
338 lines
12 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine readvan (is, iunps)
! This routine reads the quantities which defines the Vanderbilt
! pseudopotential from the file produced by the atomic program.
! It is compatible only with the last versions of the atomic code
! 6.0.0 or later.
! In particular the Herman Skillman mesh is no more supported.
! It assume multiple rinner values.
USE kinds, only: dp
USE parameters, ONLY: nchix, lmaxx, nbrx, ndmx, npsx, nqfx, lqmax
use atom, only: zmesh, mesh,dx, r, rab, chi, oc, nchi, lchi, &
rho_at, rho_atc, nlcc
use pseud, only: zp, lmax, lloc
use uspp_param, only: vloc_at, dion, betar, qqq, qfcoef, qfunc, nqf, nqlc, &
rinner, nbeta, kkbeta, lll, iver, ifqopt, psd, tvanp
use funct, only: dft, which_dft
implicit none
! First the arguments passed to the subroutine
integer :: is, iunps
! The number of the pseudopotential
! The unit of the pseudo file
! The local variables which are used to read the Vanderbilt file.
! They are used only for the pseudopotential report. They are no
! longer used in the rest of the code.
real(kind=DP) :: exfact, etotpseu, wwnl (nchix), ee (nchix), eloc, &
dummy, rc (lmaxx + 1), eee (nbrx), ddd (nbrx, nbrx), rcloc, ru(ndmx)
! index of the exchange and correlation use
! total pseudopotential energy
! the occupation of the valence states
! the energy of the valence states
! energy of the local potential
! dummy real variable
! the cut-off radii of the pseudopotential
! energies of the beta function
! the screened D_{\mu,\nu} parameters
! the cut-off radius of the local potential
! the total charge density
integer :: ios, idmy (3), i, nnlz (nchix), keyps, ifpcor, irel, &
iptype (nbrx), npf, lp, l, mb, nb, ir
! integer variable for I/O control
! Contains the date of creation of the pseu
! Dummy counter
! The nlm values of the valence states
! the type of pseudopotential. Only US allo
! if = 1 the pseudopotential has nlcc
! it says if the pseudopotential is relativ
! more recent parameters
! as above
! counter on Q angular momenta
! counter on angular momenta
! beta function counter
! beta function counter
! mesh points counter
character (len=20) :: line, xctit
! The title of the pseudopotential
! Name of the xctype
! We first check the input variables
if (is.lt.0.or.is.gt.npsx) call errore ('readvan', 'Wrong is number &', 1)
read (iunps, '(6i5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (iver (i, is) , i = 1, 3) ,&
(idmy (i) , i = 1, 3)
if (iver (1, is) .lt.6) then
call errore ('readvan', 'This version is too old', iver (1, is) )
elseif (iver (1, is) .gt.7) then
call errore ('readvan', 'This version is too new', iver (1, is) )
read (iunps, '(a20,3f15.9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) line, zmesh &
(is) , zp (is) , exfact
if (exfact.eq.0) then
dft = 'PZ'
elseif (exfact.eq.1) then
dft = 'BLYP'
elseif (exfact.eq. - 5.or.exfact.eq.3) then
dft = 'BP'
elseif (exfact.eq. - 6.or.exfact.eq.4) then
dft = 'PW91'
elseif (exfact.eq.5) then
dft = 'PBE'
call errore ('readvan', 'Wrong xc in pseudopotential', 1)
call which_dft (dft)
read (iunps, '(2i5,1pe19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) nchi (is) &
, mesh (is) , etotpseu
! Test the input values
if (nchi (is) .gt.nchix) call errore ('readvan', 'nchi> nchix', &
nchi (is) )
if (nchi (is) .lt.0) call errore ('readvan', 'wrong nchi ', is)
if (mesh (is) > ndmx .or. mesh (is) <= 0) call errore ('readvan', &
'wrong mesh', is)
if (zp (is) .le.0.d0) call errore ('readvan', 'wrong zp', is)
! Set the pseudopotential name
psd (is) = line (1:2)
! The next 3 parameters are not passed to the rest.
! No control on them
read (iunps, '(i5,2f15.9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (nnlz (nb) , &
wwnl (nb) , ee (nb) , nb = 1, nchi (is) )
read (iunps, '(2i5,f15.9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) keyps, &
ifpcor, dummy
if (keyps.ne.3) call errore ('readvan', 'keyps .ne. 3', keyps)
! If this atom has nlcc set the appropriate variables
if (ifpcor.eq.1) then
nlcc (is) = .true.
nlcc (is) = .false.
! Read information on the angular momenta, and on Q pseudization
read (iunps, '(2i5,f9.5,2i5,f9.5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) lmax &
(is) , lloc (is) , eloc, ifqopt (is) , nqf (is) , dummy
! NB: In the Vanderbilt atomic code the angular momenta goes
! from 1 to lmax+1. In our code from 0 to lmax. In this routine
! we use the Vanderbilt convention up to the end. Then we change
! to interface with the rest of the code.
if (lmax (is) .gt.lmaxx + 1.or.lmax (is) .le.0) call errore (' read &
&van', 'Wrong lmax', lmax (is) )
if (lloc (is) .eq. - 1) lloc (is) = lmax (is) + 1
if (lloc (is) .gt.lmax (is) + 1.or.lloc (is) .lt.0) call errore ( &
'readvan', 'wrong lloc', is)
if (nqf (is) > nqfx .or. nqf (is) < 0) call errore (' readvan', &
'Wrong nqf', nqf (is) )
if (ifqopt (is) .lt.0) call errore ('readvan', 'wrong ifqopt', is)
! Reads and test the values of rinner
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) (rinner (lp, is), &
lp = 1, lmax (is) * 2 - 1)
do lp = 1, lmax (is) * 2 - 1
if (rinner (lp, is) .lt.0.d0) call errore ('readvan', 'Wrong rinner', is)
read (iunps, '(i5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) irel
! set the number of angular momentum terms in q_ij to read in
nqlc (is) = 2 * lmax (is) - 1
if (nqlc (is) .gt.lqmax.or.nqlc (is) .lt.0) call errore (' readvan', &
&'Wrong nqlc', nqlc (is) )
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (rc (l) , l = &
1, lmax (is) )
! reads the number of beta functions
read (iunps, '(2i5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) nbeta (is) , &
kkbeta (is)
if (nbeta (is) .gt.nbrx.or.nbeta (is) .lt.0) call errore ( &
'readvan', 'wrong nbeta', is)
if (kkbeta (is) .gt.mesh (is) .or.kkbeta (is) .lt.0) call errore ( &
'readvan', 'wrong kkbeta', is)
! Now reads the main Vanderbilt parameters
do nb = 1, nbeta (is)
read (iunps, '(i5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) lll (nb, is)
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) eee (nb) , &
(betar (ir, nb, is) , ir = 1, kkbeta (is) )
if (lll (nb, is) .gt.lmaxx.or.lll (nb, is) .lt.0)&
call errore ('readvan', ' wrong lll ', is)
do mb = nb, nbeta (is)
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
dion (nb, mb, is) , ddd (nb, mb) , qqq (nb, mb, is), &
(qfunc (ir, nb, mb, is), ir = 1, kkbeta (is) ) , &
( (qfcoef (i, lp, nb, mb, is) , i = 1, nqf(is) ) , lp = 1, nqlc(is) )
! Use the symmetry of the coefficients
dion (mb, nb, is) = dion (nb, mb, is)
qqq (mb, nb, is) = qqq (nb, mb, is)
do ir = 1, kkbeta (is)
qfunc (ir, mb, nb, is) = qfunc (ir, nb, mb, is)
do i = 1, nqf (is)
do lp = 1, nqlc (is)
qfcoef (i, lp, mb, nb, is) = qfcoef (i, lp, nb, mb, is)
! for versions later than 7.2
if (10 * iver (1, is) + iver (2, is) .ge.72) then
read (iunps, '(6i5)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (iptype (nb) , &
nb = 1, nbeta (is) )
read (iunps, '(i5,f15.9)', err = 100, iostat = ios) npf, dummy
! reads the local potential of the vanderbilt
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) rcloc, &
(vloc_at (ir, is) , ir = 1, mesh (is) )
! If present reads the core charge
if (nlcc (is) ) then
if (iver (1, is) .ge.7) read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, &
iostat = ios) dummy
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) &
(rho_atc ( ir, is) , ir = 1, mesh (is) )
! Reads the total atomic charge and forgets
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (ru (ir) , &
ir = 1, mesh (is) )
! Reads the valence atomic charge
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (rho_at (ir,is) , &
ir = 1, mesh (is) )
! Reads the mesh
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (r (ir, is) , &
ir = 1, mesh (is) )
read (iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err = 100, iostat = ios) (rab (ir, is), &
ir = 1, mesh (is) )
! For compatibility with rho_atc in the non-US case
if (nlcc (is) ) then
do ir = 2, mesh (is)
rho_atc (ir, is) = rho_atc (ir, is) / 4.0 / 3.14159265 / r(ir,is)**2
rho_atc (1, is) = 0.d0
! Put the local potential in the variables of the code, with the same
! units
lloc (is) = 0
do ir = 2, mesh (is)
vloc_at (ir, is) = vloc_at (ir, is) / r (ir, is)
vloc_at (1, is) = vloc_at (2, is)
! Set lmax in the range 0-lmax
lmax (is) = lmax (is) - 1
! Reads the wavefunctions of the atom
if (iver (1, is) .ge.7) then
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) i
if (i.ne.nchi (is) ) call errore ('readvan', &
& 'unexpected or unimplemented case', 1)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) ( (chi (ir, nb, is), &
ir = 1, mesh (is) ), nb = 1, nchi (is) )
do nb = 1, nchi (is)
i = nnlz (nb) / 100
lchi (nb, is) = nnlz (nb) / 10 - i * 10
100 call errore ('readvan', 'error reading pseudo file', abs (ios) )
! Here we write on output information on the pseudopotential
if (exfact.eq.0.) xctit = ' ceperley-alder'
if (exfact.eq. - 1.) xctit = ' wigner'
if (exfact.eq. - 2.) xctit = ' hedin-lundqvist'
if (exfact.eq. - 3.) xctit = ' gunnarson-lundqvist'
if (exfact.gt.0.) xctit = ' slater x-alpha'
! WRITE( stdout,200) is
200 format (/4x,60('=')/4x,'| pseudopotential report', &
& ' for atomic species:',i3,11x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,300) 'pseudo potential version', iver(1,is),
! + iver(2,is), iver(3,is)
300 format (4x,'| ',1a30,3i4,13x,' |' /4x,60('-'))
! WRITE( stdout,400) line, xctit
400 format (4x,'| ',2a20,' exchange-corr |')
! WRITE( stdout,500) zmesh(is), is, zp(is), exfact
500 format (4x,'| z =',f5.0,4x,'zv(',i2,') =',f5.0,4x,'exfact =', &
& f10.5, 9x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,600) ifpcor, etotpseu
600 format (4x,'| ifpcor = ',i2,10x,' atomic energy =',f10.5, &
& ' Ry',6x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,700)
700 format(4x,'| index orbital occupation energy',14x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,800) ( nb, nnlz(nb), wwnl(nb), ee(nb), nb=1,nchi(is) )
800 format(4x,'|',i5,i11,5x,f10.2,f12.2,15x,'|')
900 format('(4x,"| rinner =",',i1,'f8.4,',i2,'x,"|")')
! WRITE( stdout,1000)
1000 format(4x,'| new generation scheme:',32x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,1100) nbeta(is),kkbeta(is),rcloc
1100 format(4x,'| nbeta = ',i2,5x,'kkbeta =',i5,5x, &
& 'rcloc =',f10.4,4x,'|'/ &
& 4x,'| ibeta l epsilon rcut',25x,'|')
do nb = 1, nbeta (is)
lp = lll (nb, is) + 1
! WRITE( stdout,1200) nb,lll(nb,is),eee(nb),rc(lp)
1200 format (4x,'|',5x,i2,6x,i2,4x,2f7.2,25x,'|')
! WRITE( stdout,1300)
1300 format (4x,60('='))
end subroutine readvan