
603 lines
20 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine vcsmd
! Main (interface) routine between PWSCF and the variable-cell shape
! molecular dynamics code by R.M. Wentzcovitch, PRB 44, 2358 (1991).
! Molecular and/or cell dynamics is performed according to the value of
! the switch variable calc:
! calc = 'md' : standard molecular dynamics
! calc = 'mm' : structural minimization by damped dynamics
! calc = 'cd' : Parrinello-Rahman cell dynamics
! calc = 'cm' : Parrinello-Rahman cell minimization by damped dynami
! calc = 'nd' : Wentzcovitch's new cell dynamics
! calc = 'nm' : Wentzcovitch's new cell minimization by damped dynam
! Dynamics performed using Beeman algorithm, J. Comp. Phys. 20, 130 (1976))
#include "machine.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use constants, only : e2, uakbar
use brilz
use basis
use cellmd
use dynam
use relax
use force_mod
USE control_flags
use ener, only: etot
use io_files, only : prefix
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
! I/O variable first
! PWSCF variables
! nat = total number of atoms
! ntyp = total number of atomic types
! ityp(na) = atomic type for na-th atom
! tau(i,na) = position of the na-th atom
! at (icar,ivec) = direct Bravais lattice vectors
! bg (icar,ivec) = reciprocal lattice vectors
! amass(nt) = mass (in atomic ryd units) for atom of nt-th type
! cmass = cell mass in ryd units.
! press = target pressure in ryd/(a.u.)^3
! local variable
real(kind=DP) :: p, & ! virial pressure
vcell, & ! cell volume
avec (3, 3), & ! at(3,3) * alat
aveci (3, 3), & ! avec at t-dt
avecd (3, 3), & ! d(avec)/dt
avec2d (3, 3),& ! d2(avec)/dt2
avec2di (3, 3),&! d2(avec)/dt2 at t-dt
avec0 (3, 3), & ! avec at t = 0
sig0 (3, 3), & ! sigma at t=0
v0 ! volume at t=0
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: &
rat (:, :), & ! atomic positions (lattice coord)
rati (:, :), & ! rat at previous step
ratd (:, :), & ! rat derivatives at current step
rat2d (:, :), & ! rat 2nd derivatives at current step
rat2di (:,:), & ! rat 2nd derivatives at previous step
tauold (:, :, :)! additional history variables
real(kind=DP) :: &
avmod (3), theta (3, 3), & ! used to monitor cell dynamics
enew, e_start, & ! DFT energy at current and first step
eold, & ! DFT energy at previous step
uta, eka, eta, ekla, utl, etl, ut, ekint, edyn, & ! other energies
acu, ack, acp, acpv, avu, avk, avp, avpv, & ! acc.& avrg. ener
tnew, pv, & ! istantaneous temperature and p*vcell
sigmamet (3, 3), & ! sigma = avec^-1 * vcell = bg/alat*omega
vx2 (ntypx), vy2 (ntypx), vz2 (ntypx), & ! work vectors
vmean (ntypx), rms (ntypx), ekin (ntypx), & ! work vectors
tempo, time_au, epsp
character(len=3) :: ios ! status (old or new) for I/O files
character(len=6) :: ipos ! status ('append' or 'asis') for I/O files
logical :: exst
integer :: idone, na, nst, ipol, i, j, k
! last completed time step
! counter on atoms
! counter on completed moves
! I/O units
integer :: iun_e, iun_eal, iun_ave, iun_p, iun_avec, iun_tv
parameter (iun_e=21, iun_eal=22, iun_ave=23, iun_p=24, iun_avec=25, iun_tv=26)
! Allocate work arrays
allocate (rat(3,nat), rati(3,nat), ratd(3,nat), rat2d(3,nat), rat2di(3,nat),&
! open MD history file (if not present this is a new run!)
call seqopn (4, trim(prefix)//'.md', 'formatted', exst)
if (.not.exst) then
close (unit = 4, status = 'delete')
if (istep.ne.1) call errore ('vcsmd', ' previous MD history got lost', 1)
tnew = 0.d0
acu = 0.d0
ack = 0.d0
acp = 0.d0
acpv = 0.d0
avu = 0.d0
avk = 0.d0
avp = 0.d0
avpv = 0.d0
nzero = 0
tauold(:,:,:) = 0.d0
eold = etot + 2*epse ! set value for eold at first iteration
! read MD run history (idone is the last completed MD step)
read (4, * ) rati, ratd, rat2d, rat2di, tauold
read (4, * ) aveci, avecd, avec2d, avec2di
read (4, * ) avec0, sig0, v0, e_start, eold
read (4, * ) acu, ack, acp, acpv, avu, avk, avp, avpv, sigmamet
read (4, * ) idone, nzero, ntimes
close (unit = 4, status = 'keep')
istep = idone+1
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tauold (1, 1, 2), 1, tauold (1, 1, 3), 1)
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tauold (1, 1, 1), 1, tauold (1, 1, 2), 1)
! check if convergence for structural minimization is achieved
if (calc.eq.'mm') then
conv_ions = eold - etot .lt. epse
do i = 1, 3
do na = 1, nat - fixatom
conv_ions = conv_ions.and.abs (force (i, na) ) .lt. epsf
if (conv_ions) then
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Damped Dynamics: convergence achieved, Efinal=",&
& f15.8)') etot
call output_tau(.TRUE.)
end if
end if
if (calc.eq.'nm' .or. calc.eq.'cm') then
epsp = 0.5 ! kbar
conv_ions = eold - etot .lt. epse
do i = 1, 3
do na = 1, nat - fixatom
conv_ions = conv_ions.and.abs (force (i, na) ) .lt. epsf
do i =1,3
conv_ions = conv_ions .and. abs (sigma(i,i) - press)*uakbar.lt. epsp
do j =i+1,3
conv_ions = conv_ions .and. abs ( sigma(i,j) )*uakbar.lt. epsp
end do
end do
if (conv_ions) then
if (calc.eq.'cm') WRITE( stdout, &
'(/5x,"Parrinello-Rahman Damped Dynamics: convergence achieved, ", &
& "Efinal=", f15.8)') etot
if (calc.eq.'nm') WRITE( stdout, &
'(/5x,"Wentzcovitch Damped Dynamics: convergence achieved, ", &
& "Efinal=", f15.8)') etot
WRITE( stdout,'(/72("-")//5x,"Final estimate of lattice vectors ", &
& "(input alat units)")')
WRITE( stdout, '(3f14.9)') ( (at (i, k) , i = 1, 3) , k = 1, 3)
WRITE( stdout,'(" final unit-cell volume =",f12.4," (a.u.)^3")') omega
WRITE( stdout,'(" input alat = ",f12.4," (a.u.)")') alat
call output_tau (.TRUE.)
end if
end if
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tau, 1, tauold (1, 1, 1), 1)
time_au = 0.0000242 * e2
tempo = (istep - 1) * dt * time_au
if (istep.eq.1 .and. calc.eq.'mm') &
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Damped Dynamics Minimization", /5x, &
& "convergence thresholds: EPSE = ", e8.2," EPSF = ",e8.2)') &
epse, epsf
if (istep.eq.1 .and. calc.eq.'cm') &
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Parrinello-Rahman Damped Cell-Dynamics Minimization", &
& /5x, "convergence thresholds: EPSE = ", e8.2," EPSF = ", &
& e8.2," EPSP = ",e8.2 )') epse, epsf, epsp
if (istep.eq.1 .and. calc.eq.'nm') &
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Wentzcovitch Damped Cell-Dynamics Minimization", /5x, &
& "convergence thresholds: EPSE = ", e8.2," EPSF = ",e8.2,&
& " EPSP = ",e8.2 )') epse, epsf, epsp
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Entering Dynamics; it = ",i5," time = ", &
& f8.5," pico-seconds"/)') istep, tempo
! WRITE( stdout,*) ' enter vcsmd ', istep,idone,exst
! save cell shape of previous step
call DCOPY (9, at, 1, at_old, 1)
omega_old = omega
! Translate
! define rat as the atomic positions in lattice coordinates
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tau, 1, rat, 1)
call cryst_to_cart (nat, rat, bg, - 1)
call DCOPY (9, at, 1, avec, 1)
call DSCAL (9, alat, avec, 1)
! convert forces to lattice coordinates
call cryst_to_cart (nat, force, bg, - 1)
call DSCAL (3 * nat, 1.d0 / alat, force, 1)
! scale stress to stress*omega
call DSCAL (9, omega, sigma, 1)
vcell = omega
if (istep.eq.1) then
e_start = etot
enew = etot - e_start
write (45,*) 'istep=',istep
write (45,*) 'ntyp=', ntyp
write (45,*) 'nat=', nat
write (45,*) 'rat=',rat
write (45,*) 'ityp=',ityp
write (45,*) 'avec=',avec
write (45,*) 'vcell=',vcell
write (45,*) 'force=',force
write (45,*) 'sigma=',sigma
write (45,*) 'calc=',calc
write (45,*) 'temperature=',temperature
write (45,*) 'vx2=',vx2
write (45,*) 'vy2=',vy2
write (45,*) 'vz2=',vz2
write (45,*) 'rms=',rms
write (45,*) 'vmean=',vmean
write (45,*) 'ekin=',ekin
write (45,*) 'avmod=',avmod
write (45,*) 'theta=',theta
write (45,*) 'amass=',amass
write (45,*) 'cmass=',cmass
write (45,*) 'press=',press
write (45,*) 'p=',p
write (45,*) 'dt=',dt
write (45,*) 'aveci=',aveci
write (45,*) 'avecd=',avecd
write (45,*) 'avec2d=',avec2d
write (45,*) 'avec2di=',avec2di
write (45,*) 'sigmamet=',sigmamet
write (45,*) 'sig0=', sig0
write (45,*) 'avec0=',avec0
write (45,*) 'v0=',v0
write (45,*) 'rati=',rati
write (45,*) 'ratd=',ratd
write (45,*) 'rat2d=',rat2d
write (45,*) 'rat2di=',rat2di
write (45,*) 'enew=',enew
write (45,*) 'uta=',uta
write (45,*) 'eka=',eka
write (45,*) 'eta=',eta
write (45,*) 'ekla=',ekla
write (45,*) 'utl=',utl
write (45,*) 'etl=',etl
write (45,*) 'ut=',ut
write (45,*) 'ekint=',ekint
write (45,*) 'edyn=',edyn
call init (ntyp, nat, ntyp, nat-fixatom, rat, ityp, avec, vcell, force, &
sigma, calc, temperature, vx2, vy2, vz2, rms, vmean, ekin, &
avmod, theta, amass, cmass, press, p, dt, aveci, avecd, avec2d, &
avec2di, sigmamet, sig0, avec0, v0, rati, ratd, rat2d, rat2di, &
enew, uta, eka, eta, ekla, utl, etl, ut, ekint, edyn)
write (46,*) 'istep=',istep
write (46,*) 'ntyp=', ntyp
write (46,*) 'nat=', nat
write (46,*) 'rat=',rat
write (46,*) 'ityp=',ityp
write (46,*) 'avec=',avec
write (46,*) 'vcell=',vcell
write (46,*) 'force=',force
write (46,*) 'sigma=',sigma
write (46,*) 'calc=',calc
write (46,*) 'temperature=',temperature
write (46,*) 'vx2=',vx2
write (46,*) 'vy2=',vy2
write (46,*) 'vz2=',vz2
write (46,*) 'rms=',rms
write (46,*) 'vmean=',vmean
write (46,*) 'ekin=',ekin
write (46,*) 'avmod=',avmod
write (46,*) 'theta=',theta
write (46,*) 'amass=',amass
write (46,*) 'cmass=',cmass
write (46,*) 'press=',press
write (46,*) 'p=',p
write (46,*) 'dt=',dt
write (46,*) 'aveci=',aveci
write (46,*) 'avecd=',avecd
write (46,*) 'avec2d=',avec2d
write (46,*) 'avec2di=',avec2di
write (46,*) 'sigmamet=',sigmamet
write (46,*) 'sig0=', sig0
write (46,*) 'avec0=',avec0
write (46,*) 'v0=',v0
write (46,*) 'rati=',rati
write (46,*) 'ratd=',ratd
write (46,*) 'rat2d=',rat2d
write (46,*) 'rat2di=',rat2di
write (46,*) 'enew=',enew
write (46,*) 'uta=',uta
write (46,*) 'eka=',eka
write (46,*) 'eta=',eta
write (46,*) 'ekla=',ekla
write (46,*) 'utl=',utl
write (46,*) 'etl=',etl
write (46,*) 'ut=',ut
write (46,*) 'ekint=',ekint
write (46,*) 'edyn=',edyn
! WRITE( stdout,'(3f12.6)') ((ratd(ipol,na),ipol=1,3),na=1,nat)
enew = etot - e_start
write (45,*) 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
write (45,*) 'istep=', istep
write (45,*) 'ntyp=',ntyp
write (45,*) 'nat=',nat
write (45,*) 'ityp=',ityp
write (45,*) 'rat=',rat
write (45,*) 'avec=',avec
write (45,*) 'vcell=',vcell
write (45,*) 'force=',force
write (45,*) 'sigma=',sigma
write (45,*) 'calc=',calc
write (45,*) 'avmod=',avmod
write (45,*) 'theta=',theta
write (45,*) 'amass=',amass
write (45,*) 'cmass=',cmass
write (45,*) 'press=',press
write (45,*) 'p=',p
write (45,*) 'dt=',dt
write (45,*) 'avecd=',avecd
write (45,*) 'avec2d=',avec2d
write (45,*) 'aveci=',aveci
write (45,*) 'avec2di=',avec2di
write (45,*) 'sigmamet=',sigmamet
write (45,*) 'sig0=',sig0
write (45,*) 'avec0=',avec0
write (45,*) 'v0=',v0
write (45,*) 'ratd=',ratd
write (45,*) 'rat2d=',rat2d
write (45,*) 'rati=',rati
write (45,*) 'rat2di=',rat2di
write (45,*) 'enew=',enew
write (45,*) 'uta=',uta
write (45,*) 'eka=',eka
write (45,*) 'eta=',eta
write (45,*) 'ekla=',ekla
write (45,*) 'utl=',utl
write (45,*) 'etl=',etl
write (45,*) 'ut=',ut
write (45,*) 'ekint=',ekint
write (45,*) 'edyn=',edyn
write (45,*) 'temperature=',temperature
write (45,*) 'ttol=',ttol
write (45,*) 'ntcheck=',ntcheck
write (45,*) 'ntimes=',ntimes
write (45,*) 'istep=',istep
write (45,*) 'tnew=',tnew
write (45,*) 'nzero=',nzero
write (45,*) 'nat=',nat
write (45,*) 'acu=',acu
write (45,*) 'ack=',ack
write (45,*) 'acp=',acp
write (45,*) 'acpv=',acpv
write (45,*) 'avu=',avu
write (45,*) 'avk=',avk
write (45,*) 'avp=',avp
write (45,*) 'avpv=',avpv
call move (ntyp, nat, ntyp, ityp, rat, avec, vcell, force, &
sigma, calc, avmod, theta, amass, cmass, press, p, dt, avecd, &
avec2d, aveci, avec2di, sigmamet, sig0, avec0, v0, ratd, rat2d, &
rati, rat2di, enew, uta, eka, eta, ekla, utl, etl, ut, ekint, &
edyn, temperature, ttol, ntcheck, ntimes, istep, tnew, nzero, &
nat-fixatom, acu, ack, acp, acpv, avu, avk, avp, avpv)
write (46,*) 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
write (46,*) 'istep=', istep
write (46,*) 'ntyp=',ntyp
write (46,*) 'nat=',nat
write (46,*) 'ityp=',ityp
write (46,*) 'rat=',rat
write (46,*) 'avec=',avec
write (46,*) 'vcell=',vcell
write (46,*) 'force=',force
write (46,*) 'sigma=',sigma
write (46,*) 'calc=',calc
write (46,*) 'avmod=',avmod
write (46,*) 'theta=',theta
write (46,*) 'amass=',amass
write (46,*) 'cmass=',cmass
write (46,*) 'press=',press
write (46,*) 'p=',p
write (46,*) 'dt=',dt
write (46,*) 'avecd=',avecd
write (46,*) 'avec2d=',avec2d
write (46,*) 'aveci=',aveci
write (46,*) 'avec2di=',avec2di
write (46,*) 'sigmamet=',sigmamet
write (46,*) 'sig0=',sig0
write (46,*) 'avec0=',avec0
write (46,*) 'v0=',v0
write (46,*) 'ratd=',ratd
write (46,*) 'rat2d=',rat2d
write (46,*) 'rati=',rati
write (46,*) 'rat2di=',rat2di
write (46,*) 'enew=',enew
write (46,*) 'uta=',uta
write (46,*) 'eka=',eka
write (46,*) 'eta=',eta
write (46,*) 'ekla=',ekla
write (46,*) 'utl=',utl
write (46,*) 'etl=',etl
write (46,*) 'ut=',ut
write (46,*) 'ekint=',ekint
write (46,*) 'edyn=',edyn
write (46,*) 'temperature=',temperature
write (46,*) 'ttol=',ttol
write (46,*) 'ntcheck=',ntcheck
write (46,*) 'ntimes=',ntimes
write (46,*) 'istep=',istep
write (46,*) 'tnew=',tnew
write (46,*) 'nzero=',nzero
write (46,*) 'nat=',nat
write (46,*) 'acu=',acu
write (46,*) 'ack=',ack
write (46,*) 'acp=',acp
write (46,*) 'acpv=',acpv
write (46,*) 'avu=',avu
write (46,*) 'avk=',avk
write (46,*) 'avp=',avp
write (46,*) 'avpv=',avpv
pv = p * omega
! write on output files several control quantities
#ifdef __PARA
! only the first processor does this I/O
if (me.eq.1.and.mypool.eq.1) then
! NB: at the first iteration files should not be present,
! for subsequent iterations they should.
if (istep.eq.1) then
call delete_if_present ( 'e')
call delete_if_present ( 'eal')
call delete_if_present ( 'ave')
call delete_if_present ( 'p')
call delete_if_present ( 'avec')
call delete_if_present ( 'tv')
ios = 'new'
ipos= 'asis'
ios = 'old'
ipos= 'append'
open (unit=iun_e, file='e', status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
open (unit=iun_eal, file='eal', status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
open (unit=iun_ave, file='ave', status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
open (unit=iun_p, file='p', status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
open (unit=iun_avec,file='avec',status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
open (unit=iun_tv, file='tv', status=ios,form='formatted',position=ipos)
nst = istep - 1
write (iun_e, 101) ut, ekint, edyn, pv, nst
write (iun_eal, 103) uta, eka, eta, utl, ekla, etl, nst
write (iun_ave, 104) avu, avk, nst
write (iun_p, 105) press, p, avp, nst
if (calc (1:1) .ne.'m') write (iun_avec, 103) (avmod(k), k=1,3), &
theta(1,2), theta(2,3), theta(3,1), nst
write (iun_tv, 104) vcell, tnew, nst
close (unit = iun_e, status = 'keep')
close (unit = iun_eal, status = 'keep')
close (unit = iun_ave, status = 'keep')
close (unit = iun_p, status = 'keep')
close (unit = iun_avec, status = 'keep')
close (unit = iun_tv, status = 'keep')
#ifdef __PARA
! update configuration in PWSCF variables
call DCOPY (9, avec, 1, at, 1)
call DSCAL (9, 1.d0 / alat, at, 1)
call volume (alat, at (1, 1), at (1, 2), at (1, 3), omega)
call recips (at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2) , bg(1,3) )
call DCOPY (3 * nat, rat, 1, tau, 1)
if (lmovecell) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' new lattice vectors (alat unit) :'
WRITE( stdout, '(3f14.9)') ( (at (i, k) , i = 1, 3) , k = 1, 3)
WRITE( stdout,'(a,f12.4,a)') ' new unit-cell volume =', omega, ' (a.u.)^3'
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' new positions in cryst coord'
WRITE( stdout,'(a3,3x,3f14.9)') (atm(ityp(na)), (tau(i,na), i=1,3),na=1,nat)
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' new positions in cart coord (alat unit)'
call cryst_to_cart (nat, tau, at, + 1)
WRITE( stdout,'(a3,3x,3f14.9)') (atm(ityp(na)), (tau(i,na), i=1,3),na=1,nat)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Ekin = ",f14.8," Ryd T = ",f6.1," K ", &
& " Etot = ",f14.8)') ekint, tnew, edyn + e_start
! save MD history on file
call seqopn (4, trim(prefix)//'.md', 'formatted', exst)
write (4, * ) rati, ratd, rat2d, rat2di, tauold
write (4, * ) aveci, avecd, avec2d, avec2di
write (4, * ) avec0, sig0, v0, e_start, etot
write (4, * ) acu, ack, acp, acpv, avu, avk, avp, avpv, sigmamet
write (4, * ) istep, nzero, ntimes
close (unit = 4, status = 'keep')
! find alpha & beta for charge-density and wfc extrapolation (uptate_pot
if (calc(1:1).eq.'m') call find_alpha_and_beta(nat,tau,tauold,alpha0,beta0)
! Deallocate
deallocate (rat, rati, ratd, rat2d, rat2di, tauold)
101 format(1x,4d12.5,i6)
103 format(1x,6d12.5,i6)
104 format(1x,2d12.5,i6)
105 format(1x,3d12.5,i6)
end subroutine vcsmd
subroutine delete_if_present(filename)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
character (len=*) :: filename
logical :: exst, opnd
integer :: iunit
inquire (file = filename, exist = exst)
if (exst) then
do iunit = 99, 1, - 1
inquire (unit = iunit, opened = opnd)
if (.not.opnd) goto 10
call errore ('delete_if_present', 'free unit not found?!?', 1)
10 continue
open (unit=iunit, file= filename , status='old')
close (unit=iunit, status = 'delete')
WRITE( stdout,*) 'WARNING: ',filename,' file was present; old file deleted '
end if
end subroutine