
252 lines
6.9 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine setupkpoint (s, nrot, xk, wk, nks, npk, nk1, nk2, nk3, &
k1, k2, k3, at, bg, tipo)
! This routine generates the point of a monkhorst and pack mesh
! If tipo=1 it uses the standard generation,
! If tipo=2 it uses the mesh for hexagonal bravais lattice.
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: nrot, nks, npk, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, tipo, s(3,3,48)
! input: the number of symmetries
! output: the number of k points
! input: the dimension of xk and wk
! input: the number of points in the three dire
! input: kpoint shift
! input: hexagonal or cubic type
! input: the symmetry matrices
real(DP) :: at (3, 3), bg (3, 3), xk (3, npk), wk (npk)
! input: direct and reciprocal lattice ve
! output: k points and weights
integer :: npkk
! maximum number of unreduced points
parameter (npkk = 100000)
real(DP) :: xknew (3, npkk), xkk (npkk), esort (npkk), d (3), &
dnorm, dk (3), buffer (3), swap, ui, uj, uk, eps
! the unreduced points
! their modulus
! used for ordering
! used for ordering
! auxiliary
! save the rotated point
! used for exchange
! auxiliary
! a small parameter
parameter (eps = 1e-5)
integer :: start, igk (npkk), ikprova, irot, iswap, indsw, count, &
contatore, l, i, j, k
! initial point in the list
! used to order the k points
! counters on k points and rotations
! used to exchange points
! used to count on k points
! counter on polarizations
! counter on k point
integer :: kpoint
logical :: fatto (npkk)
! if true this point has been found
if (npk.gt.npkk) call errore ('setupkpoint', 'npkk too small', &
if ( (tipo.ne.1) .and. (tipo.ne.2) ) call errore ('setupkpoint', &
'wrong tipo', 1)
esort(:) = 1.d20
! set d vector for unique ordering
d (1) = 0.25657642786d0
d (2) = 0.35342818974d0
d (3) = 0.56421652427d0
dnorm = sqrt (d (1) * d (1) + d (2) * d (2) + d (3) * d (3) )
d (1) = d (1) / dnorm
d (2) = d (2) / dnorm
d (3) = d (3) / dnorm
! Here we generate the points with the MP method
count = 0
do i = 1, nk1
if (tipo.eq.1) then
ui = (k1 + 2.d0 * i - nk1 - 1.d0) / (2.d0 * nk1)
ui = (k1 + i - 1.d0) / nk1
do j = 1, nk2
if (tipo.eq.1) then
uj = (k2 + 2.d0 * j - nk2 - 1.d0) / (2.d0 * nk2)
uj = (k2 + j - 1.d0) / nk2
do k = 1, nk3
uk = (k3 + 2.d0 * k - nk3 - 1.d0) / (2.d0 * nk3)
count = count + 1
if (count.gt.npkk) call errore('setupkpt','mpmesh too large',npkk)
xknew (1, count) = ui
xknew (2, count) = uj
xknew (3, count) = uk
call modulo2 (xknew(1,count), bg, xkk(count), d, esort(count) )
igk (count) = count
! Now order the point in increasing modulus order
call hpsort (count, esort, igk)
! now order the k point
do i = 1, count - 1
62 indsw = igk (i)
if (indsw.ne.i) then
do l = 1, 3
swap = xknew (l, indsw)
xknew (l, indsw) = xknew (l, igk (indsw) )
xknew (l, igk (indsw) ) = swap
iswap = igk (i)
igk (i) = igk (iswap)
igk (iswap) = iswap
swap = xkk (i)
xkk (i) = xkk (iswap)
xkk (iswap) = swap
goto 62
! The k points are divided in shells of equivalent points
do i = 1, npkk
fatto (i) = .false.
contatore = 0
do kpoint = 1, count
if (.not. (fatto (kpoint) ) ) then
! We found the first vector of a new shell.
! Now found all the equivalent vectors
contatore = contatore+1
! This k point has been found
start = kpoint
fatto (kpoint) = .true.
do l = 1, 3
xk (l, contatore) = xknew (l, kpoint)
wk (contatore) = 1.d0
! Ora applichiamo in successione tutte le simmetrie
do irot = 1, nrot
call prodotto3dk (s (1, 1, irot), xknew (1, kpoint), buffer)
! now we look in the xknew list if there is buffer
do ikprova = start, count
if (.not. (fatto (ikprova) ) ) then
do l = 1, 3
dk (l) = abs (xknew (l, ikprova) - buffer (l) )
if ( (abs (dk(1) - int(dk(1)+eps) ) .lt. 2.d0*eps) .and. &
(abs (dk(2) - int(dk(2)+eps) ) .lt. 2.d0*eps) .and. &
(abs (dk(3) - int(dk(3)+eps) ) .lt. 2.d0*eps) ) then
! we have found the equivalent vector in the list
fatto (ikprova) = .true.
wk (contatore) = wk (contatore) + 1.d0
goto 90
90 continue
nks = contatore
call cryst_to_cart (nks, xk, bg, 1)
end subroutine setupkpoint
subroutine modulo2 (vect, bg, modulo, d, esort)
! This routine computes the modulus of the vector vect
! written in the bg basis. bg could be non orthogonal
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: vect (3), bg (3, 3), d (3), esort, modulo
! input: the vector
! input: the basis
! input: direction for ordering
! output: the projected modulus
! output: the modulus
real(DP) :: buffer (3)
! auxiliary
integer :: l
modulo = 0.d0
do l = 1, 3
buffer(l) = vect(1) * bg(l,1) + vect(2) * bg(l,2) + vect(3) * bg(l,3)
modulo = modulo + buffer(l) * buffer(l)
if (modulo.gt.1.d-8) then
esort = 1.d4 * modulo + ( buffer(1) * d(1) + buffer(2) * d(2) + &
buffer(3) * d(3) ) / sqrt (modulo)
esort = 0.d0
end subroutine modulo2
subroutine prodotto3dk (a, v, w)
! This subrutine computes w=A v where A is a 3*3 matrix
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: a (3, 3)
real(DP) :: v (3)
real(DP) :: w (3)
integer :: l
do l = 1, 3
w (l) = a (l, 1) * v (1) + a (l, 2) * v (2) + a (l, 3) * v (3)
end subroutine prodotto3dk