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! Copyright (C) 2003 A. Smogunov
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! ... Common variables for conductance calculation
MODULE geomcell_cond
USE kinds, only : DP
nrx, & ! number of mesh points in the x direction
nry, & ! -||- y direction
nrzl, & ! number of slabsh in the z direction for the left lead
nrzs, & ! -||- for the scatt. region
nrzr, & ! -||- for the right lead
nrzpl, & ! number of slabs per CPU for the left lead
nrzps, & ! -||- for the scatt. region
nrzpr, & ! -||- for the right lead
ngper, & ! number of perpendicular G vectors
ngpsh, & ! number of shells for G
nkpts, & ! number of kpts in the perpendicular direction
n2d, & ! dimension of reduced vector space in XY
nz1 ! number of subslabs in the slab
ninsh(:) ! number of G in shell
REAL(kind=DP) :: &
bdl, & ! right boundary of the left lead
bds, & ! -||- of the scatt. region
bdr, & ! -||- of the right lead
sarea ! the cross section
zl(:), & ! the division in the z direction of the left lead
zs(:), & ! -||- of the scatt. reg.
zr(:), & ! -||- of the right lead
xyk(:,:), & ! coordinates of perpendicular k points
wkpt(:), & ! the weight of k point
gper(:,:),& ! coordinates of perpendicular G
gnsh(:) ! the norm of the G shell
END MODULE geomcell_cond
MODULE orbcell_cond
USE parameters, only : ndmx, nbrx, npsx
USE kinds, only : DP
! description of nonlocal orbitals
norbl, & ! number of orbitals for the left lead
norbs, & ! -||- for the scatt. region
norbr, & ! -||- for the right lead
nocrosl, & ! number of crossing orbitals for left lead
nocrosr, & ! -||- for the right lead
noinsl, & ! number of interior orbitals for the left lead
noinss, & ! -||- for the scatt. region
noinsr, & ! -||- for the right lead
norbf ! max number of needed orbitals
tblml(:,:), & ! the type/beta/l/m of each orbital for the left lead
tblms(:,:), & ! -||- for the scatt. reg.
tblmr(:,:), & ! -||- for the right lead
crosl(:,:), & ! 1 if the orbital crosses the slab - for the left lead
cross(:,:), & ! -||- for the scatt. reg.
crosr(:,:) ! -||- for the right lead
REAL(kind=DP) :: &
rl(ndmx,npsx), & ! radial mesh for the left lead
rs(ndmx,npsx), & ! -||- for the scatt. reg.
rr(ndmx,npsx), & ! -||- for the right lead
rabl(ndmx,npsx), & ! log. mesh for the left lead
rabs(ndmx,npsx), & ! -||- for the scatt. reg.
rabr(ndmx,npsx), & ! -||- for the right lead
betarl(ndmx,nbrx,npsx), & ! beta functions for the left lead
betars(ndmx,nbrx,npsx), & ! -||- for the scatt. reg.
betarr(ndmx,nbrx,npsx) ! -||- for the right lead
taunewl(:,:), & ! center of each orbital and its radius - left lead
taunews(:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
taunewr(:,:), & ! -||- - right lead
zpseul(:,:,:), & ! coefficients of nonlocal pseudopotential - left lead
zpseus(:,:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
zpseur(:,:,:) ! -||- - right lead
zpseul_nc(:,:,:,:), &! coefficients of nonlocal PP (nc case) - left lead
zpseus_nc(:,:,:,:), &! -||- - scatt. reg.
zpseur_nc(:,:,:,:) ! -||- - right lead
END MODULE orbcell_cond
MODULE eigen_cond
USE kinds, only : DP
! Eigenvalue equation for local potential
vppotl(:,:,:,:), & ! Fourier comp. of local potential in each slab - left lead
vppots(:,:,:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
vppotr(:,:,:,:), & ! -||- - right lead
psiperl(:,:,:), & ! eigenvectors in each slab - left lead
psipers(:,:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
psiperr(:,:,:), & ! -||- - right lead
zkl(:,:), & ! the k for each eigenvalue (computed through zkr) - left lead
zks(:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
zkr(:,:), & ! -||- - right lead
newbg(:,:) ! reduced basis set --> exp(G)
zkrl(:,:), & ! 2d eigenvalues - left lead
zkrs(:,:), & ! -||- - scatt. reg.
zkrr(:,:) ! -||- - right lead
END MODULE eigen_cond
MODULE control_cond
USE kinds, only : DP
! control of the run
orbj_in, orbj_fin, &
ikind, & ! the kind of calculation
nenergy, & ! number of energies computed
iofspin ! spin index for calculation
REAL(kind=DP) :: &
efl, & ! the Ef of the left lead
efs, & ! the Ef of the scatt. reg.
efr, & ! the Ef of the right lead
energy0, & ! initial energy
eryd, & ! the current energy in Ry
denergy, & ! delta of energy
ecut2d, & ! 2D cutoff
ewind, & ! the window above energy for 2D computation
delgep, & ! infinitesimal for GEP
epsproj, & ! accuracy of n2d reduction
cutplot ! cutoff of Im(k) for CB plotting
earr(:), & ! energy array
tran_tot(:) ! transmission array
lwrite_loc, & ! if .t. save eigenproblem result on fil_loc
lread_loc, & ! if .t. read eigenproblem result from fil_loc
llapack, & ! if .t. use LAPACK routine for GEP
lwrite_cond, & ! if .t. save variables needed for pwcond
lread_cond, & ! if .t. read variables needed for pwcond
llocal ! if .t. the local implementation
END MODULE control_cond
MODULE scattnl_cond
USE kinds
! ... The variables computed by scatter_forw
fun0(:,:), &! local fun. on left boundary
fun1(:,:), &! -- right boundary
fund0(:,:), &! local fun.' on left boundary
fund1(:,:), &! -- right boundary
funl0(:,:), &! nonloc. fun. on left boundary
funl1(:,:), &! -- right boundary
fundl0(:,:), &! nonlocal fun.' on left boundary
fundl1(:,:), &! -- right boundary
intw1(:,:), &! integrals with beta-fun. of loc. fun.
intw2(:,:) ! -- nonloc fun.
END MODULE scattnl_cond
MODULE cb_cond
USE kinds
! ... Some variables of CBS for the leads needed for matching
nchanl, &! number of prop. channels in the left lead
nchanr ! -- || -- right lead
kvall(:), &! k for the left lead
kfunl(:,:), &! phi_k(z=d) for the left lead
kfundl(:,:), &! phi_k'(z=d) for the left lead
kintl(:,:), &! integral of phi_k with beta-fun.
kcoefl(:,:), &! coeff. of phi_k over nonloc. fun.
kvalr(:), &! k for the right lead
kfunr(:,:), &! phi_k(z=0) for the right lead
kfundr(:,:), &! phi_k'(z=0) for the right lead
kintr(:,:), &! integral of phi_k with beta-fun.
kcoefr(:,:) ! coeff. of phi_k over nonloc. fun.
END MODULE cb_cond
use geomcell_cond
USE orbcell_cond
USE eigen_cond
USE control_cond
USE scattnl_cond
USE cb_cond