
262 lines
8.2 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine read_ncpp (iunps, np, upf)
USE kinds, only: dp
USE parameters, ONLY: lmaxx
use funct, only: set_dft_from_name, dft_is_hybrid
USE pseudo_types
implicit none
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer :: iunps, np
real(DP) :: cc(2), alpc(2), aps(6,0:3), alps(3,0:3), &
a_nlcc, b_nlcc, alpha_nlcc
real(DP) :: x, vll
real(DP), allocatable:: vnl(:,:)
real(DP), parameter :: rcut = 10.d0, e2 = 2.d0
real(DP), external :: qe_erf
integer :: nlc, nnl, lmax, lloc
integer :: nb, i, l, ir, ios=0
logical :: bhstype, numeric
! read norm-conserving PPs
read (iunps, *, end=300, err=300, iostat=ios) upf%dft
if (upf%dft(1:2) .eq.'**') upf%dft = 'PZ'
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) upf%psd, upf%zp, lmax, nlc, &
nnl, upf%nlcc, lloc, bhstype
if (nlc > 2 .or. nnl > 3) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'Wrong nlc or nnl', np)
if (nlc*nnl < 0) call errore ('read_ncpp', 'nlc*nnl < 0 ? ', np)
if (upf%zp <= 0d0 .or. upf%zp > 100 ) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'Wrong zp ', np)
! In numeric pseudopotentials both nlc and nnl are zero.
numeric = (nlc <= 0) .and. (nnl <= 0)
if (lloc == -1000) lloc = lmax
if (lloc < 0 .or. lmax < 0 .or. &
.not.numeric .and. (lloc > min(lmax+1,lmaxx+1) .or. &
lmax > max(lmaxx,lloc)) .or. &
numeric .and. (lloc > lmax .or. lmax > lmaxx) ) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong lmax and/or lloc', np)
if (.not.numeric ) then
! read here pseudopotentials in analytic form
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) &
(alpc(i), i=1,2), (cc(i), i=1,2)
if (abs (cc(1)+cc(2)-1.d0) > 1.0d-6) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong pseudopotential coefficients', 1)
do l = 0, lmax
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) (alps(i,l), i=1,3), &
(aps(i,l), i=1,6)
if (upf%nlcc ) then
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) &
a_nlcc, b_nlcc, alpha_nlcc
if (alpha_nlcc <= 0.d0) call errore('read_ncpp','alpha_nlcc=0',np)
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) upf%zmesh, upf%xmin, upf%dx, &
upf%mesh, upf%nwfc
if ( upf%mesh <= 0) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong number of mesh points', np)
if ( upf%nwfc < 0 .or. &
(upf%nwfc < lmax .and. lloc == lmax) .or. &
(upf%nwfc < lmax+1 .and. lloc /= lmax) ) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong no. of wfcts', np)
! Here pseudopotentials in numeric form are read
ALLOCATE ( upf%chi(upf%mesh,upf%nwfc), upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
upf%rho_atc(:) = 0.d0
ALLOCATE ( upf%lchi(upf%nwfc), upf%oc(upf%nwfc) )
allocate (vnl(upf%mesh, 0:lmax))
if (numeric ) then
do l = 0, lmax
read (iunps, '(a)', err=300, iostat=ios)
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) (vnl(ir,l), ir=1,upf%mesh )
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) (upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh)
! Here pseudowavefunctions (in numeric form) are read
do nb = 1, upf%nwfc
read (iunps, '(a)', err=300, iostat=ios)
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) upf%lchi(nb), upf%oc(nb)
! Test lchi and occupation numbers
if (nb <= lmax .and. upf%lchi(nb)+1 /= nb) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'order of wavefunctions', 1)
if (upf%lchi(nb) > lmaxx .or. upf%lchi(nb) < 0) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong lchi', np)
if (upf%oc(nb) < 0.d0 .or. upf%oc(nb) > 2.d0*(2*upf%lchi(nb)+1)) &
call errore ('read_ncpp', 'wrong oc', np)
read (iunps, *, err=300, iostat=ios) ( upf%chi(ir,nb), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! PP read: now setup
IF ( numeric ) THEN
upf%generated='Generated by old ld1 code (numerical format)'
upf%generated='From published tables, or generated by old fitcar code (analytical format)'
call set_dft_from_name( upf%dft )
! calculate the number of beta functions
upf%nbeta = 0
do l = 0, lmax
if (l /= lloc ) upf%nbeta = upf%nbeta + 1
ALLOCATE ( upf%lll(upf%nbeta) )
nb = 0
do l = 0, lmax
if (l /= lloc ) then
nb = nb + 1
upf%lll (nb) = l
end if
! compute the radial mesh
ALLOCATE ( upf%r(upf%mesh), upf%rab(upf%mesh) )
do ir = 1, upf%mesh
x = upf%xmin + DBLE (ir - 1) * upf%dx
upf%r(ir) = exp (x) / upf%zmesh
upf%rab(ir) = upf%dx * upf%r(ir)
do ir = 1, upf%mesh
if ( upf%r(ir) > rcut) then
upf%kkbeta = ir
go to 5
end if
end do
upf%kkbeta = upf%mesh
! ... force kkbeta to be odd for simpson integration (obsolete?)
5 upf%kkbeta = 2 * ( ( upf%kkbeta + 1 ) / 2) - 1
ALLOCATE ( upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta) )
upf%kbeta(:) = upf%kkbeta
ALLOCATE ( upf%vloc(upf%mesh) )
upf%vloc (:) = 0.d0
if (.not. numeric) then
! bring analytic potentials into numerical form
IF ( nlc == 2 .AND. nnl == 3 .AND. bhstype ) &
CALL bachel( alps(1,0), aps(1,0), 1, lmax )
do i = 1, nlc
do ir = 1, upf%kkbeta
upf%vloc (ir) = upf%vloc (ir) - upf%zp * e2 * cc (i) * &
qe_erf ( sqrt (alpc(i)) * upf%r(ir) ) / upf%r(ir)
end do
end do
do l = 0, lmax
vnl (:, l) = upf%vloc (1:upf%mesh)
do i = 1, nnl
vnl (:, l) = vnl (:, l) + e2 * (aps (i, l) + &
aps (i + 3, l) * upf%r (:) **2) * &
exp ( - upf%r(:) **2 * alps (i, l) )
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
upf%rho_atc(:) = ( a_nlcc + b_nlcc*upf%r(:)**2 ) * &
exp ( -upf%r(:)**2 * alpha_nlcc )
end if
end if
! assume l=lloc as local part and subtract from the other channels
if (lloc <= lmax ) &
upf%vloc (:) = vnl (:, lloc)
! lloc > lmax is allowed for PP in analytical form only
! it means that only the erf part is taken as local part
do l = 0, lmax
if (l /= lloc) vnl (:, l) = vnl(:, l) - upf%vloc(:)
! compute the atomic charges
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_at (upf%mesh) )
upf%rho_at(:) = 0.d0
do nb = 1, upf%nwfc
if ( upf%oc(nb) > 0.d0) then
do ir = 1, upf%mesh
upf%rho_at(ir) = upf%rho_at(ir) + upf%oc(nb) * upf%chi(ir,nb)**2
! convert to separable (KB) form
ALLOCATE ( upf%beta (upf%mesh, upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%dion (upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta), upf%lll (upf%nbeta) )
upf%dion (:,:) = 0.d0
nb = 0
do l = 0, lmax
if (l /= lloc ) then
nb = nb + 1
! upf%beta is used here as work space
do ir = 1, upf%kkbeta
upf%beta (ir, nb) = upf%chi(ir, l+1) **2 * vnl(ir, l)
end do
call simpson (upf%kkbeta, upf%beta (1, nb), upf%rab, vll )
upf%dion (nb, nb) = 1.d0 / vll
! upf%beta stores projectors |beta(r)> = |V_nl(r)phi(r)>
do ir = 1, upf%kkbeta
upf%beta (ir, nb) = vnl (ir, l) * upf%chi (ir, l + 1)
upf%lll (nb) = l
deallocate (vnl)
! for compatibility with USPP
upf%nqf = 0
upf%nqlc= 0
upf%tvanp =.false.
upf%tpawp =.false.
! Set additional, not present, variables to dummy values
upf%els(:) = 'nX'
upf%els_beta(:) = 'nX'
allocate(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta))
upf%rcut(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus(:) = 0._dp
300 call errore ('read_ncpp', 'pseudo file is empty or wrong', abs (np) )
end subroutine read_ncpp