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! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Common for d3toten
module g0aux
USE kinds, only: DP
real(DP), pointer:: vlocg0(:,:) ! local potential at q+G for q=0
complex(DP), pointer:: vkb0 (:,:) ! contains beta functions at q=0
complex(DP), pointer:: d0rc(:,:)! contain the rhoc for q=0
end module g0aux
! the units of the files and the record lengths
module units_d3
integer:: iudqwf, &! the unit with | Pc d/du(q) psi_{k+q} >
iud0qwf, &! the unit with | Pc d/du(0) psi_{k+q} >
iud0rho ! the unit where q=0 delta rho is written
end module units_d3
! the name of the files
module d0rho
character(len=256) :: fild0rho
end module d0rho
! the variable needed to describe the patterns when q=0
module modesg0
USE kinds, only: DP
integer :: nsymg0, &! the number of symmetries of the crystal
nirrg0 ! the number of irreducible representation
integer, pointer :: npertg0(:) ! the number of perturbations per IR
complex(DP), pointer :: ug0(:,:), tg0(:,:,:,:)
! ug0: transformation modes patterns
! tg0: the symmetry in the base of pattern (q=0)
end module modesg0
! third order dynamical matrices (auxiliary)
module d3aux
USE kinds, only: DP
complex(DP), allocatable :: &
d3dyn_aux1(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux2(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux3(:,:,:), &
d3dyn_aux4(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux5(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux6(:,:,:), &
d3dyn_aux7(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux8(:,:,:), d3dyn_aux9(:,:,:)
end module d3aux
! third order dynamical matrix
module thirdorder
USE kinds, only: DP
complex(DP), allocatable :: d3dyn(:,:,:)
! third order dynamical matrix
complex(DP), allocatable :: psidqvpsi(:,:)
! <psi| dqV |psi>
real(DP) :: ethr_ph ! eigenvalues convergence threshold
real(DP), allocatable :: ef_sh(:) ! E_Fermi shift
integer :: istop
logical :: wraux, recv
end module thirdorder
! test variables
module testvar
USE kinds, only: DP
real(DP) :: testreal(50)
integer :: testint(50)
logical :: testflag(50)
end module testvar
! the units of the files and the record lengths
module units_d3ph
integer :: &
iuef, &! unit with ef_sh
iupdqvp, &! unit with <psi| dqV |psi>
iupd0vp, &! unit with <psi| d0V |psi>
lrpdqvp, &! length of <psi| dV |psi>
iudpdvp_1, &! unit with <dqpsi| dqV |psi>
iudpdvp_2, &! unit with <dqpsi| d0V |psi>
iudpdvp_3, &! unit with <d0psi| dqV |psi>
lrdpdvp ! length of <dpsi | dV |psi> records
end module units_d3ph
! In the parallel version of the program some loop on perturbations
! may be split betweem pools. npert_i and npert_f are the initial
! and final value for a counter on the modes to be split among pools
module npert_mod
integer :: &
npert_i, &! starting value for the mode counter
npert_f ! final value for the mode counter
end module npert_mod
! Variables used for computing and writing only selected modes at q=0
! --the first index of the dthird matrix--
module q0modes
integer :: q0mode_todo(300) ! list of the q=0 modes to be computed
logical :: &
q0mode(300), &! if .true. this mode is to be computed
wrmode(300), &! if .true. this mode is to be written
allmodes ! it is .true. if you are at gamma and you
! want to compute all the modes
end module q0modes
module d3com
use g0aux
use units_d3
use units_d3ph
use d0rho
use d3aux
use thirdorder
use testvar
use modesg0
use npert_mod
use q0modes
end module d3com