
114 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine rgen (dtau, rmax, mxr, at, bg, r, r2, nrm)
! generates neighbours shells (in units of alat) with length
! less than rmax,and returns them in order of increasing length.
! r=i*a1+j*a2+k*a3-dtau,
! where a1,a2,a3 are the vectors defining the lattice
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nrm, mxr
! output: the number of vectors in the spher
! input: the maximum number of vectors
real(DP) :: r (3, mxr), r2 (mxr), at (3, 3), bg (3, 3), dtau (3), &
! output: coordinates of vectors R+tau_s-tau
! output: square modulus of vectors R+tau_s-
! input: direct lattice vectors
! input: reciprocal lattice vectors
! input: the vector tau_s-tau_s'
! input: the radius of the sphere in real sp
! and here the local variables
integer, allocatable :: irr (:)
integer :: nm1, nm2, nm3, i, j, k, ipol, ir, indsw, &
! index on R vectors for order
! maximum values for trial vectors
! counters on trial vectors
! counter on polarizations
! counter on R vectors
! index of swapping
! used for swapping
real(DP) :: t (3), tt, swap, DNRM2
! buffer contains the actual r
! buffer cotains the modulus of actual r
! used for swapping
! function to find the norm of a vector
external DNRM2
nrm = 0
if (rmax.eq.0.d0) return
allocate (irr( mxr))
nm1 = int (DNRM2 (3, bg (1, 1), 1) * rmax) + 2
nm2 = int (DNRM2 (3, bg (1, 2), 1) * rmax) + 2
nm3 = int (DNRM2 (3, bg (1, 3), 1) * rmax) + 2
do i = - nm1, nm1
do j = - nm2, nm2
do k = - nm3, nm3
tt = 0.d0
do ipol = 1, 3
t (ipol) = i * at (ipol, 1) + j * at (ipol, 2) + k * at (ipol, 3) &
- dtau (ipol)
tt = tt + t (ipol) * t (ipol)
if (tt.le.rmax**2.and.abs (tt) .gt.1.d-10) then
nrm = nrm + 1
if (nrm.gt.mxr) call errore ('rgen', 'too many r-vectors', nrm)
do ipol = 1, 3
r (ipol, nrm) = t (ipol)
r2 (nrm) = tt
! reorder the vectors in order of increasing magnitude
! initialize the index inside sorting routine
irr (1) = 0
if (nrm.gt.1) call hpsort (nrm, r2, irr)
do ir = 1, nrm - 1
20 indsw = irr (ir)
if (indsw.ne.ir) then
do ipol = 1, 3
swap = r (ipol, indsw)
r (ipol, indsw) = r (ipol, irr (indsw) )
r (ipol, irr (indsw) ) = swap
iswap = irr (ir)
irr (ir) = irr (indsw)
irr (indsw) = iswap
goto 20
end subroutine rgen