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! Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE basic_structures
!this module describes the basis structures
!which are obtained from a DFT code
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
TYPE wannier_u
!this structure describes the transformation
!from KS to Wannier states together with the KS eigenenergies
INTEGER :: nspin!spin multiplicity
INTEGER :: nums!number of states
INTEGER :: nums_occ(2)!number of occupied states for the two spin channnels
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: ene!KS energies
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: ene_xc!LDA exchange and correlation terms
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: ene_lda_h!LDA exchange and correlation terms
COMPLEX(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: umat!INVERSE transformation matrix to wannier: Psi_i=U_{i,j}w_j
END TYPE wannier_u
TYPE wannier_P
!this structure described the localized and normalized products of wanniers w_P
INTEGER :: numij!number of (unordered)couples of wannier w_i w_j which overlap both with w_P
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: ij!array for i,j (ij,:)
REAL(kind=DP),DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: o!overlap <w_P|w_i*w_j>
END TYPE wannier_P
TYPE v_pot
!this structure describes the coulomb potential on the base of (orthonormalized)
!products of wanniers
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states(products)
REAL(kind=DP),DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: vmat!potentail 1/|r-r'|
END TYPE v_pot
TYPE q_mat
!this structures describes the set of overlap of othonormalized products
!of wanniers with products of wannier
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states(orthonormalized products)
!parameters used for parallelization
LOGICAL :: is_parallel!if true is a parallel part of the global q_mat matrix
INTEGER :: numpw_para!numer of states(orthonormalized products) on this processor
INTEGER :: first_para!first state (orthonormalized products, global order)on this processor
TYPE(wannier_P), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wp!arrays of wannier products descriptors
END TYPE q_mat
TYPE ortho_polaw
!this structure describe the orthonormalization matrix
!it is put here because it's read from a PW file
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states (products of wanniers)
LOGICAL :: inverse!if true, the inverse transform is stored
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: on_mat!the transformation
END TYPE ortho_polaw
TYPE wp_psi
!this structure describe the product of KS wavefunctions with unorthonormalized
!products of wannier \int dr w^P_i(r) w^P_j(r) Psi_v(r) Psi_v(r)
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states (products of wanniers)
INTEGER :: nums_psi!number of states (KS)
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: wwp!terms
END TYPE wp_psi
TYPE wannier_u_prim
!this structure describes the transformation
!from KS to Wannier states in the manifold C'
INTEGER :: nums!total number of states
INTEGER :: nums_occ!number of occupied states
INTEGER :: nums_prim!number of states in manifold C'
COMPLEX(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: umat!INVERSE transformation matrix to wannier: Psi_c'=U_{c',j}w_j
END TYPE wannier_u_prim
TYPE v_pot_prim
!this structure describes the terms <\tilde{w}^P'_i|V|\tilde{w}^P_j'>
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states (products of wanniers)
INTEGER :: numpw_prim!number of states in manifold C' (products of wanniers)
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: ij!array of dimesion(2,numpw_prim) defining the product of w^C'*w^C
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: vmat!coulumbian matrix
LOGICAL :: is_parallel!if true is a parallel part of the global cprim_prod matrix on polarization basis
INTEGER :: numpw_para!numer of states(orthonormalized products) on this processor
INTEGER :: first_para!first state (orthonormalized products, global order)on this processor
END TYPE v_pot_prim
TYPE wp_psi_cutoff_index
!this structure contains the indices for the description of terms \int Psi_i(r)\tilde{w}^P_i\tilde{w}^P_jPsi_i(r)dr
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states (products of wanniers)
INTEGER :: nums_psi!number of states (KS)
INTEGER :: numpwpw!number of products of wannier products
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: index! of dimension (2,numpwpw) indices to wannier products
END TYPE wp_psi_cutoff_index
TYPE wp_psi_cutoff_data
!this structure contains the data for the description of terms \int Psi_i(r)\tilde{w}^P_i\tilde{w}^P_jPsi_i(r)dr
INTEGER :: numpw!number of states (products of wanniers)
INTEGER :: nums_psi!number of states (KS)
INTEGER :: numpwpw!number of products of wannier products
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: wwp! of dimension (numpwpw,nums_psi)
END TYPE wp_psi_cutoff_data
TYPE head_epsilon
!this structure contains the data for the descrpition of the head of the dielectric matrix
!calculated accurately with k_points sampling
!it also contains the data for the treatment of the wings
INTEGER :: n!number of frequency steps
REAL(kind=DP) :: omega!frequency range
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: freqs!frequency steps 2n+1
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: head!elements G=0,G=0 of the dielectric matrix
INTEGER :: numpw!number of products of wanniers
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: gzero!G=0 elements of non orthogonal products of wanniers \tilde{w^P}
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: wing!contains the terms \Sum_G <G|\tilde{w^P_i}>\epsilon(G,G'=0; iw)
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: wing_c!contains the terms \Sum_G <G|\tilde{w^P_i}>\epsilon(G=0,G'; iw)
END TYPE head_epsilon
TYPE cprim_prod
!this structure contains the terms \int Psi_c'(r) Psi_c(r) v(r,r') \tilde{w^P_i}dr dr'
!it can contain also the terms \int Psi_i(r) Psi_v,c(r) v(r,r') \tilde{w^P_i}dr dr'
!it can contain also the terms \int Psi_v(r) Psi_c(r) \tilde{w^P_i} dr
INTEGER :: cprim!conduction band considered
INTEGER :: nums!total number of states
INTEGER :: nums_occ!number of occupied states
INTEGER :: nums_cond!total number of conduction states
INTEGER :: numpw!number of products of wanniers
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: cpmat!product terms
INTEGER :: lda!leading dimension of cpmat important for parallel execution
LOGICAL :: is_parallel!if true is a parallel part of the global cprim_prod matrix on polarization basis
INTEGER :: numpw_para!numer of states(orthonormalized products) on this processor
INTEGER :: first_para!first state (orthonormalized products, global order)on this processor
END TYPE cprim_prod
TYPE upper_states
!this structure contains the data for the reduced upper states
INTEGER :: nums!total number of REGULAR states
INTEGER :: nums_occ!number of occupied states
INTEGER :: nums_reduced!number of reduced states
INTEGER :: nums_tot!number of TOTAL states
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ene!KS energies of reduced states
END TYPE upper_states
TYPE vt_mat_lanczos
!this structure describes the terms
!V^v_{v,l}=<Pc w_v(r)w^P_i(r)|z^v_l>
!where {z^v_l} is an orthonormal basis set which depends on v
INTEGER :: ii!state v
INTEGER :: nums_occ!number of valence states
INTEGER :: numpw!dimension of polarization basis
INTEGER :: numl!number orthonormal states {z^v_l}
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: vt_mat!matrix (numpw, numl)
END TYPE vt_mat_lanczos
TYPE tt_mat_lanczos
!this structure describes the terms
!where {t_j} is an orthonormal basis set spanning the whole manifold
!of the {z^v_l} for all the v
INTEGER :: numt!dimension of the basis {t_j}
INTEGER :: numl!number orthonormal states {z^v_l}
INTEGER :: ii!state v
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: tt_mat!matrix (numt,numl)
END TYPE tt_mat_lanczos
TYPE mat_lanczos_full
!this structures describes the terms
INTEGER :: ii!state KS
INTEGER :: numpw!dimension of polarization basis
INTEGER :: nums!number of global s vectors
COMPLEX(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: f_mat(:,:,:)!(numpw,nums,2)
END TYPE mat_lanczos_full
TYPE lanczos_chain
!this structure described the lanczos chains and relative overlap
!starting from a basis set {t_j}
INTEGER :: numt!dimension of the basis {t_j}
INTEGER :: num_steps!number of lanczos steps
INTEGER :: ii!index of corresponding KS state not used for polarization
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: o_mat! (numt,num_steps,numt) overlaps <t_i|s^j_l>
!with s^j_l l-th lanczos vector staring from t_j
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: d!diagonal terms of H operator (num_steps,numt)
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: f!upper diagonal terms of H operator (num_steps,numt)
END TYPE lanczos_chain
TYPE partial_occ
!this structure described the date for treating partially occupied states when calculating P
INTEGER :: nums_occ!total number of occupied states (also partially)
INTEGER :: nums_occ_min!total number of fully occupied states
INTEGER :: numpw!dimension of polarizability basis
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: f_occ!occupations of KS states
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: ppp_mat!overlaps psi_v(r)psi_v'(r)phi_mu(r)
END TYPE partial_occ
TYPE semicore
!this structure contains the terms \inr dr psi_i(r)\psi^sc_v(r)\Phi_mu(r)
!and the energies of semicore states
INTEGER :: numpw!dimension of polarizability basis
INTEGER :: n_semicore!number of semicore states
INTEGER :: nums!number of KS states
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: en_sc!semicore energies in Ry
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: ppw_mat!overlaps dimension:numpw,n_semicore,nums
END TYPE semicore
TYPE contour_terms
!this structure contains the terms <psi_i|s_\alpha>
INTEGER :: nums!number of KS states
INTEGER :: numt!dimension of global s basis
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:),POINTER :: cmat!the overlaps
END TYPE contour_terms
TYPE full_prods
!this structure contains the terms \int dr conjg(\psi_i(r))\psi_j(r)(v\phi_\mu)(r)
!for full relativistic calculations
INTEGER :: nums!number of KS states of iterest
INTEGER :: nbnd!total number of KS states
INTEGER :: numpw!dimension of polarizability basis
INTEGER :: numv!number of occupied valence states
REAL(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: ene_ks!KS energies (nbnd)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: gmat!product terms (numpw,2,nbnd,nums)
END TYPE full_prods
!these routines deallocate the allocates structures
INTERFACE free_memory
MODULE PROCEDURE free_wannier_u,free_wannier_P,free_v_pot, free_q_mat, free_memory_ortho_polaw, &
&free_memory_wp_psi, free_memory_wannier_u_prim, free_memory_v_pot_prim, free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_index,&
&free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_data, free_memory_head_epsilon, free_cprim_prod, free_memory_upper_states,&
free_memory_vt_mat_lanczos, free_memory_tt_mat_lanczos, free_memory_lanczos_chain, free_memory_partial_occ,&
INTERFACE initialize_memory
MODULE PROCEDURE initialize_memory_cprim_prod, initialize_memory_upper_states,initialize_memory_vt_mat_lanczos,&
subroutine free_wannier_u( r)
implicit none
type(wannier_u) :: r
if(associated(r%ene)) deallocate(r%ene)
if(associated(r%umat)) deallocate(r%umat)
if(associated(r%ene_xc)) deallocate(r%ene_xc)
if(associated(r%ene_lda_h)) deallocate(r%ene_lda_h)
end subroutine free_wannier_u
subroutine free_wannier_P( w_P)
implicit none
type(wannier_P) :: w_P
if(associated(w_P%ij)) deallocate(w_P%ij)
if(associated(w_P%o)) deallocate(w_P%o)
end subroutine free_wannier_P
subroutine free_v_pot(vp)
implicit none
type(v_pot) :: vp
if(associated(vp%vmat)) deallocate(vp%vmat)
end subroutine free_v_pot
subroutine free_q_mat( qm)
implicit none
type(q_mat) :: qm
integer :: iw
if(associated(qm%wp)) then
do iw=1,qm%numpw_para
call free_wannier_P(qm%wp(iw))
end subroutine free_q_mat
SUBROUTINE free_memory_ortho_polaw(op)
!this subroutine deallocates the green descriptor
implicit none
TYPE(ortho_polaw) op
if(associated(op%on_mat)) deallocate(op%on_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_ortho_polaw
SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi( wp)
implicit none
TYPE(wp_psi) :: wp
if(associated(wp%wwp)) deallocate(wp%wwp)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi
SUBROUTINE free_memory_wannier_u_prim( ww)
implicit none
TYPE(wannier_u_prim) :: ww
if(associated(ww%umat)) deallocate(ww%umat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_wannier_u_prim
SUBROUTINE free_memory_v_pot_prim(vp)
implicit none
TYPE(v_pot_prim) :: vp
if(associated(vp%ij)) deallocate(vp%ij)
if(associated(vp%vmat)) deallocate(vp%vmat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_v_pot_prim
SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_index(wpi)
implicit none
TYPE(wp_psi_cutoff_index) :: wpi
if(associated(wpi%index)) deallocate(wpi%index)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_index
SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_data(wp)
implicit none
TYPE(wp_psi_cutoff_data) :: wp
if(associated(wp%wwp)) deallocate(wp%wwp)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_wp_psi_cutoff_data
SUBROUTINE free_memory_head_epsilon(he)
implicit none
TYPE(head_epsilon) :: he
if(associated(he%freqs)) deallocate(he%freqs)
if(associated(he%head)) deallocate(he%head)
if(associated(he%gzero)) deallocate(he%gzero)
if(associated(he%wing)) deallocate(he%wing)
if (associated(he%wing_c)) deallocate(he%wing_c)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_head_epsilon
SUBROUTINE free_cprim_prod(cpp)
implicit none
TYPE(cprim_prod) :: cpp
if(associated(cpp%cpmat)) deallocate( cpp%cpmat)
END SUBROUTINE free_cprim_prod
SUBROUTINE free_memory_full_prods(fp)
implicit none
TYPE(full_prods) ::fp
if(associated(fp%ene_ks)) deallocate(fp%ene_ks)
if(associated(fp%gmat)) deallocate(fp%gmat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_full_prods
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_full_prods(fp)
implicit none
TYPE(full_prods) ::fp
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_full_prods
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_cprim_prod(cpp)
implicit none
TYPE(cprim_prod) :: cpp
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_cprim_prod
SUBROUTINE free_memory_upper_states(us)
implicit none
TYPE(upper_states) :: us
if(associated(us%ene)) deallocate(us%ene)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_upper_states
SUBROUTINE free_memory_partial_occ(po)
implicit none
TYPE(partial_occ) :: po
if(associated(po%f_occ)) deallocate(po%f_occ)
if(associated(po%ppp_mat)) deallocate(po%ppp_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_partial_occ
SUBROUTINE free_memory_semicore(sc)
implicit none
TYPE(semicore) :: sc
if(associated(sc%en_sc)) deallocate(sc%en_sc)
if(associated(sc%ppw_mat)) deallocate(sc%ppw_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_semicore
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_semicore(sc)
implicit none
TYPE(semicore) :: sc
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_semicore
SUBROUTINE free_memory_contour_terms(ct)
implicit none
TYPE(contour_terms) :: ct
if(associated(ct%cmat)) deallocate(ct%cmat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_contour_terms
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_contour_terms(ct)
implicit none
TYPE(contour_terms) :: ct
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_contour_terms
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_partial_occ(po)
implicit none
TYPE(partial_occ) :: po
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_partial_occ
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_upper_states(us)
implicit none
TYPE(upper_states) :: us
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_upper_states
SUBROUTINE free_memory_vt_mat_lanczos( vtl)
implicit none
TYPE(vt_mat_lanczos) :: vtl
if(associated(vtl%vt_mat)) deallocate(vtl%vt_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_vt_mat_lanczos
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_vt_mat_lanczos( vtl)
implicit none
TYPE(vt_mat_lanczos) :: vtl
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_vt_mat_lanczos
SUBROUTINE free_memory_mat_lanczos_full( full)
implicit none
TYPE(mat_lanczos_full) :: full
if(associated(full%f_mat)) deallocate(full%f_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_mat_lanczos_full
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_mat_lanczos_full( full)
implicit none
TYPE(mat_lanczos_full) :: full
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_mat_lanczos_full
SUBROUTINE free_memory_tt_mat_lanczos( ttl)
implicit none
TYPE(tt_mat_lanczos) :: ttl
if(associated(ttl%tt_mat)) deallocate(ttl%tt_mat)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_tt_mat_lanczos
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_tt_mat_lanczos( ttl)
implicit none
TYPE(tt_mat_lanczos) :: ttl
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_tt_mat_lanczos
SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_lanczos_chain( lc)
implicit none
TYPE(lanczos_chain) :: lc
END SUBROUTINE initialize_memory_lanczos_chain
SUBROUTINE free_memory_lanczos_chain( lc)
implicit none
TYPE(lanczos_chain) :: lc
if(associated(lc%o_mat)) deallocate(lc%o_mat)
if(associated(lc%d)) deallocate(lc%d)
if(associated(lc%f)) deallocate(lc%f)
END SUBROUTINE free_memory_lanczos_chain
END MODULE basic_structures