
69 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine ruotaijk (s, ftau, i, j, k, nr1, nr2, nr3, ri, rj, rk)
! This routine computes the rotated of the point i,j,k throught
! the symmetry (s,f). Then it computes the equivalent point
! on the original mesh
use parameters
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: s (3, 3), ftau (3), i, j, k, nr1, nr2, nr3, ri, rj, rk
! input: the rotation matrix
! input: the fractionary translation
! \
! input: the point to rotate
! /
! \
! input: the dimension of the mesh
! /
! output: the rotated point
! local variable
! the rotation matrix in scaled crystallogra
integer :: ss (3, 3)
! axes. Compatibility with the FFT grid must
! been checked elsewhere (sgam_at)
! this is a temporary fix. Much better would be to pass directly ss matr
ss (1, 1) = s (1, 1)
ss (2, 1) = s (2, 1) * nr1 / nr2
ss (3, 1) = s (3, 1) * nr1 / nr3
ss (1, 2) = s (1, 2) * nr2 / nr1
ss (2, 2) = s (2, 2)
ss (3, 2) = s (3, 2) * nr2 / nr3
ss (1, 3) = s (1, 3) * nr3 / nr1
ss (2, 3) = s (2, 3) * nr3 / nr2
ss (3, 3) = s (3, 3)
ri = ss (1, 1) * (i - 1) + ss (2, 1) * (j - 1) + ss (3, 1) &
* (k - 1) - ftau (1)
ri = mod (ri, nr1) + 1
if (ri.lt.1) ri = ri + nr1
rj = ss (1, 2) * (i - 1) + ss (2, 2) * (j - 1) + ss (3, 2) &
* (k - 1) - ftau (2)
rj = mod (rj, nr2) + 1
if (rj.lt.1) rj = rj + nr2
rk = ss (1, 3) * (i - 1) + ss (2, 3) * (j - 1) + ss (3, 3) &
* (k - 1) - ftau (3)
rk = mod (rk, nr3) + 1
if (rk.lt.1) rk = rk + nr3
end subroutine ruotaijk