
199 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE wave_gauge
! this module contains routines that are used to compute the numerical
! derivative of the wavefunctions fixing a particular gauge
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
implicit none
subroutine compute_dot_evc_parallel_gauge(t_minus, t_zero, t_plus, dot_evc, nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart)
! compute the numerical derivative using the wavefunctions computed at t-dt/2, t, t+dt/2
! in the parallel transport gauge
integer, intent(in) :: nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart
COMPLEX(DP), intent(inout) :: dot_evc(:, :)
complex(dp), intent(in) :: t_minus(:,:), t_zero(:,:), t_plus(:,:)
!$acc declare present(t_minus, t_zero, t_plus, dot_evc)
!$acc parallel
dot_evc=(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
!$acc end parallel
call project_parallel_gauge(t_minus, t_zero, t_plus, dot_evc, nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart, 1.0_dp,&
.true., .true.)
end subroutine
subroutine project_parallel_gauge_2(t_minus, t_zero, t_zero_proj , nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart)
! project t_zero over the manifold of t_minus in the parallel transport gauge.
! Do not project over the not occupied manifold
integer, intent(in) :: nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart
COMPLEX(DP), intent(inout) :: t_zero_proj(:,:)
complex(dp), intent(in) :: t_minus(:, :), t_zero(:,:)
complex(dp), allocatable :: dummy(:,:)
!$acc declare device_resident(dummy)
!$acc declare present(t_minus, t_zero, t_zero_proj)
!$acc parallel
!$acc end parallel
call project_parallel_gauge(t_zero, t_minus, dummy, t_zero_proj, nbnd, npw, npwx,&
gstart, -1.0_dp, .false., .false. )
end subroutine
subroutine project_parallel_gauge(t_minus, t_zero, t_plus, dot_evc, nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart, &
factor, use_t_plus, project_conduction)
!! implemented only in the plain dft norm conserving pseudopotential case
!! let P be the projector over the occupied manifold space:
!! P = \sum_v |c_v><c_v|
!! then (no surprise)
!! |c> = P |c>
!! doing a time derivative:
!! \dot |c> = \dot P |c> + P \dot |c>
!! the parallel transport gauge fixes P \dot |c> to zero (the derivative
!! has no components over the occupied space). \dot P can be computed numerically
!! using wavefunctions that possibly have different gauges.
!! Then, to make sure that there are no components over the occupied space,
!! a projector over the conduction band is added if project_conduction is .true.:
!! (1-P) \dot P |c>
!! t_minus, t_zero, t_plus are the wavefunctions. t_minus and t_plus are separated by a time dt
!! t_zero is computed in the middle. The gauge of the result is the same of t_zero.
!! This works also if you put t_zero = t_minus or t_zero = t_plus (be careful to the gauge!).
!! This routine adds \dot |c>*dt*factor (the derivative multiplied by dt multiplied by the specified factor)
!! to the output array dot_evc with the gauge of t_zero. Gauges of t_minus and t_plus should not enter the
!! result and can be arbitrary. If use_t_plus is false, t_plus = t_zero is assumed and some cpu time
!! is saved. If project_conduction is true the (1-P) projector is computed, and this involves an additional
!! matrix-matrix product with dimensions nbnd x nbnd
use mp, only: mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY: intra_pool_comm
integer, intent(in) :: nbnd, npw, npwx, gstart
COMPLEX(DP), intent(inout) :: dot_evc(:, :)
complex(dp), intent(in) :: t_minus(:,:), t_zero(:,:), t_plus(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: factor
logical, intent(in) :: use_t_plus, project_conduction
!$acc declare present(t_minus, t_zero, t_plus, dot_evc)
real(DP), allocatable :: sa(:,:), ssa(:,:), sb(:,:), ssb(:,:)
!$acc declare device_resident(ssa, ssb)
complex(dp) :: tmp,tmp2
integer :: ibnd, jbnd, ig
allocate(sb(nbnd, nbnd))
! \dot P |c> =
! computed sa_ij = < t_plus_i, t_zero_j >, sb_ij = < t_minus_i, t_zero_j >
! remove contribution at G=0 due to c(-g)*=c(g), and only half vector is stored
! (gamma trick)
! sa is the identity if 2 points are used (t_plus==t_zero)
if (use_t_plus) &
allocate(sa(nbnd, nbnd))
!$acc data create(sb, sa)
if (use_t_plus) then
#if defined (__CUDA)
!$acc host_data use_device(t_plus,t_zero, sa)
call mydgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, 2*npw, 2.d0, t_plus, 2*npwx, t_zero, 2*npwx, 0.d0, sa, nbnd)
!$acc end host_data
call dgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, 2*npw, 2.d0, t_plus, 2*npwx, t_zero, 2*npwx, 0.d0, sa, nbnd)
end if
#if defined (__CUDA)
!$acc host_data use_device(t_minus,t_zero, sb)
call mydgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, 2*npw, 2.d0, t_minus, 2*npwx, t_zero, 2*npwx, 0.d0, sb, nbnd)
!$acc end host_data
call dgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, 2*npw, 2.d0, t_minus, 2*npwx, t_zero, 2*npwx, 0.d0, sb, nbnd)
if (gstart == 2) then
!$acc parallel loop collapse(2) present(sa,sb,t_plus,t_minus,t_zero)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do jbnd = 1, nbnd
if (use_t_plus) &
sa(ibnd, jbnd) = sa(ibnd, jbnd) - dble(conjg(t_plus(1, ibnd))*t_zero(1, jbnd))
sb(ibnd, jbnd) = sb(ibnd, jbnd) - dble(conjg(t_minus(1, ibnd))*t_zero(1, jbnd))
end do
end do
end if
!$acc host_data use_device(sb)
call mp_sum(sb, intra_pool_comm)
!$acc end host_data
if (use_t_plus) then
!$acc host_data use_device(sa)
call mp_sum(sa, intra_pool_comm)
!$acc end host_data
end if
! compute scalar products that appear due to the ( 1 - P ) projector over
! the empty bands, that are
! ssa = sa ^ 2 and ssb = sb ^ 2. The gauge cancels out here
if (project_conduction) then
allocate(ssb(nbnd, nbnd))
if (use_t_plus) then
allocate(ssa(nbnd, nbnd))
#if defined (__CUDA)
!$acc host_data use_device(sa,ssa)
call mydgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, 1.d0, sa, nbnd, sa, nbnd, 0.d0, ssa, nbnd)
!$acc end host_data
call dgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, 1.d0, sa, nbnd, sa, nbnd, 0.d0, ssa, nbnd)
end if
#if defined (__CUDA)
!$acc host_data use_device(sb,ssb)
call mydgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, 1.d0, sb, nbnd, sb, nbnd, 0.d0, ssb, nbnd)
!$acc end host_data
call dgemm('T', 'N', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, 1.d0, sb, nbnd, sb, nbnd, 0.d0, ssb, nbnd)
end if
! compute final projection
!$acc parallel loop present(t_minus,sb,t_plus,sa,t_zero,ssa,ssb,dot_evc) copyin(factor) private(tmp2,tmp)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do jbnd = 1, nbnd
do ig = 1, npw
tmp = tmp - t_minus(ig, jbnd)*sb(jbnd, ibnd)
if (use_t_plus) then
tmp = tmp + t_plus(ig, jbnd)*sa(jbnd, ibnd)
if (project_conduction) then
if (use_t_plus)&
tmp = tmp - t_zero(ig, jbnd)*ssa(ibnd, jbnd)
tmp = tmp + t_zero(ig, jbnd)*ssb(ibnd, jbnd)
dot_evc(ig, ibnd) = dot_evc(ig, ibnd) + factor*tmp
end do
end do
end do
!$acc end data
if (project_conduction) then
if (use_t_plus)&
end if
if (use_t_plus)&
end subroutine
end module