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! Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#define __PGI_1910_WORKAROUND
! use the CUDA Kernel version instead of the simple CUF version
! that for some obscure reason crashes on (obsolescent) PGI v.19.10
module ylmr2_gpum
#if defined(__CUDA) && defined(__PGI_1910_WORKAROUND)
use cudafor
attributes(global) subroutine ylmr2_gpu_kernel (lmax,lmax2, ng, g, gg, ylm)
implicit none
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = selected_real_kind(14,200)
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: fpi = 4.0_DP * pi
integer, intent(in) :: lmax2, ng
real(DP), intent(in) :: g (3, ng), gg (ng)
real(DP), intent(out) :: ylm (ng,lmax2)
! local variables
real(DP), parameter :: eps = 1.0d-9
real(DP) :: Q(0:6,0:6) !Allocate Q for the maximum supported size
real(DP) :: cost , sent, phi
real(DP) :: c, gmod
integer :: lmax, ig, l, m, lm
attributes(device):: g,gg,Q,ylm
ig= threadIdx%x+BlockDim%x*(BlockIdx%x-1)
if (ig <= ng) then
if (lmax == 0) then
ylm(ig,1) = sqrt (1.d0 / fpi)
end if
! theta and phi are polar angles, cost = cos(theta)
gmod = sqrt (gg (ig) )
if (gmod < eps) then
cost = 0.d0
cost = g(3,ig)/gmod
! beware the arc tan, it is defined modulo pi
if (g(1,ig) > eps) then
phi = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) )
else if (g(1,ig) < -eps) then
phi = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) ) + pi
phi = sign( pi/2.d0,g(2,ig) )
end if
sent = sqrt(max(0d0,1.d0-cost*cost))
! Q(:,l,m) are defined as sqrt ((l-m)!/(l+m)!) * P(:,l,m) where
! P(:,l,m) are the Legendre Polynomials (0 <= m <= l)
Q(0,0) = 1.d0
Q(1,0) = cost
Q(1,1) =-sent/sqrt(2.d0)
c = sqrt (3.d0 / fpi)
ylm(ig, 1) = sqrt (1.d0 / fpi)* Q(0,0)
ylm(ig, 2) = c* Q(1,0)
ylm(ig, 3) = c*sqrt (2.d0)* Q(1,1) * cos (phi)
ylm(ig, 4) = c*sqrt (2.d0)* Q(1,1) * sin (phi)
lm = 4
do l = 2, lmax
c = sqrt (DBLE(2*l+1) / fpi)
! recursion on l for Q(:,l,m)
do m = 0, l - 2
Q(l,m) = cost*(2*l-1)/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*Q(l-1,m) &
- sqrt(DBLE((l-1)*(l-1)-m*m))/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*Q(l-2,m)
end do
Q(l,l-1) = cost * sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1)) * Q(l-1,l-1)
Q(l,l) = - sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1))/sqrt(DBLE(2*l))*sent*Q(l-1,l-1)
! Y_lm, m = 0
lm = lm + 1
ylm(ig, lm) = c * Q(l,0)
do m = 1, l
! Y_lm, m > 0
ylm(ig, lm+2*m-1) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * Q(l,m) * cos (m*phi)
! Y_lm, m < 0
ylm(ig, lm+2*m ) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * Q(l,m) * sin (m*phi)
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine ylmr2_gpu_kernel
end module ylmr2_gpum
subroutine ylmr2_gpu(lmax2, ng, g, gg, ylm)
! Real spherical harmonics ylm(G) up to l=lmax, GPU version
! lmax2 = (lmax+1)^2 is the total number of spherical harmonics
! Numerical recursive algorithm based on the one given in Numerical
! Recipes but avoiding the calculation of factorials that generate
! overflow for lmax > 11
! Last modified May 2nd, 2021, by PG
#if defined(__CUDA) && defined(__PGI_1910_WORKAROUND)
USE cudafor
USE ylmr2_gpum, ONLY : ylmr2_gpu_kernel
implicit none
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = selected_real_kind(14,200)
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: fpi = 4.0_DP * pi
integer, intent(in) :: lmax2, ng
real(DP), intent(in) :: g (3, ng), gg (ng)
real(DP), intent(out) :: ylm (ng,lmax2)
attributes(device):: g,gg,ylm
! CUDA Fortran Kernel implementation. Optimizes the use of Q (see below)
integer:: lmax
type(dim3):: grid,tBlock
! BEWARE: gg = g(1)^2 + g(2)^2 +g(3)^2 is not checked on input
! incorrect results will ensue if the above does not hold
if (ng < 1 .or. lmax2 < 1) return
do lmax = 0, 25
if ((lmax+1)**2 == lmax2) go to 10
end do
call upf_error (' ylmr', 'l > 25 or wrong number of Ylm required',lmax2)
10 continue
if (lmax > 6) call upf_error (' ylmr', 'l>6 => out of bounds in Ylm with CUDA Kernel',lmax)
tBlock = dim3(256,1,1)
grid = dim3(ceiling(real(ng)/tBlock%x),1,1)
call ylmr2_gpu_kernel<<<grid,tBlock>>>(lmax, lmax2, ng, g, gg, ylm)
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : DP
USE upf_const, ONLY : pi, fpi
integer, intent(in) :: lmax2, ng
real(DP), intent(in) :: g (3, ng), gg (ng)
! BEWARE: gg = g(1)^2 + g(2)^2 +g(3)^2 is not checked on input
! Incorrect results will ensue if gg != g(1)^2 + g(2)^2 +g(3)^2
real(DP), intent(out) :: ylm (ng,lmax2)
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes (device) :: g, gg, ylm
! local variables
real(DP), parameter :: eps = 1.0d-9
real(DP) :: cost , sent, phi
real(DP) :: c, gmod
integer :: lmax, ig, l, m, lm, lm1, lm2
if (ng < 1 .or. lmax2 < 1) return
do lmax = 0, 25
if ((lmax+1)**2 == lmax2) go to 10
end do
call upf_error (' ylmr', 'l > 25 or wrong number of Ylm required',lmax2)
10 continue
if (lmax == 0) then
!$cuf kernel do
do ig=1, ng
ylm(ig,1) = sqrt (1.d0 / fpi)
end do
end if
!$cuf kernel do
do ig=1,ng
gmod = sqrt (gg (ig) )
if (gmod < eps) then
cost = 0.d0
cost = g(3,ig)/gmod
sent = sqrt(max(0.0_dp,1.0_dp-cost*cost))
! cost = cos(theta), sent = sin(theta), with theta = polar angle
! The Q(:,l,m) are defined as sqrt ((l-m)!/(l+m)!) * P(:,l,m),
! where P(:,l,m) are the Legendre Polynomials (0 <= m <= l),
! and are currently stored into Ylm(:,lm) where lm = l**2+1+2*m
! (one might also store them into an array Q(l,m) for each ig)
ylm (ig,1) = 1.d0
ylm (ig,2) = cost
ylm (ig,4) =-sent/sqrt(2.d0)
do l = 2, lmax
! recursion on l for Q(:,l,m)
do m = 0, l - 2
lm = (l )**2 + 1 + 2*m
lm1= (l-1)**2 + 1 + 2*m
lm2= (l-2)**2 + 1 + 2*m
ylm(ig,lm) = cost*(2*l-1)/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*ylm(ig,lm1) &
- sqrt(DBLE((l-1)*(l-1)-m*m))/sqrt(DBLE(l*l-m*m))*ylm(ig,lm2)
end do
lm = (l )**2 + 1 + 2*l
lm1= (l )**2 + 1 + 2*(l-1)
lm2= (l-1)**2 + 1 + 2*(l-1)
ylm(ig,lm1) = cost * sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1)) * ylm(ig,lm2)
ylm(ig,lm ) = - sqrt(DBLE(2*l-1))/sqrt(DBLE(2*l))*sent*ylm(ig,lm2)
end do
! now add cos(phi), sin(phi), and other factors to get the true Ylm
! beware the arc tan, it is defined modulo pi
if (g(1,ig) > eps) then
phi = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) )
else if (g(1,ig) < -eps) then
phi = atan( g(2,ig)/g(1,ig) ) + pi
phi = sign( pi/2.d0,g(2,ig) )
end if
lm = 1
ylm(ig,1) = ylm(ig,1) / sqrt(fpi)
do l = 1, lmax
c = sqrt (DBLE(2*l+1) / fpi)
! Y_lm, m = 0
lm = lm + 1
ylm(ig, lm) = c * ylm(ig,lm)
do m = 1, l
! Y_lm, m > 0
lm = lm + 2
ylm(ig, lm-1) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * ylm(ig,lm) * cos (m*phi)
! Y_lm, m < 0
ylm(ig, lm ) = c * sqrt(2.d0) * ylm(ig,lm) * sin (m*phi)
end do
end do
end subroutine ylmr2_gpu