
152 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2002 CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "../include/machine.h"
MODULE fft_cp
USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_dlay_descriptor, fft_dlay_allocate, fft_dlay_deallocate, &
subroutine cfft_cp (f,nr1,nr2,nr3,nr1x,nr2x,nr3x,sign, dfft)
! sign = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential
! sign = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions
! sign = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R)
! fft along z using pencils (cft_1)
! transpose across nodes (fft_scatter)
! and reorder
! fft along y (using planes) and x (cft_2)
! sign = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega
! fft along x and y(using planes) (cft_2)
! transpose across nodes (fft_scatter)
! and reorder
! fft along z using pencils (cft_1)
! The array "planes" signals whether a fft is needed along y :
! planes(i)=0 : column f(i,*,*) empty , don't do fft along y
! planes(i)=1 : column f(i,*,*) filled, fft along y needed
! "empty" = no active components are present in f(i,*,*)
! after (sign>0) or before (sign<0) the fft on z direction
! Note that if sign=+/-1 (fft on rho and pot.) all fft's are needed
! and all planes(i) are set to 1
! based on code written by Stefano de Gironcoli for PWSCF
use mp_global, only: mpime, nproc
use work_fft
use fft_base, only: fft_scatter
use fft_scalar, only: cft_1z, cft_2xy
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nr1,nr2,nr3,nr1x,nr2x,nr3x,sign
type (fft_dlay_descriptor), intent(in) :: dfft
complex(kind=8) :: f( dfft%nnr )
integer mc, i, j, ii, proc, k, nppx, me
integer planes(nr1x)
! see comments in cfftp for the logic (or lack of it) of the following
if ( nr1 /= dfft%nr1 ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 1)
if ( nr2 /= dfft%nr2 ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 2)
if ( nr3 /= dfft%nr3 ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 3)
if ( nr1x /= dfft%nr1x ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 4)
if ( nr2x /= dfft%nr2x ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 5)
if ( nr3x /= dfft%nr3x ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong dims ', 6)
if ( dfft%tptr < 1 .OR. dfft%tptr > 2 ) call errore(' cfft ',' wrong table pointer ', 6)
me = mpime + 1
if ( nproc == 1 ) then
nppx = dfft%nr3x
nppx = dfft%npp(me)
end if
if ( sign > 0 ) then
if ( sign /= 2 ) then
call cft_1z( f, dfft%nsp(me), nr3, nr3x, sign, aux)
call fft_scatter( aux, nr3x, dfft%nnr, f, dfft%nsp, dfft%npp, sign)
f(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do i = 1, dfft%nst
mc = dfft%ismap( i )
do j = 1, dfft%npp(me)
f( mc + (j-1) * dfft%nnp ) = aux( j + (i-1) * nppx)
end do
end do
planes = dfft%iplp
call cft_1z( f, dfft%nsw(me), nr3, nr3x, sign, aux)
call fft_scatter( aux, nr3x, dfft%nnr, f, dfft%nsw, dfft%npp, sign)
f(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
ii = 0
do proc=1,nproc
do i=1,dfft%nsw(proc)
mc = dfft%ismap( i + dfft%iss(proc) )
ii = ii + 1
do j=1,dfft%npp(me)
f(mc+(j-1)*dfft%nnp) = aux(j + (ii-1)*nppx)
end do
end do
end do
planes = dfft%iplw
end if
call cft_2xy( f, dfft%npp(me), nr1, nr2, nr1x, nr2x, sign, planes)
if (sign.ne.-2) then
planes = dfft%iplp
planes = dfft%iplw
call cft_2xy( f, dfft%npp(me), nr1, nr2, nr1x, nr2x, sign, planes)
if (sign.ne.-2) then
do i=1,dfft%nst
mc = dfft%ismap( i )
do j=1,dfft%npp(me)
aux(j + (i-1)*nppx) = f(mc+(j-1)*dfft%nnp)
end do
end do
call fft_scatter(aux,nr3x,dfft%nnr,f,dfft%nsp,dfft%npp,sign)
call cft_1z( aux, dfft%nsp(me), nr3, nr3x, sign, f)
ii = 0
do proc=1,nproc
do i=1,dfft%nsw(proc)
mc = dfft%ismap( i + dfft%iss(proc) )
ii = ii + 1
do j=1,dfft%npp(me)
aux(j + (ii-1)*nppx) = f(mc+(j-1)*dfft%nnp)
end do
end do
end do
call fft_scatter(aux,nr3x,dfft%nnr,f,dfft%nsw,dfft%npp,sign)
call cft_1z(aux,dfft%nsw(me),nr3,nr3x,sign,f)
end if
end if
end subroutine