
196 lines
5.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "machine.h"
SUBROUTINE startup( nd_nmbr, code, version )
! This subroutine initializes MPI
! Processes are organized in NPOOL pools each dealing with a subset of
! kpoints. Within each pool R & G space distribution is performed.
! NPROC is read from command line or can be set with the appropriate
! environment variable ( for example use 'setenv MP_PROCS 8' on IBM SP
! machine to run on NPROC=8 processors ) and NPOOL is read from command
! line.
! NPOOL must be a whole divisor of NPROC
! An example without any environment variable set is the following:
! T3E :
! mpprun -n 16 pw.x -npool 8 < input
! IBM SP :
! poe pw.x -procs 16 -npool 8 < input
! ORIGIN /PC clusters using "mpirun" :
! mpirun -np 16 pw.x -npool 8 < input
! prun -n 16 sh -c 'pw.x -npool 8 < input'
! PC clusters using "mpiexec" :
! mpiexec -n 16 pw.x -npool 8 < input
! In this example you will use 16 processors divided into 8 pools
! of 2 processors each (in this case you must have at least 8 k-points)
! Use "-input filename" to read input from file "filename":
! may be useful if you have trouble reading from standard input
! ... The following two modules hold global information about processors
! ... number, IDs and communicators
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, io_global_start, ionode_id
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_global_start
USE mp, ONLY : mp_start, mp_env, mp_barrier, mp_bcast
#ifdef __PARA
USE para_const, ONLY : maxproc
USE para, ONLY : me, mypool, nproc, npool, nprocp
CHARACTER :: nd_nmbr*3, code*9, version*6
INTEGER :: gid
#if ! defined __PARA
INTEGER :: me, nproc
CHARACTER :: np*80, cdate * 9, ctime * 9
EXTERNAL date_and_tim
#ifdef __PARA
INTEGER :: ierr, ilen, iargc, nargs, iiarg
# ifdef __T3E
! ... set streambuffers on
CALL set_d_stream( 1 )
# endif
CALL mp_start()
CALL mp_env( nproc, me, gid )
! ... Set the I/O node
CALL io_global_start( me, 0 )
! ... Set global coordinate for this processor
CALL mp_global_start( 0, me, gid, nproc )
! ... This is added for compatibility with PVM notations
! ... parent process (source) will have me=1 - child process me=2,...,NPROC
me = me + 1
#ifdef __PARA
IF ( me == 1 ) THEN
! ... How many pools ?
npool = 1
nargs = iargc()
DO iiarg = 1, ( nargs - 1 )
CALL getarg( iiarg, np )
IF ( TRIM( np ) == '-npool' .OR. TRIM( np ) == '-npools' ) THEN
CALL getarg( ( iiarg + 1 ), np )
READ( np, * ) npool
npool = MAX( npool, 1 )
npool = MIN( npool, nproc )
! ... set number of processes per pool (must be equal for all pools)
nprocp = nproc / npool
IF ( nproc /= ( nprocp * npool ) ) &
CALL errore( 'startup', 'nproc /= nprocp*npool', 1 )
CALL mp_barrier( gid )
! ... transmit nprocp and npool
CALL mp_bcast( nprocp, ionode_id, gid )
CALL mp_bcast( npool, ionode_id, gid )
! ... set the processor label for files
IF ( nproc > maxproc ) &
CALL errore( 'startup', ' too many processors', nproc )
nd_nmbr = ' '
IF ( nproc < 10 ) THEN
WRITE( nd_nmbr(1:1) , '(I1)' ) me
ELSE IF ( nproc < 100 ) THEN
IF ( me < 10 ) THEN
nd_nmbr = '0'
WRITE( nd_nmbr(2:2) , '(I1)' ) me
WRITE( nd_nmbr(1:2) , '(I2)' ) me
IF ( me < 10 ) THEN
nd_nmbr = '00'
WRITE( nd_nmbr(3:3) , '(I1)' ) me
ELSE IF ( me < 100 ) THEN
nd_nmbr = '0'
WRITE( nd_nmbr(2:3) , '(I2)' ) me
WRITE( nd_nmbr, '(I3)' ) me
! ... pools are initialized
CALL init_pool()
# ifdef DEBUG
IF ( me /= 1 .OR. mypool /= 1 ) &
OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = './out_'//nd_nmbr, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
# else
IF ( me /= 1 .OR. mypool /= 1 ) &
OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = '/dev/null', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
# endif
IF ( me == 1 ) THEN
CALL date_and_tim( cdate, ctime )
WRITE( stdout, 9000 ) code, version, cdate, ctime
WRITE( stdout, '(/5X,"Parallel version (MPI)")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"Number of processors in use: ",I4)' ) nproc
IF ( npool /= 1 ) &
WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"K-points division: npool = ",i4)' ) npool
IF ( nprocp /= 1 ) &
WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"R & G space division: nprocp = ",i4/)' ) nprocp
nd_nmbr = ' '
CALL date_and_tim( cdate, ctime )
WRITE( stdout, 9000 ) code, version, cdate, ctime
9000 FORMAT( /5X,'Program ',A9,' v.',A6,' starts ...',/5X, &
& 'Today is ',A9,' at ',A9)