
333 lines
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input_description -distribution {Quantum ESPRESSO} -package PWscf -program pwcond.x {
toc {}
intro {
This program computes the transmittance of a system and/or its
complex band structure.
It is controlled through the following variables
in the namelist inputcond.
Structure of the input data:
namelist INPUTCOND {
var outdir -type CHARACTER {
info {
temporary directory (as in PWscf)
var prefixt -type CHARACTER {
info {
prefix for the file (as in PWscf) containing all the
regions (left lead + scatt. reg. + right lead)
var prefixl -type CHARACTER {
info {
prefix for the file containing only the left lead
var prefixs -type CHARACTER {
info {
prefix for the file containing the scattering region
var prefixr -type CHARACTER {
info {
prefix for the file containing only the right lead
var tran_prefix -type CHARACTER {
default { none }
see { recover }
info {
if tran_prefix is specified the program will save partial results
of a transmission calculation (ikind .GE. 1) in a specific
directory (outdir/tran_prefix.cond_save)
var max_seconds -type REAL {
default { 1.D+7, or 150 days, i.e. no time limit }
see { tran_prefix }
info {
jobs stops after max_seconds elapsed time (wallclock time).
It can be enabled only if tran_prefix is specified.
var recover -type LOGICAL {
default { .FALSE. }
see { tran_prefix }
info {
restarts a previously interrupted transmission calculation (only if
tran_prefix was specified). It can also be used to gather partial
results from a calculation that was split by using start_e,last_e
and/or start_k,last_k (see corresponding keywords).
var band_file -type CHARACTER {
info {
file on which the complex bands are saved
var tran_file -type CHARACTER {
info {
file where the transmission is written
var save_file -type CHARACTER {
info {
file where the data necessary for PWCOND are written
so that no prefix files of PW are longer needed
var fil_loc -type CHARACTER {
info {
file on/from which the 2D eigenvalue problem data are
var lwrite_cond -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. save the data necessary for PWCOND in save_file
var loop_ek -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. the energy loop is outside the k-point loop
var lread_cond -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. read the data necessary for PWCOND from save_file
var lwrite_loc -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. save 2D eigenvalue problem result in fil_loc
var lread_loc -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. read 2D eigenvalue problem result from fil_loc
var ikind -type INTEGER {
info {
The kind of conductance calculation:
ikind=0 - just complex band structure (CBS) calculation
ikind=1 - conductance calculation with identical
left and right leads
ikind=2 - conductance calculation with different
left and right leads
var iofspin -type INTEGER {
info {
spin index for which the calculations are performed
var tk_plot -type INTEGER {
info {
if > 0, plot T(kx,ky) at each energy in the region [tk_plot x full BZ]
var llocal -type LOGICAL {
info {
if .t. calculations are done with only local part of PP
var bdl -type REAL {
info {
right boundary of the left lead (left one is supposed to be at 0)
(in units of lattice parameter "alat" defined in the scf run)
var bds -type REAL {
info {
right boundary of the scatt. reg. (left one is at 0 if prefixs
is used and = bdl if prefixt is used)
(in units of lattice parameter "alat" defined in the scf run)
var bdr -type REAL {
info {
right boundary of the right lead (left one is at 0 if prefixr
is used and = bds if prefixt is used)
(in units of lattice parameter "alat" defined in the scf run)
var nz1 -type INTEGER {
info {
the number of subslabs in the slab (to calculate integrals)
var energy0 -type REAL {
info {
initial energy
var denergy -type REAL {
info {
energy step (if denergy=0.0 the energy is read from the list)
var nenergy -type INTEGER {
info {
number of energies
WARNING: the energy in input file is given in eV taken from Ef,
and denergy should be negative
var start_e -type INTEGER {
default { 1 }
see { last_e }
info {
if start_e > 1, the scattering problem is solved only for those
energies with index between start_e and last_e in the energy list.
NOTE: start_e <= last_e and start_e <= nenergy must be satisfied
var last_e -type INTEGER {
default { nenergy }
see { start_e }
info {
index of the last energy to be computed. If last_e > nenergy,
then last_e will be automatically set to nenergy.
var start_k -type INTEGER {
default { 1 }
see { last_k }
info {
if start_k > 1, the scattering problem is solved only for those
k-points with index between start_k and last_k in the k-point list.
In order to recover the full transmission (i.e. integrated over the
full Brillouin Zone) at the end, perform the partial runs specifying
a value for tran_prefix (the restart directory), then put all the
partial transmission files 'transmission_k#_e#' inside a unique
restart directory and run pwcond.x with recover=.TRUE. (without
specifying any value for start_k and last_k).
NOTE: start_k <= last_k must be satisfied and start_k must also
not be greater than the actual number of k-point in the list
(if you compute the grid automatically by specifying the grid
size and shifts, you can use kpoints.x to check that number).
var last_k -type INTEGER {
default { nenergy }
see { start_k }
info {
index of the last k-point to be computed. If last_k is bigger than the
actual number of points in the list, then it will be set to that number.
var ecut2d -type REAL {
info {
2-D cutoff
var ewind -type REAL {
info {
the energy window for reduction of 2D plane wave basis set (in XY)
var epsproj -type REAL {
info {
accuracy of 2D basis set reduction
var orbj_in -type REAL {
info {
the initial orbital for projecting the transmission
var orbj_fin -type REAL {
info {
the final orbital for projecting the transmission
card K_and_Energy_Points -nameless 1 {
syntax {
line {
var nkpts -type INTEGER {
info {
Number of k_\perp points
table k_points {
rows -start 1 -end nkpts {
colgroup -type REAL {
col kx
col ky
col weight
info {
k-point coordinates and weights
line {
var nenergy -type INTEGER {
info {
number of energy points