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! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
module ld1inc
use kinds, only : dp
use ld1_parameters
use atomic_paw, only : paw_t
integer, parameter :: lmx=3, lmx2=2*lmx
! variables for the all-electron calculation
integer :: &
nn(nwfx), & ! the main quantum number
ll(nwfx), & ! the orbital angular momentum
nwf, & ! the number of wavefunctions
isw(nwfx), & ! spin of the wfc. if(.not.lsd) all 1 (default)
nspin ! 1 (default) or 2 (if lsd=true)
character(len=2) ::&
el(nwfx) ! the label of the states
real(DP) :: &
jj(nwfx), & ! the total angular momentum
oc(nwfx), & ! the occupations of the all-electron atom
zed, & ! the ionic charge
enne, & ! the number of electrons
real(DP):: &
enl(nwfx), & ! the energies of the all-electron atom
psi(ndm,2,nwfx), & ! the all-electron (dirac) wavefunctions
! psi(:,1,n) = major component for state n
! psi(:,2,n) = minor component for state n
rho(ndm,2), & ! the all-electron density
! rho(:,1) = spin-up, rho(:,2) = spin-down
zeta(ndm) ! the all-electron magnetization
logical :: &
core_state(nwfx) ! if true the state is in the core
! the parameters of the logarithmic mesh
integer :: &
mesh ! the number of mesh points
real(DP) :: &
r(ndm), & ! the radial mesh
r2(ndm), & ! the square of the radial mesh
rab(ndm), & ! d r(x) / d x where x is the linear grid
sqr(ndm), & ! the square root of the radial mesh
xmin, & ! the minimum x
rmax, & ! the maximum radial point
zmesh, & ! the ionic charge used for the mesh
dx ! the deltax of the linear mesh
! the variables for computing logarithmic derivatives
integer :: &
nld, & ! computes the log der of the last nld wavefunctions
npte ! number of energy points
real(DP) :: &
rlderiv, & ! the radius of logarithmic derivatives
eminld, & ! the minimum energy
emaxld, & ! the maximum energy
deld ! the deltae of energy
! the variables which define the pseudopotential
integer :: &
nns(nwfsx), & ! the main quantum number of pseudopotential
lls(nwfsx), & ! the angular momentum of pseudopotential
isws(nwfsx),& ! the spin of each pseudo-wavefunctions (not used)
ikk(nwfsx), & ! the maximum ik of each wavefunctions
nwfs, & ! the number of pseudo wavefunctions
nbeta, & ! the number of projectors
nsloc, & ! the wavefunction which correspond to the loc pot
lloc, & ! the l component considered as local
pseudotype, & ! the type of pseudopotential
nstoae(nwfsx) ! for each pseudo the all-electron
character(len=2) :: &
els(nwfsx) ! the label of the states
real(DP) :: &
enls(nwfsx), & ! the energies of the pseudo atom
jjs(nwfsx), & ! the j of each wavefunction (only rel=2)
ocs(nwfsx), & ! the occupations of the pseudo atom
rcut(nwfsx), & ! the cut-off radius for pseudowavefunctions
rcutus(nwfsx), & ! the cut-off radius for us-pseudowavefunctions
rcloc, & ! cut-off for local potential
zval, & ! the ionic pseudo charge
phis(ndm,nwfsx), & ! the pseudo wavefunctions
psipsus(ndm,nwfx),& ! the all-electron wavefunctions for us pseudo
rhos(ndm,2), & ! the pseudo density
zetas(ndm), & ! the pseudo magnetization
vnl(ndm,0:3,2), & ! the pseudopotential in semilocal form
betas(ndm,nwfsx), & ! the projector functions
chis(ndm,nwfsx), & ! auxiliary functions
rho0, & ! value of the charge at the origin
bmat(nwfsx,nwfsx), &! the pseudo coefficients (unscreened D)
ddd(nwfsx,nwfsx,2),&! the screened D
qq(nwfsx,nwfsx), &! the integrals of the qvan
qvan(ndm,nwfsx,nwfsx) ! the augmentation functions
logical :: &
tm, &! if true use Troullier-Martins for norm-conserving PP
new(nwfsx) ! if true the fit is on arbitrary energy
! the variable for multiconfigurations
integer :: &
nconf, & ! number of configuration
nstoaec(nwfsx,ncmax1),& ! correspondence all-electron test
nwftsc(ncmax1), & ! number of wavefunctions for each config.
nntsc(nwfsx,ncmax1),lltsc(nwfsx,ncmax1),& ! the quantum numbers of
! each configuration
iswtsc(nwfsx,ncmax1) ! the spin index
character(len=2) :: &
eltsc(nwfsx,ncmax1) ! the labels for each configuration
real(DP) :: &
rcuttsc(nwfsx,ncmax1), & ! the cut-off radius of each configuration
rcutustsc(nwfsx,ncmax1), & ! cut-off radius for us
jjtsc(nwfsx,ncmax1), & ! the j of a configuration
octsc(nwfsx,ncmax1) ! the occupations of each configuration
! for tests
integer :: &
nnts(nwfsx), & ! the main quantum number of pseudopotential
llts(nwfsx), & ! the angular momentum of pseudopotential
iswts(nwfsx), & ! spin of the wfc. if(.not.lsd) all 1 (default)
nwfts ! the number of pseudo wavefunctions
real(DP) :: &
enlts(nwfsx), & ! the energies for the test configuration
phits(ndm,nwfsx), & ! the pseudo wavefunctions
rcutts(nwfsx), & ! cut-off radius for test wavefunction
rcutusts(nwfsx), & ! us cut-off radii for test wavefunct.
jjts(nwfsx), & ! jj of the test function (rel=2)
octs(nwfsx) ! the occupation numbers
character(len=2) :: &
elts(nwfsx) ! the label of the states
! The control of the run
integer :: &
iter, & ! iteration conter
lsd, & ! if true lsd calculation
isic, & ! if true uses self-interaction correction
latt, & ! if true Latter's correction is applied
iswitch, & ! control the type of run
rel ! 0 nonrelativistic calculation
! 1 scalar relativistic calculation
! 2 calculation with the full dirac equation
real(DP) :: &
beta, & ! the mixing parameter
tr2, & ! the required precision of the scf
eps0 ! the reached precision of the scf
! parameters for the old type pseudopotential
integer :: &
lmin, & ! the minimum angular momentum
lmax, & ! the maximum angular momentum
nlc, & ! number of core functions
nnl ! number of angular momentum functions
real(DP) :: &
cc(2), & ! the coeffients of the core part
alpc(2), & ! the alpha parameters of the core
alc(6,0:3), & ! the coefficients of the pseudopotential
alps(3,0:3) ! the alpha parameters
! the energy parameters
real(DP) :: &
etot, & ! total energy
etot0, & ! save the total energy
ekin, & ! kinetic energy
encl, & ! nuclear Coulomb energy
ehrt, & ! Hartree energy
ecxc, & ! exchange energy
evxt, & ! external field energy
epseu, & ! pseudopotential energy
dhrsic, & ! Hartree sic energy
dxcsic, & ! exchange sic energy
etots, & ! total pseudopotential energy
etots0 ! save the total pseudopotential energy
! variable for nlcc
real(DP) :: &
rcore, & ! the points where core charge is smooth
rhoc(ndm) ! the core charge
logical :: &
nlcc ! if true nlcc pseudopotential
! the potential for the scf
real(DP) :: &
vpot(ndm,2), & ! the all-electron scf potential
vxt(ndm), & ! the external potential
vh(ndm), & ! the hartree potential
vpstot(ndm,2),& ! the total local pseudopotential
vpsloc(ndm) ,& ! the local pseudopotential
vx(ndm,2) ,& ! the OEP-X potential (when needed)
! variables needed for PAW dataset generation and test
logical :: &
lpaw ! if true generate or test a PAW dataset
type(paw_t) :: &
pawsetup ! the PAW dataset
real(DP) :: &
psipaw(ndm,nwfsx),& ! the all-electron wavefunctions for any beta
aeccharge(ndm), & ! true, not smoothened, AE core charge for PAW
psccharge(ndm) ! smoothened core charge for PAW
! file names
character(len=75) :: title ! the title of the run
character(len=240) :: prefix ! prefix for file names
character(len=256) :: & !
file_pseudo, & ! input file containing the pseudopotential
file_pseudopw ! output file where the pseudopot is written
character(len=256) :: & ! output filenames read from input, containing:
file_chi, & ! chi functions
file_beta, & ! beta functions
file_qvan, & ! qvan functions
file_screen, & ! screening potential
file_core, & ! core charge
file_recon ! information for paw reconstruction
! the following filenames are determined by "prefix", not read from input
character(len=256) :: & ! output files, conatining:
file_wavefunctions, & ! all-electron results for orbitals
file_wavefunctionsps, & ! pseudopotential results for orbitals
file_logder, & ! all-electron logarithmic derivatives
file_logderps, & ! pseudopotential logarithmic derivatives
file_tests ! results of pseudopotential tests
! vdw calculation
logical :: vdw ! optional variable
real(DP) :: um, & ! maximum frequency
du, & ! step of frequency
tr_s ! threshold for scf solution of modified Sternheimer equation
! test on ghosts and convergences with spherical Bessel functions
real(DP) :: ecutmin, & ! min kinetic energy cutoff for j_l(qr)
ecutmax, & ! max energy cutoff
decut, & ! step: ecut = ecutmin, ecutmin+decut, ... , ecutmax
rm ! radius of the box
end module ld1inc