
327 lines
8.4 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine sph_bes (msh, r, q, l, jl)
!$acc routine vector
!! Spherical Bessel function.
USE upf_kinds, only: DP
USE upf_const, only: eps14
implicit none
integer :: msh
!! number of grid points points
integer :: l
!! angular momentum (-1 <= l <= 6)
real(DP) :: r (msh)
!! radial grid
real(DP) :: q
!! q
real(DP) :: jl (msh)
!! Output: Spherical Bessel function \(j_l(q*r(i))\)
! xseries = convergence radius of the series for small x of j_l(x)
real(DP) :: x, xl, xseries = 0.05_dp
integer :: i, ir, ir0
integer :: semifact
#if defined (__MASS)
real(DP) :: qr(msh), sin_qr(msh), cos_qr(msh)
! case q=0
if (abs (q) < eps14) then
if (l == -1) then
stop !call upf_error ('sph_bes', 'j_{-1}(0) ?!?', 1)
elseif (l == 0) then
!$acc loop vector
do ir = 1, msh
jl(ir) = 1.d0
!$acc loop vector
do ir = 1, msh
jl(ir) = 0.d0
end if
! case l=-1
if (l == - 1) then
if (abs (q * r (1) ) < eps14) stop !call upf_error ('sph_bes', 'j_{-1}(0) ?!?',1)
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
jl = cos_qr / qr
!$acc loop vector
do ir = 1, msh
jl (ir) = cos (q * r (ir) ) / (q * r (ir) )
end if
! series expansion for small values of the argument
! ir0 is the first grid point for which q*r(ir0) > xseries
! notice that for small q it may happen that q*r(msh) < xseries !
ir0 = msh+1
!$acc loop vector
do ir = 1, msh
if ( abs (q * r (ir) ) > xseries ) then
ir0 = ir
end if
end do
!$acc loop vector
do ir = 1, ir0 - 1
x = q * r (ir)
if ( l == 0 ) then
xl = 1.0_dp
xl = x**l
end if
semifact = 1
!$acc loop seq reduction(*:semifact)
do i = 2*l+1, 1, -2
semifact = i*semifact
jl (ir) = xl/DBLE(semifact) * &
( 1.0_dp - x**2/1.0_dp/2.0_dp/DBLE(2*l+3) * &
( 1.0_dp - x**2/2.0_dp/2.0_dp/DBLE(2*l+5) * &
( 1.0_dp - x**2/3.0_dp/2.0_dp/DBLE(2*l+7) * &
( 1.0_dp - x**2/4.0_dp/2.0_dp/DBLE(2*l+9) ) ) ) )
end do
! the following shouldn't be needed but do you trust compilers
! to do the right thing in this special case ? I don't - PG
if ( ir0 > msh ) return
if (l == 0) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = sin_qr(ir0:) / (q * r (ir0:) )
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = sin (q * r (ir) ) / (q * r (ir) )
elseif (l == 1) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = ( sin_qr(ir0:) / (q * r (ir0:) ) - &
cos_qr(ir0:) ) / (q * r (ir0:) )
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = (sin (q * r (ir) ) / (q * r (ir) ) - &
cos (q * r (ir) ) ) / (q * r (ir) )
elseif (l == 2) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = ( (3.d0 / (q*r(ir0:)) - (q*r(ir0:)) ) * sin_qr(ir0: ) - &
3.d0 * cos_qr(ir0:) ) / (q*r(ir0:))**2
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = ( (3.d0 / (q*r(ir)) - (q*r(ir)) ) * sin (q*r(ir)) - &
3.d0 * cos (q*r(ir)) ) / (q*r(ir))**2
elseif (l == 3) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = (sin_qr (ir0:) * &
(15.d0 / (q*r(ir0:)) - 6.d0 * (q*r(ir0:)) ) + &
cos_qr (ir0:) * ( (q*r(ir0:))**2 - 15.d0) ) / &
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = (sin (q*r(ir)) * &
(15.d0 / (q*r(ir)) - 6.d0 * (q*r(ir)) ) + &
cos (q*r(ir)) * ( (q*r(ir))**2 - 15.d0) ) / &
(q*r(ir)) **3
elseif (l == 4) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = (sin_qr (ir0:) * &
(105.d0 - 45.d0 * (q*r(ir0:))**2 + (q*r(ir0:))**4) + &
cos_qr (ir0:) * &
(10.d0 * (q*r(ir0:))**3 - 105.d0 * (q*r(ir0:))) ) / &
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = (sin (q*r(ir)) * &
(105.d0 - 45.d0 * (q*r(ir))**2 + (q*r(ir))**4) + &
cos (q*r(ir)) * &
(10.d0 * (q*r(ir))**3 - 105.d0 * (q*r(ir))) ) / &
elseif (l == 5) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = (-cos_qr(ir0:) - &
(945.d0*cos_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) ** 4 + &
(105.d0*cos_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) ** 2 + &
(945.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) ** 5 - &
(420.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) ** 3 + &
( 15.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) ) / (q*r(ir0:))
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = (-cos(q*r(ir)) - &
(945.d0*cos(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) ** 4 + &
(105.d0*cos(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) ** 2 + &
(945.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) ** 5 - &
(420.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) ** 3 + &
( 15.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) ) / (q*r(ir))
elseif (l == 6) then
#if defined (__MASS)
qr = q * r
call vcos( cos_qr, qr, msh)
call vsin( sin_qr, qr, msh)
jl (ir0:) = ((-10395.d0*cos_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:))**5 + &
( 1260.d0*cos_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:))**3 - &
( 21.d0*cos_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:)) - &
sin_qr(ir0:) + &
( 10395.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:))**6 - &
( 4725.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:))**4 + &
( 210.d0*sin_qr(ir0:)) / (q*r(ir0:))**2 ) / (q*r(ir0:))
!$acc loop vector
do ir = ir0, msh
jl (ir) = ((-10395.d0*cos(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir))**5 + &
( 1260.d0*cos(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir))**3 - &
( 21.d0*cos(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir)) - &
sin(q*r(ir)) + &
( 10395.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir))**6 - &
( 4725.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir))**4 + &
( 210.d0*sin(q*r(ir))) / (q*r(ir))**2 ) / (q*r(ir))
stop !call upf_error ('sph_bes', 'not implemented', abs(l))
end subroutine sph_bes
integer function semifact(n)
! semifact(n) = n!!
implicit none
integer :: n, i
semifact = 1
do i = n, 1, -2
semifact = i*semifact
end do
end function semifact
SUBROUTINE sph_dbes ( nr, r, xg, l, jl, djl )
!! Calculates \(x*dj_l(x)/dx\) using the recursion formula:
!! $$ dj_l(x)/dx = l/x j_l(x) - j_{l+1}(x) $$
!! for \(l=0\), and for \(l>0\):
!! $$ dj_l(x)/dx = j_{l-1}(x) - (l+1)/x j_l(x) $$
!! Requires \(j_l(r)\) in input.
!! Used only in CP. Note that upflib uses numerical differentiation.
USE upf_kinds, only: DP
USE upf_const, ONLY : eps8
REAL (DP), INTENT(IN) :: xg, jl(nr), r(nr)
REAL (DP), INTENT(OUT):: djl(nr)
if ( xg < eps8 ) then
! special case q=0
! note that x*dj_l(x)/dx = 0 for x = 0
djl(:) = 0.0d0
if ( l > 0 ) then
call sph_bes ( nr, r, xg, l-1, djl )
djl(:) = djl(:) * (xg * r(:) ) - (l+1) * jl(:)
else if ( l == 0 ) then
call sph_bes ( nr, r, xg, l+1, djl )
djl(:) = - djl(:) * (xg * r(:) )
call upf_error('sph_dbes','l < 0 not implemented', abs(l) )
end if
end if
end SUBROUTINE sph_dbes