
247 lines
7.8 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE init_us_2_base_gpu( npw_, npwx, igk__d, q_, nat, tau, ityp, &
tpiba, omega, nr1, nr2, nr3, eigts1_d, eigts2_d, eigts3_d, mill_d, g_d, &
vkb__d )
!! Calculates beta functions (Kleinman-Bylander projectors), with
!! structure factor, for all atoms, in reciprocal space.
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : DP
USE upf_const, ONLY : tpi
USE uspp_data, ONLY : nqx, dq, spline_ps, tab_d, tab_d2y_d
USE m_gth, ONLY : mk_ffnl_gth
USE splinelib, ONLY : splint_eq
USE uspp, ONLY : nkb, nhtol, nhtolm, indv
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, lmaxkb, nhm, nh, nsp
USE device_fbuff_m, ONLY : dev_buf
implicit none
!! leading dim of vkb_
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: igk__d(npw_)
!! indices of G in the list of q+G vectors
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: q_(3)
!! q vector (2pi/a units)
!! number of atoms
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ityp(nat)
!! index of type per atom
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tau(3,nat)
!! atomic positions (cc alat units)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: tpiba, omega
!! reclat units and cell volume
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1,nr2,nr3
!! fft dims (dense grid)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigts1_d(-nr1:nr1,nat)
!! structure factor 1
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigts2_d(-nr2:nr2,nat)
!! structure factor 2
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigts3_d(-nr3:nr3,nat)
!! structure factor 3
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mill_d(3,*)
!! miller index map
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: g_d(3,*)
!! g vectors (2pi/a units)
COMPLEX(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: vkb__d(npwx, nkb)
!! beta functions (npw_ <= npwx)
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes(DEVICE) :: igk__d, vkb__d
attributes(DEVICE) :: eigts1_d, eigts2_d, eigts3_d
attributes(DEVICE) :: mill_d, g_d
! Local variables
integer :: i0,i1,i2,i3, ig, lm, na, nt, nb, ih, jkb
integer :: istat(6)
integer :: iv_d
real(DP) :: px, ux, vx, wx, arg, q1, q2, q3
real(DP), pointer :: gk_d (:,:), qg_d (:), vq_d(:), ylm_d(:,:), vkb1_d(:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: qg_h (:), vq_h(:)
real(DP) :: rv_d
complex(DP) :: phase, pref
complex(DP), pointer :: sk_d(:)
logical :: is_gth
integer :: iq
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes(DEVICE) :: gk_d, qg_d, vq_d, ylm_d, vkb1_d, sk_d
attributes(PINNED) :: qg_h, vq_h
if (lmaxkb<0) return
! JR Eventually replace with smarter allocation/deallocation of GPU temp arrays
! PB use buffer class here
!allocate (vkb1_d( npw_,nhm))
!allocate ( sk_d( npw_))
!allocate ( qg_d( npw_))
!allocate ( vq_d( npw_))
!allocate ( ylm_d( npw_, (lmaxkb + 1) **2))
!allocate ( gk_d( 3, npw_))
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer(vkb1_d, (/ npw_, nhm /), istat(1) )
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer( sk_d, npw_, istat(2) )
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer( qg_d, npw_, istat(3) )
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer( vq_d, npw_, istat(4) )
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer( ylm_d, (/ npw_, (lmaxkb + 1) **2 /), istat(5) )
CALL dev_buf%lock_buffer( gk_d, (/ 3, npw_ /), istat(6) )
IF (ANY(istat /= 0)) CALL upf_error( 'init_us_2_gpu', 'cannot allocate buffers', -1 )
is_gth = .false.
do nt = 1, nsp
is_gth = upf(nt)%is_gth
if (is_gth) then
allocate ( qg_h( npw_))
allocate ( vq_h( npw_))
is_gth = .true.
end if
end do
q1 = q_(1)
q2 = q_(2)
q3 = q_(3)
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
iv_d = igk__d(ig)
gk_d (1,ig) = q1 + g_d(1, iv_d )
gk_d (2,ig) = q2 + g_d(2, iv_d )
gk_d (3,ig) = q3 + g_d(3, iv_d )
qg_d (ig) = gk_d(1, ig)*gk_d(1, ig) + &
gk_d(2, ig)*gk_d(2, ig) + &
gk_d(3, ig)*gk_d(3, ig)
call ylmr2_gpu ((lmaxkb+1)**2, npw_, gk_d, qg_d, ylm_d)
! set now qg=|q+G| in atomic units
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
qg_d(ig) = sqrt(qg_d(ig))*tpiba
! JR Don't need this when using splint_eq_gpu
!if (spline_ps) then
! allocate(xdata(nqx))
! do iq = 1, nqx
! xdata(iq) = (iq - 1) * dq
! enddo
! |beta_lm(q)> = (4pi/omega).Y_lm(q).f_l(q).(i^l).S(q)
jkb = 0
do nt = 1, nsp
do nb = 1, upf(nt)%nbeta
if ( upf(nt)%is_gth ) then
qg_h = qg_d
CALL mk_ffnl_gth( nt, nb, npw_, omega, qg_h, vq_h )
vq_d = vq_h
else if (spline_ps) then
call splint_eq(dq, tab_d(:,nb,nt), tab_d2y_d(:,nb,nt), qg_d, vq_d)
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
rv_d = qg_d(ig)
px = rv_d / dq - int (rv_d / dq)
ux = 1.d0 - px
vx = 2.d0 - px
wx = 3.d0 - px
i0 = INT( rv_d / dq ) + 1
i1 = i0 + 1
i2 = i0 + 2
i3 = i0 + 3
vq_d (ig) = ux * vx * (wx * tab_d(i0, nb, nt) + px * tab_d(i3, nb, nt)) / 6.d0 + &
px * wx * (vx * tab_d(i1, nb, nt) - ux * tab_d(i2, nb, nt)) * 0.5d0
!vq_d (ig) = tab_d (i0, nb, nt) * ux * vx * wx / 6.d0 + &
! tab_d (i1, nb, nt) * px * vx * wx / 2.d0 - &
! tab_d (i2, nb, nt) * px * ux * wx / 2.d0 + &
! tab_d (i3, nb, nt) * px * ux * vx / 6.d0
! add spherical harmonic part (Y_lm(q)*f_l(q))
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
if (nb.eq.indv (ih, nt) ) then
!l = nhtol (ih, nt)
lm =nhtolm (ih, nt)
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
vkb1_d (ig,ih) = ylm_d (ig, lm) * vq_d (ig)
! vkb1 contains all betas including angular part for type nt
! now add the structure factor and factor (-i)^l
do na = 1, nat
! ordering: first all betas for atoms of type 1
! then all betas for atoms of type 2 and so on
if (ityp (na) .eq.nt) then
arg = (q_(1) * tau (1, na) + &
q_(2) * tau (2, na) + &
q_(3) * tau (3, na) ) * tpi
phase = CMPLX(cos (arg), - sin (arg) ,kind=DP)
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
sk_d (ig) = eigts1_d (mill_d(1,igk__d(ig)), na) * &
eigts2_d (mill_d(2,igk__d(ig)), na) * &
eigts3_d (mill_d(3,igk__d(ig)), na)
do ih = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = jkb + 1
pref = (0.d0, -1.d0) **nhtol (ih, nt) * phase
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = 1, npw_
vkb__d(ig, jkb) = vkb1_d (ig,ih) * sk_d (ig) * pref
!$cuf kernel do(1) <<<*,*>>>
do ig = npw_+1, npwx
vkb__d(ig, jkb) = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer(vkb1_d, istat(1) )
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer( sk_d, istat(2) )
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer( qg_d, istat(3) )
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer( vq_d, istat(4) )
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer( ylm_d, istat(5) )
CALL dev_buf%release_buffer( gk_d, istat(6) )
IF (is_gth) THEN
deallocate ( qg_h, vq_h )
end subroutine init_us_2_base_gpu