
1061 lines
38 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program plotrho
! 2D contour plot - logarithmically or linearly spaced levels
! - Postscript printable output
! if " cplot" is called:
! - contour lines plus gray levels
! - negative values are shaded
! if "psplot" is called:
! - contour lines of various kinds (solid, dashed, etc)
#include "machine.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nwrk = 10000, nximax = 64, nyimax = 64, &
nxmax = 128, nymax = 128, nlevelx = 19, nax = 130
integer :: ityp (nax), nxi, nyi, nx, ny, i, j, k, nlevels, na, &
nat, ierr, ilen
real(kind=DP) :: rhoi (0:nximax, 0:nyimax), xi (0:nximax), yi (0: &
nyimax), rhoo (0:nxmax, 0:nymax), x (0:nxmax), y (0:nymax), &
z (0:nlevelx), wrk (nwrk), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, rhomin, &
rhomax, rhoomin, rhoomax
real(kind=DP) :: xdim, ydim, xs, ys
real(kind=DP) :: r0 (3), tau1 (3), tau2 (3), tau (3, nax)
real(kind=DP) :: at (3, 3), a0
character (len=80) :: filename, fileout, ans * 1
integer, external :: iargc
logical :: logarithmic_scale
i = iargc ()
if (i == 0) then
WRITE( stdout, '("input file > ",$)')
read (5, '(a)', end = 20, err = 20) filename
elseif (i == 1) then
call getarg (1, filename)
WRITE( stdout, '("usage: plotrho [input file] ")')
open (unit = 1, file = filename, form = 'formatted', status = &
'old', iostat = i)
if (i /= 0) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: file not found ")')
read (1, * ) nxi, nyi
if (nxi > nximax .or. nyi > nyimax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: nx or ny too big ")')
read (1, * ) (xi (i), i = 0, nxi)
read (1, * ) (yi (j), j = 0, nyi)
read (1, * ) ( (rhoi (i, j), i = 0, nxi), j = 0, nyi)
read (1, * ) r0
read (1, * ) tau1
read (1, * ) tau2
read (1, * ) nat
if (nat > nax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: too many atoms (",i4,", max:",i4,")")') nat, nax
read (1, * ) ( (tau (j, na), j = 1, 3), ityp (na), na = 1, nat)
read (1, * ) a0
read (1, * ) at
close (unit = 1)
WRITE( stdout, '("r0 : ",3f8.4)') r0
WRITE( stdout, '("tau1 : ",3f8.4)') tau1
WRITE( stdout, '("tau2 : ",3f8.4)') tau2
WRITE( stdout, '("read",i4," atomic positions")') nat
! WRITE( stdout,'("Atomic positions:")')
! WRITE( stdout,'(3f8.4)') ( (tau(j,na),j=1,3),na=1,nat)
WRITE( stdout, '("output file > ",$)')
read (5, '(a)') fileout
WRITE( stdout, '("Read ",i3," *",i3," grid")') nxi+1, nyi+1
#ifdef __AIX
! interpolation implemented only for ESSL routines ...
WRITE( stdout, '("nx, ny (output) > ",$)')
read (5, * ) nx, ny
if (nx > nxmax .or. ny > nymax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: nx or ny too big ")')
nx = nxi
ny = nyi
xmin = xi (0)
xmax = xi (nxi)
do i = 0, nx
x (i) = (xi (nxi) - xi (0) ) * float (i) / float (nx)
ymin = yi (0)
ymax = yi (nyi)
do i = 0, ny
y (i) = (yi (nyi) - yi (0) ) * float (i) / float (ny)
#ifdef __AIX
call dcsin2 (xi, yi, rhoi, nxi + 1, nyi + 1, nximax + 1, x, y, nx &
+ 1, ny + 1, rhoo, nxmax + 1, wrk, nwrk)
rhoo (0:nx, 0:ny) = rhoi (0:nx, 0:ny)
rhomin = minval (rhoo(0:nx, 0:ny))
rhomax = maxval (rhoo(0:nx, 0:ny))
if (rhomin > 0.d0) then
WRITE( stdout,'("Logarithmic scale (y/n)? > ",$)')
read (5, '(a)') ans
logarithmic_scale = ans.ne.'n'.and.ans.ne.'N'
logarithmic_scale = .false.
end if
10 continue
WRITE( stdout, '("Bounds: ",2f12.6)') rhomin, rhomax
WRITE( stdout, '("min, max, # of levels > ",$)')
read (5, * ) rhoomin, rhoomax, nlevels
if ( rhoomax <= rhoomin .or. &
rhoomin >= rhomax .or. rhoomax <= rhomin ) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Out of Bounds! try again")')
go to 10
end if
if (nlevels > nlevelx) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Too many levels, reducing to allowed max:",i4))') &
nlevels = nlevelx
else if (nlevels < 1) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Too few levels! assuming 1 level"))')
nlevels = 1
end if
if (logarithmic_scale) then
do k = 0, nlevels - 1
z (k) = exp (log (rhoomin) + (log (rhoomax) - log (rhoomin) ) &
* float (k) / (nlevels - 1) )
do k = 0, nlevels - 1
z (k) = rhoomin + (rhoomax - rhoomin) * float (k) / (nlevels - 1)
z (nlevels) = z (nlevels - 1)
xdim = 15.0 * (xmax - xmin) / sqrt ( (xmax - xmin) **2 + (ymax - ymin) **2)
ydim = 15.0 * (ymax - ymin) / sqrt ( (xmax - xmin) **2 + (ymax - ymin) **2)
xs = 4.0
ys = 3.0
! uncomment the call to "cplot" if you want contour lines,
! plus gray levels and shading for negative values
call cplot (rhoo, nxmax, nymax, x, xmin, xmax, nx, y, ymin, ymax, &
ny, nlevels, z, xdim, ydim, xs, ys, filename, fileout)
! uncomment the call to "psplot" if you want contour lines
! of various kinds: solid, dashed, etc
! call psplot ( rhoo, nxmax, x, nx, y, ny, nlevels, z, xdim, ydim, &
! xs, ys, fileout)
call atomi (nat, tau, ityp, at, a0, r0, tau1, tau2, xdim, ydim)
20 stop
end program plotrho
subroutine cplot (d, imax, jmax, x, xmin, xmax, iub, y, ymin, &
ymax, jub, nc, z, xdim, ydim, xs, ys, str, filename)
! draws a contour plot of d(i,j). PostScript output on unit 1
! F.Gygi Dec.15 1987 - P. Giannozzi Oct.6 1989 and later
! Algorithm by Paul D. Bourke, Byte magazine, june 1987, p. 143
! d(0:imax,0:jmax) contains the function to plot
! x(0:imax) workspace
! xmin,xmax determines the range of the variable x
! iub is the number of intervals along the x axis (<=imax)
! y(0:jmax) workspace
! idem for ymin,ymax and jub (<=jmax)
! nc is the number of levels wanted ( <=ncmax),
! z(0:nc) are the levels,
! xdim and ydim are the physical dimensions of the figure in cm
! xs and ys determine a shift of the origin in cm
USE kinds, only: DP
implicit none
integer :: imax, jmax, iub, jub, nc
real(kind=DP) :: d (0:imax, 0:jmax), x (0:imax), y (0:jmax), z (0:nc)
real(kind=DP) :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdim, ydim, xs, ys
character (len=*) :: filename, str
integer, parameter :: ncmax = 19
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=DP) :: gray (0:ncmax), dim
real(kind=DP) :: cm = 28.453, width=0.5, gray0=1.0, deltagray=0.7
! cm : number of points per cm
! width: linewidth of the contour plot for PostScript printer
open (unit = 1, file = filename, status = 'unknown', form = &
if (nc > ncmax .or. nc < 1) stop ' nc too big or wrong'
if (iub > imax .or.iub < 1) stop ' iub too big or wrong'
if (jub > jmax .or.jub < 1) stop ' jub too big or wrong'
if (xdim < 3.0 .or. ydim < 3.0) stop ' really too small!'
if (xdim > 20.0.or. ydim > 30.0) stop ' really too big!'
if (abs (xs) > 20.or. abs (ys) > 30) stop ' xs or ys are weird'
! initializations for PostScript output
write (1, '(a)') '%! PS-Adobe-1.0'
write (1, '("%%BoundingBox:",4f6.1)') xs * cm, ys * cm, (xs + &
xdim) * cm, (ys + ydim) * cm
write (1, '(a)') '/localdict 100 dict def'
write (1, '(a)') 'localdict begin'
write (1, '(a)') '/cm {28.453 mul} def'
write (1, '(a)') '/title {('//str//')} def'
write (1, '(a)') '/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont'
write (1, '(a)') '% cshow prints a centered string at current position'
write (1, '(a)') '/cshow {gsave dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0'
write (1, '(a)') ' rmoveto show grestore} def'
write (1, '(a)') '% x1 y1 x2 y2 p : draws a segment from point 1 to point 2'
write (1, '(a)') '/p {0 setgray newpath moveto lineto stroke} def'
write (1, '(a)') '% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 sn :'
write (1, '(a)') '% fills the region bounded by points 1 to 4'
write (1, '(a)') '% with greyscale n'
! type of gray for shaded areas
do k = 0, nc
gray (k) = gray0 - k * deltagray / nc
if (k.lt.10) then
write (1, '("/s",i1," {",f4.2," setgray newpath ", &
& "moveto lineto lineto lineto fill} def")') k, gray (k)
write (1, '("/t",i1," {",f4.2," setgray newpath ", &
& "moveto lineto lineto fill} def")') k, gray (k)
write (1, '("/u",i1," {",f4.2," setgray newpath ", &
& "moveto lineto lineto lineto fill} def")') mod (k, 10) , &
&gray (k)
write (1, '("/v",i1," {",f4.2," setgray newpath ", &
& "moveto lineto lineto fill} def")') mod (k, 10) , gray (k &
write (1, '(a)') '%%EndPreamble'
write (1, '(a)') 'gsave'
write (1, '(1x,f6.2," cm ",f6.2," cm translate")') xs, ys
write (1, '(a)') '% Uncomment next line if you want a big picture'
write (1, '(a)') '% 1.8 1.8 scale'
write (1, '(f7.3," setlinewidth")') width
write (1, '(a)') '% Comment the next line to remove the title'
write (1, '(1x,f6.2," cm ",f6.2," cm moveto title cshow")') &
xdim / 2, ydim + 1.5
call hatch (0.d0, xdim, 0.d0, ydim)
do i = 0, iub
x (i) = xdim * float (i) / iub
do j = 0, jub
y (j) = ydim * float (j) / jub
call conrec (imax, iub, jmax, jub, x, y, d, nc, z)
! draw frame of size xdim by ydim
write (1, '(a)') '1 setlinewidth 0 setgray newpath'
write (1, '(2f6.1," moveto")') 0.0, 0.0
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') xdim * cm, 0.0
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') xdim * cm, ydim * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') 0.0, ydim * cm
write (1, '(a)') 'closepath stroke'
! write (1,'(a)') 'grestore'
! write (1,'(a)') '%%Trailer'
! write (1,'(a)') 'showpage'
! close(1)
end subroutine cplot
subroutine conrec (imax, iub, jmax, jub, x, y, d, nc, z)
USE kinds, only: DP
implicit none
integer :: imax, iub, jmax, jub, nc
real(kind=DP) :: d (0:imax, 0:jmax), x (0:imax), y (0:jmax), z (0:nc)
integer, parameter :: ncmax = 19
character (len=4) :: triangle (0:ncmax), trapez (0:ncmax)
real(kind=DP) :: h (0:4), xh (0:4), yh (0:4)
real(kind=DP) :: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, dx, dy, xx, yy, dmin, dmax
real(kind=DP) :: cm = 28.453
! cm : conversion factor from cm to points for PostScript
integer :: ish (0:4), im (0:3), jm (0:3), castab (0:2, 0:2, 0:2)
integer :: i, j, k, m, m1, m2, m3, npoint, icase, levelin, nolevel
data (im (i), i = 0, 3) / 0, 1, 1, 0 /
data (jm (i), i = 0, 3) / 0, 0, 1, 1 /
data ( ( (castab (i, j, k), k = 0, 2), j = 0, 2), i = 0, 2) &
/ 0, 0, 8, 0, 2, 5, 7, 6, 9, 0, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 0, 9, 6, 7, &
5, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0 /
dy = (y (jub) - y (0) ) / (nc + 1)
xx = x (iub) + 1.0
dx = 0.5
write (1, '(a)') '% Start of Color Code'
call hatch (xx, xx + dx, y (0), y (jub) )
do k = 0, nc
yy = y (jub) - k * dy
write (1, '(8f6.1,$)') xx * cm, yy * cm, (xx + dx) * cm, yy * cm, &
(xx + dx) * cm, (yy - dy) * cm, xx * cm, (yy - dy) * cm
if (k < 10) then
write (triangle (k) , '(" t",i1,1x)') k
write (trapez (k) , '(" s",i1,1x)') k
write (triangle (k) , '(" v",i1)') mod (k, 10)
write (trapez (k) , '(" u",i1)') mod (k, 10)
write (1, '(a4)') trapez (k)
write (1, * ) '0 setgray newpath'
write (1, '(2f6.1," moveto")') xx * cm, yy * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') (xx + dx) * cm, yy * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') (xx + dx) * cm, (yy - dy) &
* cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') xx * cm, (yy - dy) * cm
write (1, * ) 'closepath stroke'
write (1, '(2f6.1," moveto")') (x (iub) + 2.0) * cm, (yy - dy / &
2) * cm
if (k == 0) then
write (1, '("(z<",f7.5,") show")') z (0)
elseif (k.eq.nc) then
write (1, '("(z>",f7.5,") show")') z (nc - 1)
write (1, '("(",f7.5,"<z<",f7.5,") show")') z (k - 1) , &
z (k)
write (1, '(a)') '% End of Color Code'
do k = 1, nc - 1
if (z (k) .le.z (k - 1) ) stop 'zk order'
! scan the array, top down, left to right, to paint shaded areas
do j = jub - 1, 0, - 1
do i = 0, iub - 1
! find lowest and highest vertex
dmin = min (d (i, j), d (i, j + 1), d (i + 1, j), d (i + 1, j + 1) &
dmax = max (d (i, j), d (i, j + 1), d (i + 1, j), d (i + 1, j + 1) &
! search for levels in this box
nolevel = 0
do k = 0, nc - 1
if (z (k) < dmin) nolevel = k + 1
if (z (k) >= dmin .and. z (k) <= dmax) then
levelin = k
goto 10
! no level in this box: paint the whole box and pass to another box
write (1, '(8f6.1,a4)') x (i) * cm, y (j) * cm, x (i + 1) * cm, y &
(j) * cm, x (i + 1) * cm, y (j + 1) * cm, x (i) * cm, y (j + 1) &
* cm, trapez (nolevel)
goto 100
! there is at least a level in this box: paint the whole box
10 continue
write (1, '(8f6.1,a4)') x (i) * cm, y (j) * cm, x (i + 1) * cm, y &
(j) * cm, x (i + 1) * cm, y (j + 1) * cm, x (i) * cm, y (j + 1) &
* cm, trapez (levelin)
do k = levelin, nc - 1
! if no more levels in this box, move to another box
if (z (k) .gt.dmax) goto 100
! find contour of zero levels in this box
do m = 1, 4
h (m) = d (i + im (m - 1), j + jm (m - 1) ) - z (k)
xh (m) = x (i + im (m - 1) )
yh (m) = y (j + jm (m - 1) )
h (0) = (h (1) + h (2) + h (3) + h (4) ) / 4
xh (0) = (x (i) + x (i + 1) ) / 2
yh (0) = (y (j) + y (j + 1) ) / 2
do m = 0, 4
if (h (m) .gt.0) then
ish (m) = 2
elseif (h (m) .lt.0) then
ish (m) = 0
ish (m) = 1
! scan each triangle in the box to paint shaded areas
do m = 1, 4
m1 = m
m2 = 0
m3 = mod (m, 4) + 1
npoint = 0
icase = castab (ish (m1), ish (m2), ish (m3) )
if (icase == 0) then
if (ish (m1) .eq.2) then
! paint this triangle if positive
x1 = xh (m1)
y1 = yh (m1)
x2 = xh (m2)
y2 = yh (m2)
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 1) then
! line between vertices m1 and m2
x1 = xh (m1)
y1 = yh (m1)
x2 = xh (m2)
y2 = yh (m2)
if (ish (m3) .eq.2) then
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 2) then
! line between vertices m2 and m3
x1 = xh (m2)
y1 = yh (m2)
x2 = xh (m3)
y2 = yh (m3)
if (ish (m1) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m1)
y3 = yh (m1)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 3) then
! line between vertices m3 and m1
x1 = xh (m3)
y1 = yh (m3)
x2 = xh (m1)
y2 = yh (m1)
if (ish (m2) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m2)
y3 = yh (m2)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 4) then
! line between vertex m1 and side m2-m3
x1 = xh (m1)
y1 = yh (m1)
x2 = (h (m3) * xh (m2) - h (m2) * xh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
y2 = (h (m3) * yh (m2) - h (m2) * yh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
if (ish (m3) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
x3 = xh (m2)
y3 = yh (m2)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 5) then
! line between vertex m2 and side m3-m1
x1 = xh (m2)
y1 = yh (m2)
x2 = (h (m1) * xh (m3) - h (m3) * xh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
y2 = (h (m1) * yh (m3) - h (m3) * yh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
if (ish (m1) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m1)
y3 = yh (m1)
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 6) then
! line between vertex m3 and line m1-m2
x1 = xh (m3)
y1 = yh (m3)
x2 = (h (m2) * xh (m1) - h (m1) * xh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
y2 = (h (m2) * yh (m1) - h (m1) * yh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
if (ish (m2) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m2)
y3 = yh (m2)
x3 = xh (m1)
y3 = yh (m1)
npoint = 3
elseif (icase == 7) then
! line between sides m1-m2 and m2-m3
x1 = (h (m2) * xh (m1) - h (m1) * xh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
y1 = (h (m2) * yh (m1) - h (m1) * yh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
x2 = (h (m3) * xh (m2) - h (m2) * xh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
y2 = (h (m3) * yh (m2) - h (m2) * yh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
if (ish (m2) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m2)
y3 = yh (m2)
npoint = 3
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
x4 = xh (m1)
y4 = yh (m1)
npoint = 4
elseif (icase == 8) then
! line between sides m2-m3 and m3-m1
x1 = (h (m3) * xh (m2) - h (m2) * xh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
y1 = (h (m3) * yh (m2) - h (m2) * yh (m3) ) / (h (m3) - h (m2) &
x2 = (h (m1) * xh (m3) - h (m3) * xh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
y2 = (h (m1) * yh (m3) - h (m3) * yh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
if (ish (m3) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m3)
y3 = yh (m3)
npoint = 3
x3 = xh (m1)
y3 = yh (m1)
x4 = xh (m2)
y4 = yh (m2)
npoint = 4
elseif (icase == 9) then
! line between sides m3-m1 and m1-m2
x1 = (h (m1) * xh (m3) - h (m3) * xh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
y1 = (h (m1) * yh (m3) - h (m3) * yh (m1) ) / (h (m1) - h (m3) &
x2 = (h (m2) * xh (m1) - h (m1) * xh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
y2 = (h (m2) * yh (m1) - h (m1) * yh (m2) ) / (h (m2) - h (m1) &
if (ish (m1) == 2) then
x3 = xh (m1)
y3 = yh (m1)
npoint = 3
x3 = xh (m2)
y3 = yh (m2)
x4 = xh (m3)
y4 = yh (m3)
npoint = 4
if (npoint == 3) then
write (1, '(6f6.1,a4)') x1 * cm, y1 * cm, x2 * cm, y2 * cm, x3 &
* cm, y3 * cm, triangle (k + 1)
elseif (npoint == 4) then
write (1, '(8f6.1,a4)') x1 * cm, y1 * cm, x2 * cm, y2 * cm, x3 &
* cm, y3 * cm, x4 * cm, y4 * cm, trapez (k + 1)
if (icase.ne.0) write (1, '(4f6.1," p")') x1 * cm, y1 * cm, x2 * &
cm, y2 * cm
100 continue
end subroutine conrec
subroutine atomi (nat, tau, ityp, at, a0, r0, tau1, tau2, xdim, ydim)
USE kinds, only: DP
implicit none
integer :: nat, ityp (nat)
real(kind=DP) :: tau (3, nat), at (3, 3), r0 (3), tau1 (3), tau2 (3), a0
real(kind=DP) :: xdim, ydim
integer :: n1, n2, n3, i, n
real(kind=DP) :: r (3), ri (3), tau1n, tau2n, delta0, r1, r2, r3
real(kind=DP) :: delta = 1.0, cm = 28.453
delta0 = delta / a0
tau1n = sqrt (tau1 (1) **2 + tau1 (2) **2 + tau1 (3) **2)
tau2n = sqrt (tau2 (1) **2 + tau2 (2) **2 + tau2 (3) **2)
! clip the rectangle
write (1, '(a)') 'gsave newpath'
write (1, '(2f6.1," moveto")') 0.0, 0.0
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') xdim * cm, 0.0
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') xdim * cm, ydim * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') 0.0, ydim * cm
write (1, '(a)') 'closepath clip stroke'
! really bad algorithm to generate (hopefully) all atoms
! that are inside the contour plane or at |z| < delta (a.u.)
do n1 = - 3, + 3
do n2 = - 3, + 3
do n3 = - 3, + 3
do i = 1, 3
r (i) = n1 * at (i, 1) + n2 * at (i, 2) + n3 * at (i, 3)
do n = 1, nat
do i = 1, 3
ri (i) = tau (i, n) + r (i) - r0 (i)
! this is the component along direction 1 ...
r1 = (ri (1) * tau1 (1) + ri (2) * tau1 (2) + ri (3) * tau1 (3))&
/ tau1n
if (r1 > - delta0 .and. r1 < tau1n + delta0) then
! and this is along direction 2 ...
r2 = (ri (1) * tau2(1) + ri (2) * tau2(2) + ri (3) * tau2(3))&
/ tau2n
if (r2 > - delta0 .and. r2 < tau2n + delta0) then
do i = 1, 3
ri (i) = ri (i) - r1 * tau1 (i) / tau1n &
- r2 * tau2 (i) / tau2n
r3 = sqrt (ri (1) **2 + ri (2) **2 + ri (3) **2)
! and this is along the direction orthogonal to plane
if (abs (r3) < delta0) then
write (1, '(3f6.1," 0 360 arc gsave ",f4.2, &
& " setgray fill grestore stroke")') &
r1 / tau1n * xdim * cm, r2 / tau2n * ydim * cm,&
delta0 / tau1n * xdim * cm, abs (r3) / delta0
write (1, '(a)') 'grestore'
write (1, '(a)') 'grestore'
write (1, '(a)') '%%Trailer'
write (1, '(a)') 'showpage'
close (1)
end subroutine atomi
subroutine hatch (x1, x2, y1, y2)
USE kinds, only: DP
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: x1, x2, y1, y2
real(kind=DP) :: cm = 28.453, delta = 0.2, dim
integer :: nhach, n
write (1, '(a)') '% Beginning of hatching'
write (1, '(a)') 'gsave newpath'
write (1, '(2f6.1," moveto")') x1 * cm, y1 * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') x2 * cm, y1 * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') x2 * cm, y2 * cm
write (1, '(2f6.1," lineto")') x1 * cm, y2 * cm
write (1, '(a)') 'closepath clip'
dim = max (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
nhach = dim / delta
! delta=dim/nhach
do n = 1, nhach
write (1, '(4f6.1," p")') (x1 + (n - 1) * delta) * cm, y1 * cm, &
(x1 + dim) * cm, (y1 + dim - (n - 1) * delta) * cm
write (1, '(4f6.1," p")') x1 * cm, (y1 + (n - 1) * delta) &
* cm, (x1 + dim - (n - 1) * delta) * cm, (y1 + dim) * cm
write (1, '(a)') 'grestore'
write (1, '(a)') '% End of hatching'
end subroutine hatch
subroutine psplot ( d, imax, x, iub, y, jub, nlevels, z, &
xdim, ydim, xs, ys, filename)
! draws a contour plot of d(i,j). PostScript output on unit 1
! d(0:imax,0:jub) contains the function to plot on a uniform 2d grid
! x(0:iub) workspace
! iub is the number of intervals along the x axis (<=imax)
! y(0:jub) workspace
! jub is the number of intervals along the y axis
! nlevels is the number of levels wanted
! z(0:nlevels) are the levels
! xdim and ydim are the physical dimensions of the figure in cm
! xs and ys determine a shift of the origin in cm
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ncontourmax=100, npointmax=500, nmaxtypes=8
integer :: imax, iub, jub, nlevels
real(kind=DP) :: d(0:imax,0:jub), x(0:imax), y(0:jub), z(0:nlevels), &
xdim, ydim, xs, ys
real(kind=DP) :: line(2,npointmax,ncontourmax), work(2,npointmax), &
segments(2,2,npointmax*ncontourmax), yy, dy
integer :: npoints(ncontourmax), ncontours, i, j, k, l, npts
real(kind=DP), parameter :: cm = 28.453
logical :: lwork(npointmax*ncontourmax)
character (len=80) :: filename, linetype(nmaxtypes)
data linetype &
/ '[1 2 ] 0 setdash 0.5 setlinewidth', &
'[1 2 4 2] 0 setdash', &
'[4 2 ] 0 setdash', &
'[ ] 0 setdash', &
'[1 2 ] 0 setdash 1.0 setlinewidth', &
'[1 2 4 2] 0 setdash', &
'[4 2 ] 0 setdash', &
'[ ] 0 setdash'/
open (unit = 1, file = filename, status = 'unknown', form = &
if(nlevels < 1) stop ' nunmber of levels is wrong'
if(iub > imax .or. iub < 1) stop ' iub too big or wrong'
if(jub < 1) stop ' jub or wrong'
if(xdim < 3.0 .or. ydim < 3.0 ) stop ' really too small!'
if(xdim > 20.0.or. ydim > 30.0) stop ' really too big!'
if(abs(xs) > 20 .or. abs(ys) > 30) stop ' xs or ys are weird'
! initializations for PostScript output
write (1,'(a)') '%! PS-Adobe-1.0'
write (1,'(''%%BoundingBox:'',4f6.1)') &
xs*cm, ys*cm,(xs+xdim)*cm,(ys+ydim)*cm
write (1,'(a)') '/localdict 100 dict def'
write (1,'(a)') 'localdict begin'
write (1,'(a)') '/cm {28.453 mul} def'
write (1,'(a)') '/title {('//filename//')} def'
write (1,'(a)') '/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont'
write (1,'(a)') '% cshow prints a centered string at current position'
write (1,'(a)') '/cshow {gsave dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0'
write (1,'(a)') ' rmoveto show grestore} def'
write (1,'(a)') '% x1 y1 nm x2 y2 ...xn yn n-1 lrs :'
write (1,'(a)') '% draws a line from point 1 to point n'
write (1,'(a)') '/nm {newpath moveto} def'
write (1,'(a)') '/lrs {{lineto} repeat stroke} def'
write (1,'(a)') '%%EndPreamble'
write (1,'(a)') 'gsave'
write (1,'(a)') '0 setgray'
write (1,'(1x,f6.2,'' cm '',f6.2,'' cm translate'')') xs, ys
write (1,'(1x,f6.2,'' cm '',f6.2,'' cm moveto title cshow'')') &
xdim/2, ydim+1.5
do i=0,iub
end do
do j=0,jub
end do
do k=1,nlevels-1
if (z(k).le.z(k-1)) stop ' order of levels'
end do
do k=0,nlevels-1
! type of line
write (1,'(''%% This is level '',i3)') k
write (1,'(50a)') linetype(mod(k,nmaxtypes)+1)
write (1,*) ' newpath '
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' moveto'')') (x(iub)+1.0)*cm, yy*cm
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' lineto'')') (x(iub)+1.8)*cm, yy*cm
write (1,*) 'closepath stroke'
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' moveto'')') (x(iub)+2.0)*cm, yy*cm
write (1,'(''( z = '',f6.3,'') show'')') z(k)
call findcontours ( d, imax, iub, jub, x, y, z(k), segments, work, &
lwork, npointmax, ncontourmax, line, npoints, ncontours)
do l=1,ncontours
write (1,'(12f6.1)') &
( line(1,npts,l)*cm, line(2,npts,l)*cm, npts=npoints(l),1,-1 )
write (1,'(''nm'',i4,'' lrs'')') npoints(l)-1
end do
end do
! draw frame of size xdim by ydim
write (1,*) '[] 0 setdash 1 setlinewidth 0 setgray newpath'
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' moveto'')') 0.0,0.0
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' lineto'')') xdim*cm,0.0
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' lineto'')') xdim*cm,ydim*cm
write (1,'(2f6.1,'' lineto'')') 0.0,ydim*cm
write (1,*) 'closepath stroke'
! write (1,*) 'grestore'
! write (1,'(a)') '%%Trailer'
! write (1,*) 'showpage'
end subroutine psplot
subroutine findcontours (d, imax, iub, jub, x, y, z, segments, work, &
done, npointmax, ncontourmax, line, npoints, ncontours)
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: imax, iub, jub, npointmax, ncontourmax, ncontours, &
real(kind=DP) :: d(0:imax,0:jub),x(0:iub), y(0:jub), z, &
line(2,npointmax,ncontourmax), segments(2,2,npointmax*ncontourmax)
logical :: done(npointmax*ncontourmax)
integer :: i, j, m, i0, j0, m0, nsegments, nsegmax, nseg, nnext, npts, &
isame, inext, nleft
real(kind=DP) :: epsx, epsy, work(2,npointmax)
logical :: found, start_from_boundary, hit_boundary, loop_closed
do j0=jub-1,0,-1
do i0=0,iub-1
do m0=1,4
! scan boxes and triangles until a contour is found
call triangle ( d, x, y, z, imax, iub, jub, &
i0, j0, m0, found, segments(1,1,nsegments+1) )
if (found) then
if (nsegments > nsegmax) then
print '('' Erore: nsegments, nsegmax '',2i5)', &
nsegments, nsegmax
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
do nseg=1,nsegments
end do
epsx = 0.0001 * (x(1)-x(0))
epsy = 0.0001 * (y(1)-y(0))
do nseg=1,nsegments
if (.not.done(nseg)) then
if (ncontours.gt.ncontourmax) then
print '('' too many ('',i4,'') contours'')', ncontours
end if
start_from_boundary = &
abs(segments(1,1,nseg)-x( 0)) < epsx .or. &
abs(segments(1,1,nseg)-x(iub)) < epsx .or. &
abs(segments(2,1,nseg)-y( 0)) < epsy .or. &
abs(segments(2,1,nseg)-y(jub)) < epsy
! true if the starting point lies on a boundary
10 npts=npts+1
if (npts > npointmax) then
print '('' too many ('',i5,'') points'')', npts
end if
! check if the loop is closed
loop_closed = ( abs(segments(1,inext,nnext) - &
line(1,1,ncontours)) < epsx ) .and. &
( abs(segments(2,inext,nnext) - &
line(2,1,ncontours)) < epsy )
! check if the border has been reached
hit_boundary = &
abs(segments(1,inext,nnext)-x( 0)) < epsx .or. &
abs(segments(1,inext,nnext)-x(iub)) < epsx .or. &
abs(segments(2,inext,nnext)-y( 0)) < epsy .or. &
abs(segments(2,inext,nnext)-y(jub)) < epsy
if (nleft == 0) then
if (.not.hit_boundary .and. .not.loop_closed) &
print '('' Warning: no more points'')'
end if
if (start_from_boundary) then
if (hit_boundary) then
go to 20
else if (loop_closed) then
print '('' Warning: loop closed on the boundary ?'')'
go to 20
end if
if (loop_closed) then
go to 20
else if (hit_boundary) then
do nnext=1,npts
end do
do nnext=1,npts
end do
end if
end if
do nnext=1,nsegments
if (.not.done(nnext)) then
do isame=1,2
found= ( abs(segments(1,isame,nnext) - &
line(1,npts,ncontours)) < epsx ) .and. &
( abs(segments(2,isame,nnext) - &
line(2,npts,ncontours)) .lt. epsy )
if (found) then
!inext =1 if isame=2 and vice versa
go to 10
end do
end if
end do
print '('' Warning: next point not found'',i5)', nseg
end if
20 continue
end do
end subroutine findcontours
subroutine triangle ( d, x, y, z, imax, iub, jub, i0, j0, m0, found, line )
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: imax, iub, jub, i0, j0, m0
real(kind=DP) :: d(0:imax,0:jub), x(0:iub), y(0:jub), z, line(2,2)
logical :: found
real(kind=DP) :: h(0:4), xh(0:4), yh(0:4), dmin, dmax
integer :: m, icase, m1, m2, m3, i, j, k, ish(0:4), castab(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)
data (((castab(i,j,k),k=-1,1),j=-1,1),i=-1,1) / &
0 , 0 , 8 , 0 , 2 , 5 , 7 , 6 , 9 , 0 , 3 , 4 , &
1 , 3 , 1 , 4 , 3 , 0 , 9 , 6 , 7 , 5 , 2 , 0 , 8 , 0 , 0 /
! values of the function in the four corners...
h (1) = d(i0 ,j0 ) - z
h (2) = d(i0+1,j0 ) - z
h (3) = d(i0+1,j0+1) - z
h (4) = d(i0 ,j0+1) - z
! return if no contour is found in this box
if ( dmin > 0.0 .or. dmax < 0.0 ) then
end if
! xy coordinates of the four corners...
xh(1) = x(i0 )
xh(2) = x(i0+1)
xh(3) = x(i0+1)
xh(4) = x(i0 )
yh(1) = y(j0 )
yh(2) = y(j0 )
yh(3) = y(j0+1)
yh(4) = y(j0+1)
! and this is the center of the box
h(0) =(h(1)+h(2)+h(3)+h(4))/4.0
! ish=+1 if h>0 ; ish=0 if h=0 ; ish=-1 if h<0
do m=0,4
ish(m) = nint( sign(1.d0, h(m)) )
if (h(m) == 0.0) ish(m) = 0
end do
! starting triangle
if (icase == 0) then
! no contour in this triangle
! NOTA BENE: if there is a point on the boundary,
! this is always chosen to be the first point
else if (icase == 1) then
! line between vertices m1 and m2
else if (icase == 2) then
! line between vertices m2 and m3
else if (icase == 3) then
! line between vertices m3 and m1
else if (icase == 4) then
! line between vertex m1 and side m2-m3
else if (icase == 5) then
! line between vertex m2 and side m3-m1
else if (icase == 6) then
! line between vertex m3 and line m1-m2
else if (icase == 7) then
! line between sides m1-m2 and m2-m3
else if (icase == 8) then
! line between sides m2-m3 and m3-m1
else if (icase == 9) then
! line between sides m3-m1 and m1-m2
end subroutine triangle