
148 lines
3.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#ifdef __BENCHLIB
subroutine c_gemm (forma, formb, l, n, m, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &
beta, c, ldc)
! driver for CGEMM routine
! it conjugate matrixes before calling the SGEMM subroutine in the T/N o
! or T T mode in order to exploit cache and stream buffer mechanics
! the calling parameter are the same as in the actual sgemm routines
! to use it, just replace ZGEMM with c_gemm in the original code...
implicit none
character (len=1) :: forma, formb
real (8) :: alpha, beta
complex (8) :: a, b, c
complex (8) , allocatable::auxa (:, :)
complex (8) , allocatable::auxb (:, :)
complex (8) , allocatable::auxc (:, :)
integer :: i, j
integer :: lda, ldb, ldc, l, m, n
dimension a (lda, * ), b (ldb, * ), c (ldc, * )
integer :: irtc
integer :: mm, nn, kk
integer :: s2, s3, itype
integer :: info (2)
mm = l
nn = n
kk = m
! defines the algorithm to transpose matrix
itype = 2
if (forma.eq.'c'.or.forma.eq.'C') then
if (formb.eq.'c'.or.formb.eq.'C') then
allocate (auxc (mm, nn) )
s2 = irtc ()
call cgemm ('n', 'n', mm, nn, kk, alpha, b, ldb, a, lda, &
beta, auxc, mm)
s3 = irtc ()
call c_transpose (auxc, mm, c, ldc, nn, mm, itype, info (2) )
deallocate (auxc)
allocate (auxa (mm, kk) )
call c_transpose (a, lda, auxa, mm, mm, kk, itype, info (2) )
s2 = irtc ()
call cgemm ('n', 'n', mm, nn, kk, alpha, auxa, mm, b, ldb, &
beta, c, ldc)
s3 = irtc ()
deallocate (auxa)
elseif (formb.eq.'c'.or.formb.eq.'C') then
allocate (auxb (kk, nn) )
call c_transpose (b, ldb, auxb, kk, kk, nn, itype, info (2) )
s2 = irtc ()
call cgemm ('n', 'n', mm, nn, kk, alpha, a, lda, auxb, kk, &
beta, c, ldc)
s3 = irtc ()
deallocate (auxb)
s2 = irtc ()
call cgemm (forma, formb, mm, nn, kk, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &
beta, c, ldc)
s3 = irtc ()
info (2) = 0
end subroutine c_gemm
subroutine c_transpose (a, lda, b, ldb, n, m, itype, info)
implicit none
include "mpp/shmem.fh"
integer :: lda, ldb, n, m, itype, info
complex (8) :: a (lda, * ), b (ldb, * )
! driver for matrix trasposition
! a (input ) m x n matrix to be transposed
! b (output) n x m transposed matrix
! itype (input ) type of transposition method
! info (output) routine execution time ( microseconds )
integer :: irtc, my_pe, lputp
integer :: i, j, jn, mype
integer :: s2, s3
if (itype.eq.0) then
s2 = irtc ()
do j = 1, n, 480
jn = min (n - j + 1, 480)
do i = 1, m
call lgetv (a (i, j), lda, jn)
call lputv (b (j, i), 1, jn)
10 if (lputp () .ne.0) goto 10
s3 = irtc ()
elseif (itype.eq.1) then
! traspose with shmem
mype = my_pe ()
s2 = irtc ()
do j = 1, m
call shmem_iget (b (1, j), a (j, 1), 1, lda, n, mype)
s3 = irtc ()
elseif (itype.eq.2) then
s2 = irtc ()
do j = 1, m
do i = 1, n
b (i, j) = conjg (a (j, i) )
s3 = irtc ()
WRITE( stdout, * ) '*** c_transpose : parameter itype out of range'
info = int (dble (s3 - s2) * 3.333d-3)
end subroutine c_transpose
subroutine cgemmdummy
end subroutine cgemmdummy