
54 lines
1.4 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
function sumkg (et, nbnd, nks, wk, degauss, ngauss, e)
! This function computes the number of states under a given energy e
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: sumkg
integer :: nks, nbnd, ngauss
! input: the total number of K points
! input: the number of bands
! input: the type of smearing
real(kind=DP) :: wk (nks), et (nbnd, nks), degauss, e
! input: the weight of the k points
! input: the energy eigenvalues
! input: gaussian broadening
! input: the energy to check
! the local variables
real(kind=DP), external :: wgauss
! function which compute the smearing
real(kind=DP) ::sum1
integer :: ik, ibnd
! counter on k points
! counter on the band energy
sumkg = 0.d0
do ik = 1, nks
sum1 = 0.d0
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
sum1 = sum1 + wgauss ( (e-et (ibnd, ik) ) / degauss, ngauss)
sumkg = sumkg + wk (ik) * sum1
#ifdef __PARA
call poolreduce (1, sumkg)
end function sumkg