
244 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE set_sym_irr (nat, at, bg, xq, s, invs, nsym, rtau, irt, &
irgq, nsymq, minus_q, irotmq, t, tmq, max_irr_dim, u, &
npert, nirr, gi, gimq, iverbosity)
! This subroutine computes a basis for all the irreducible
! representations of the small group of q, which are contained
! in the representation which has as basis the displacement vectors.
! This is achieved by building a random hermitean matrix,
! symmetrizing it and diagonalizing the result. The eigenvectors
! give a basis for the irreducible representations of the
! small group of q.
! Furthermore it computes:
! 1) the small group of q
! 2) the possible G vectors associated to every symmetry operation
! 3) the matrices which represent the small group of q on the
! pattern basis.
! Original routine was from C. Bungaro.
! Revised Oct. 1995 by Andrea Dal Corso.
! April 1997: parallel stuff added (SdG)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp_global, ONLY : mpime, root
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
! first the dummy variables
INTEGER :: nat, nsym, s (3, 3, 48), invs (48), irt (48, nat), &
iverbosity, npert (3 * nat), irgq (48), nsymq, irotmq, nirr, max_irr_dim
! input: the number of atoms
! input: the number of symmetries
! input: the symmetry matrices
! input: the inverse of each matrix
! input: the rotated of each atom
! input: write control
! output: the dimension of each represe
! output: the small group of q
! output: the order of the small group
! output: the symmetry sending q -> -q+
! output: the number of irr. representa
REAL(DP) :: xq (3), rtau (3, 48, nat), at (3, 3), bg (3, 3), &
gi (3, 48), gimq (3)
! input: the q point
! input: the R associated to each tau
! input: the direct lattice vectors
! input: the reciprocal lattice vectors
! output: [S(irotq)*q - q]
! output: [S(irotmq)*q + q]
COMPLEX(DP) :: u (3 * nat, 3 * nat), &
t (max_irr_dim, max_irr_dim, 48, 3 * nat), &
tmq (max_irr_dim, max_irr_dim, 3 * nat)
! output: the pattern vectors
! output: the symmetry matrices
! output: the matrice sending q -> -q+G
LOGICAL :: minus_q
! output: if true one symmetry send q -
! here the local variables
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: tpi = 2.0d0 * 3.14159265358979d0
INTEGER :: na, nb, imode, jmode, ipert, jpert, nsymtot, imode0, &
irr, ipol, jpol, isymq, irot, sna
! counter on atoms
! counter on atoms
! counter on modes
! counter on modes
! counter on perturbations
! counter on perturbations
! total number of symmetries
! auxiliry variable for mode counting
! counter on irreducible representation
! counter on polarizations
! counter on polarizations
! counter on symmetries
! counter on rotations
! the rotated atom
REAL(DP) :: eigen (3 * nat), modul, arg
! the eigenvalues of dynamical ma
! the modulus of the mode
! the argument of the phase
COMPLEX(DP) :: wdyn (3, 3, nat, nat), phi (3 * nat, 3 * nat), &
wrk_u (3, nat), wrk_ru (3, nat), fase
! the dynamical matrix
! the bi-dimensional dynamical ma
! one pattern
! the rotated of one pattern
! the phase factor
LOGICAL :: lgamma
! if true gamma point
IF ( mpime == root ) THEN
! Allocate the necessary quantities
lgamma = (xq(1).EQ.0.d0 .AND. xq(2).EQ.0.d0 .AND. xq(3).EQ.0.d0)
! find the small group of q
CALL smallgq (xq,at,bg,s,nsym,irgq,nsymq,irotmq,minus_q,gi,gimq)
! And we compute the matrices which represent the symmetry transformat
! in the basis of the displacements
t(:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
tmq(:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (minus_q) THEN
nsymtot = nsymq + 1
nsymtot = nsymq
DO isymq = 1, nsymtot
IF (isymq.LE.nsymq) THEN
irot = irgq (isymq)
irot = irotmq
imode0 = 0
DO irr = 1, nirr
DO ipert = 1, npert (irr)
imode = imode0 + ipert
DO na = 1, nat
DO ipol = 1, 3
jmode = 3 * (na - 1) + ipol
wrk_u (ipol, na) = u (jmode, imode)
! transform this pattern to crystal basis
DO na = 1, nat
CALL trnvecc (wrk_u (1, na), at, bg, - 1)
! the patterns are rotated with this symmetry
wrk_ru(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO na = 1, nat
sna = irt (irot, na)
arg = 0.d0
DO ipol = 1, 3
arg = arg + xq (ipol) * rtau (ipol, irot, na)
arg = arg * tpi
IF (isymq.EQ.nsymtot.AND.minus_q) THEN
fase = CMPLX (COS (arg), SIN (arg) )
fase = CMPLX (COS (arg), - SIN (arg) )
DO ipol = 1, 3
DO jpol = 1, 3
wrk_ru (ipol, sna) = wrk_ru (ipol, sna) + s (jpol, ipol, irot) &
* wrk_u (jpol, na) * fase
! Transform back the rotated pattern
DO na = 1, nat
CALL trnvecc (wrk_ru (1, na), at, bg, 1)
! Computes the symmetry matrices on the basis of the pattern
DO jpert = 1, npert (irr)
imode = imode0 + jpert
DO na = 1, nat
DO ipol = 1, 3
jmode = ipol + (na - 1) * 3
IF (isymq.EQ.nsymtot.AND.minus_q) THEN
tmq (jpert, ipert, irr) = tmq (jpert, ipert, irr) + CONJG (u ( &
jmode, imode) * wrk_ru (ipol, na) )
t (jpert, ipert, irot, irr) = t (jpert, ipert, irot, irr) &
+ CONJG (u (jmode, imode) ) * wrk_ru (ipol, na)
imode0 = imode0 + npert (irr)
! Note: the following lines are for testing purposes
! nirr = 1
! npert(1)=1
! do na=1,3*nat/2
! u(na,1)=(0.d0,0.d0)
! u(na+3*nat/2,1)=(0.d0,0.d0)
! enddo
! u(1,1)=(-1.d0,0.d0)
! WRITE( stdout,'(" Setting mode for testing ")')
! do na=1,3*nat
! WRITE( stdout,*) u(na,1)
! enddo
! nsymq=1
! minus_q=.false.
! parallel stuff: first node broadcasts everything to all nodes
CALL mp_bcast (gi, root)
CALL mp_bcast (gimq, root)
CALL mp_bcast (t, root)
CALL mp_bcast (tmq, root)
CALL mp_bcast (u, root)
CALL mp_bcast (nsymq, root)
CALL mp_bcast (npert, root)
CALL mp_bcast (nirr, root)
CALL mp_bcast (irotmq, root)
CALL mp_bcast (irgq, root)
CALL mp_bcast (minus_q, root)
END SUBROUTINE set_sym_irr