
146 lines
4.6 KiB

subroutine make_pointlists
! This initialization is needed in order to integrate charge (or
! magnetic moment) in a sphere around the atomic positions.
! This can be used to simply monitor these quantities during the scf
! cycles or in order to calculate constrains on these quantities.
! In the input the integration radius r_m can be given, otherwise it is
! calculated here. The integration is a sum over all points in real
! space with the weight 1, if they are closer than r_m to an atom
! and 1 - (distance-r_m)/(0.2*r_m) if r_m<distance<1.2*r_m
#include "machine.h"
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE basis, ONLY: nat, tau
USE cell_base, ONLY: at
USE gvect, ONLY: nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrxx
USE noncollin_module
USE para
implicit none
integer index0,index,indproc,iat,ir,iat1
integer i,j,k,i0,j0,k0,ipol,ishift(3)
real(kind=dp) :: posi(3),distance,shift(3),scalprod, distmin
if (.not.(noncolin)) return
WRITE( stdout,*) " Generating pointlists ..."
! First, the real-space position of every point ir is needed ...
! In the parallel case, find the index-offset to account for the planes
! treated by other procs
index0 = 0
#ifdef __PARA
do indproc=1,me-1
index0 = index0 + nrx1*nrx2*npp(indproc)
! Check the minimum distance between two atoms in the system
distmin = 1.d0
do iat = 1,nat
do iat1 = iat,nat
! posi is the position of a second atom
do i = -1,1
do j = -1,1
do k = -1,1
distance = 0.d0
do ipol = 1,3
posi(ipol) = tau(ipol,iat1) + real(i)*at(ipol,1) &
& +real(j)*at(ipol,2) + real(k)*at(ipol,3)
distance = distance + (posi(ipol)-tau(ipol,iat)) &
& **2.
distance = sqrt(distance)
if ((distance.lt.distmin).and.(distance.gt.1.d-8)) &
& distmin = distance
enddo ! k
enddo ! j
enddo ! i
enddo ! iat1
enddo ! iat
if ((distmin.lt.(2.d0*r_m*1.2d0)).or.(r_m.lt.1.d-8)) then
! Set the radius r_m to a value a little smaller than the minimum
! distance divided by 2*1.2 (so no point in space can belong to more
! than one atom)
r_m = 0.5d0*distmin/1.2d0 * 0.99d0
WRITE( stdout,*) " new r_m : ",r_m
! Now, make for every atom a list of points which are in their
! integration sphere, as well as a list of weights.
! This also works in the parallel case.
do iat = 1,nat
pointnum(iat) = 0
do ir=1,nrxx
index = index0 + ir - 1
k0 = index/(nrx1*nrx2)
index = index - (nrx1*nrx2) * k0
j0 = index / nrx1
index = index - nrx1*j0
i0 = index
do i = i0-nr1,i0+nr1, nr1
do j = j0-nr2, j0+nr2, nr2
do k = k0-nr3, k0+nr3, nr3
do ipol=1,3
posi(ipol) = real(i)/real(nr1) * at(ipol &
,1) +real(j)/real(nr2) * at(ipol,2) &
+real(k)/real(nr3) * at(ipol,3)
posi(ipol) = posi(ipol) - tau(ipol,iat)
distance = sqrt(posi(1)**2.+posi(2)**2.+posi(3 &
if (distance.le.r_m) then
pointnum(iat) = pointnum(iat) + 1
factlist(pointnum(iat),iat) = 1.d0
pointlist(pointnum(iat),iat) = ir
else if (distance.le.1.2*r_m) then
pointnum(iat) = pointnum(iat) + 1
factlist(pointnum(iat),iat) = 1.d0 - (distance &
pointlist(pointnum(iat),iat) = ir
enddo ! k
enddo ! j
enddo ! i
enddo ! ir
enddo ! ipol