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! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
function sumkt (et, nbnd, nks, nspin, ntetra, tetra, e, is, isk)
USE kinds
implicit none
! output variable
real(DP) :: sumkt
! input variable
integer, intent(in) :: nbnd, nks, nspin, ntetra, tetra (4, ntetra)
real(DP), intent(in) :: et (nbnd, nks), e
integer, intent(in) :: is, isk
! local variables
real(DP) :: etetra (4), e1, e2, e3, e4
integer :: nt, nk, ns, ibnd, i
sumkt = 0.0
do ns = 1, nspin
if (is /= 0) then
if ( ns .ne. is) cycle
end if
! nk is used to select k-points with up (ns=1) or down (ns=2) spin
if (ns.eq.1) then
nk = 0
nk = nks / 2
do nt = 1, ntetra
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
! etetra are the energies at the vertexes of the nt-th tetrahedron
do i = 1, 4
etetra (i) = et (ibnd, tetra (i, nt) + nk)
call piksort (4, etetra)
! ...sort in ascending order: e1 < e2 < e3 < e4
e1 = etetra (1)
e2 = etetra (2)
e3 = etetra (3)
e4 = etetra (4)
! calculate sum over k of the integrated charge
if (e.ge.e4) then
sumkt = sumkt + 1.d0 / ntetra
elseif (e.lt.e4.and.e.ge.e3) then
sumkt = sumkt + 1.d0 / ntetra * (1.0 - (e4 - e) **3 / (e4 - e1) &
/ (e4 - e2) / (e4 - e3) )
elseif (e.lt.e3.and.e.ge.e2) then
sumkt = sumkt + 1.d0 / ntetra / (e3 - e1) / (e4 - e1) * &
( (e2 - e1) **2 + 3.0 * (e2 - e1) * (e-e2) + 3.0 * (e-e2) **2 - &
(e3 - e1 + e4 - e2) / (e3 - e2) / (e4 - e2) * (e-e2) **3)
elseif (e.lt.e2.and.e.ge.e1) then
sumkt = sumkt + 1.d0 / ntetra * (e-e1) **3 / (e2 - e1) / &
(e3 - e1) / (e4 - e1)
! add correct spin normalization : 2 for LDA, 1 for LSDA calculations
sumkt = sumkt * 2.d0 / nspin
end function sumkt
subroutine piksort (n, a)
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: n
real(DP) :: a (n)
integer :: i, j
real(DP) :: temp
do j = 2, n
temp = a (j)
do i = j - 1, 1, - 1
if (a (i) .le.temp) goto 10
a (i + 1) = a (i)
i = 0
10 a (i + 1) = temp
end subroutine piksort