
319 lines
9.9 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE phq_readin()
! This routine reads the control variables for the program phononq.
! from standard input (unit 5).
! A second routine readfile reads the variables saved on a file
! by the self-consistent program.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : amconv
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE check_stop, ONLY : max_seconds
USE ions_base, ONLY : amass
USE klist, ONLY : xqq, nks, degauss
USE wvfct, ONLY : gamma_only
USE fixed_occ, ONLY : tfixed_occ
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda
USE char_ph, ONLY : title_ph
USE control_ph, ONLY : maxter, alpha_mix, lgamma, epsil, zue, trans, &
elph, tr2_ph, niter_ph, nmix_ph, maxirr, lnscf, &
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq, xq
USE partial, ONLY : atomo, list, nat_todo, nrapp
USE output, ONLY : fildyn, filelph, fildvscf, fildrho
USE disp, ONLY : nq1, nq2, nq3
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity, reduce_io, iswitch, modenum
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
INTEGER :: ios, ipol, iter, na, it
! integer variable for I/O control
! counter on polarizations
! counter on iterations
! counter on atoms
! counter on types
INTEGER :: modenum_aux
! auxilary variable for saving the modenum
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: outdir
NAMELIST / INPUTPH / tr2_ph, amass, alpha_mix, niter_ph, nmix_ph, &
maxirr, nat_todo, iverbosity, outdir, epsil, &
trans, elph, zue, nrapp, max_seconds, reduce_io, &
prefix, fildyn, filelph, fildvscf, fildrho, &
lnscf, ldisp, nq1, nq2, nq3, modenum
! tr2_ph : convergence threshold
! amass : atomic masses
! alpha_mix : the mixing parameter
! niter_ph : maximum number of iterations
! nmix_ph : number of previous iterations used in mixing
! maxirr : the number of irreducible representations
! nat_todo : number of atom to be displaced
! iverbosity : verbosity control
! outdir : directory where input, output, temporary files reside
! epsil : if true calculate dielectric constant
! trans : if true calculate phonon
! elph : if true calculate electron-phonon coefficients
! zue : if true calculate effective charges (alternate way)
! nrapp : the representations to do
! max_seconds : maximum cputime for this run
! reduce_io : reduce I/O to the strict minimum
! prefix : the prefix of files produced by pwscf
! fildyn : output file for the dynamical matrix
! filelph : output file for electron-phonon coefficients
! fildvscf : output file containing deltavsc
! fildrho : output file containing deltarho
! ... local variables
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: input_file
INTEGER :: nargs, iiarg, ierr, ILEN
IF ( .NOT. ionode ) GOTO 400
! ... Input from file ?
nargs = iargc()
DO iiarg = 1, ( nargs - 1 )
CALL getarg( iiarg, input_file )
IF ( TRIM( input_file ) == '-input' .OR. &
TRIM( input_file ) == '-inp' .OR. &
TRIM( input_file ) == '-in' ) THEN
CALL getarg( ( iiarg + 1 ) , input_file )
OPEN ( UNIT = 5, FILE = input_file, FORM = 'FORMATTED', &
STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ierr )
CALL errore( 'iosys', 'input file ' // TRIM( input_file ) // &
& ' not found' , ierr )
! ... Read the first line of the input file
READ( 5, '(A)', ERR = 100, IOSTAT = ios ) title_ph
100 CALL errore( 'phq_readin', 'reading title ', ABS( ios ) )
! ... set default values for variables in namelist
tr2_ph = 1.D-10
amass(:) = 0.D0
alpha_mix(:) = 0.D0
alpha_mix(1) = 0.7D0
niter_ph = maxter
nmix_ph = 4
maxirr = 0
nat_todo = 0
nrapp = 0
iverbosity = 0
trans = .TRUE.
epsil = .FALSE.
zue = .FALSE.
elph = .FALSE.
max_seconds = 10000000.D0
reduce_io = .FALSE.
outdir = './'
prefix = 'pwscf'
filelph = ' '
fildyn = 'matdyn'
fildrho = ' '
fildvscf = ' '
lnscf = .FALSE.
ldisp = .FALSE.
nq1 = 0
nq2 = 0
nq3 = 0
modenum = -1
! ... reading the namelist inputph
#if defined (CRAYY)
! ... The Cray does not accept "err" and "iostat" together with a namelist
ios = 0
READ( 5, INPUTPH, ERR = 200, IOSTAT = ios )
200 CALL errore( 'phq_readin', 'reading inputph namelist', ABS( ios ) )
! ... Check all namelist variables
IF (tr2_ph.LE.0.D0) CALL errore (' phq_readin', ' Wrong tr2_ph ', 1)
DO iter = 1, maxter
IF (alpha_mix (iter) .LT.0.D0.OR.alpha_mix (iter) .GT.1.D0) CALL &
errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong alpha_mix ', iter)
IF (niter_ph.LT.1.OR.niter_ph.GT.maxter) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
' Wrong niter_ph ', 1)
IF (nmix_ph.LT.1.OR.nmix_ph.GT.5) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong &
&nmix_ph ', 1)
IF (iverbosity.NE.0.AND.iverbosity.NE.1) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
&' Wrong iverbosity ', 1)
IF (fildyn.EQ.' ') CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong fildyn ', 1)
IF (max_seconds.LT.1.D0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong max_seconds', 1)
IF (nat_todo.NE.0.AND.nrapp.NE.0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
&' incompatible flags', 1)
! reads the q point (just if ldisp = .false.)
IF (.NOT. ldisp) THEN
READ (5, *, err = 300, iostat = ios) (xq (ipol), ipol = 1, 3)
300 CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading xq', ABS (ios) )
lgamma = xq (1) .EQ.0.D0.AND.xq (2) .EQ.0.D0.AND.xq (3) .EQ.0.D0
IF ( (epsil.OR.zue) .AND..NOT.lgamma) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
'gamma is needed for elec.field', 1)
IF (zue.AND..NOT.trans) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'trans must be &
&.t. for Zue calc.', 1)
tmp_dir = TRIM(outdir)
CALL bcast_ph_input
xqq(:) = xq(:)
! Here we finished the reading of the input file.
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
! modenum will also be read from file, copy first in aux.variable
modenum_aux = modenum
CALL read_file
IF (gamma_only) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
'cannot start from pw.x data file using Gamma-point tricks',1)
! workaround if modenum is set here
! and set the right iswitch
IF (modenum_aux .NE. -1) THEN
modenum = modenum_aux
iswitch = -4
ELSE IF(modenum .EQ. 0) THEN
iswitch = -2
iswitch = -4
! broadcast the two values
CALL mp_bcast( iswitch, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( modenum, ionode_id )
IF (lgamma) THEN
nksq = nks
nksq = nks / 2
IF (tfixed_occ) &
CALL errore('phq_readin','phonon with arbitrary occupations not tested',1)
IF (elph.AND.degauss.EQ.0.0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'Electron-&
&phonon only for metals', 1)
IF (elph.AND.lsda) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'El-ph and spin not &
&implemented', 1)
IF (elph.AND.fildvscf.EQ.' ') CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'El-ph needs &
&a DeltaVscf file', 1)
! There might be other variables in the input file which describe
! partial computation of the dynamical matrix. Read them here
CALL allocate_part
IF ( .NOT. ionode ) GOTO 800
IF (nat_todo.LT.0.OR.nat_todo.GT.nat) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
'nat_todo is wrong', 1)
IF (nat_todo.NE.0) THEN
READ (5, *, err = 600, iostat = ios) (atomo (na), na = 1, &
600 CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading atoms', ABS (ios) )
IF (nrapp.LT.0.OR.nrapp.GT.3 * nat) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
'nrapp is wrong', 1)
IF (nrapp.NE.0) THEN
READ (5, *, err = 700, iostat = ios) (list (na), na = 1, nrapp)
700 CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading list', ABS (ios) )
CALL bcast_ph_input1
IF (epsil.AND.degauss.NE.0.D0) &
CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'no elec. field with metals', 1)
! if (iswitch.ne. - 2 .and. iswitch.ne. - 3 .and. iswitch.ne. -4 &
! .and. .not.lgamma) call errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong iswitch ', &
! & 1 + abs (iswitch) )
DO it = 1, ntyp
IF (amass (it) <= 0.D0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'Wrong masses', it)
IF (maxirr.LT.0.OR.maxirr.GT.3 * nat) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' &
&Wrong maxirr ', ABS (maxirr) )
IF (MOD (nks, 2) .NE.0.AND..NOT.lgamma) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
'k-points are odd', nks)
IF (iswitch.EQ. - 4) THEN
nrapp = 1
nat_todo = 0
list (1) = modenum
IF (iswitch == -4 .AND. ldisp) &
CALL errore('phq_readin','Dispersion calculation and &
& single mode calculation not possibile !',1)
! broadcast the values of nq1, nq2, nq3
CALL mp_bcast( nq1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nq2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nq3, ionode_id )
IF (ldisp .AND. (nq1 .LE. 0 .OR. nq2 .LE. 0 .OR. nq3 .LE. 0)) &
CALL errore('phq_readin','nq1, nq2, and nq3 must be greater than 0',1)
! mass renormalization
amass = amconv * amass