
678 lines
25 KiB

! Copyright (C) Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! FFT base Module.
! Written by Carlo Cavazzoni, modified by Paolo Giannozzi
! Rewritten by Stefano de Gironcoli
MODULE scatter_mod
USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_type_descriptor
USE fft_param
INTERFACE gather_grid
MODULE PROCEDURE gather_real_grid, gather_complex_grid
INTERFACE scatter_grid
MODULE PROCEDURE scatter_real_grid, scatter_complex_grid
PUBLIC :: gather_grid, scatter_grid
PUBLIC :: cgather_sym, cgather_sym_many, cscatter_sym_many
SUBROUTINE gather_real_grid ( dfft, f_in, f_out )
! ... gathers a distributed real-space FFT grid to dfft%root, that is,
! ... the first processor of input descriptor dfft - version for real arrays
! ... REAL*8 f_in = distributed variable (dfft%nnr)
! ... REAL*8 f_out = gathered variable (dfft%nr1x*dfft%nr2x*dfft%nr3x)
REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: f_in (:)
REAL(DP), INTENT(inout):: f_out(:)
TYPE ( fft_type_descriptor ), INTENT(IN) :: dfft
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3
! ... the following are automatic arrays
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfft%nproc-1), recvcount(0:dfft%nproc-1)
IF( size( f_in ) < dfft%nnr ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' gather_real_grid ', ' f_in too small ', dfft%nnr-size( f_in ) )
CALL start_clock( 'rgather_grid' )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 0 ', dfft%nproc, dfft%nproc2, dfft%nproc3
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%my_nr3p) )
! 1) gather within the comm2 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc =0, ( dfft%nproc2 -1 )
recvcount(proc) = dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_in = 1; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfft%my_nr3p
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 1 ir3=', ir3
info = 0
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_in(offset_in) , recvcount(dfft%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux(offset_aux), recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dfft%root, &
dfft%comm2, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'gather_real_grid', 'info<>0', info )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 2 ir3=', ir3
offset_in = offset_in + dfft%nr1x * dfft%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2
end do
! 2) gather within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
recvcount(proc) = dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 3'
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_aux, recvcount(dfft%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out, recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dfft%root, &
dfft%comm3, info )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 4'
CALL fftx_error__( ' gather_real_grid', 'info<>0', info )
! ... the following check should be performed only on processor dfft%root
! ... otherwise f_out must be allocated on all processors even if not used
info = size( f_out ) - displs( dfft%nproc3-1 ) - recvcount( dfft%nproc3-1 )
IF( info < 0 ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' gather_real_grid ', ' f_out too small ', -info )
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'rgather_grid' )
CALL fftx_error__(' gather_real_grid', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE gather_real_grid
SUBROUTINE gather_complex_grid ( dfft, f_in, f_out )
! ... gathers a distributed real-space FFT grid to dfft%root, that is,
! ... the first processor of input descriptor dfft - complex arrays
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_in = distributed variable (dfft%nnr)
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_out = gathered variable (dfft%nr1x*dfft%nr2x*dfft%nr3x)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(in) :: f_in (:)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(inout):: f_out(:)
TYPE ( fft_type_descriptor ), INTENT(IN) :: dfft
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3
! ... the following are automatic arrays
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfft%nproc-1), recvcount(0:dfft%nproc-1)
CALL start_clock( 'cgather_grid' )
!write (*,*) 'gcgather_grid size(f_in),dfft%nnr',size(f_in), dfft%nnr ; FLUSH(6)
IF( 2*size( f_in ) < dfft%nnr ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' gather_complex_grid ', ' f_in too small ', dfft%nnr-size( f_in ) )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 0 ', dfft%nproc, dfft%nproc2, dfft%nproc3
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%my_nr3p ) )
! 1) gather within the comm2 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc =0, ( dfft%nproc2 -1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_in = 1; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfft%my_nr3p
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 1 ir3=', ir3
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_in(offset_in) , recvcount(dfft%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux(offset_aux), recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dfft%root, &
dfft%comm2, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'gather_complex_grid', 'info<>0', info )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 2 ir3=', ir3
offset_in = offset_in + dfft%nr1x * dfft%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2
end do
! 2) gather within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
! ... the following check should be performed only on processor dfft%root
! ... otherwise f_out must be allocated on all processors even if not used
!write (*,*) 'gcgather_grid 2*size(f_out)',2*size(f_out) ; FLUSH(6)
!write (*,*) 'gcgather_grid displ+recv',dfft%nproc3, displs(dfft%nproc3-1) + recvcount(dfft%nproc3-1); FLUSH(6)
info = 2*size( f_out ) - displs( dfft%nproc3 - 1 ) - recvcount( dfft%nproc3-1 ) ; FLUSH(6)
IF( info < 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( ' gather_complex_grid ', ' f_out too small ', -info )
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 3'
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_aux, recvcount(dfft%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out, recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dfft%root, &
dfft%comm3, info )
!write (6,*) 'gather grid ok 4'
CALL fftx_error__( 'gather_complex_grid', 'info<>0', info )
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'cgather_grid' )
CALL fftx_error__('gather_complex_grid', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE gather_complex_grid
SUBROUTINE scatter_real_grid ( dfft, f_in, f_out )
! ... scatters a real-space FFT grid from dfft%root, first processor of
! ... input descriptor dfft, to all others - opposite of "gather_grid"
! ... REAL*8 f_in = gathered variable (dfft%nr1x*dfft%nr2x*dfft%nr3x)
! ... REAL*8 f_out = distributed variable (dfft%nnr)
REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: f_in (:)
REAL(DP), INTENT(inout):: f_out(:)
TYPE ( fft_type_descriptor ), INTENT(IN) :: dfft
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3
! ... the following are automatic arrays
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfft%nproc-1), sendcount(0:dfft%nproc-1)
CALL start_clock( 'rscatter_grid' )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 0'
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%my_nr3p) )
! 1) scatter within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
sendcount(proc) = dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
info = size( f_in ) - displs( dfft%nproc3 - 1 ) - sendcount( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
IF( info < 0 ) CALL fftx_error__( ' scatter_real_grid ', ' f_in too small ', -info )
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 1'
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_in, sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux, sendcount(dfft%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfft%root, dfft%comm3, info )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 2'
CALL fftx_error__( 'scatter_real_grid', 'info<>0', info )
! 2) scatter within the comm2 communicator
IF( size( f_out ) < dfft%nnr ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' scatter_real_grid ', ' f_out too small ', dfft%nnr-size( f_out ) )
displs = 0 ; f_out = 0.0D0
DO proc =0, ( dfft%nproc2 -1 )
sendcount(proc) = dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_in = 1 ; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfft%my_nr3p
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 3, ir3=', ir3
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_aux(offset_aux), sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out(offset_in), sendcount(dfft%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfft%root, dfft%comm2, info )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 4, ir3=', ir3
CALL fftx_error__( 'scatter_real_grid', 'info<>0', info )
offset_in = offset_in + dfft%nr1x * dfft%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2
end do
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'rscatter_grid' )
CALL fftx_error__('scatter_real_grid', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE scatter_real_grid
SUBROUTINE scatter_complex_grid ( dfft, f_in, f_out )
! ... scatters a real-space FFT grid from dfft%root, first processor of
! ... input descriptor dfft, to all others - opposite of "gather_grid"
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_in = gathered variable (dfft%nr1x*dfft%nr2x*dfft%nr3x)
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_out = distributed variable (dfft%nnr)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(in) :: f_in (:)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(inout):: f_out(:)
TYPE ( fft_type_descriptor ), INTENT(IN) :: dfft
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3
! ... the following are automatic arrays
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfft%nproc-1), sendcount(0:dfft%nproc-1)
CALL start_clock( 'cscatter_grid' )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 0'
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%my_nr3p ) )
! 1) scatter within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
sendcount(proc) = 2 * dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x * dfft%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
!write(*,*) 'cscatter_grid 2*size(f_in) ', 2*size(f_in); FLUSH(6)
!write(*,*) 'cscatter_grid displ+send ', dfft%nproc3, displs(dfft%nproc3-1) + sendcount(dfft%nproc3-1); FLUSH(6)
info = 2*size( f_in ) - displs( dfft%nproc3 - 1 ) - sendcount( dfft%nproc3 - 1 )
IF( info < 0 ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' scatter_complex_grid ', ' f_in too small ', -info )
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 1'
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_in, sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux, sendcount(dfft%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfft%root, dfft%comm3, info )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 2'
CALL fftx_error__( ' scatter_complex_grid', 'info<>0', info )
! 2) scatter within the comm2 communicator
!write(*,*) 'cscatter_grid size(f_out), dfft%nnr ', size(f_out),dfft%nnr; FLUSH(6)
IF( size( f_out ) < dfft%nnr ) &
CALL fftx_error__( ' scatter_complex_grid ', ' f_out too small ', dfft%nnr-size( f_out ) )
displs = 0 ; f_out = 0.0D0
DO proc =0, ( dfft%nproc2 -1 )
sendcount(proc) = 2 * dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_in = 1 ; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfft%my_nr3p
info = 0
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 3, ir3=', ir3
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_aux(offset_aux), sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out(offset_in), sendcount(dfft%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfft%root, dfft%comm2, info )
!write (6,*) 'scatter grid ok 4, ir3=', ir3
CALL fftx_error__( 'scatter_complex_grid', 'info<>0', info )
offset_in = offset_in + dfft%nr1x * dfft%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfft%nr1x * dfft%nr2x
end do
! ... the following check should be performed only on processor dfft%root
! ... otherwise f_in must be allocated on all processors even if not used
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'cscatter_grid' )
CALL fftx_error__('scatter_complex_grid', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE scatter_complex_grid
! ... "gather"-like subroutines
SUBROUTINE cgather_sym( dfftp, f_in, f_out )
! ... gather complex data for symmetrization (used in phonon code)
! ... Differs from gather_grid because mpi_allgatherv is used instead
! ... of mpi_gatherv - all data is gathered on ALL processors
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_in = distributed variable (nrxx)
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_out = gathered variable (nr1x*nr2x*nr3x)
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: dfftp
COMPLEX(DP) :: f_in( : ), f_out(:)
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3
! ... the following are automatic arrays
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfftp%nproc-1), recvcount(0:dfftp%nproc-1)
CALL start_clock( 'cgather' )
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%my_nr3p ) )
CALL MPI_BARRIER( dfftp%comm, info )
! 1) gather within the comm2 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc =0, ( dfftp%nproc2 -1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_in = 1; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfftp%my_nr3p
info = 0
CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( f_in(offset_in), recvcount(dfftp%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux(offset_aux),recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfftp%comm2, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'cgather_sym', 'info<>0', info )
offset_in = offset_in + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x
end do
! 2) gather within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfftp%nproc3 - 1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
info = 0
CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV( f_aux, recvcount(dfftp%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out, recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
dfftp%comm3, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'cgather_sym', 'info<>0', info )
! ... the following check should be performed only on processor dfft%root
! ... otherwise f_out must be allocated on all processors even if not used
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'cgather' )
CALL fftx_error__('cgather_sym', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE cgather_sym
SUBROUTINE cgather_sym_many( dfftp, f_in, f_out, nbnd, nbnd_proc, start_nbnd_proc )
! ... Written by A. Dal Corso
! ... This routine generalizes cgather_sym, receiveng nbnd complex
! ... distributed functions and collecting nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1)
! ... functions in each processor.
! ... start_nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1), says where the data for each processor
! ... start in the distributed variable
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_in = distributed variable (nrxx,nbnd)
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_out = gathered variable (nr1x*nr2x*nr3x,nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1))
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: dfftp
INTEGER :: nbnd, nbnd_proc(dfftp%nproc), start_nbnd_proc(dfftp%nproc)
COMPLEX(DP) :: f_in(dfftp%nnr,nbnd)
COMPLEX(DP) :: f_out(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x,nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1))
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc_, proc2_, proc3_, proc, info, offset_in, offset_aux, ir3, nr2px
INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd, iii
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfftp%nproc-1), recvcount(0:dfftp%nproc-1)
CALL start_clock( 'cgather' )
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%my_nr3p ) )
CALL MPI_BARRIER( dfftp%comm, info )
f_out = (0.d0,0.d0)
!write (*,*) 'enter cgather ', nbnd
!write (*,*) nbnd_proc
!write (*,*) start_nbnd_proc
!write (*,*) 'dfftp%nproc',dfftp%nproc
!do ibnd =1,3
!write (*,*) 'evc = ',ibnd
!write (*,*) f_in(1:3,ibnd)
!end do
nr2px = MAXVAL ( dfftp%nr2p ) ! maximum number of Y values to be disributed
DO proc_ = 0, dfftp%nproc - 1
! define the processor index of the two sub-communicators
proc2_ = dfftp%iproc2(proc_ + 1) -1 ; proc3_ = dfftp%iproc3(proc_ + 1) -1
!write (*,*) ' proc_, proc2_, proc3_, dfftp%mype2', proc_, proc2_, proc3_, dfftp%mype2
DO ibnd = 1, nbnd_proc(proc_ +1)
jbnd = start_nbnd_proc(proc_ +1) + ibnd - 1
!write (*,*) ' proc_, ibnd, jbnd ', proc_, ibnd, jbnd
f_aux(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
! 1) gather within the comm2 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc =0, ( dfftp%nproc2 -1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
end do
!write (*,*) 'dfftp%nr1x ', dfftp%nr1x
!write (*,*) 'dfftp%nr2x ', dfftp%nr2x
!write (*,*) 'dfftp%nr3x ', dfftp%nr3x
!write (*,*) 'dfftp%nr2p ', dfftp%nr2p, ' nnr3px ', nr2px
!write (*,*) 'recvcount ', recvcount(0:dfftp%nproc2 -1)
!write (*,*) 'displs ', displs(0:dfftp%nproc2 -1)
offset_in = 1; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfftp%my_nr3p
info = 0
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_in(offset_in,jbnd), recvcount(dfftp%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux(offset_aux), recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
proc2_, dfftp%comm2, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'cgather_sym_many', 'info<>0', info )
offset_in = offset_in + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x
end do
!write(*,*) ' -> f_in(...+1:...+3,jbnd) ',jbnd
!offset_in = 0
!do iii =1,2*dfftp%nr2x
! write(*,'(i4,3("(",2f10.7,") "))') iii, f_in(offset_in+1:offset_in+3, jbnd)
! offset_in = offset_in + dfftp%nr1x
IF (dfftp%mype2==proc2_) THEN
! write(*,*) ' -> f_aux(...+1:...+3)'
! offset_aux = 0
! do iii =1,4*dfftp%nr2x
! write(*,'(i4,3("(",2f10.7,") "))') iii, f_aux(offset_aux+1:offset_aux+3)
! offset_aux = offset_aux + dfftp%nr1x
! enddo
! write(*,*) ' -> F_AUX(...+1:...+3)'
! offset_aux = 0
! do iii =1,dfftp%my_nr3p
! write(*,'(i4,3("(",2f10.7,") "))') iii, f_aux(offset_aux+1:offset_aux+3)
! offset_aux = offset_aux + dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x
! enddo
! 2) gather within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfftp%nproc3 - 1 )
recvcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + recvcount(proc-1)
info = 0
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_aux, recvcount(dfftp%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out(1,ibnd), recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
proc3_, dfftp%comm3, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'cgather_sym_many', 'info<>0', info )
! IF (dfftp%mype3==proc3_) THEN
! write(*,*) ' -> f_out(...+1:...+3,ibnd) ',ibnd
! offset_in = 0
! do iii =1,dfftp%nr3x
! write(*,'(i4,3("(",2f10.7,") "))') iii, f_out(offset_in+1:offset_in+3, ibnd)
! offset_in = offset_in + dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x
! enddo
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'cgather' )
CALL fftx_error__('cgather_sym_many', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE cgather_sym_many
SUBROUTINE cscatter_sym_many( dfftp, f_in, f_out, target_ibnd, nbnd, nbnd_proc, &
start_nbnd_proc )
! ... Written by A. Dal Corso
! ... generalizes cscatter_sym. It assumes that each processor has
! ... a certain number of bands (nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1)). The processor
! ... that has target_ibnd scatters it to all the other processors
! ... that receive a distributed part of the target function.
! ... start_nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1) is used to identify the processor
! ... that has the required band
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_in = gathered variable (nr1x*nr2x*nr3x, nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1) )
! ... COMPLEX*16 f_out = distributed variable (nrxx)
TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: dfftp
INTEGER :: nbnd, nbnd_proc(dfftp%nproc), start_nbnd_proc(dfftp%nproc)
COMPLEX(DP) :: f_in(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x,nbnd_proc(dfftp%mype+1))
COMPLEX(DP) :: f_out(dfftp%nnr)
INTEGER :: target_ibnd
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: proc_, proc2_, proc3_, proc, info, offset_out, offset_aux, ir3
INTEGER :: displs(0:dfftp%nproc-1), sendcount(0:dfftp%nproc-1)
INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd
CALL start_clock( 'cscatter_sym' )
ALLOCATE ( f_aux(dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%my_nr3p ) )
f_out = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
CALL MPI_BARRIER( dfftp%comm, info )
DO proc_ = 0, dfftp%nproc - 1
! define the processor index of the two sub-communicators
proc2_ = dfftp%iproc2(proc_ + 1) -1 ; proc3_ = dfftp%iproc3(proc_ + 1) -1
DO ibnd = 1, nbnd_proc(proc_+1)
jbnd = start_nbnd_proc(proc_+1) + ibnd - 1
IF (jbnd/=target_ibnd) CYCLE
IF (dfftp%mype2==proc2_) THEN
! 1) scatter within the comm3 communicator
displs = 0
DO proc = 0, ( dfftp%nproc3 - 1 )
sendcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
info = 0
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_in(1,ibnd), sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_aux, sendcount(dfftp%mype3), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
proc3_, dfftp%comm3, info )
! 2) scatter within the comm2 communicator
displs = 0 ; f_out = 0.0D0
DO proc =0, ( dfftp%nproc2 -1 )
sendcount(proc) = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2p(proc+1)
if (proc > 0) displs(proc) = displs(proc-1) + sendcount(proc-1)
end do
offset_out = 1 ; offset_aux = 1
do ir3 = 1, dfftp%my_nr3p
info = 0
CALL MPI_SCATTERV( f_aux(offset_aux), sendcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
f_out(offset_out), sendcount(dfftp%mype2), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
proc2_, dfftp%comm2, info )
CALL fftx_error__( 'gather_grid', 'info<>0', info )
offset_out = offset_out + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%my_nr2p
offset_aux = offset_aux + dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x
end do
DEALLOCATE ( f_aux )
CALL stop_clock( 'cscatter_sym' )
CALL fftx_error__('cscatter_sym_many', 'do not use in serial execution', 1)
END SUBROUTINE cscatter_sym_many
END MODULE scatter_mod