
409 lines
13 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine ccgdiagg_nc (nmax, n, nbnd, psi, e, precondition, eps, &
maxter, reorder, notconv, avg_iter, npol)
! "poor man" iterative diagonalization of a complex hermitian matrix
! through preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm
! Band-by-band algorithm with minimal use of memory
! Calls h_1psi to calculate H|psi> and S|psi>
! Works for generalized eigenvalue problem (US pseudopotentials) as well
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, only : DP
USE pwcom, ONLY : okvan, vkb, nkb, npwx
USE becmod, ONLY: becp_nc
implicit none
logical :: reorder
integer :: nmax, n, nbnd, notconv, maxter, npol
complex(kind=DP) :: psi(nmax*npol,nbnd)
real(kind=DP) :: e (nbnd), precondition (nmax,npol), eps, avg_iter
integer :: i, j, m, iter, moved
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: spsi (:), lagrange (:), &
hpsi (:), g (:), cg (:), scg (:), ppsi (:), g0 (:)
complex(kind=DP) :: ZDOTC
real(kind=DP) :: norma, a0, b0, gg0, gamma, gg, gg1, theta, cg0, e0, &
es (2), DDOT
external ZDOTC, DDOT
real(kind=8), parameter:: pi = 3.14159265358979d0
call start_clock ('ccgdiagg')
allocate (spsi(nmax*npol))
allocate (scg( nmax*npol))
allocate (hpsi(nmax*npol))
allocate (g( nmax*npol))
allocate (cg( nmax*npol))
allocate (g0( nmax*npol))
allocate (ppsi(nmax*npol))
allocate (lagrange( nbnd))
spsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
scg = (0.d0, 0.d0)
hpsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
g = (0.d0, 0.d0)
cg = (0.d0, 0.d0)
g0 = (0.d0, 0.d0)
ppsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
lagrange = (0.d0, 0.d0)
avg_iter = 0.d0
notconv = 0
moved = 0
! every eigenfunction is calculated separately
do m = 1, nbnd
! calculate S|psi>
call ccalbec_nc(nkb, npwx, n, npol, 1, becp_nc, vkb, psi(1,m))
call s_psi_nc (nmax, n, 1, psi(1,m), spsi)
! orthogonalize starting eigenfunction to those already calculated
do j = 1, m
IF (npol == 1) THEN
lagrange (j) = ZDOTC (n, psi (1, j), 1, spsi, 1)
lagrange (j) = ZDOTC (nmax*npol, psi (1, j), 1, spsi, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * m, lagrange)
norma = DREAL (lagrange (m) )
do j = 1, m - 1
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZAXPY (n, - lagrange (j), psi (1, j), 1, psi (1, m), 1)
call ZAXPY (nmax*npol, - lagrange (j), psi(1, j), 1, psi(1, m), 1)
norma = norma - (DREAL (lagrange (j) ) **2 + DIMAG (lagrange (j) ) **2)
norma = sqrt (norma)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DSCAL (2 * n, 1.d0 / norma, psi (1, m), 1)
call DSCAL (2*nmax*npol, 1.d0 / norma, psi (1, m), 1)
! calculate starting gradient (|hpsi> = H|psi>)...
call h_1psi_nc (nmax, n, npol, psi(1,m), hpsi, spsi)
! ...and starting eigenvalue (e = <y|PHP|y> = <psi|H|psi>)
! NB: DDOT(2*n,a,1,b,1) = DREAL(ZDOTC(n,a,1,b,1))
IF (npol == 1) THEN
e (m) = DDOT (2 * n, psi (1, m), 1, hpsi, 1)
e (m) = DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, psi (1, m), 1, hpsi, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, e (m) )
! start iteration for this band
do iter = 1, maxter
! calculate P (PHP)|y> (P=preconditioning matrix, assumed diagonal)
do i = 1, n
g (i) = hpsi (i) / precondition (i,1)
ppsi (i) = spsi (i) / precondition (i,1)
IF (npol == 2) THEN
g (i+nmax) = hpsi (i+nmax) / precondition (i,2)
ppsi (i+nmax) = spsi (i+nmax) / precondition (i,2)
! ppsi is now S P(P^2)|y> = S P^2|psi>)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
es (1) = DDOT (2 * n, spsi, 1, g, 1)
es (2) = DDOT (2 * n, spsi, 1, ppsi, 1)
es (1) = DDOT (2 * nmax*npol, spsi, 1, g, 1)
es (2) = DDOT (2 * nmax*npol, spsi, 1, ppsi, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2, es)
es (1) = es (1) / es (2)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DAXPY (2 * n, - es (1), ppsi, 1, g, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax * npol, - es (1), ppsi, 1, g, 1)
! e1 = <y| S P^2 PHP|y> / <y| S S P^2|y> ensures that <g| S P^2|y> = 0
! orthogonalize to lowest eigenfunctions (already calculated)
! scg is used as workspace
call ccalbec_nc(nkb, npwx, n, npol, 1, becp_nc, vkb, g)
call s_psi_nc (nmax, n, 1, g, scg)
do j = 1, m - 1
IF (npol == 1) THEN
lagrange (j) = ZDOTC (n, psi (1, j), 1, scg, 1)
lagrange (j) = ZDOTC (nmax * npol, psi (1, j), 1, scg, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * m - 2, lagrange)
do j = 1, m - 1
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZAXPY (n, - lagrange (j), psi (1, j), 1, g, 1)
call ZAXPY (n, - lagrange (j), psi (1, j), 1, scg, 1)
call ZAXPY (nmax*npol, - lagrange (j), psi (1, j), 1, g, 1)
call ZAXPY (nmax*npol, - lagrange (j), psi (1, j), 1, scg, 1)
if (iter.ne.1) then
! gg1 is <g(n+1)|S|g(n)> (used in Polak-Ribiere formula)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
gg1 = DDOT (2 * n, g, 1, g0, 1)
gg1 = DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, g, 1, g0, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, gg1)
! gg is <g(n+1)|S|g(n+1)>
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZCOPY (n, scg, 1, g0, 1)
call ZCOPY (nmax * npol, scg, 1, g0, 1)
do i = 1, n
g0 (i) = g0 (i) * precondition (i,1)
IF (npol == 2) THEN
g0 (i+nmax) = g0 (i+nmax) * precondition (i,2)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
gg = DDOT (2 * n, g, 1, g0, 1)
gg = DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, g, 1, g0, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, gg)
! Here one can test on the norm of the gradient
! if (sqrt(gg).lt. eps.or. iter.eq.maxter) go to 10
! WRITE( stdout,*) iter, gg
if (iter.eq.1) then
! starting iteration, the conjugate gradient |cg> = |g>
gg0 = gg
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZCOPY (n, g, 1, cg, 1)
call ZCOPY (nmax * npol, g, 1, cg, 1)
! following iterations: |cg(n+1)> = |g(n+1)> + gamma(n) |cg(n)>
! This is Fletcher-Reeves formula for gamma
! gamma = gg/gg0
! and this is Polak-Ribiere formula
gamma = (gg - gg1) / gg0
gg0 = gg
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DSCAL (2 * n, gamma, cg, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * n, 1.d0, g, 1, cg, 1)
call DSCAL (2 * nmax*npol, gamma, cg, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax*npol, 1.d0, g, 1, cg, 1)
! The following is needed because <y(n+1)| S P^2|cg(n+1)> is not 0
! In fact, <y(n+1)| S P^2|cg(n)> = sin(theta) <cg(n)|S|cg(n)>
!** norma = DDOT(2*n,psi(1,m),1,cg,1)
!** call reduce(1,norma)
norma = gamma * cg0 * sin (theta)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DAXPY (2 * n, - norma, psi (1, m), 1, cg, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax*npol, - norma, psi (1, m), 1, cg, 1)
! |cg> contains now the conjugate gradient
! |scg> is S|cg>
call h_1psi_nc (nmax, n, npol, cg, ppsi, scg)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
cg0 = DDOT (2 * n, cg, 1, scg, 1)
cg0 = DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, cg, 1, scg, 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, cg0)
cg0 = sqrt (cg0)
! |ppsi> contains now HP|cg>
! minimize <y(t)|PHP|y(t)> , where |y(t)>=cos(t)|y> + sin(t)/cg0 |cg>
! Note that <y|P^2S|y> = 1 , <y|P^2S|cg> = 0 , <cg|P^2S|cg> = cg0^2
! so that the result is correctly normalized: <y(t)|P^2S|y(t)> = 1
IF (npol == 1) THEN
a0 = 2.d0 * DDOT (2 * n, psi (1, m), 1, ppsi, 1) / cg0
a0 = 2.d0 * DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, psi (1, m), 1, ppsi, 1) / cg0
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, a0)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
b0 = DDOT (2 * n, cg, 1, ppsi, 1) / cg0**2
b0 = DDOT (2 * nmax * npol, cg, 1, ppsi, 1) / cg0**2
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (1, b0)
e0 = e (m)
theta = atan (a0 / (e0 - b0) ) / 2.d0
es (1) = ( (e0 - b0) * cos (2.d0 * theta) + a0 * sin (2.d0 * &
theta) + e0 + b0) / 2.d0
es (2) = ( - (e0 - b0) * cos (2.d0 * theta) - a0 * sin (2.d0 * &
theta) + e0 + b0) / 2.d0
! there are two possible solutions, choose the minimum
if (es (2) .lt.es (1) ) theta = theta + pi / 2.d0
! new estimate of the eigenvalue
e (m) = min (es (1), es (2) )
! upgrade |psi> ...
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DSCAL (2 * n, cos (theta), psi (1, m), 1)
call DAXPY (2 * n, sin (theta) / cg0, cg, 1, psi (1, m), 1)
! here one could test convergence on the energy
if (abs (e (m) - e0) .lt.eps) goto 10
! .... S|psi>....
call DSCAL (2 * n, cos (theta), spsi, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * n, sin (theta) / cg0, scg, 1, spsi, 1)
! ...and H|psi>
call DSCAL (2 * n, cos (theta), hpsi, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * n, sin (theta) / cg0, ppsi, 1, hpsi, 1)
call DSCAL (2 * nmax * npol, cos (theta), psi (1, m), 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax * npol, sin (theta) / cg0, cg, 1, psi (1, m), 1)
! here one could test convergence on the energy
if (abs (e (m) - e0) .lt.eps) goto 10
! .... S|psi>....
call DSCAL (2 * nmax * npol, cos (theta), spsi, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax * npol, sin (theta) / cg0, scg, 1, spsi, 1)
! ...and H|psi>
call DSCAL (2 * nmax * npol, cos (theta), hpsi, 1)
call DAXPY (2 * nmax * npol, sin (theta) / cg0, ppsi, 1, hpsi, 1)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE( stdout , '(" WARNING: e(",i3,") =",f10.5, &
& "eV, is not converged to within ",1pe8.1)') m,e(m)*13.6058,eps
notconv = notconv + 1
10 avg_iter = avg_iter + iter + 1
! reorder eigenvalues if they are not in the right order
! (this CAN and WILL happen in not-so-special cases)
if (m.gt.1.and.reorder) then
if (e (m) - e (m - 1) .lt. - 2.d0 * eps) then
! if the last calculated eigenvalue is not the largest...
do i = m - 2, 1, - 1
if (e (m) - e (i) .gt.2.d0 * eps) goto 20
20 i = i + 1
moved = moved+1
! last calculated eigenvalue should be in the i-th position: reorder
e0 = e (m)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZCOPY (n, psi (1, m), 1, ppsi, 1)
call ZCOPY (nmax*npol, psi (1, m), 1, ppsi, 1)
do j = m, i + 1, - 1
e (j) = e (j - 1)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZCOPY (n, psi (1, j - 1), 1, psi (1, j), 1)
call ZCOPY (nmax*npol, psi (1, j - 1), 1, psi (1, j), 1)
e (i) = e0
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call ZCOPY (n, ppsi, 1, psi (1, i), 1)
call ZCOPY (nmax*npol, ppsi, 1, psi (1, i), 1)
! this procedure should be good if only a few inversions occur,
! extremely inefficient if eigenvectors are often in bad order
! (but this should not happen)
avg_iter = avg_iter / nbnd
deallocate (lagrange)
deallocate (ppsi)
deallocate (g0)
deallocate (cg)
deallocate (g)
deallocate (hpsi)
deallocate (scg)
deallocate (spsi)
call stop_clock ('ccgdiagg')
#ifdef DEBUG
if (notconv.ne.0) print &
'(" warning : ",i3," eigenvectors did not converge", &
" after ",i2," iterations")', notconv,maxter
if (moved.ne.0) print '(" warning : ",i3, &
" eigenvalues not correctly ordered")', moved
end subroutine ccgdiagg_nc