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! Copyright (C) 2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE mp_pools
!! Pool groups (processors within a pool of k-points).
!! Subdivision of image group, used for k-point parallelization.
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_size, mp_rank, mp_comm_split
USE parallel_include
INTEGER :: npool = 1
!! number of "k-points"-pools
INTEGER :: nproc_pool = 1
!! number of processors within a pool
INTEGER :: me_pool = 0
!! index of the processor within a pool
INTEGER :: root_pool = 0
!! index of the root processor within a pool
INTEGER :: my_pool_id = 0
!! index of my pool
INTEGER :: inter_pool_comm = 0
!! inter pool communicator
INTEGER :: intra_pool_comm = 0
!! intra pool communicator
INTEGER :: kunit = 1
!! granularity of k-point distribution.
!! kunit=1 standard case. In phonon k and k+q must
!! be on the same pool, so kunit=2.
SUBROUTINE mp_start_pools( npool_, parent_comm )
!! Divide processors (of the "parent_comm" group) into "pools".
!! Requires: \(\text{npool_}\) read from command line,
!! \(\text{parent_comm}\), typically \(\text{world_comm} =
!! \text{group}\) of all processors.
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npool_, parent_comm
INTEGER :: parent_nproc = 1, parent_mype = 0
#if defined (__MPI)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
parent_mype = mp_rank( parent_comm )
! ... npool_ must have been previously read from command line argument
! ... by a call to routine get_command_line
npool = npool_
IF ( npool < 1 .OR. npool > parent_nproc ) CALL errore( 'mp_start_pools',&
'invalid number of pools, out of range', 1 )
IF ( MOD( parent_nproc, npool ) /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'mp_start_pools', &
'invalid number of pools, parent_nproc /= nproc_pool * npool', 1 )
! ... number of cpus per pool of k-points (created inside each parent group)
nproc_pool = parent_nproc / npool
! ... my_pool_id = pool index for this processor ( 0 : npool - 1 )
! ... me_pool = processor index within the pool ( 0 : nproc_pool - 1 )
my_pool_id = parent_mype / nproc_pool
me_pool = MOD( parent_mype, nproc_pool )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the intra_pool_comm communicator is created
CALL mp_comm_split ( parent_comm, my_pool_id, parent_mype, intra_pool_comm )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the inter_pool_comm communicator is created
CALL mp_comm_split ( parent_comm, me_pool, parent_mype, inter_pool_comm )
END SUBROUTINE mp_start_pools
END MODULE mp_pools
MODULE mp_orthopools
!! Ortho-pool groups. Each orthopool group collects the (n+1)th CPU of each
!! pool, i.e.:
!! * orthopool 0: first CPU of each pool;
!! * orthopool 1: second CPU of each pool.
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_size, mp_rank, mp_comm_split
USE mp_pools
USE parallel_include
INTEGER :: northopool = 1
!! number of "k-points"-orthopools, must be equal to nproc_pool
INTEGER :: nproc_orthopool = 1
!! number of processors within a orthopool, must be equal to npool
INTEGER :: me_orthopool = 0
!! index of the processor within a orthopool,
!! must be equal to the pool id of that cpu
INTEGER :: root_orthopool = 0
!! index of the root processor within a orthopool
INTEGER :: my_orthopool_id = 0
!! index of my orthopool
INTEGER :: inter_orthopool_comm = 0
!! inter orthopool communicator
INTEGER :: intra_orthopool_comm = 0
!! intra orthopool communicator
LOGICAL,PRIVATE :: init_orthopools = .false.
SUBROUTINE mp_stop_orthopools( )
!! Free the orthopools communicators (if they had been set up).
USE mp, ONLY : mp_comm_free
IF(init_orthopools) THEN
CALL mp_comm_free ( inter_orthopool_comm )
CALL mp_comm_free ( intra_orthopool_comm )
init_orthopools = .false.
SUBROUTINE mp_start_orthopools( parent_comm )
!! Divide processors (of the "parent_comm" group) into "orthopools".
!! Requires: pools being already initialized,
!! \(\text{parent_comm}\), typically world_comm = group of all processors
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: parent_comm
INTEGER :: parent_nproc = 1, parent_mype = 0
! Only init this once (I put this check because initialisation
! of orthopools is done later, during EXX bootstrap, not at the beginning
IF(init_orthopools) RETURN
init_orthopools = .true.
#if defined (__MPI)
parent_nproc = mp_size( parent_comm )
parent_mype = mp_rank( parent_comm )
northopool = nproc_pool
! ... number of cpus per orthopool
nproc_orthopool = npool
! ... my_orthopool_id = orthopool index for this processor ( 0 : northopool - 1 )
! ... me_orthopool = processor index within the orthopool ( 0 : nproc_orthopool - 1 )
my_orthopool_id = MOD(parent_mype, northopool)
me_orthopool = my_pool_id
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the intra_orthopool_comm communicator is created
CALL mp_comm_split ( parent_comm, my_orthopool_id, parent_mype, intra_orthopool_comm )
CALL mp_barrier( parent_comm )
! ... the inter_orthopool_comm communicator is created
CALL mp_comm_split ( parent_comm, me_orthopool, parent_mype, inter_orthopool_comm )
END SUBROUTINE mp_start_orthopools
END MODULE mp_orthopools