
139 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine allocate_nlpot
! This routine computes the dimension of the Hamiltonian matrix and
! allocates arrays containing the non-local part of the pseudopotential
! It computes the following global quantities:
! ngk ! number of plane waves (for each k point)
! npwx ! maximum number of plane waves
! nkb ! number of beta functions for the solid
! nqx ! number of points of the interpolation table
! nh ! number of beta functions for each atom type
! nhm ! maximum number of beta functions
USE parameters, ONLY : nbrx, nchix
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, nsp, ityp
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba2
USE cellmd, ONLY : cell_factor
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, gcutm, ecutwfc, g
USE klist, ONLY : xk, wk, ngk, nks, nkstot, xqq
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE ldaU, ONLY : Hubbard_lmax, ns, nsnew
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, npw, igk, igk_l2g, g2kin
USE us, ONLY : qrad, tab, tab_at, dq, nqx, nqxq
USE uspp, ONLY : indv, nhtol, nhtolm, qq, dvan, deeq, vkb, nkb, &
nkbus, nhtoj, becsum, qq_so, dvan_so, deeq_nc
USE uspp_param, ONLY : lmaxq, lmaxkb, lll, nbeta, nh, nhm, tvanp
USE spin_orb, ONLY : lspinorb, fcoef
implicit none
! a few local variables
integer :: nt, na, nb, ldim
! counters on atom type, atoms, beta functions
! calculate number of PWs for all kpoints
call n_plane_waves (ecutwfc, tpiba2, nks, nkstot, xk, g, ngm, npwx, ngk)
! igk relates the index of PW k+G to index in the list of G vector
allocate (igk( npwx))
allocate (igk_l2g( npwx, nks))
igk_l2g = 0
allocate (g2kin( npwx))
! calculate the number of beta functions for each atomic type
lmaxkb = - 1
do nt = 1, nsp
nh (nt) = 0
do nb = 1, nbeta (nt)
nh (nt) = nh (nt) + 2 * lll (nb, nt) + 1
lmaxkb = max (lmaxkb, lll (nb, nt) )
! calculate the maximum number of beta functions
nhm = MAXVAL (nh (1:nsp))
! calculate the number of beta functions of the solid
nkb = 0
nkbus = 0
do na = 1, nat
nt = ityp(na)
nkb = nkb + nh (nt)
if (tvanp(nt)) nkbus = nkbus + nh (nt)
allocate (indv( nhm, nsp))
allocate (nhtol(nhm, nsp))
allocate (nhtolm(nhm, nsp))
allocate (nhtoj(nhm, nsp))
allocate (deeq( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin))
if (noncolin) then
allocate (deeq_nc( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin))
if (lspinorb) then
allocate (qq_so(nhm, nhm, 4, nsp))
allocate (qq( nhm, nhm, nsp))
allocate (dvan_so( nhm, nhm, nspin, nsp))
allocate (fcoef(nhm,nhm,2,2,nsp))
allocate (qq( nhm, nhm, nsp))
allocate (dvan( nhm, nhm, nsp))
nqxq = INT( ( (sqrt(gcutm) + sqrt(xqq(1)**2 + xqq(2)**2 + xqq(3)**2) ) &
/ dq + 4) * cell_factor )
lmaxq = 2*lmaxkb+1
if (lmaxq > 0) allocate (qrad( nqxq, nbrx*(nbrx+1)/2, lmaxq, nsp))
if (nkb > 0) allocate (vkb( npwx, nkb))
allocate (becsum( nhm * (nhm + 1)/2, nat, nspin))
! ... Allocate space for Hubbard potential
! ... These arrays are allocated ALWAYS even if lda_plus_u = .FALSE.
! ... This is needed since they are passed as arguments of mix_rho
! ... no matter lda_plus_u is .TRUE. or .FALSE. ( 23/10/2003 C.S. )
! if (lda_plus_u) then
ldim = 2 * Hubbard_lmax + 1
ALLOCATE( ns( ldim, ldim, nspin, nat ) )
ALLOCATE( nsnew( ldim, ldim, nspin, nat ) )
! endif
! Calculate dimensions for array tab (including a possible factor
! coming from cell contraction during variable cell relaxation/MD)
nqx = INT( (sqrt (ecutwfc) / dq + 4) * cell_factor )
allocate (tab( nqx , nbrx , nsp))
allocate (tab_at( nqx , nchix , nsp))
end subroutine allocate_nlpot