
172 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine linmin (xold, eold, deold, xtot, etot, detot, xnew, &
! as an approximation to the line minimization find the minimum of a
! cubic interpolation of the available data at the end points:
! e(x) = a + b x + c xx + d xxx ; de/dx = b + 2c x + 3d xx
! If a reliable minimum cannot be found make a reasonable guess for
! an additional step and set minimum_ok=.false.
! on input: eold = e (xold)
! etot = e (xtot)
! deold = de/dx(xold)
! detot = de/dx(xtot)
! dtau = tau(xtot)-tau(xold)
! deold must be negative (i.e. the searched direction must be down-hill)
! several cases apply:
! (detot > 0) case: a nice minimum should exist with xold < xnew < xtot
! (detot < 0) cases:
! ... (d > 0) case: a nice minimum should exist with xnew > xtot
! ... (d < 0) cases:
! ... ... dbc2 > 1: No local minimum exists
! c < 0: No local minimum exists for xnew > xold
! in both cases better take an additional st
! Next step size is changed according to
! force ratio if not too large
! ... ... (dbc2 < 1) AND (c > 0): a minimum exists for positive
! if (xnew>=xtot): let's hope it is a good o
! if (xnew< xtot): something strange is happ
! let's go there and check
! In any case, if the new estimated position is too far, better take an
! additional reduced step and see what happens
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use parameters
implicit none
! Input
real(kind=DP) :: xold, eold, deold, xtot, etot, detot
! Output
logical :: minimum_ok
real(kind=DP) :: xnew
! Local
! maximum allowed step size
real(kind=DP) :: xmax
parameter (xmax = 10.d0)
real(kind=DP) :: b, c, c2, d, dbc2, dx, x, enew
WRITE( stdout, 100) eold, etot, deold, detot
if (deold.gt.0) call errore ('linmin', 'search direction is up-hill &
&', 1)
100 format (5x,'searching for next position (pslinmin)...', &
& /5x,'Eold = ',f15.8, &
& /5x,'Etot = ',f15.8, &
& /5x,'DEold = ',f15.8 &
& /5x,'DEtot = ',f15.8)
minimum_ok = .true.
dx = xtot - xold
! the variable x used in the following is x = (xnew-xold)/(xtot-xold)
b = deold * dx
c = 3.d0 * etot - detot * dx - 3.d0 * eold-2.d0 * deold * dx
d = - 2.d0 * etot + detot * dx + 2.d0 * eold+deold * dx
dbc2 = 3.d0 * d * b / c**2
c2 = (detot - deold) / 2.d0 * dx
if (dbc2.gt.1.d0) then
! NB: since deold.lt.0, dbc2.gt.1.d0 may occour only if detot.lt.0 !!
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"linmin: no 3rd order solution")')
x = - sign (999.d0, d)
! 2nd order solution: x = -b/(2.d0*c2)
elseif (abs (dbc2) .lt.1.d-2) then
WRITE( stdout, 110)
110 format (5x,'linmin: 2nd order interpolation', &
& ' plus 3rd order corrections')
x = - b / (2.d0 * c) * (1.d0 + dbc2 / 2.d0)
! x is the solution corresponding to the minimum
x = c * ( - 1.d0 + sign (1.d0, c) * sqrt (1.d0 - dbc2) ) &
/ 3.d0 / d
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"linmin: 3rd order interpolation")')
!c WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"b, c, d, dbc2 =",4f12.6)') b, c, d, dbc2
!c WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"x ",f12.6)') x
if (detot.gt.0.d0) then
! (detot > 0) case: a nice minimum should exist with 0 < x < 1
if (x.lt.0.d0.or.x.gt.1.d0) call errore ('linmin', 'unexpected error', 1)
! (detot < 0) cases:
if (d.gt.0.d0) then
! ... (d > 0) case: a nice minimum should exist with x>1
if (x.lt.1.d0) call errore ('linmin', 'unexpected error', 2)
! ... (d < 0) cases:
if (dbc2.gt.1.d0.or.c.lt.0.d0) then
! ... ... dbc2 > 1: No local minimum exists
! c < 0: No local minimum exists for x > 0
! in both cases better take an additional st
! Next step size (x-1) is changed according
! force ratio if not too large
minimum_ok = .false.
x = 1.d0 + min (2.d0, abs (detot / deold) )
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"linmin: no reliable minimum found")')
! ... ... (dbc2 < 1) AND (c > 0): a minimum exists for positive
! if (x>=1): let's hope it is a good one.
! if (x< 1): something strange is happening:
! let's go there and check
if (x.lt.0) call errore ('linmin', 'unexpected error', 3)
if (x.lt.1) then
minimum_ok = .false.
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"linmin: new pos. on the wrong side")')
! In any case, if the new estimated position is too far, better take an
! additional reduced step and see what happens
if (x.gt.xmax) then
x = xmax
minimum_ok = .false.
if (minimum_ok) then
enew = eold+b * x + c * x**2 + d * x**3
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Enext = ",f15.8," Xnext=",f12.6)') enew, &
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"linmin: take another downhill step")')
xnew = xold+x * dx
end subroutine linmin