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! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine sgam_at_mag ( nrot, s, nat, bg, irt, m_loc, sname, sym, t_rev)
! Find magnetic symmetries, i.e. point-group symmetries that are
! also symmetries of the local magnetization - including
! rotation + time reversal operations
USE kinds
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nrot, nat, s (3, 3, 48), irt (48, nat)
real(DP), intent(in) :: m_loc(3, nat), bg (3, 3)
character(len=45), intent(in) :: sname (48)
! nrot : order of the parent group (all sym.ops of the lattice)
! s : sym.ops (rotation part only) of the parent group
! m_loc: local magnetization, must be invariant under the sym.op.
! bg : basis of the reciprocal-space lattice
! sname: point-group symmetry operation name - if it contains an
! inversion, the magnetization must be reversed
logical, intent(inout) :: sym (48)
! sym(isym) = .true. if rotation isym is a sym.op. of the crystal
! (i.e. not of the bravais lattice only)
integer, intent(out) :: t_rev(48)
! t_rev(isym) = .true. if sym.op. isym, plus time reversal, is a
! symmetry of the local magnetization
integer :: na, nb, irot
logical :: t1, t2
real(DP) , allocatable :: mxau(:,:), mrau(:,:)
! magnetization and rotated magnetization in crystal axis
allocate ( mxau(3,nat), mrau(3,nat) )
! Compute the local magnetization of each atom in the basis of
! the direct lattice vectors
do na = 1, nat
mxau (:, na)= bg (1, :) * m_loc (1, na) + &
bg (2, :) * m_loc (2, na) + &
bg (3, :) * m_loc (3, na)
do irot = 1, nrot
t_rev(irot) = 0
if ( sym (irot) ) then
! mrau = rotated local magnetization
do na = 1, nat
mrau(:,na) = s(1,:,irot) * mxau(1,na) + &
s(2,:,irot) * mxau(2,na) + &
s(3,:,irot) * mxau(3,na)
if (sname(irot)(1:3)=='inv') mrau = -mrau
! check if this a magnetic symmetry
t1 = .true.
t2 = .true.
do na = 1, nat
nb = irt (irot,na)
if ( nb < 1 .or. nb > nat ) call errore ('check_mag_sym', &
'internal error: out-of-bound atomic index', na)
t1 = ( abs(mrau(1,na) - mxau(1,nb)) + &
abs(mrau(2,na) - mxau(2,nb)) + &
abs(mrau(3,na) - mxau(3,nb)) < 1.0D-5 ) .and. t1
t2 = ( abs(mrau(1,na) + mxau(1,nb))+ &
abs(mrau(2,na) + mxau(2,nb))+ &
abs(mrau(3,na) + mxau(3,nb)) < 1.0D-5 ) .and. t2
if ( .not.t1 .and. .not.t2 ) then
! not a magnetic symmetry
sym(irot) = .false.
else if( t2 .and. .not. t1 ) then
! magnetic symmetry with time reversal
t_rev(irot) = 1
end if
end if
! deallocate work space
deallocate ( mrau, mxau )
END SUBROUTINE sgam_at_mag