
167 lines
5.2 KiB

!! using dftd3 API to get pressure by changing the alat
program test_code
use dftd3_api
use mp_global, only: mp_startup, mp_global_end
use io_global, only: ionode, ionode_id, stdout
use mp_images, only: intra_image_comm
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
integer,parameter :: wp = kind(1.0d0)
integer :: nat
integer :: i, j
real(wp) :: a0
real(wp), allocatable :: coords(:,:)
real(wp), allocatable :: tau(:,:)
real(wp), allocatable :: test_force(:,:)
real(wp), dimension(3,3) :: latvecs
character*2 :: typatom
type(dftd3_input) :: input
type(dftd3_calc) :: dftd3
integer,allocatable :: atnum(:)
real(wp) :: edisp, edisp1, edisp2
real(wp) :: omega0
real(wp), allocatable:: grads(:,:)
real(wp), dimension(3,3) :: stress
real(wp), parameter :: delta1 = 0.001_wp, delta2 = 0.0001_wp
real(wp) :: stress_num(3,3)
real(wp) :: at(3,3)
real(wp) :: bg(3,3)
call mp_startup ()
if ( ionode ) then
! ----- read: lattice parameter a0 (a.u.), lattice vectors (a0 units)
! ----- read: number of atoms, atomic tyoe and positions (a0 units)
read(*,*) a0
read(*,*) at(1,1), at(2,1), at(3,1)
read(*,*) at(1,2), at(2,2), at(3,2)
read(*,*) at(1,3), at(2,3), at(3,3)
read(*,*) nat
end if
call mp_bcast( nat, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
allocate(coords(1:3, 1:nat))
allocate(grads(1:3, 1:nat))
if ( ionode ) then
do i=1, nat
read(*,*) typatom, tau(1,i), tau(2,i), tau(3,i)
atnum(i) = get_atomic_number(typatom)
end do
end if
call mp_bcast( a0, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
call mp_bcast( at, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
call mp_bcast( atnum, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
call mp_bcast( tau, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
input%threebody = .true.
input%numgrad = .false.
! initialize dftd3
call dftd3_init(dftd3, input)
! choose functional
call dftd3_set_functional(dftd3, func='pbe',version=3, tz=.false.)
latvecs(:,:) = at(:,:) * a0
coords (:,:) = tau(:,:)* a0
write(stdout,*) 'atomic numbers'
write(stdout,'(20i4)') atnum
write(stdout,*) 'latvecs used for dftd3-API in a.u.'
write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") latvecs
write(stdout,*) 'coords used for dftd3-API in a.u.'
write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") coords
call dftd3_pbc_dispersion( dftd3, coords, atnum, latvecs, edisp, grads, stress )
write(stdout,*) 'edisp [Ry]',edisp*2.00
write(stdout,*) 'forces from dftd3-API [Ha/au]'
write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") grads
write(stdout,*)"forces calculated numerically: [Ha/au]"
do j=1,nat
do i=1,3 ! x,y,z coordinates
coords(i,j) = (tau(i,j) - delta1)*a0
call dftd3_pbc_dispersion( dftd3, coords, atnum, latvecs, edisp1 )
coords(i,j) = (tau(i,j) + delta1)*a0
call dftd3_pbc_dispersion( dftd3, coords, atnum, latvecs, edisp2 )
coords(i,j) = tau(i,j)*a0
test_force(i,j) = (edisp2 - edisp1)/(2.0_wp*delta1*a0)
end do
write(stdout,'(3es20.12)') test_force(1,j),test_force(2,j),test_force(3,j)
end do
write(stdout,*) 'absolute difference'
do j=1,nat
write(stdout,'(3es15.6)') abs( grads(1,j) - test_force(1,j) ), &
abs( grads(2,j) - test_force(2,j) ), abs( grads(3,j) - test_force(3,j) )
end do
write(stdout,*) 'stress from dftd3-API [Ha/au^3]'
write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") stress
! bring atomic positions tau to crystal axis
call recips(at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
call cryst_to_cart (nat, tau, bg, -1)
call volume(a0, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega0 )
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
! bring atomic positions to cartesian axis with new crystal axis
latvecs(j,i) = (at(j,i) - delta2)*a0
coords(:,:) = tau(:,:)
call cryst_to_cart (nat, coords, latvecs, +1)
! latvecs is in a.u. above so on output coords is also in a.u.
call dftd3_pbc_dispersion( dftd3, coords, atnum, latvecs, edisp1 )
latvecs(j,i) = (at(j,i) + delta2)*a0
coords(:,:) = tau(:,:)
call cryst_to_cart (nat, coords, latvecs, +1)
! as above
call dftd3_pbc_dispersion( dftd3, coords, atnum, latvecs, edisp2 )
stress_num(j,i) = (edisp2 - edisp1) / (2.0_wp*delta2*a0)
! reset latvecs(j,i) to its original value
latvecs(j,i) = at(j,i)*a0
end do
end do
write(stdout,*) 'numerical stress [Ha/au^3]'
! write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") -stress_num
write(stdout,"(3ES20.12)") matmul(stress_num,transpose(latvecs))/omega0
10 call mp_global_end ()
end program test_code