
106 lines
2.7 KiB

subroutine read_pseudo (is, iunps, ierr)
! read "is"-th pseudopotential in the Unified Pseudopotential Format
! from unit "iunps" - convert and copy to internal PWscf variables
! return error code in "ierr" (success: ierr=0)
! CP90 modules
use uspp_param, only: qfunc, qfcoef, rinner, qqq, vloc_at, &
lll, nbeta, kkbeta, nqlc, nqf, betar, dion
use atom, only: chi, lchi, nchi, rho_atc, r, rab, mesh, nlcc
use ions_base, only: zv
use cvan, only: ipp
use funct, only: dft, which_dft
use pseudo_types
use read_pseudo_module
implicit none
integer :: is, iunps, ierr
! Local variables
integer :: nb, exfact
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
call read_pseudo_upf(iunps, upf, ierr)
if (ierr .ne. 0) then
CALL deallocate_pseudo_upf( upf )
end if
zv(is) = upf%zp
! psd (is)= upf%psd
! tvanp(is)=upf%tvanp
if (upf%tvanp) then
ipp(is) = -2
ipp(is) = +4
end if
nlcc(is) = upf%nlcc
dft = upf%dft
call which_dft (upf%dft)
mesh(is) = upf%mesh
if (mesh(is) > ndmx ) call errore('read_pseudo','increase mmaxx',mesh(is))
nchi(is) = upf%nwfc
lchi(1:upf%nwfc, is) = upf%lchi(1:upf%nwfc)
! oc(1:upf%nwfc, is) = upf%oc(1:upf%nwfc)
chi(1:upf%mesh, 1:upf%nwfc, is) = upf%chi(1:upf%mesh, 1:upf%nwfc)
nbeta(is)= upf%nbeta
do nb=1,upf%nbeta
end do
betar(1:upf%mesh, 1:upf%nbeta, is) = upf%beta(1:upf%mesh, 1:upf%nbeta)
dion(1:upf%nbeta, 1:upf%nbeta, is) = upf%dion(1:upf%nbeta, 1:upf%nbeta)
! lmax(is) = upf%lmax
nqlc(is) = upf%nqlc
nqf (is) = upf%nqf
lll(1:upf%nbeta,is) = upf%lll(1:upf%nbeta)
rinner(1:upf%nqlc,is) = upf%rinner(1:upf%nqlc)
qqq(1:upf%nbeta,1:upf%nbeta,is) = upf%qqq(1:upf%nbeta,1:upf%nbeta)
qfunc (1:upf%mesh, 1:upf%nbeta, 1:upf%nbeta, is) = &
qfcoef(1:upf%nqf, 1:upf%nqlc, 1:upf%nbeta, 1:upf%nbeta, is ) = &
upf%qfcoef( 1:upf%nqf, 1:upf%nqlc, 1:upf%nbeta, 1:upf%nbeta )
r (1:upf%mesh, is) = upf%r (1:upf%mesh)
rab(1:upf%mesh, is) = upf%rab(1:upf%mesh)
if ( upf%nlcc) then
rho_atc (1:upf%mesh, is) = upf%rho_atc(1:upf%mesh)
rho_atc (:,is) = 0.d0
end if
! rsatom (1:upf%mesh, is) = upf%rho_at (1:upf%mesh)
! lloc(is) = 1
vloc_at (1:upf%mesh, is) = upf%vloc(1:upf%mesh)
! compatibility with old Vanderbilt formats
call fill_qrl(is)
CALL deallocate_pseudo_upf( upf )
end subroutine read_pseudo