
170 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine aainit(lli,lqmax,mx,nlx,ap,lpx,lpl)
! this routine computes the coefficients of the expansion of the product
! of two real spherical harmonics into real spherical harmonics.
! Y_limi(r) * Y_ljmj(r) = \sum_LM ap(LM,limi,ljmj) Y_LM(r)
! On output:
! ap the expansion coefficients
! lpx for each input limi,ljmj is the number of LM in the sum
! lpl for each input limi,ljmj points to the allowed LM
! The indices limi,ljmj and LM assume the order for real spherical harmonics
! given in routine ylmr2
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! first the I/O variables
integer :: &
lli, &! input: the maximum li considered
lqmax, &! input: array dimension
mx, &! input: array dimension
nlx, &! input: array dimension, must be >= lli**2
lpx(nlx,nlx), &! output: maximum number of LM for limi,ljmj
lpl(nlx,nlx,mx) ! output: counter on LM couples
real(kind=DP) :: &
ap(lqmax*lqmax,nlx,nlx) ! output: the expansion coefficients
! here the local variables
integer :: llx, l, li, lj
real(kind=DP) , allocatable :: r(:,:), rr(:), ylm(:,:), mly(:,:)
! an array of random vectors: r(3,llx)
! the norm of r: rr(llx)
! the real spherical harmonics for array r: ylm(llx,llx)
! the inverse of ylm considered as a matrix: mly(llx,llx)
real(kind=DP) :: compute_ap ! a function computing ap
if (lli < 0) call errore('aainit','lli not allowed',lli)
if (lli*lli .gt. nlx) call errore('aainit','nlx is too small ',lli*lli)
llx = (2*lli-1)**2
if (2*lli-1 > lqmax) &
call errore('aainit','ap leading dimension is too small',llx)
allocate (r( 3, llx ))
allocate (rr( llx ))
allocate (ylm( llx, llx ))
allocate (mly( llx, llx ))
r(:,:) = 0.d0
ylm(:,:) = 0.d0
mly(:,:) = 0.d0
ap(:,:,:)= 0.d0
! - generate an array of random vectors (uniform deviate on unitary sphere)
call gen_rndm_r(llx,r,rr)
! - generate the real spherical harmonics for the array: ylm(ir,lm)
call ylmr2(llx,llx,r,rr,ylm)
!- store the inverse of ylm(ir,lm) in mly(lm,ir)
call invmat(ylm,mly,llx)
!- for each li,lj compute ap(l,li,lj) and the indices, lpx and lpl
do li = 1, lli*lli
do lj = 1, lli*lli
do l = 1, llx
ap(l,li,lj) = compute_ap(l,li,lj,llx,ylm,mly)
if (abs(ap(l,li,lj)).gt.1.d-3) then
lpx(li,lj) = lpx(li,lj) + 1
if (lpx(li,lj).gt.mx) &
call errore('aainit','mx dimension too small', lpx(li,lj))
lpl(li,lj,lpx(li,lj)) = l
end if
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine aainit
subroutine gen_rndm_r(llx,r,rr)
! - generate an array of random vectors (uniform deviate on unitary sphere)
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! first the I/O variables
integer :: llx ! input: the dimension of r and rr
real(kind=DP) :: &
r(3,llx), &! output: an array of random vectors
rr(llx) ! output: the norm of r
! here the local variables
integer :: ir
real(kind=DP) :: costheta, sintheta, phi, rndm
! a parameter
real(kind=DP) :: tpi ! two times pi
parameter (tpi = 2.d0 * 3.14159265358979d0)
external rndm
do ir = 1, llx
costheta = 2.d0 * rndm() - 1.d0
sintheta = sqrt ( 1.d0 - costheta*costheta)
phi = tpi * rndm()
r (1,ir) = sintheta * cos(phi)
r (2,ir) = sintheta * sin(phi)
r (3,ir) = costheta
rr(ir) = 1.d0
end do
end subroutine gen_rndm_r
function compute_ap(l,li,lj,llx,ylm,mly)
!- given an l and a li,lj pair compute ap(l,li,lj)
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! first the I/O variables
integer :: &
llx, &! the dimension of ylm and mly
l,li,lj ! the arguments of the array ap
real(kind=DP) :: &
compute_ap, &! this function
ylm(llx,llx),&! the real spherical harmonics for array r
mly(llx,llx) ! the inverse of ylm considered as a matrix
! here the local variables
integer :: ir
compute_ap = 0.d0
do ir = 1,llx
compute_ap = compute_ap + mly(l,ir)*ylm(ir,li)*ylm(ir,lj)
end do
end function compute_ap