
160 lines
5.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine readpp
! Read pseudopotentials
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE atom, ONLY : chi, nchi, oc, mesh, rab, numeric, xmin, dx
USE uspp_param, ONLY : iver, tvanp, newpseudo
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp
USE funct, ONLY : get_iexch, get_icorr, get_igcx, get_igcc
USE io_files, ONLY : pseudo_dir, psfile
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
implicit none
character(len=256) :: file_pseudo
! file name complete with path
real(DP), allocatable :: chi2r(:)
real(DP):: norm, eps = 1.0D-08
integer :: iunps, isupf, l, nt, nb, ios
integer :: iexch_, icorr_, igcx_, igcc_
integer, external :: pseudo_type
iunps = 4
l = len_trim (pseudo_dir)
do nt = 1, ntyp
! iver, xmin, dx are not read from UPF format
iver(:,nt) = 0
xmin(nt) = 0.d0
dx(nt) = 0.d0
! add / if needed
if (pseudo_dir (l:l) .ne.'/') then
file_pseudo = pseudo_dir (1:l) //'/'//psfile (nt)
file_pseudo = pseudo_dir (1:l) //psfile (nt)
open (unit = iunps, file = file_pseudo, status = 'old', form = &
'formatted', iostat = ios)
call errore ('readpp', 'file '//trim(file_pseudo)//' not found', ios)
call read_pseudo (nt, iunps, isupf)
! The new pseudopotential UPF format is detected via the presence
! of the keyword '<PP_HEADER>' at the beginning of the file
if (isupf /= 0) then
rewind (unit = iunps)
! The type of the pseudopotential is determined by the file name:
! *.vdb or *.van Vanderbilt US pseudopotential code pseudo_type=1
! *.RRKJ3 Andrea's US new code pseudo_type=2
! none of the above: PWSCF norm-conserving format pseudo_type=0
if ( pseudo_type (psfile (nt) ) == 1 .or. &
pseudo_type (psfile (nt) ) == 2 ) then
! The vanderbilt pseudopotential is always in numeric form
numeric (nt) = .true.
open (unit = iunps, file = file_pseudo, status = 'old', &
form = 'formatted', iostat = ios)
! newpseudo distinguishes beteween US pseudopotentials
! produced by Vanderbilt code and those produced
! by Andrea's atomic code.
if (pseudo_type (psfile (nt) ) == 1) then
newpseudo (nt) = .false.
tvanp (nt) = .true.
call readvan (nt, iunps)
if (pseudo_type (psfile (nt) ) == 2) then
newpseudo (nt) = .true.
! tvanp is read inside readnewvan
call readnewvan (nt, iunps)
close (iunps)
tvanp (nt) = .false.
newpseudo (nt) = .false.
open (unit = iunps, file = file_pseudo, status = 'old', &
form='formatted', iostat = ios)
! numeric is read inside read_ncpp
call read_ncpp (nt, iunps)
close (iunps)
! UPF is always numeric
numeric (nt) = .true.
! UPF is RRKJ3-like
newpseudo (nt) = .true.
close (iunps)
if (nt == 1) then
iexch_ = get_iexch()
icorr_ = get_icorr()
igcx_ = get_igcx()
igcc_ = get_igcc()
if ( iexch_ /= get_iexch() .or. icorr_ /= get_icorr() .or. &
igcx_ /= get_igcx() .or. igcc_ /= get_igcc() ) then
CALL errore( 'readpp','inconsistent DFT read',nt)
end if
end if
! Check that there are no zero wavefunctions
allocate ( chi2r (mesh(nt)) )
do nb = 1, nchi (nt)
chi2r(:) = chi ( :mesh(nt), nb, nt ) **2
call simpson (mesh(nt), chi2r(1), rab(1,nt), norm)
if ( norm < eps ) then
WRITE( stdout,'(5X,"WARNING: atomic wfc # ",i2, &
& " for atom type",i2," has zero norm")') nb, nt
! set occupancy to a small negative number so that this wfc
! is not going to be used for starting wavefunctions
oc (nb, nt) = -eps
end if
deallocate ( chi2r )
end subroutine readpp
integer function pseudo_type (psfile)
implicit none
character (len=*) :: psfile
integer :: l
l = len_trim (psfile)
pseudo_type = 0
if (psfile (l - 3:l) .eq.'.vdb'.or.psfile (l - 3:l) .eq.'.van') &
pseudo_type = 1
if (l > 5) then
if (psfile (l - 5:l) .eq.'.RRKJ3') pseudo_type = 2
end if
end function pseudo_type