
122 lines
4.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine dvdpsi (nu_i, xq_, dvloc, vkb_, vkbq_, psi_, dvpsi_)
! Receives in input the variation of the local part of the KS-potential
! and calculates dV(xq_)_KS*psi_ in G_space, for all bands
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp
use pwcom
use phcom
use d3com
USE uspp_param, ONLY: nh
implicit none
integer :: nu_i
! input: the mode under consideration
real (DP) :: xq_ (3)
! input: coordinates of the q point describing the perturbation
complex (DP) :: dvloc (nrxx), psi_ (npwx, nbnd), dvpsi_ (npwx, nbnd)
! input: local part of the KS potential
! input: wavefunction
! output: variation of the KS potential applied to psi_
complex(DP) :: vkb_(npwx,nkb), vkbq_(npwx,nkb)
! Local variables
integer :: na, mu, ig, igg, ir, ibnd, nt, ikb, jkb
! counters
complex (DP), pointer :: u_x (:,:)
! the transformation modes patterns
complex (DP), allocatable :: aux (:), ps (:,:), wrk2 (:)
! work space
complex (DP) , external:: ZDOTC
logical :: q_eq_zero
allocate (aux( nrxx))
allocate (ps( 2, nbnd))
allocate (wrk2( npwx))
q_eq_zero = xq_ (1) == 0.d0 .and. xq_ (2) == 0.d0 .and. xq_ (3) == 0.d0
if (q_eq_zero) then
u_x => ug0
u_x => u
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
aux (:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig = 1, npw
aux (nls (igk (ig) ) ) = psi_ (ig, ibnd)
call cft3s (aux, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, + 2)
do ir = 1, nrxxs
aux (ir) = aux (ir) * dvloc (ir)
call cft3s (aux, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nrx1s, nrx2s, nrx3s, - 2)
do ig = 1, npwq
dvpsi_ (ig, ibnd) = aux (nls (igkq (ig) ) )
! Now the contribution of the non local part in the KB form
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if (ityp (na).eq.nt) then
mu = 3 * (na - 1)
do ikb = 1, nh (nt)
jkb = jkb+1
if (abs (u_x (mu + 1, nu_i) ) + abs (u_x (mu + 2, nu_i) ) + &
abs (u_x (mu + 3, nu_i) ) > 1.0d-12) then
! first term: sum_l v_l beta_l(k+q+G) \sum_G' beta^*_l(k+G') (iG'*u) psi
! second term: sum_l E_l(-i(q+G)*u) beta_l(k+q+G)\sum_G'beta^*_l(k+G')ps
do ig = 1, npw
wrk2 (ig) = vkb_(ig,jkb) * &
CONJG(CMPLX(0.d0,1.d0) *tpiba * &
(g (1, igk (ig) ) * u_x (mu + 1, nu_i) + &
g (2, igk (ig) ) * u_x (mu + 2, nu_i) + &
g (3, igk (ig) ) * u_x (mu + 3, nu_i) ) )
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
ps(1,ibnd) = dvan(ikb,ikb,nt) * &
ZDOTC(npw, wrk2, 1, psi_(1,ibnd), 1)
ps(2,ibnd) = dvan(ikb,ikb,nt) * &
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (4 * nbnd, ps)
do ig = 1, npwq
wrk2 (ig) = vkbq_(ig,jkb) * CMPLX(0.d0,-1.d0) * tpiba * &
( (g (1, igkq (ig) ) + xq_ (1) ) * u_x (mu+1, nu_i) +&
(g (2, igkq (ig) ) + xq_ (2) ) * u_x (mu+2, nu_i) +&
(g (3, igkq (ig) ) + xq_ (3) ) * u_x (mu+3, nu_i) )
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
call ZAXPY(npwq,ps(1,ibnd),vkbq_(1,jkb),1,dvpsi_(1,ibnd),1)
call ZAXPY(npwq,ps(2,ibnd), wrk2, 1,dvpsi_(1,ibnd),1)
end if
end do
end do
deallocate (wrk2)
deallocate (ps)
deallocate (aux)
end subroutine dvdpsi