down) * Fs(fac*s_down)
CALL saturate_q (qx_down, 4.0D0*q_cut, q0x_down, dq0x_down_dq)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! This is the q value defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION and
! equation 8 of THONHAUSER (also see text above that equation).
r_s = ( 3.0D0 / (4.0D0*pi*rho) )**(1.0D0/3.0D0)
zeta = (up - down) / rho
IF ( ABS(zeta) > 1.0D0 ) zeta = SIGN(1.0D0, zeta)
call pw_spin( r_s, zeta, ec, vc(1), vc(2) )
dqc_drho_up = vc(1)
dqc_drho_down = vc(2)
qx = ( up * q0x_up + down * q0x_down ) / rho
qc = -4.0D0*pi/3.0D0 * ec
q = qx + qc
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Bring q into its proper bounds.
CALL saturate_q (q, q_cut, q0(i_grid), dq0_dq)
IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) q0(i_grid) = q_min
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we find derivatives. These are actually the density times
! the derivative of q0 with respect to rho and grad_rho. The
! density factor comes in since we are really differentiating
! theta = (rho)*P(q0) with respect to density (or its gradient)
! which will be
! dtheta_drho = P(q0) + dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_drho]
! and
! dtheta_dgrad_rho = dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_dgrad_rho]
! The parts in square brackets are what is calculated here. The
! dP_dq0 term will be interpolated later.
IF ( calc_qx_up ) THEN
dqx_drho_up = 2.0D0*dq0x_up_dq*up*dqx_drho(2.0D0*up, fac*s_up) + q0x_up*down/rho
dq0_dgradrho_up (i_grid) = 2.0D0 * dq0_dq * dq0x_up_dq * up * kF(2.0D0*up) * &
dFs_ds(fac*s_up) * ds_dgradrho(2.0D0*up)
IF ( calc_qx_down ) THEN
dqx_drho_down = 2.0D0*dq0x_down_dq*down*dqx_drho(2.0D0*down, fac*s_down) + q0x_down*up/rho
dq0_dgradrho_down(i_grid) = 2.0D0 * dq0_dq * dq0x_down_dq * down * kF(2.0D0*down) * &
dFs_ds(fac*s_down) * ds_dgradrho(2.0D0*down)
IF ( calc_qx_down ) dqx_drho_up = dqx_drho_up - q0x_down*down/rho
IF ( calc_qx_up ) dqx_drho_down = dqx_drho_down - q0x_up *up /rho
dqc_drho_up = -4.0D0*pi/3.0D0 * (dqc_drho_up - ec)
dqc_drho_down = -4.0D0*pi/3.0D0 * (dqc_drho_down - ec)
dq0_drho_up (i_grid) = dq0_dq * (dqc_drho_up + dqx_drho_up )
dq0_drho_down(i_grid) = dq0_dq * (dqc_drho_down + dqx_drho_down)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the theta functions of SOLER equation 8. These are
! defined as
! rho * P_i(q0(rho, grad_rho))
! where P_i is a polynomial that interpolates a Kroneker delta
! function at the point q_i (taken from the q_mesh) and q0 is the
! saturated version of q. q is defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION
! and the saturation proceedure is defined in equation 5 of SOLER.
! This is the biggest memory consumer in the method since the thetas
! array is (total # of FFT points)*Nqs complex numbers. In a parallel
! run, each processor will hold the values of all the theta functions
! on just the points assigned to it. thetas are stored in reciprocal
! space as theta_i(k) because this is the way they are used later for
! the convolution (equation 8 of SOLER). Start by interpolating the
! P_i polynomials defined in equation 3 in SOLER for the particular q0
! values we have.
CALL spline_interpolation (q_mesh, q0, thetas)
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
thetas(i_grid,:) = thetas(i_grid,:) * total_rho(i_grid)
DO idx = 1, Nqs
CALL fwfft ('Rho', thetas(:,idx), dfftp)
END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_spin
SUBROUTINE pw_spin( rs, zeta, ec, vc_up, vc_dw )
!--A provisional copy of the pw routine in XC lib to avoid external calls--
!! J.P. Perdew and Y. Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992).
!! Wigner-Seitz radius
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: zeta
!! zeta = (rho_up - rho_dw)/rho_tot
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: ec, vc_up, vc_dw
REAL(DP) :: rs12, rs32, rs2, zeta2, zeta3, zeta4, fz, dfz
REAL(DP) :: om, dom, olog, epwc, vpwc
REAL(DP) :: omp, domp, ologp, epwcp, vpwcp
REAL(DP) :: oma, doma, ologa, alpha, vpwca
! xc parameters, unpolarised
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: a = 0.031091d0, a1 = 0.21370d0, b1 = 7.5957d0, b2 = &
3.5876d0, b3 = 1.6382d0, b4 = 0.49294d0, c0 = a, c1 = 0.046644d0, &
c2 = 0.00664d0, c3 = 0.01043d0, d0 = 0.4335d0, d1 = 1.4408d0
! xc parameters, polarised
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: ap = 0.015545d0, a1p = 0.20548d0, b1p = 14.1189d0, b2p &
= 6.1977d0, b3p = 3.3662d0, b4p = 0.62517d0, c0p = ap, c1p = &
0.025599d0, c2p = 0.00319d0, c3p = 0.00384d0, d0p = 0.3287d0, d1p &
= 1.7697d0
! xc PARAMETERs, antiferro
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: aa = 0.016887d0, a1a = 0.11125d0, b1a = 10.357d0, b2a = &
3.6231d0, b3a = 0.88026d0, b4a = 0.49671d0, c0a = aa, c1a = &
0.035475d0, c2a = 0.00188d0, c3a = 0.00521d0, d0a = 0.2240d0, d1a &
= 0.3969d0
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: fz0 = 1.709921d0
! if (rs < 0.5d0) then
! high density formula (not implemented)
! elseif (rs > 100.d0) then
! low density formula (not implemented)
! else
! interpolation formula
zeta2 = zeta * zeta
zeta3 = zeta2 * zeta
zeta4 = zeta3 * zeta
rs12 = SQRT(rs)
rs32 = rs * rs12
rs2 = rs**2
! unpolarised
om = 2.d0 * a * (b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + b3 * rs32 + b4 * rs2)
dom = 2.d0 * a * (0.5d0 * b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + 1.5d0 * b3 * rs32 &
+ 2.d0 * b4 * rs2)
olog = LOG(1.d0 + 1.0d0 / om)
epwc = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 * rs) * olog
vpwc = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a1 * rs) * olog - 2.d0 / &
3.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 * rs) * dom / (om * (om + 1.d0) )
! polarized
omp = 2.d0 * ap * (b1p * rs12 + b2p * rs + b3p * rs32 + b4p * rs2)
domp = 2.d0 * ap * (0.5d0 * b1p * rs12 + b2p * rs + 1.5d0 * b3p * &
rs32 + 2.d0 * b4p * rs2)
ologp = LOG(1.d0 + 1.0d0 / omp)
epwcp = - 2.d0 * ap * (1.d0 + a1p * rs) * ologp
vpwcp = - 2.d0 * ap * (1.d0 + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a1p * rs) * ologp - &
2.d0 / 3.d0 * ap * (1.d0 + a1p * rs) * domp / (omp * (omp + 1.d0))
! antiferro
oma = 2.d0 * aa * (b1a * rs12 + b2a * rs + b3a * rs32 + b4a * rs2)
doma = 2.d0 * aa * ( 0.5d0 * b1a * rs12 + b2a * rs + 1.5d0 * b3a * &
rs32 + 2.d0 * b4a * rs2 )
ologa = LOG( 1.d0 + 1.0d0/oma )
alpha = 2.d0 * aa * (1.d0 + a1a*rs) * ologa
vpwca = + 2.d0 * aa * (1.d0 + 2.d0/3.d0 * a1a * rs) * ologa + &
2.d0 / 3.d0 * aa * (1.d0 + a1a*rs) * doma / (oma * (oma + 1.d0))
fz = ( (1.d0 + zeta)**(4.d0 / 3.d0) + (1.d0 - zeta)**(4.d0 / &
3.d0) - 2.d0) / (2.d0** (4.d0 / 3.d0) - 2.d0)
dfz = ( (1.d0 + zeta)**(1.d0 / 3.d0) - (1.d0 - zeta)**(1.d0 / &
3.d0) ) * 4.d0 / (3.d0 * (2.d0** (4.d0 / 3.d0) - 2.d0) )
ec = epwc + alpha * fz * (1.d0 - zeta4) / fz0 + (epwcp - epwc) &
* fz * zeta4
vc_up = vpwc + vpwca * fz * (1.d0 - zeta4) / fz0 + (vpwcp - vpwc) &
* fz * zeta4 + (alpha / fz0 * (dfz * (1.d0 - zeta4) - 4.d0 * fz * &
zeta3) + (epwcp - epwc) * (dfz * zeta4 + 4.d0 * fz * zeta3) ) &
* (1.d0 - zeta)
vc_dw = vpwc + vpwca * fz * (1.d0 - zeta4) / fz0 + (vpwcp - vpwc) &
* fz * zeta4 - (alpha / fz0 * (dfz * (1.d0 - zeta4) - 4.d0 * fz * &
zeta3) + (epwcp - epwc) * (dfz * zeta4 + 4.d0 * fz * zeta3) ) &
* (1.d0 + zeta)
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | saturate_q |
! |______________|
SUBROUTINE saturate_q (q, q_cutoff, q0, dq0_dq)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: q ! Input q.
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: q_cutoff ! Cutoff q.
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: q0 ! Output saturated q.
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: dq0_dq ! Derivative of dq0/dq.
REAL(DP) :: e_exp ! Exponent.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: m_cut = 12 ! How many terms to include in
! the sum of SOLER equation 5.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according to equation 5 of
! SOLER. Also, we find the derivative dq0_dq needed for the
! derivatives dq0_drho and dq0_dgradrh0 discussed below.
e_exp = 0.0D0
dq0_dq = 0.0D0
DO idx = 1, m_cut
e_exp = e_exp + (q/q_cutoff)**idx/idx
dq0_dq = dq0_dq + (q/q_cutoff)**(idx-1)
q0 = q_cutoff*(1.0D0 - EXP(-e_exp))
dq0_dq = dq0_dq * EXP(-e_exp)
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | vdW_DF_energy |
! |_______________|
! This routine carries out the integration of equation 8 of SOLER. It
! returns the non-local exchange-correlation energy and the u_alpha(k)
! arrays used to find the u_alpha(r) arrays via equations 11 and 12 in
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_energy (thetas, vdW_xc_energy)
USE gvect, ONLY : gg, ngm, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba, omega
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: thetas(:,:) ! On input this variable holds the theta
! functions (equation 8, SOLER) in the format
! thetas(grid_point, theta_i). On output
! this array holds u_alpha(k) =
! Sum_j[theta_beta(k)phi_alpha_beta(k)].
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: vdW_xc_energy ! The non-local correlation energy.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: kernel_of_k(:,:) ! This array will hold the interpolated kernel
! values for each pair of q values in the q_mesh.
REAL(DP) :: g ! The magnitude of the current g vector.
INTEGER :: last_g ! The shell number of the last g vector.
INTEGER :: g_i, q1_i, q2_i, i_grid ! Index variables.
COMPLEX(DP) :: theta(Nqs), thetam(Nqs), theta_g(Nqs) ! Temporary storage arrays used since we
! are overwriting the thetas array here.
REAL(DP) :: G0_term, G_multiplier
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: u_vdw(:,:) ! Temporary array holding u_alpha(k).
ALLOCATE ( u_vdW(dfftp%nnr,Nqs), kernel_of_k(Nqs, Nqs) )
vdW_xc_energy = 0.0D0
u_vdW(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, kind=dp)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Loop over PWSCF's array of magnitude-sorted g-vector shells. For
! each shell, interpolate the kernel at this magnitude of g, then find
! all points on the shell and carry out the integration over those
! points. The PWSCF variables used here are ngm = number of g-vectors
! on this processor, nl = an array that gives the indices into the FFT
! grid for a particular g vector, igtongl = an array that gives the
! index of which shell a particular g vector is in, gl = an array that
! gives the magnitude of the g vectors for each shell. In essence, we
! are forming the reciprocal-space u(k) functions of SOLER equation
! 11. These are kept in thetas array. Here we should use gstart,ngm
! but all the cases are handled by conditionals inside the loop
G_multiplier = 1.0D0
IF ( gamma_only ) G_multiplier = 2.0D0
last_g = -1
DO g_i = 1, ngm
IF ( igtongl(g_i) .NE. last_g) THEN
g = SQRT(gl(igtongl(g_i))) * tpiba
CALL interpolate_kernel(g, kernel_of_k)
last_g = igtongl(g_i)
theta = thetas(dfftp%nl(g_i),:)
DO q2_i = 1, Nqs
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
u_vdW(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i) = u_vdW(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i) + kernel_of_k(q2_i,q1_i)*theta(q1_i)
vdW_xc_energy = vdW_xc_energy + G_multiplier * (u_vdW(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i)*CONJG(theta(q2_i)))
IF (g_i < gstart ) vdW_xc_energy = vdW_xc_energy / G_multiplier
IF ( gamma_only ) u_vdW(dfftp%nlm(:),:) = CONJG( u_vdW(dfftp%nl(:),:) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Apply scaling factors. The e2 comes from PWSCF's choice of units.
! This should be 0.5 * e2 * vdW_xc_energy * (2pi)^3/omega * (omega)^2,
! with the (2pi)^3/omega being the volume element for the integral
! (the volume of the reciprocal unit cell) and the 2 factors of omega
! being used to cancel the factor of 1/omega PWSCF puts on forward
! FFTs of the 2 theta factors. 1 omega cancels and the (2pi)^3
! cancels because there should be a factor of 1/(2pi)^3 on the radial
! Fourier transform of phi that was left out to cancel with this
! factor.
vdW_xc_energy = 0.5D0 * e2 * omega * vdW_xc_energy
thetas(:,:) = u_vdW(:,:)
DEALLOCATE ( u_vdW, kernel_of_k )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | vdW_DF_potential |
! |___________________|
! This routine finds the non-local correlation contribution to the
! potential (i.e. the derivative of the non-local piece of the energy
! with respect to density) given in SOLER equation 10. The u_alpha(k)
! functions were found while calculating the energy. They are passed
! in as the matrix u_vdW. Most of the required derivatives were
! calculated in the "get_q0_on_grid" routine, but the derivative of
! the interpolation polynomials, P_alpha(q), (SOLER equation 3) with
! respect to q is interpolated here, along with the polynomials
! themselves.
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_potential (q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, grad_rho, u_vdW, potential)
USE gvect, ONLY : g
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, tpiba
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: q0(:), grad_rho(:,:) ! Input arrays holding the value of q0 for
! all points assigned to this processor and
! the gradient of the charge density for
! points assigned to this processor.
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dq0_drho(:), dq0_dgradrho(:)! The derivative of q0 with respect to the
! charge density and gradient of the charge
! density (almost). See comments in the
! get_q0_on_grid subroutine above.
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: u_vdW(:,:) ! The functions u_alpha(r) obtained by
! inverse transforming the functions
! u_alph(k). See equations 11 and 12 in SOLER.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: potential(:) ! The non-local correlation potential for
! points on the grid over the whole cell (not
! just those assigned to this processor).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: d2y_dx2(:,:) ! Second derivatives of P_alpha polynomials
! for interpolation.
INTEGER :: i_grid, P_i,icar ! Index variables.
INTEGER :: q_low, q_hi, q ! Variables to find the bin in the q_mesh that
! a particular q0 belongs to (for interpolation).
REAL(DP) :: dq, a, b, c, d, e, f ! Intermediate variables used in the
! interpolation of the polynomials.
REAL(DP) :: y(Nqs), dP_dq0, P ! The y values for a given polynomial (all 0
! exept for element i of P_i) The derivative
! of P at a given q0 and the value of P at a
! given q0. Both of these are interpolated
! below.
REAL(DP) :: gradient2 ! Squared gradient.
REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE ::h_prefactor(:)
ALLOCATE ( h_prefactor(dfftp%nnr), h(dfftp%nnr) )
potential = 0.0D0
h_prefactor = 0.0D0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get the second derivatives of the P_i functions for interpolation.
! We have already calculated this once but it is very fast and it's
! just as easy to calculate it again.
IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED( d2y_dx2) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( d2y_dx2(Nqs, Nqs) )
CALL initialize_spline_interpolation ( q_mesh, d2y_dx2(:,:) )
end if
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
q_low = 1
q_hi = Nqs
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Figure out which bin our value of q0 is in in the q_mesh.
DO WHILE ( (q_hi - q_low) > 1)
q = INT((q_hi + q_low)/2)
IF (q_mesh(q) > q0(i_grid)) THEN
q_hi = q
q_low = q
IF ( q_hi == q_low ) CALL errore('vdW_DF_potential','qhi == qlow',1)
dq = q_mesh(q_hi) - q_mesh(q_low)
a = (q_mesh(q_hi) - q0(i_grid))/dq
b = (q0(i_grid) - q_mesh(q_low))/dq
c = (a**3 - a)*dq**2/6.0D0
d = (b**3 - b)*dq**2/6.0D0
e = (3.0D0*a**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
f = (3.0D0*b**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
DO P_i = 1, Nqs
y = 0.0D0
y(P_i) = 1.0D0
P = a*y(q_low) + b*y(q_hi) + c*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_low) + d*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_hi)
dP_dq0 = (y(q_hi) - y(q_low))/dq - e*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_low) + f*d2y_dx2(P_i,q_hi)
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! The first term in equation 10 of SOLER.
potential(i_grid) = potential(i_grid) + u_vdW(i_grid,P_i)* (P + dP_dq0 * dq0_drho(i_grid))
IF (q0(i_grid) .NE. q_mesh(Nqs)) THEN
h_prefactor(i_grid) = h_prefactor(i_grid) + u_vdW(i_grid,P_i)*dP_dq0*dq0_dgradrho(i_grid)
DO icar = 1,3
h(:) = CMPLX( h_prefactor(:) * grad_rho(icar,:), 0.0_DP, kind=dp )
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
gradient2 = grad_rho(1,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(2,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(3,i_grid)**2
IF ( gradient2 > 0.0D0 ) h(i_grid) = h(i_grid) / SQRT( gradient2 )
CALL fwfft ('Rho', h, dfftp)
h(dfftp%nl(:)) = CMPLX(0.0_DP,1.0_DP, kind=dp) * tpiba * g(icar,:) * h(dfftp%nl(:))
IF (gamma_only) h(dfftp%nlm(:)) = CONJG(h(dfftp%nl(:)))
CALL invfft ('Rho', h, dfftp)
potential(:) = potential(:) - REAL(h(:))
DEALLOCATE ( h_prefactor, h )
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |________________________|
! This routine is modeled after an algorithm from NUMERICAL_RECIPES It
! was adapted for Fortran, of course and for the problem at hand, in
! that it finds the bin a particular x value is in and then loops over
! all the P_i functions so we only have to find the bin once.
SUBROUTINE spline_interpolation (x, evaluation_points, values)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: x(:), evaluation_points(:) ! Input variables. The x values used to
! form the interpolation (q_mesh in this
! case) and the values of q0 for which we
! are interpolating the function.
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: values(:,:) ! An output array (allocated outside this
! routine) that stores the interpolated
! values of the P_i (SOLER equation 3)
! polynomials. The format is
! values(grid_point, P_i).
INTEGER :: Ngrid_points, Nx ! Total number of grid points to evaluate
! and input x points.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: d2y_dx2(:,:) ! The second derivatives required to do
! the interpolation.
INTEGER :: i_grid, lower_bound, upper_bound, P_i ! Some indexing variables.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: y(:) ! Temporary variables needed for the
REAL(DP) :: a, b, c, d, dx ! interpolation.
Nx = size(x)
Ngrid_points = size(evaluation_points)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocate the temporary array.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! If this is the first time this routine has been called we need to
! get the second derivatives (d2y_dx2) required to perform the
! interpolations. So we allocate the array and call
! initialize_spline_interpolation to get d2y_dx2.
ALLOCATE( d2y_dx2(Nx,Nx) )
CALL initialize_spline_interpolation(x, d2y_dx2)
DO i_grid=1, Ngrid_points
lower_bound = 1
upper_bound = Nx
DO WHILE ( (upper_bound - lower_bound) > 1 )
idx = (upper_bound+lower_bound) / 2
IF ( evaluation_points(i_grid) > x(idx) ) THEN
lower_bound = idx
upper_bound = idx
dx = x(upper_bound)-x(lower_bound)
a = (x(upper_bound) - evaluation_points(i_grid))/dx
b = (evaluation_points(i_grid) - x(lower_bound))/dx
c = ((a**3-a)*dx**2)/6.0D0
d = ((b**3-b)*dx**2)/6.0D0
DO P_i = 1, Nx
y = 0
y(P_i) = 1
values(i_grid, P_i) = a*y(lower_bound) + b*y(upper_bound) &
+ (c*d2y_dx2(P_i,lower_bound) + d*d2y_dx2(P_i, upper_bound))
END SUBROUTINE spline_interpolation
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |___________________________________|
! This routine is modeled after an algorithm from NUMERICAL_RECIPES It
! was adapted for Fortran and for the problem at hand.
SUBROUTINE initialize_spline_interpolation (x, d2y_dx2)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) ! The input abscissa values.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: d2y_dx2(:,:) ! The output array (allocated outside this routine)
! that holds the second derivatives required for
! interpolating the function.
INTEGER :: Nx, P_i ! The total number of x points and some indexing
! variables.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_array(:), y(:) ! Some temporary arrays required. y is the array
! that holds the funcion values (all either 0 or
! 1 here).
REAL(DP) :: temp1, temp2 ! Some temporary variables required.
Nx = SIZE(x)
ALLOCATE( temp_array(Nx), y(Nx) )
DO P_i=1, Nx
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! In the Soler method, the polynomicals that are interpolated are Kroneker
! delta funcions at a particular q point. So, we set all y values to 0
! except the one corresponding to the particular function P_i.
y = 0.0D0
y(P_i) = 1.0D0
d2y_dx2(P_i,1) = 0.0D0
temp_array(1) = 0.0D0
DO idx = 2, Nx-1
temp1 = (x(idx)-x(idx-1))/(x(idx+1)-x(idx-1))
temp2 = temp1 * d2y_dx2(P_i,idx-1) + 2.0D0
d2y_dx2(P_i,idx) = (temp1-1.0D0)/temp2
temp_array(idx) = (y(idx+1)-y(idx))/(x(idx+1)-x(idx)) &
- (y(idx)-y(idx-1))/(x(idx)-x(idx-1))
temp_array(idx) = (6.0D0*temp_array(idx)/(x(idx+1)-x(idx-1)) &
- temp1*temp_array(idx-1))/temp2
d2y_dx2(P_i,Nx) = 0.0D0
DO idx=Nx-1, 1, -1
d2y_dx2(P_i,idx) = d2y_dx2(P_i,idx) * d2y_dx2(P_i,idx+1) + temp_array(idx)
DEALLOCATE( temp_array, y )
END SUBROUTINE initialize_spline_interpolation
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |____________________|
! This routine is modeled after an algorithm from NUMERICAL_RECIPES
! Adapted for Fortran and the problem at hand. This function is used
! to find the Phi_alpha_beta needed for equations
! 8 and 11 of SOLER.
SUBROUTINE interpolate_kernel (k, kernel_of_k)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: k ! Input value, the magnitude of the g-vector
! for the current point.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: kernel_of_k(:,:) ! An output array (allocated outside this routine)
! that holds the interpolated value of the kernel
! for each pair of q points (i.e. the phi_alpha_beta
! of the Soler method.
INTEGER :: q1_i, q2_i, k_i ! Indexing variables.
REAL(DP) :: A, B, C, D ! Intermediate values for the interpolation.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Check to make sure that the kernel table we have is capable of
! dealing with this value of k. If k is larger than
! Nr_points*2*pi/r_max then we can't perform the interpolation. In
! that case, a kernel file should be generated with a larger number of
! radial points.
IF ( k >= Nr_points*dk ) THEN
WRITE(*,'(A,F10.5,A,F10.5)') "k = ", k, " k_max = ", Nr_points*dk
CALL errore('interpolate kernel', 'k value requested is out of range',1)
kernel_of_k = 0.0D0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! This integer division figures out which bin k is in since the kernel
! is set on a uniform grid.
k_i = INT(k/dk)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Test to see if we are trying to interpolate a k that is one of the
! actual function points we have. The value is just the value of the
! function in that case.
IF ( MOD(k,dk) == 0 ) THEN
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i) = kernel(k_i,q1_i, q2_i)
kernel_of_k(q2_i, q1_i) = kernel(k_i,q2_i, q1_i)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! If we are not on a function point then we carry out the
! interpolation.
A = (dk*(k_i+1.0D0) - k)/dk
B = (k - dk*k_i)/dk
C = (A**3-A)*dk**2/6.0D0
D = (B**3-B)*dk**2/6.0D0
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i) = A*kernel(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + B*kernel(k_i+1, q1_i, q2_i) &
+ (C*d2phi_dk2(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + D*d2phi_dk2(k_i+1, q1_i, q2_i))
kernel_of_k(q2_i, q1_i) = kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i)
END SUBROUTINE interpolate_kernel
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |_________________|
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress (rho_valence, rho_core, nspin, sigma) ! PH adjusted for wrapper spin/nospin
use gvect, ONLY : ngm, g
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rho_valence(:,:) !
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: rho_core(:) ! Input variables.
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nspin !
REAL(dp), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigma(3,3) !
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: grad_rho(:,:) !
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: total_rho(:) ! Rho values.
real(dp), allocatable :: rho_up(:) !
real(dp), allocatable :: rho_down(:) !
real(dp), allocatable :: grad_rho_up(:,:) ! The gradient of the up charge density.
! Same format as grad_rho
real(dp), allocatable :: grad_rho_down(:,:) ! The gradient of the down charge density.
! Same format as grad_rho
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_drho(:) ! q-values.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dq0_dgradrho(:) !
real(dp), allocatable :: dq0_drho_up(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
real(dp), allocatable :: dq0_drho_down(:) ! with respect to the spin charge density
real(dp), allocatable :: dq0_dgradrho_up(:) ! The derivative of the saturated q0
real(dp), allocatable :: dq0_dgradrho_down(:) ! with respect to the gradient of the spin charge sensity
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: thetas(:,:) ! Thetas.
INTEGER :: i_proc, theta_i, l, m
REAL(DP) :: sigma_grad(3,3)
REAL(DP) :: sigma_ker(3,3)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Tests
IF ( inlc > 5 ) CALL errore( 'xc_vdW_DF', 'inlc not implemented', 1 )
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
IF ( nspin==2 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/,/ " Performing spin-balanced Ecnl stress calculation!")')
ELSE IF ( nspin > 2 ) THEN
CALL errore ('vdW_DF_stress', 'noncollinear vdW stress not implemented', 1)
IF ( nspin>2 ) THEN
CALL errore ('vdW_DF_stress', 'vdW stress not implemented for nspin > 2', 1)
sigma(:,:) = 0.0_DP
sigma_grad(:,:) = 0.0_DP
sigma_ker(:,:) = 0.0_DP
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocations
ALLOCATE( total_rho(dfftp%nnr), grad_rho(3,dfftp%nnr), thetas(dfftp%nnr, Nqs), q0(dfftp%nnr) )
ALLOCATE ( dq0_drho(dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho(dfftp%nnr) )
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
IF (nspin==2) THEN
allocate( rho_up(dfftp%nnr), rho_down(dfftp%nnr) )
allocate( grad_rho_up(3,dfftp%nnr), grad_rho_down(3,dfftp%nnr) )
allocate( dq0_drho_up (dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho_up (dfftp%nnr) )
allocate( dq0_drho_down(dfftp%nnr), dq0_dgradrho_down(dfftp%nnr) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Charge
total_rho = rho_valence(:,1) + rho_core(:)
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
IF (nspin==2) THEN
rho_up = ( rho_valence(:,1) + rho_valence(:,2) + rho_core(:) )*0.5D0
rho_down = ( rho_valence(:,1) - rho_valence(:,2) + rho_core(:) )*0.5D0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Here we calculate the gradient in reciprocal space using FFT.
CALL fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, total_rho, g, grad_rho)
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
IF (nspin==2) THEN
call fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, rho_up, g, grad_rho_up)
call fft_gradient_r2r (dfftp, rho_down, g, grad_rho_down)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get q0.
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
CALL get_q0_on_grid (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, thetas)
IF (nspin == 1) THEN
CALL get_q0_on_grid (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, thetas)
ELSEIF (nspin==2) THEN
CALL get_q0_on_grid_spin ( total_rho, rho_up, rho_down, grad_rho, grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, &
q0, dq0_drho_up, dq0_drho_down, dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down, thetas)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Stress
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
CALL vdW_DF_stress_gradient (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, &
thetas, sigma_grad)
IF (nspin == 1) THEN
CALL vdW_DF_stress_gradient (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, &
thetas, sigma_grad)
ELSEIF (nspin == 2) THEN
CALL vdW_DF_stress_gradient_spin (total_rho, grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, q0, &
dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down, &
thetas, sigma_grad)
CALL vdW_DF_stress_kernel (total_rho, q0, thetas, sigma_ker)
sigma = - (sigma_grad + sigma_ker)
DO l = 1, 3
DO m = 1, l - 1
sigma (m, l) = sigma (l, m)
DEALLOCATE( total_rho, grad_rho, thetas, q0 )
DEALLOCATE( dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho )
#if defined (__SPIN_BALANCED)
IF (nspin == 2) THEN
deallocate( rho_up, rho_down )
deallocate( grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down )
deallocate( dq0_drho_up, dq0_drho_down, dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down )
END SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress ! PH adjusted for wrapper spin/nospin
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Begin Spin vdW-DF_strees_gradient implemented Per Hyldgaard 2019, GPL. No Waranties
! Adapted from the original nspin = 1 code (subroutine below) by Thonhauser and coauthors
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |_______________________________|
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_gradient_spin (total_rho, grad_rho_up, grad_rho_down, q0, &
dq0_dgradrho_up, dq0_dgradrho_down, &
thetas, sigma)
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g, gg, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba, alat, at, tpiba2
implicit none
real(dp), intent(IN) :: total_rho(:) !
real(dp), intent(IN) :: grad_rho_up (:, :) ! Input variables.
real(dp), intent(IN) :: grad_rho_down(:, :) !
real(dp), intent(inout) :: sigma(:,:) !
real(dp), intent(IN) :: q0(:) !
real(dp), intent(IN) :: dq0_dgradrho_up(:) !
real(dp), intent(IN) :: dq0_dgradrho_down(:) !
complex(dp), intent(IN) :: thetas(:,:) !
complex(dp), allocatable :: u_vdW(:,:) !
real(dp), allocatable :: d2y_dx2(:,:) !
real(dp) :: y(Nqs), dP_dq0, P, a, b, c, d, e, f ! Interpolation.
real(dp) :: dq !
integer :: q_low, q_hi, q, q1_i, q2_i , g_i ! Loop and q-points.
integer :: l, m
real(dp) :: prefactor_up, prefactor_down ! Final summation of sigma.
real(dp) :: grad2_up, grad2_down ! Magnitude of density gradient.
integer :: i_proc, theta_i, i_grid, q_i, & !
ix, iy, iz ! Iterators.
character(LEN=1) :: intvar
allocate( d2y_dx2(Nqs, Nqs) )
allocate( u_vdW(dfftp%nnr, Nqs) )
sigma(:,:) = 0.0_DP
prefactor_up = 0.0_DP
prefactor_down = 0.0_DP
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get u in k-space.
call thetas_to_uk(thetas, u_vdW)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get u in real space.
do theta_i = 1, Nqs
CALL invfft('Rho', u_vdW(:,theta_i), dfftp)
end do
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get the second derivatives for interpolating the P_i.
call initialize_spline_interpolation(q_mesh, d2y_dx2(:,:))
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Do the real space integration to obtain the stress component.
do i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
if ( total_rho(i_grid) < epsr ) cycle
q_low = 1
q_hi = Nqs
grad2_up = sqrt( grad_rho_up(1,i_grid)**2 &
+ grad_rho_up(2,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho_up(3,i_grid)**2 )
grad2_down = sqrt( grad_rho_down(1,i_grid)**2 &
+ grad_rho_down(2,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho_down(3,i_grid)**2 )
if ( grad2_up == 0.0_dp .or. grad2_down == 0.0_dp) cycle
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Figure out which bin our value of q0 is in the q_mesh.
do while ( (q_hi - q_low) > 1)
q = int((q_hi + q_low)/2)
if (q_mesh(q) > q0(i_grid)) then
q_hi = q
q_low = q
end if
end do
if (q_hi == q_low) call errore('vdW_DF_stress_gradient_spin','qhi == qlow',1)
dq = q_mesh(q_hi) - q_mesh(q_low)
a = (q_mesh(q_hi) - q0(i_grid))/dq
b = (q0(i_grid) - q_mesh(q_low))/dq
c = (a**3 - a)*dq**2/6.0D0
d = (b**3 - b)*dq**2/6.0D0
e = (3.0D0*a**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
f = (3.0D0*b**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
do q_i = 1, Nqs
y(:) = 0.0D0
y(q_i) = 1.0D0
dP_dq0 = (y(q_hi) - y(q_low))/dq - e*d2y_dx2(q_i,q_low) + f*d2y_dx2(q_i,q_hi)
prefactor_up = u_vdW(i_grid,q_i) * dP_dq0 * dq0_dgradrho_up(i_grid) / grad2_up
prefactor_down = u_vdW(i_grid,q_i) * dP_dq0 * dq0_dgradrho_down(i_grid) / grad2_down
do l = 1, 3
do m = 1, l
sigma (l, m) = sigma (l, m) - e2 * prefactor_up * &
(grad_rho_up(l,i_grid) * grad_rho_up(m,i_grid))
sigma (l, m) = sigma (l, m) - e2 * prefactor_down * &
(grad_rho_down(l,i_grid) * grad_rho_down(m,i_grid))
end do
end do
end do
end do
call mp_sum( sigma, intra_bgrp_comm )
call dscal (9, 1.d0 / (dfftp%nr1 * dfftp%nr2 * dfftp%nr3), sigma, 1)
deallocate( d2y_dx2, u_vdW )
END SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_gradient_spin
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |__________________________|
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_gradient (total_rho, grad_rho, q0, &
dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, thetas, sigma)
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g, gg, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba, alat, at, tpiba2
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: total_rho(:) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: grad_rho(:, :) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigma(:,:) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: q0(:) ! Input variables.
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dq0_drho(:) !
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dq0_dgradrho(:) !
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: thetas(:,:) !
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: d2y_dx2(:,:) !
REAL(DP) :: y(Nqs), dP_dq0, P, a, b, c, d, e, f ! Interpolation.
REAL(DP) :: dq !
INTEGER :: q_low, q_hi, q, q1_i, q2_i , g_i ! Loop and q-points.
INTEGER :: l, m
REAL(DP) :: prefactor ! Final summation of sigma
REAL(DP) :: grad2 ! magnitude of density gradient.
INTEGER :: i_proc, theta_i, i_grid, q_i, & ! Iterators.
ix, iy, iz !
CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: intvar
ALLOCATE( d2y_dx2(Nqs, Nqs) )
ALLOCATE( u_vdW(dfftp%nnr, Nqs) )
sigma(:,:) = 0.0_DP
prefactor = 0.0_DP
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get u in k-space.
CALL thetas_to_uk(thetas, u_vdW)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get u in real space.
DO theta_i = 1, Nqs
CALL invfft('Rho', u_vdW(:,theta_i), dfftp)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get the second derivatives for interpolating the P_i.
CALL initialize_spline_interpolation(q_mesh, d2y_dx2(:,:))
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Do the real space integration to obtain the stress component.
DO i_grid = 1, dfftp%nnr
IF ( total_rho(i_grid) < epsr ) CYCLE
q_low = 1
q_hi = Nqs
grad2 = sqrt( grad_rho(1,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(2,i_grid)**2 + grad_rho(3,i_grid)**2 )
IF ( grad2 == 0.0_dp ) CYCLE
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Figure out which bin our value of q0 is in the q_mesh.
DO WHILE ( (q_hi - q_low) > 1)
q = INT((q_hi + q_low)/2)
IF (q_mesh(q) > q0(i_grid)) THEN
q_hi = q
q_low = q
IF (q_hi == q_low) call errore('stress_vdW_gradient','qhi == qlow', 1)
dq = q_mesh(q_hi) - q_mesh(q_low)
a = (q_mesh(q_hi) - q0(i_grid))/dq
b = (q0(i_grid) - q_mesh(q_low))/dq
c = (a**3 - a)*dq**2/6.0D0
d = (b**3 - b)*dq**2/6.0D0
e = (3.0D0*a**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
f = (3.0D0*b**2 - 1.0D0)*dq/6.0D0
DO q_i = 1, Nqs
y(:) = 0.0D0
y(q_i) = 1.0D0
dP_dq0 = (y(q_hi) - y(q_low))/dq - e*d2y_dx2(q_i,q_low) + f*d2y_dx2(q_i,q_hi)
prefactor = u_vdW(i_grid,q_i) * dP_dq0 * dq0_dgradrho(i_grid) / grad2
DO l = 1, 3
DO m = 1, l
sigma (l, m) = sigma (l, m) - e2 * prefactor * &
(grad_rho(l,i_grid) * grad_rho(m,i_grid))
CALL mp_sum( sigma, intra_bgrp_comm )
CALL dscal (9, 1.0D0 / (dfftp%nr1 * dfftp%nr2 * dfftp%nr3), sigma, 1)
DEALLOCATE( d2y_dx2, u_vdW )
END SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_gradient
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |________________________|
SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_kernel (total_rho, q0, thetas, sigma)
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, g, gg, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba, tpiba2
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: q0(:)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: total_rho(:)
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: sigma(3,3)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: thetas(:,:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dkernel_of_dk(:,:)
INTEGER :: l, m, q1_i, q2_i , g_i
INTEGER :: last_g, theta_i
REAL(DP) :: g2, ngmod2, g_kernel, G_multiplier
ALLOCATE( dkernel_of_dk(Nqs, Nqs) )
sigma(:,:) = 0.0_DP
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Integration in g-space.
last_g = -1
G_multiplier = 1.0D0
IF ( gamma_only ) G_multiplier = 2.0D0
DO g_i = gstart, ngm
g2 = gg (g_i) * tpiba2
g_kernel = SQRT(g2)
IF ( igtongl(g_i) .NE. last_g) THEN
CALL interpolate_Dkernel_Dk(g_kernel, dkernel_of_dk) ! Gets the derivatives.
last_g = igtongl(g_i)
DO q2_i = 1, Nqs
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
DO l = 1, 3
DO m = 1, l
sigma (l, m) = sigma (l, m) - G_multiplier * 0.5 * e2 * thetas(dfftp%nl(g_i),q1_i) * &
dkernel_of_dk(q1_i,q2_i)*conjg(thetas(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i))* &
(g (l, g_i) * g (m, g_i) * tpiba2) / g_kernel
IF ( g_i < gstart ) sigma(:,:) = sigma(:,:) / G_multiplier
CALL mp_sum( sigma, intra_bgrp_comm )
DEALLOCATE( dkernel_of_dk )
END SUBROUTINE vdW_DF_stress_kernel
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |________________________|
SUBROUTINE interpolate_Dkernel_Dk (k, dkernel_of_dk)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: k ! Input value, the magnitude of the g-vector
! for the current point.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dkernel_of_dk(Nqs,Nqs) ! An output array (allocated outside this
! routine) that holds the interpolated value of
! the kernel for each pair of q points (i.e. the
! phi_alpha_beta of the Soler method.
INTEGER :: q1_i, q2_i, k_i ! Indexing variables.
REAL(DP) :: A, B, dAdk, dBdk, dCdk, dDdk ! Intermediate values for the interpolation.
IF ( k >= Nr_points*dk ) THEN
WRITE(*,'(A,F10.5,A,F10.5)') "k = ", k, " k_max = ", Nr_points*dk
CALL errore('interpolate kernel', 'k value requested is out of range',1)
dkernel_of_dk = 0.0D0
k_i = INT(k/dk)
A = (dk*(k_i+1.0D0) - k)/dk
B = (k - dk*k_i)/dk
dAdk = -1.0D0/dk
dBdk = 1.0D0/dk
dCdk = -((3*A**2 -1.0D0)/6.0D0)*dk
dDdk = ((3*B**2 -1.0D0)/6.0D0)*dk
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
dkernel_of_dk(q1_i, q2_i) = dAdk*kernel(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + dBdk*kernel(k_i+1, q1_i, q2_i) &
+ dCdk*d2phi_dk2(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + dDdk*d2phi_dk2(k_i+1, q1_i, q2_i)
dkernel_of_dk(q2_i, q1_i) = dkernel_of_dk(q1_i, q2_i)
END SUBROUTINE interpolate_Dkernel_Dk
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | thetas_to_uk |
! |______________|
SUBROUTINE thetas_to_uk (thetas, u_vdW)
USE gvect, ONLY : gg, ngm, igtongl, gl, ngl, gstart
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba, omega
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: thetas(:,:) ! On input this variable holds the theta functions
! (equation 8, SOLER) in the format
! thetas(grid_point, theta_i).
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: u_vdW(:,:) ! On output this array holds u_alpha(k) =
! Sum_j[theta_beta(k)phi_alpha_beta(k)].
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: kernel_of_k(:,:) ! This array will hold the interpolated kernel
! values for each pair of q values in the q_mesh.
REAL(DP) :: g
INTEGER :: last_g, g_i, q1_i, q2_i, i_grid ! Index variables.
COMPLEX(DP) :: theta(Nqs) ! Temporary storage vector used since we are
! overwriting the thetas array here.
ALLOCATE( kernel_of_k(Nqs, Nqs) )
u_vdW(:,:) = CMPLX(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, kind=dp)
last_g = -1
DO g_i = 1, ngm
IF ( igtongl(g_i) .ne. last_g) THEN
g = SQRT(gl(igtongl(g_i))) * tpiba
CALL interpolate_kernel(g, kernel_of_k)
last_g = igtongl(g_i)
theta = thetas(dfftp%nl(g_i),:)
DO q2_i = 1, Nqs
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
u_vdW(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i) = u_vdW(dfftp%nl(g_i),q2_i) + kernel_of_k(q2_i,q1_i)*theta(q1_i)
IF ( gamma_only ) u_vdW(dfftp%nlm(:),:) = CONJG(u_vdW(dfftp%nl(:),:))
DEALLOCATE( kernel_of_k )
END SUBROUTINE thetas_to_uk
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |_________________|
! The original definition of the kernel function is given in DION
! equations 14-16. The Soler method makes the kernel function a
! function of only 1 variable (r) by first putting it in the form
! phi(q1*r, q2*r). Then, the q-dependence is removed by expanding the
! function in a special way (see SOLER equation 3). This yields a
! separate function for each pair of q points that is a function of r
! alone. There are (Nqs^2+Nqs)/2 unique functions, where Nqs is the
! number of q points used. In the Soler method, the kernel is first
! made in the form phi(d1, d2) but this is not done here. It was found
! that, with q's chosen judiciously ahead of time, the kernel and the
! second derivatives required for interpolation could be tabulated
! ahead of time for faster use of the vdW-DF functional. Through
! testing we found no need to soften the kernel and correct for this
! later (see SOLER eqations 6-7).
! The algorithm employed here is "embarrassingly parallel," meaning
! that it parallelizes very well up to (Nqs^2+Nqs)/2 processors,
! where, again, Nqs is the number of q points chosen. However,
! parallelization on this scale is unnecessary. In testing the code
! runs in under a minute on 16 Intel Xeon processors.
! IMPORTANT NOTICE: Results are very sensitive to compilation details.
! In particular, the usage of FMA (Fused Multiply-and-Add)
! instructions used by modern CPUs such as AMD Interlagos (Bulldozer)
! and Intel Ivy Bridge may affect quite heavily some components of the
! kernel (communication by Ake Sandberg, Umea University). In practice
! this should not be a problem, since most affected elements are the
! less relevant ones.
! Some of the algorithms here are somewhat modified versions of those
! found in:
! Numerical Recipes in C; William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul
! A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling. Cambridge University
! Press (1988).
! hereafter referred to as NUMERICAL_RECIPES. The routines were
! translated to Fortran, of course and variable names are generally
! different.
! For the calculation of the kernel we have benefited from access to
! earlier vdW-DF implementation into PWscf and ABINIT, written by Timo
! Thonhauser, Valentino Cooper, and David Langreth. These codes, in
! turn, benefited from earlier codes written by Maxime Dion and Henrik
! Rydberg.
SUBROUTINE generate_kernel
INTEGER :: a_i, b_i, q1_i, q2_i, r_i
! Indexing variables.
REAL(DP) :: weights( Nintegration_points )
! Array to hold dx values for the Gaussian-Legendre integration of the kernel.
REAL(DP) :: sin_a( Nintegration_points ), cos_a( Nintegration_points )
! Sine and cosine values of the aforementioned points a.
REAL(DP) :: d1, d2, d, integral
! Intermediate values.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! The following variables control the parallel environment.
INTEGER :: my_start_q, my_end_q, Ntotal
! Starting and ending q value for each processor, also the total
! number of calculations to do, i.e. (Nqs^2 + Nqs)/2.
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phi(:,:), phi_deriv(:,:)
! Arrays to store the kernel functions and their second derivatives.
! They are stored as phi(radial_point, idx).
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: indices(:,:), proc_indices(:,:)
! Indices holds the values of q1 and q2 as partitioned out to the
! processors. It is an Ntotal x 2 array stored as indices(index of
! point number, q1:q2). Proc_indices holds the section of the indices
! array that is assigned to each processor. This is a Nproc x 2
! array, stored as proc_indices(processor_number,
! starting_index:ending_index)
INTEGER :: Nper, Nextra, start_q, end_q
! Baseline number of jobs per processor, number of processors that
! get an extra job in case the number of jobs doesn't split evenly
! over the number of processors, starting index into the indices
! array, ending index into the indices array.
INTEGER :: nproc, mpime
! Number or procs, rank of current processor.
INTEGER :: proc_i, my_Nqs
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Start the timer.
CALL start_clock ( 'vdW_kernel' )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! The total number of phi_alpha_beta functions that have to be
! calculated.
Ntotal = (Nqs**2 + Nqs)/2
ALLOCATE ( indices(Ntotal, 2) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! This part fills in the indices array. It just loops through the q1
! and q2 values and stores them. Sections of this array will be
! assigned to each of the processors later.
idx = 1
DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
indices(idx, 1) = q1_i
indices(idx, 2) = q2_i
idx = idx + 1
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Figure out the baseline number of functions to be calculated by each
! processor and how many processors get one extra job.
nproc = mp_size( intra_image_comm )
mpime = mp_rank( intra_image_comm )
Nper = Ntotal/nproc
Nextra = MOD(Ntotal, nproc)
ALLOCATE( proc_indices(nproc, 2) )
start_q = 0
end_q = 0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Loop over all the processors and figure out which section of the
! indices array each processor should do. All processors figure this
! out for every processor so there is no need to communicate results.
DO proc_i = 1, nproc
start_q = end_q + 1
end_q = start_q + (Nper - 1)
IF (proc_i <= Nextra) end_q = end_q + 1
! This is to prevent trouble if number of processors exceeds Ntotal.
IF ( proc_i > Ntotal ) THEN
start_q = Ntotal
end_q = Ntotal
IF ( proc_i == (mpime+1) ) THEN
my_start_q = start_q
my_end_q = end_q
proc_indices(proc_i, 1) = start_q
proc_indices(proc_i, 2) = end_q
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Store how many jobs are assigned to me.
my_Nqs = my_end_q - my_start_q + 1
ALLOCATE( phi( 0:Nr_points, my_Nqs ), phi_deriv( 0:Nr_points, my_Nqs ) )
phi = 0.0D0
phi_deriv = 0.0D0
kernel = 0.0D0
d2phi_dk2 = 0.0D0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Find the integration points we are going to use in the
! Gaussian-Legendre integration.
CALL prep_gaussian_quadrature( weights )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Get a, a^2, sin(a), cos(a) and the weights for the Gaussian-Legendre
! integration.
DO a_i=1, Nintegration_points
a_points (a_i) = TAN( a_points(a_i) )
a_points2(a_i) = a_points(a_i)**2
weights(a_i) = weights(a_i)*( 1 + a_points2(a_i) )
cos_a(a_i) = COS( a_points(a_i) )
sin_a(a_i) = SIN( a_points(a_i) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Calculate the value of the W function defined in DION equation 16
! for each value of a and b.
DO a_i = 1, Nintegration_points
DO b_i = 1, Nintegration_points
W_ab(a_i, b_i) = 2.0D0 * weights(a_i)*weights(b_i) * ( &
(3.0D0-a_points2(a_i))*a_points(b_i) *sin_a(a_i)*cos_a(b_i) + &
(3.0D0-a_points2(b_i))*a_points(a_i) *cos_a(a_i)*sin_a(b_i) + &
(a_points2(a_i)+a_points2(b_i)-3.0D0)*sin_a(a_i)*sin_a(b_i) - &
3.0D0*a_points(a_i)*a_points(b_i)*cos_a(a_i)*cos_a(b_i) ) / &
(a_points(a_i)*a_points(b_i) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! vdW-DF analysis tool as described in PRB 97, 085115 (2018).
IF ( vdW_DF_analysis == 1 ) THEN
DO a_i = 1, Nintegration_points
DO b_i = 1, Nintegration_points
W_ab(a_i, b_i) = weights(a_i)*weights(b_i) * &
ELSE IF ( vdW_DF_analysis == 2 ) THEN
DO a_i = 1, Nintegration_points
DO b_i = 1, Nintegration_points
W_ab(a_i, b_i) = W_ab(a_i, b_i) - weights(a_i)*weights(b_i) * &
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Now, we loop over all the pairs (q1,q2) that are assigned to us and
! perform our calculations.
DO idx = 1, my_Nqs
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! First, get the value of phi(q1*r, q2*r) for each r and the
! particular values of q1 and q2 we are using.
DO r_i = 1, Nr_points
d1 = q_mesh( indices(idx+my_start_q-1, 1) ) * dr * r_i
d2 = q_mesh( indices(idx+my_start_q-1, 2) ) * dr * r_i
phi(r_i, idx) = phi_value(d1, d2)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Now, perform a radial FFT to turn our phi_alpha_beta(r) into
! phi_alpha_beta(k) needed for SOLER equation 8.
CALL radial_fft( phi(:,idx) )
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Determine the spline interpolation coefficients for the Fourier
! transformed kernel function.
CALL set_up_splines( phi(:, idx), phi_deriv(:, idx) )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Finally, we collect the results after letting everybody catch up.
CALL mp_barrier( intra_image_comm )
DO proc_i = 0, nproc-1
IF ( proc_i >= Ntotal ) EXIT
CALL mp_get ( phi , phi , mpime, 0, proc_i, 0, intra_image_comm )
CALL mp_get ( phi_deriv, phi_deriv, mpime, 0, proc_i, 0, intra_image_comm )
IF ( mpime == 0 ) THEN
DO idx = proc_indices(proc_i+1,1), proc_indices(proc_i+1,2)
q1_i = indices(idx, 1)
q2_i = indices(idx, 2)
kernel (:, q1_i, q2_i) = phi (:, idx - proc_indices(proc_i+1,1) + 1)
d2phi_dk2 (:, q1_i, q2_i) = phi_deriv (:, idx - proc_indices(proc_i+1,1) + 1)
kernel (:, q2_i, q1_i) = kernel (:, q1_i, q2_i)
d2phi_dk2 (:, q2_i, q1_i) = d2phi_dk2 (:, q1_i, q2_i)
CALL mp_bcast ( kernel , 0, intra_image_comm )
CALL mp_bcast ( d2phi_dk2, 0, intra_image_comm )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Keep the lines below for testing and combatibility with the old
! kernel file reading/writing method.
! Writing the calculated kernel.
! IF ( ionode ) THEN
! WRITE(stdout,'(/ / A)') " vdW-DF kernel table calculated and written to file."
! OPEN(UNIT=21, FILE='kernel_table', STATUS='replace', FORM='formatted', ACTION='write')
! WRITE(21, '(2i5,f13.8)') Nqs, Nr_points
! WRITE(21, '(1p4e23.14)') r_max
! WRITE(21, '(1p4e23.14)') q_mesh
! DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
! DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
! WRITE(21, '(1p4e23.14)') kernel(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
! DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
! WRITE(21, '(1p4e23.14)') d2phi_dk2(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! CLOSE (21)
! Reading the kernel from an old kernel file.
! IF (ionode) WRITE(stdout,'(/ / A)') " vdW-DF kernel read from file."
! OPEN(UNIT=21, FILE='vdW_kernel_table', STATUS='old', FORM='formatted', ACTION='read')
! read(21, '(/ / / / / /)')
! DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
! DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
! READ(21, '(1p4e23.14)') kernel(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! kernel(:, q2_i, q1_i) = kernel(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! DO q1_i = 1, Nqs
! DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
! READ(21, '(1p4e23.14)') d2phi_dk2(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! d2phi_dk2(:, q2_i, q1_i) = d2phi_dk2(:, q1_i, q2_i)
! CLOSE (21)
DEALLOCATE( indices, proc_indices, phi, phi_deriv )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Stop the timer.
CALL stop_clock ( 'vdW_kernel' )
END SUBROUTINE generate_kernel
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |____________________________|
! Routine to calculate the points and weights for the
! Gaussian-Legendre integration. This routine is modeled after the
SUBROUTINE prep_gaussian_quadrature( weights )
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: weights(:)
! The points and weights for the Gaussian-Legendre integration.
INTEGER :: Npoints
! The number of points we actually have to calculate. The rest will
! be obtained from symmetry.
REAL(DP) :: poly_1, poly_2, poly_3
! Temporary storage for Legendre polynomials.
INTEGER :: i_point, i_poly
! Indexing variables.
REAL(DP) :: root, dp_dx, last_root
! The value of the root of a given Legendre polynomial, the derivative
! of the polynomial at that root and the value of the root in the last
! iteration (to check for convergence of Newton's method).
real(dp) :: midpoint, length
! The middle of the x-range and the length to that point.
Npoints = (Nintegration_points + 1)/2
midpoint = 0.5D0 * ( ATAN(a_min) + ATAN(a_max) )
length = 0.5D0 * ( ATAN(a_max) - ATAN(a_min) )
DO i_point = 1, Npoints
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Make an initial guess for the root.
root = COS(DBLE(pi*(i_point - 0.25D0)/(Nintegration_points + 0.5D0)))
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! Use the recurrence relations to find the desired polynomial,
! evaluated at the approximate root. See NUMERICAL_RECIPES.
poly_1 = 1.0D0
poly_2 = 0.0D0
DO i_poly = 1, Nintegration_points
poly_3 = poly_2
poly_2 = poly_1
poly_1 = ((2.0D0 * i_poly - 1.0D0)*root*poly_2 - (i_poly-1.0D0)*poly_3)/i_poly
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! Use the recurrence relations to find the desired polynomial.
! Find the derivative of the polynomial and use it in Newton's
! method to refine our guess for the root.
dp_dx = Nintegration_points * (root*poly_1 - poly_2)/(root**2 - 1.0D0)
last_root = root
root = last_root - poly_1/dp_dx
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! Check for convergence.
IF (abs(root - last_root) <= 1.0D-14) EXIT
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Fill in the array of evaluation points.
a_points(i_point) = midpoint - length*root
a_points(Nintegration_points + 1 - i_point) = midpoint + length*root
! -----------------------------------------------------------------
! Fill in the array of weights.
weights(i_point) = 2.0D0 * length/((1.0D0 - root**2)*dp_dx**2)
weights(Nintegration_points + 1 - i_point) = weights(i_point)
END SUBROUTINE prep_gaussian_quadrature
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |_____________|
! This function returns the value of the kernel calculated via DION
! equation 14.
REAL(DP) FUNCTION phi_value(d1, d2)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: d1, d2
! The point at which to evaluate the kernel. d1 = q1*r and d2 = q2*r.
REAL(DP) :: w, x, y, z, T
! Intermediate values.
REAL(DP) :: nu(Nintegration_points), nu1(Nintegration_points)
! Defined in the discussio below equation 16 of DION.
INTEGER :: a_i, b_i
! Indexing variables.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Loop over all integration points and calculate the value of the nu
! functions defined in the discussion below equation 16 in DION.
DO a_i = 1, Nintegration_points
nu(a_i) = a_points2(a_i)/( 2.0D0 * h_function( a_points(a_i)/d1 ))
nu1(a_i) = a_points2(a_i)/( 2.0D0 * h_function( a_points(a_i)/d2 ))
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Carry out the integration of DION equation 13.
phi_value = 0.0D0
DO a_i = 1, Nintegration_points
w = nu(a_i)
y = nu1(a_i)
DO b_i = 1, Nintegration_points
x = nu(b_i)
z = nu1(b_i)
T = (1.0D0/(w+x) + 1.0D0/(y+z))*(1.0D0/((w+y)*(x+z)) + 1.0D0/((w+z)*(y+x)))
phi_value = phi_value + T * W_ab(a_i, b_i)
phi_value = 1.0D0/pi**2*phi_value
END FUNCTION phi_value
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |______________|
! This subroutine performs a radial Fourier transform on the
! real-space kernel functions. Basically, this is just
! int(4*pi*r^2*phi*sin(k*r)/(k*r))dr integrated from 0 to r_max. That
! is, it is the kernel function phi integrated with the 0^th spherical
! Bessel function radially, with a 4*pi assumed from angular
! integration since we have spherical symmetry. The spherical symmetry
! comes in because the kernel function depends only on the magnitude
! of the vector between two points. The integration is done using the
! trapezoid rule.
SUBROUTINE radial_fft(phi)
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: phi(0:Nr_points)
! On input holds the real-space function phi_q1_q2(r).
! On output hold the reciprocal-space function phi_q1_q2(k).
REAL(DP) :: phi_k(0:Nr_points)
! Temporary storage for phi_q1_q2(k).
INTEGER :: k_i, r_i
! Indexing variables.
REAL(DP) :: r, k
! The real and reciprocal space points.
phi_k = 0.0D0
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Handle the k=0 point separately.
DO r_i = 1, Nr_points
r = r_i * dr
phi_k(0) = phi_k(0) + phi(r_i)*r**2
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Subtract half of the last value off because of the trapezoid rule.
phi_k(0) = phi_k(0) - 0.5D0 * (Nr_points*dr)**2 * phi(Nr_points)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Integration for the rest of the k-points.
DO k_i = 1, Nr_points
k = k_i * dk
DO r_i = 1, Nr_points
r = r_i * dr
phi_k(k_i) = phi_k(k_i) + phi(r_i) * r * SIN(k*r) / k
phi_k(k_i) = phi_k(k_i) - 0.5D0 * phi(Nr_points) * r * SIN(k*r) / k
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! Add in the 4*pi and the dr factor for the integration.
phi = 4.0D0 * pi * phi_k * dr
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |__________________|
! This subroutine accepts a function (phi) and finds at each point the
! second derivative (D2) for use with spline interpolation. This
! function assumes we are using the expansion described in SOLER
! equation 3. That is, the derivatives are those needed to interpolate
! Kronecker delta functions at each of the q values. Other than some
! special modification to speed up the algorithm in our particular
! case, this algorithm is taken directly from NUMERICAL_RECIPES.
SUBROUTINE set_up_splines(phi, D2)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: phi(0:Nr_points)
! The k-space kernel function for a particular q1 and q2.
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: D2(0:Nr_points)
! The second derivatives to be used in the interpolation expansion
! (SOLER equation 3).
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_array(:) ! Temporary storage.
REAL(DP) :: temp_1, temp_2
INTEGER :: r_i
! Indexing variable.
ALLOCATE( temp_array(0:Nr_points) )
D2 = 0
temp_array = 0
DO r_i = 1, Nr_points - 1
temp_1 = DBLE(r_i - (r_i - 1))/DBLE( (r_i + 1) - (r_i - 1) )
temp_2 = temp_1 * D2(r_i-1) + 2.0D0
D2(r_i) = (temp_1 - 1.0D0)/temp_2
temp_array(r_i) = ( phi(r_i+1) - phi(r_i))/DBLE( dk*((r_i+1) - r_i) ) - &
( phi(r_i) - phi(r_i-1))/DBLE( dk*(r_i - (r_i-1)) )
temp_array(r_i) = (6.0D0*temp_array(r_i)/DBLE( dk*((r_i+1) - (r_i-1)) )-&
D2(Nr_points) = 0.0D0
DO r_i = Nr_points-1, 0, -1
D2(r_i) = D2(r_i)*D2(r_i+1) + temp_array(r_i)
DEALLOCATE( temp_array )
END SUBROUTINE set_up_splines
! ####################################################################
! | |
! | VDW_INFO |
! |____________|
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% You are using vdW-DF, which was implemented by the Thonhauser group. %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% Please cite the following two papers that made this development %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% possible and the two reviews that describe the various versions: %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% T. Thonhauser et al., PRL 115, 136402 (2015). %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% T. Thonhauser et al., PRB 76, 125112 (2007). %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% K. Berland et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 78, 066501 (2015). %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% D.C. Langreth et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 084203 (2009). %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% If you are calculating the stress with vdW-DF, please also cite: %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% R. Sabatini et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 424209 (2012). %")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"% %")')
IF ( iverbosity > 0 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Carrying out vdW-DF run using the following parameters:")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5X,A,I3,A,I5,A,F8.3)' ) "Nqs = ", Nqs, " Npoints = ", Nr_points, &
" r_max = ", r_max
WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"q_mesh =",4F12.8)') (q_mesh(idx), idx=1, 4)
WRITE(stdout,'(13X,4F12.8)') (q_mesh(idx), idx=5, Nqs)