
129 lines
5.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE io_files
USE parameters, ONLY: ntypx
! ... The name of the files
CHARACTER(len=256) :: tmp_dir = './' ! directory for temporary files
CHARACTER(len=256) :: wfc_dir = 'undefined' ! directory for large files on each node, should be kept 'undefined' if not known
CHARACTER(len=256) :: prefix = 'os' ! prepended to file names
CHARACTER(len=3) :: nd_nmbr = '000' ! node number (used only in parallel case)
CHARACTER(len=256) :: pseudo_dir = './'
CHARACTER(len=256) :: psfile( ntypx ) = 'UPF'
CHARACTER(len=256) :: scradir = './'
CHARACTER(len=256) :: outdir = './'
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: input_drho = ' ' ! name of the file with the input drho
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: output_drho = ' ' ! name of the file with the output drho
CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: band_file = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: tran_file = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: prefixt = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: prefixl = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: prefixs = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: prefixr = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: save_file = ' '
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: fil_loc = ' ' ! file with 2D eigenvectors and eigenvalues
CHARACTER(LEN=4 ), PARAMETER :: chifile = 'CHI2'
CHARACTER(LEN=5 ), PARAMETER :: crash_file = 'CRASH'
CHARACTER(LEN=7 ), PARAMETER :: stop_file = '.cpstop'
CHARACTER(LEN=2 ), PARAMETER :: ks_file = 'KS'
CHARACTER(LEN=6 ), PARAMETER :: ks_emp_file = 'KS_EMP'
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: &
dat_file = 'os.dat', &! file containing the enegy profile
int_file = 'os.int', &! file containing the interpolated energy profile
path_file = 'os.path', &! file containing informations needed to restart a path simulation
xyz_file = 'os.xyz', &! file containing coordinates of all images in xyz format
axsf_file = 'os.axsf', &! file containing coordinates of all images in axsf format
broy_file = 'os.broyden' ! file containing broyden's history
CHARACTER (LEN=261) :: &
exit_file = "os.EXIT" ! file required for a soft exit
CHARACTER (LEN=9), PARAMETER :: xmlpun_base = 'data-file'
CHARACTER (LEN=13), PARAMETER :: xmlpun = xmlpun_base // '.xml'
! ... The units where various variables are saved
INTEGER :: rhounit = 17
INTEGER :: emptyunit = 19
INTEGER :: crashunit = 15
INTEGER :: stopunit = 7
INTEGER :: ksunit = 18
INTEGER :: sfacunit = 20
INTEGER :: pseudounit = 10
INTEGER :: chiunit = 20
INTEGER :: dielecunit = 20
INTEGER :: opt_unit = 20 ! optional unit
! ... units in pwscf
INTEGER :: iunpun = 4 ! unit for saving the final results
INTEGER :: iunwfc = 10 ! unit with wavefunctions
INTEGER :: iunat = 13 ! unit for saving orthogonal atomic wfcs
INTEGER :: iunocc = 14 ! unit for saving the atomic n_{ij}
INTEGER :: iunoldwfc = 11 ! unit with old wavefunctions
INTEGER :: iunoldwfc2 = 12 ! as above at step -2
INTEGER :: iunigk = 16 ! unit for saving indices
INTEGER :: iunres = 1 ! unit for the restart of the run
INTEGER :: iunbfgs = 30 ! unit for the bfgs restart file
INTEGER :: nwordwfc = 2 ! lenght of record in wavefunction file
INTEGER :: nwordatwfc = 2 ! lenght of record in atomic wfc file
INTEGER :: iunexit = 26 ! unit for a soft exit
INTEGER :: iunupdate = 27 ! unit for saving old positions (extrapolation)
INTEGER :: iunnewimage = 28 ! unit for parallelization among images
INTEGER :: iunblock = 29 ! as above (blocking file)
! ... "path" specific
INTEGER :: iunpath = 6 ! unit for string output ( stdout or what else )
INTEGER :: iunrestart = 21 ! unit for saving the restart file ( neb_file )
INTEGER :: iundat = 22 ! unit for saving the enegy profile
INTEGER :: iunint = 23 ! unit for saving the interpolated energy profile
INTEGER :: iunxyz = 24 ! unit for saving coordinates ( xyz format )
INTEGER :: iunaxsf = 25 ! unit for saving coordinates ( axsf format )
INTEGER :: iunbroy = 26 ! unit for saving broyden's history
! ... meta-dynamics
INTEGER :: iunmeta = 77 ! unit for saving meta-dynamics history
! ... Y. Kanai combined smd/cp method
INTEGER :: smwout = 20 ! base value to compute index for replica files
INTEGER :: vib_out = 20 ! output of phrozen phonon vibrational calculation
INTEGER :: vib_mass = 21 ! isotope masses used for the dynamical matrix
!... finite electric field (Umari)
INTEGER :: iunefield = 31 ! unit to store wavefunction for calculatin electric field operator
END MODULE io_files