
531 lines
19 KiB

!! Copyright (C) 2003-2006 M. Marques, A. Castro, A. Rubio, G. Bertsch
!! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
!! any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
!! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
!! Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
!! 02110-1301, USA.
!! $Id: libxc.f90 3550 2007-11-19 14:32:49Z marques $
# 27 "/home/micael/devel/libxc/svn/tags/2.2.0/src/libxc_master.F90"
module xc_f90_types_m
integer, public, parameter :: xc_f90_kind = selected_real_kind(14)
type xc_f90_pointer_t
integer, pointer :: buffer
end type xc_f90_pointer_t
end module xc_f90_types_m
module xc_f90_lib_m
use xc_f90_types_m
implicit none
! Families of xc functionals
integer, parameter :: &
integer, parameter :: &
XC_UNPOLARIZED = 1, & ! Spin unpolarized
XC_POLARIZED = 2 ! Spin polarized
integer, parameter :: &
XC_NON_RELATIVISTIC = 0, & ! Functional includes or not relativistic
XC_RELATIVISTIC = 1 ! corrections. Only available in some functionals.
! Kinds
integer, parameter :: &
integer, parameter :: &
XC_FLAGS_1D = 32, &
XC_FLAGS_2D = 64, &
XC_FLAGS_3D = 128, &
! These are old names keep for compatibility, and that should disappear soon
integer, parameter :: XC_GGA_XC_LB = 160
integer, parameter :: XC_GGA_K_ABSR1 = 506
integer, parameter :: XC_GGA_K_ABSR2 = 507
subroutine xc_f90_version(major, minor)
integer, intent(out) :: major, minor
end subroutine xc_f90_version
end interface
integer function xc_f90_info_number(info)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
end function xc_f90_info_number
integer function xc_f90_info_kind(info)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
end function xc_f90_info_kind
subroutine xc_f90_info_name(info, s)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
character(len=*), intent(out) :: s
end subroutine xc_f90_info_name
integer function xc_f90_info_family(info)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
end function xc_f90_info_family
integer function xc_f90_info_flags(info)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
end function xc_f90_info_flags
subroutine xc_f90_info_refs(info, number, str, s)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: info
integer, intent(inout) :: number ! number of the reference. Must be 0 in the first call
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: str ! this will hold a (char **) pointer
character(len=*), intent(out) :: s ! the string that is output
end subroutine xc_f90_info_refs
subroutine xc_f90_functional_get_name(func_number, func_string)
integer, intent(in) :: func_number
character(len=256), intent(out) :: func_string
end subroutine xc_f90_functional_get_name
integer function xc_f90_functional_get_number(func_string)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: func_string
end function xc_f90_functional_get_number
integer function xc_f90_family_from_id(id)
use xc_f90_types_m
integer, intent(in) :: id
end function xc_f90_family_from_id
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_func_init(p, info, functional, nspin)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(out) :: p
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in) :: functional
integer, intent(in) :: nspin
end subroutine xc_f90_func_init
subroutine xc_f90_func_end(p)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
end subroutine xc_f90_func_end
end interface
! LDAs
subroutine xc_f90_lda(p, np, rho, zk, vrho, fxc, kxc)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk ! the energy per unit particle
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho ! v(nspin) the potential
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: fxc ! v(nspin,nspin) the xc kernel
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: kxc ! v(nspin,nspin,nspin) the derivative of xc kernel
end subroutine xc_f90_lda
subroutine xc_f90_lda_exc(p, np, rho, zk)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk ! the energy per unit particle
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_exc
subroutine xc_f90_lda_exc_vxc(p, np, rho, e, v)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: e ! the energy per unit particle
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v ! v(nspin) the potential
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_exc_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_lda_vxc(p, np, rho, v)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v ! v(nspin) the potential
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_lda_fxc(p, np, rho, fxc)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: fxc ! v(nspin,nspin) the xc kernel
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_fxc
subroutine xc_f90_lda_kxc(p, np, rho, kxc)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: kxc
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_kxc
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_lda_x_1d_set_par(p, interaction, bb)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: interaction
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: bb
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_x_1d_set_par
subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_xalpha_set_par(p, alpha)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: alpha
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_xalpha_set_par
subroutine xc_f90_lda_x_set_par(p, alpha, relativistic, omega)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: alpha ! of Xalpha, set to 4/3 to obtain standard LDA
integer, intent(in) :: relativistic
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: omega
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_x_set_par
subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_1d_csc_set_par(p, interaction, bb)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: interaction
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: bb
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_1d_csc_set_par
subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_2d_prm_set_par(p, N)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: N
end subroutine xc_f90_lda_c_2d_prm_set_par
end interface
! GGAs
subroutine xc_f90_gga(p, np, rho, sigma, zk, vrho, vsigma, &
v2rho2, v2rhosigma, v2sigma2, v3rho3, v3rho2sigma, v3rhosigma2, v3sigma3)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rho2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhosigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigma2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rho3
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rho2sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rhosigma2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3sigma3
end subroutine xc_f90_gga
subroutine xc_f90_gga_exc(p, np, rho, sigma, zk)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_exc
subroutine xc_f90_gga_exc_vxc(p, np, rho, sigma, zk, vrho, vsigma)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_exc_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_gga_vxc(p, np, rho, sigma, vrho, vsigma)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_gga_fxc(p, np, rho, sigma, v2rho2, v2rhosigma, v2sigma2)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rho2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhosigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigma2
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_fxc
subroutine xc_f90_gga_kxc(p, np, rho, sigma, v3rho3, v3rho2sigma, v3rhosigma2, v3sigma3)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rho3
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rho2sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3rhosigma2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v3sigma3
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_kxc
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_gga_lb_set_par(p, modified, threshold, ip, qtot)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: modified ! should we use the modified version
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: threshold ! if so, the threshold to use the asymtotic version
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: ip ! ionization potential
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: qtot ! total charge
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_lb_set_par
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_gga_lb_modified(p, np, rho, grho, r, dedd)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho ! rho(nspin) the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: grho ! grho(3,nspin) the gradient of the density
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: r ! distance from center of finite system
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: dedd
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_lb_modified
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_gga_x_wpbeh_set_par(p, omega)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: omega ! range separation
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_x_wpbeh_set_par
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_gga_x_hjs_set_par(p, omega)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: omega ! range separation
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_x_hjs_set_par
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_gga_ak13_get_asymptotic(homo, asymp)
use xc_f90_types_m
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: homo
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: asymp
end subroutine xc_f90_gga_ak13_get_asymptotic
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_hyb_exx_coef(p, coef)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: coef
end subroutine xc_f90_hyb_exx_coef
subroutine xc_f90_hyb_cam_coef(p, omega, alpha, beta)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: omega, alpha, beta
end subroutine xc_f90_hyb_cam_coef
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_hyb_gga_xc_hse_set_par(p, beta, omega)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: beta ! mixing
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: omega ! range separation
end subroutine xc_f90_hyb_gga_xc_hse_set_par
subroutine xc_f90_hyb_gga_xc_pbeh_set_par(p, alpha)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: alpha ! mixing
end subroutine xc_f90_hyb_gga_xc_pbeh_set_par
end interface
! the meta-GGAs
subroutine xc_f90_mgga(p, np, rho, sigma, lapl, tau, zk, vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau, &
v2rho2, v2sigma2, v2lapl2, v2tau2, v2rhosigma, v2rholapl, v2rhotau, &
v2sigmalapl, v2sigmatau, v2lapltau)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: lapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: tau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vlapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vtau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rho2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigma2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2lapl2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2tau2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhosigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rholapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhotau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigmalapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigmatau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2lapltau
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga
subroutine xc_f90_mgga_exc(p, np, rho, sigma, lapl, tau, zk)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: lapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: tau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga_exc
subroutine xc_f90_mgga_exc_vxc(p, np, rho, sigma, lapl, tau, zk, vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: lapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: tau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: zk
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vlapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vtau
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga_exc_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_mgga_vxc(p, np, rho, sigma, lapl, tau, vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: lapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: tau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vrho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vsigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vlapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: vtau
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga_vxc
subroutine xc_f90_mgga_fxc(p, np, rho, sigma, lapl, tau, &
v2rho2, v2sigma2, v2lapl2, v2tau2, v2rhosigma, v2rholapl, v2rhotau, &
v2sigmalapl, v2sigmatau, v2lapltau)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: rho
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: sigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: lapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: tau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rho2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigma2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2lapl2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2tau2
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhosigma
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rholapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2rhotau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigmalapl
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2sigmatau
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(out) :: v2lapltau
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga_fxc
end interface
subroutine xc_f90_mgga_x_tb09_set_par(p, cc)
use xc_f90_types_m
type(xc_f90_pointer_t), intent(inout) :: p
real(xc_f90_kind), intent(in) :: cc
end subroutine xc_f90_mgga_x_tb09_set_par
end interface
end module xc_f90_lib_m
!! Local Variables:
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!! End: