
274 lines
9.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine sgam_at_mag (nrot, s, nat, tau, ityp, at, bg, nr1, nr2, &
nr3, sym, irt, ftau, m_loc)
! given a point group, this routine finds the subgroup which is
! the point group of the crystal under consideration
! non symmorphic groups non allowed, provided that fractional
! translations are commensurate with the FFT grid
! It sets the array sym, which for each operation of the original
! point group is true if this operation is also an operation of the
! total point group
#include "f_defs.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds
implicit none
! input variables
integer :: nrot, s (3, 3, 48), nat, ityp (nat), nr1, nr2, nr3
REAL(DP) :: m_loc(3,nat), tau (3, nat), at (3, 3), bg (3, 3)
! nrot : order of the parent group
! s : symmetry operations of parent group
! nat : number of atoms in the unit cell
! ityp : species of each atom in the unit cell
! nr* : dimensions of the FFT mesh
! tau : cartesian coordinates of the atoms
! at : basis of the real-space lattice
! bg : " " " reciprocal-space lattice
! output variables
integer :: irt (48, nat), ftau (3, 48)
logical :: sym (48)
! irt(isym,na) : sym.op. isym sends atom na into atom irt(isym,na)
! ftau(:,isym) : fractional translation associated to sym.op. isym
! (in FFT coordinates: crystal axis, multiplied by nr*)
! sym(isym) : flag indicating if sym.op. isym in the parent group
! is a true symmetry operation of the crystal
! local variables
integer :: na, kpol, nb, irot, i, j
! counters
real(DP) , allocatable :: xau (:,:), rau (:,:), mxau(:,:), mrau(:,:)
! atomic coordinates in crystal axis
logical :: fractional_translations
real(DP) :: ft (3), ft1, ft2, ft3
external checksym
! Compute the coordinates of each atom in the basis of
! the direct lattice vectors
do na = 1, nat
do kpol = 1, 3
xau (kpol, na) = bg (1, kpol) * tau (1, na) + &
bg (2, kpol) * tau (2, na) + &
bg (3, kpol) * tau (3, na)
mxau (kpol, na)= bg (1, kpol) * m_loc (1, na) + &
bg (2, kpol) * m_loc (2, na) + &
bg (3, kpol) * m_loc (3, na)
! check if the identity has fractional translations
! (this means that the cell is actually a supercell).
! When this happens, fractional translations are disabled,
! because there is no guarantee that the generated sym.ops.
! form a group
nb = 1
irot = 1
fractional_translations = .true.
do na = 2, nat
if (ityp (nb) .eq.ityp (na) ) then
ft (1) = xau(1,na) - xau(1,nb) - nint( xau(1,na) - xau(1,nb) )
ft (2) = xau(2,na) - xau(2,nb) - nint( xau(2,na) - xau(2,nb) )
ft (3) = xau(3,na) - xau(3,nb) - nint( xau(3,na) - xau(3,nb) )
call checksym_mag (irot, nat, ityp, xau, xau, ft, sym, irt,mxau,mrau)
if (sym (irot) .and. (abs (ft (1) **2 + ft (2) **2 + ft (3) ** &
2) ) .lt.1.d-8) call errore ('sgam_at', 'overlapping atoms', na)
if (sym (irot) ) then
fractional_translations = .false.
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Found additional translation:",3f10.4)') ft
do irot = 1, nrot
! check that the grid is compatible with the S rotation
if ( mod (s (2, 1, irot) * nr1, nr2) .ne.0 .or. &
mod (s (3, 1, irot) * nr1, nr3) .ne.0 .or. &
mod (s (1, 2, irot) * nr2, nr1) .ne.0 .or. &
mod (s (3, 2, irot) * nr2, nr3) .ne.0 .or. &
mod (s (1, 3, irot) * nr3, nr1) .ne.0 .or. &
mod (s (2, 3, irot) * nr3, nr2) .ne.0 ) then
sym (irot) = .false.
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"warning: symmetry operation # ",i2, &
& " not compatible with FFT grid. ")') irot
WRITE( stdout, '(3i4)') ( (s (i, j, irot) , j = 1, 3) , i = 1, 3)
goto 100
do na = 1, nat
do kpol = 1, 3
! rau = rotated atom coordinates
rau (kpol, na) = s (1, kpol, irot) * xau (1, na) + &
s (2, kpol, irot) * xau (2, na) + &
s (3, kpol, irot) * xau (3, na)
mrau(kpol,na) = s(1,kpol,irot)*mxau(1,na) + & ! magnetic moment of the
s(2,kpol,irot)*mxau(2,na) + & ! atom rotated by the
s(3,kpol,irot)*mxau(3,na) ! present symmerty
! operation
! first attempt: no fractional translation
do kpol = 1, 3
ftau (kpol, irot) = 0
! input for checksym
ft (kpol) = 0.d0
call checksym_mag (irot, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft, sym, irt, mxau, mrau)
if (.not.sym (irot) .and.fractional_translations) then
nb = 1
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (nb) .eq.ityp (na) ) then
! second attempt: check all possible fractional translations
ft (1) = rau(1,na) - xau(1,nb) - nint( rau(1,na) - xau(1,nb) )
ft (2) = rau(2,na) - xau(2,nb) - nint( rau(2,na) - xau(2,nb) )
ft (3) = rau(3,na) - xau(3,nb) - nint( rau(3,na) - xau(3,nb) )
call checksym_mag (irot,nat,ityp,xau,rau,ft,sym,irt,mxau,mrau)
if (sym (irot) ) then
! convert ft to FFT coordinates
! for later use in symmetrization
ft1 = ft (1) * nr1
ft2 = ft (2) * nr2
ft3 = ft (3) * nr3
! check if the fractional translations are commensurate
! with the FFT grid, discard sym.op. if not
if (abs (ft1 - nint (ft1) ) / nr1.gt.1.0d-5 .or. &
abs (ft2 - nint (ft2) ) / nr2.gt.1.0d-5 .or. &
abs (ft3 - nint (ft3) ) / nr3.gt.1.0d-5) then
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"warning: symmetry operation", &
& " # ",i2," not allowed. fractional ", &
& "translation:"/5x,3f11.7," in crystal", &
& " coordinates")') irot, ft
sym (irot) = .false.
ftau (1, irot) = nint (ft1)
ftau (2, irot) = nint (ft2)
ftau (3, irot) = nint (ft3)
goto 100
100 continue
! deallocate work space
deallocate (rau)
deallocate (xau)
END SUBROUTINE sgam_at_mag
! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine checksym_mag (ir, nat, ityp, xau, rau, ft, sym, irt, mxau, mrau)
! This routine receives as input all the atomic positions xau,
! and the rotated rau by the symmetry operation ir. It sets to true
! sym(ir) if for each atom na, it is possible to find an atom nb
! which is of the same type of na, and coincide with it after the
! symmetry operation. Fractional translations are allowed.
! Revised layout 1 may 1995 by A. Dal Corso
USE kinds
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nat, ityp (nat), irt (48, nat), ir
! input: the total number of atoms
! input: the type of each atom
! output: the rotated of each atom
! input: the rotation to be tested
real(DP) :: xau (3, nat), rau (3, nat), ft (3)
! input: the initial vectors
! input: the rotated vectors
! input: the possible fractionary translat
REAL(DP) :: mxau(3,nat), mrau(3,nat)
! input: the rotated vectors
! input: the possible fractionary translation
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: mt(3) = (/0,0,0/)
logical :: sym (48)
! output: if true this is a symmetry opera
! few local variables
integer :: na, nb
! counter on atoms
! counter on atoms
logical :: eqvect
! the testing function
external eqvect
do na = 1, nat
do nb = 1, nat
sym (ir) = ityp (na) .eq.ityp (nb) .and. &
eqvect (rau (1, na), xau (1, nb), ft) .and. &
abs( mrau(1,na) - mxau(1,nb) ) .lt. 1.0D-5 .and. &
abs( mrau(2,na) - mxau(2,nb) ) .lt. 1.0D-5 .and. &
abs( mrau(3,na) - mxau(3,nb) ) .lt. 1.0D-5
if (sym (ir) ) then
! the rotated atom does coincide with one of the like atoms
! keep track of which atom the rotated atom coincides with
irt (ir, na) = nb
goto 10
! the rotated atom does not coincide with any of the like atoms
! s(ir) + ft is not a symmetry operation
10 continue
! s(ir) + ft is a symmetry operation
END SUBROUTINE checksym_mag