
182 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE setup_nscf ( newgrid, xq, elph_mat )
! ... This routine initializes variables for the non-scf calculations at k
! ... and k+q required by the linear response calculation at finite q.
! ... In particular: finds the symmetry group of the crystal that leaves
! ... the phonon q-vector (xq) or the single atomic displacement (modenum)
! ... unchanged; determines the k- and k+q points in the irreducible BZ
! ... Needed on input (read from data file):
! ... "nsym" crystal symmetries s, t_rev, "nrot" lattice symetries "s"
! ... "nkstot" k-points in the irreducible BZ wrt lattice symmetry
! ... Produced on output:
! ... symmetries ordered with the "nsymq" phonon symmetries first
! ... "nkstot" k- and k+q-points in the IBZ calculated for the phonon sym.)
! ... Misc. data needed for running the non-scf calculation
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE parameters, ONLY : npk
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE constants, ONLY : pi, degspin
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau, ityp, zv
USE force_mod, ONLY : force
USE basis, ONLY : natomwfc
USE klist, ONLY : xk, wk, nks, degauss, lgauss, &
ltetra, nkstot, qnorm
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, nspin, current_spin, isk
USE symm_base, ONLY : s, t_rev, nrot, nsym, time_reversal
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, nbndx
USE control_flags, ONLY : ethr, isolve, david, max_cg_iter, &
noinv, use_para_diag
USE mp_pools, ONLY : kunit
USE spin_orb, ONLY : domag
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE start_k, ONLY : nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, &
nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE uspp_param, ONLY : n_atom_wfc
USE ktetra, ONLY : tetra, tetra_type, opt_tetra_init
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : nsymq, invsymq, minus_q
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma, ethr_nscf
REAL (DP), INTENT(IN) :: xq(3)
LOGICAL, INTENT (IN) :: newgrid
LOGICAL, INTENT (IN) :: elph_mat ! used to be passed through a module.
REAL (DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rtau (:,:,:)
LOGICAL :: magnetic_sym, sym(48)
LOGICAL :: skip_equivalence
LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: check_para_diag
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( force ) ) ALLOCATE( force( 3, nat ) )
! ... threshold for diagonalization ethr
ethr = ethr_nscf
! ... variables for iterative diagonalization
! ... Davdson: isolve=0, david=4 ; CG: isolve=1, david=1
isolve = 0
david = 4
nbndx = david*nbnd
natomwfc = n_atom_wfc( nat, ityp, noncolin )
use_para_diag = check_para_diag( nbnd )
! ... Symmetry and k-point section
! ... time_reversal = use q=>-q symmetry for k-point generation
magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag
! ... smallg_q flags in symmetry operations of the crystal
! ... that are not symmetry operations of the small group of q
CALL set_small_group_of_q(nsymq,invsymq,minus_q)
! ... Input k-points are assumed to be given in the IBZ of the Bravais
! ... lattice, with the full point symmetry of the lattice.
if( nks_start > 0 .AND. .NOT. newgrid ) then
! In this case I keep the same points of the Charge density
! calculations
nkstot = nks_start
xk(:,1:nkstot) = xk_start(:,1:nkstot)
wk(1:nkstot) = wk_start(1:nkstot)
! In this case I generate a new set of k-points
! In the case of electron-phonon matrix element with wannier functions
! (and possibly in other cases as well) the k-points should not be reduced
skip_equivalence = elph_mat
CALL kpoint_grid ( nrot, time_reversal, skip_equivalence, s, t_rev, &
bg, nk1*nk2*nk3, k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nkstot, xk, wk)
! ... If some symmetries of the lattice are missing in the crystal,
! ... "irreducible_BZ" computes the missing k-points.
if(.not.elph_mat) &
CALL irreducible_BZ (nrot, s, nsymq, minus_q, magnetic_sym, &
at, bg, npk, nkstot, xk, wk, t_rev)
! ... add k+q to the list of k
CALL set_kplusq( xk, wk, xq, nkstot, npk )
! ... set the granularity for k-point distribution
IF ( lgamma ) THEN
kunit = 1
kunit = 2
! ... Map each k point in the irr.-BZ into tetrahedra
IF ( ltetra .AND. (tetra_type /= 0) ) THEN
CALL opt_tetra_init(nsymq, s, time_reversal .AND. minus_q, t_rev, at, bg,&
npk, k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, nkstot, xk, kunit)
IF ( lsda ) THEN
! ... LSDA case: two different spin polarizations,
! ... each with its own kpoints
if (nspin /= 2) call errore ('setup_nscf','nspin should be 2; check iosys',1)
CALL set_kup_and_kdw( xk, wk, isk, nkstot, npk )
ELSE IF ( noncolin ) THEN
! ... noncolinear magnetism: potential and charge have dimension 4 (1+3)
if (nspin /= 4) call errore ('setup_nscf','nspin should be 4; check iosys',1)
current_spin = 1
! ... LDA case: the two spin polarizations are identical
wk(1:nkstot) = wk(1:nkstot) * degspin
current_spin = 1
IF ( nspin /= 1 ) &
CALL errore( 'setup_nscf', 'nspin should be 1; check iosys', 1 )
IF ( nkstot > npk ) CALL errore( 'setup_nscf', 'too many k points', nkstot )
! ...notice: qnorm is used by allocate_nlpot to determine
! the correct size of the interpolation table "qrad"
qnorm = sqrt(xq(1)**2 + xq(2)**2 + xq(3)**2)
! ... distribute k-points (and their weights and spin indices)
CALL divide_et_impera( nkstot, xk, wk, isk, nks )