
60 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Satomichi Nishihara
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE data_structure_3drism(dfft, gvec, gamma_only, mp_task)
! ... this routine sets the data structure for the 3D-RISM's fft array
! ... In the parallel case, it distributes columns to processes, too
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE command_line_options, ONLY : nmany_
USE fft_base, ONLY : smap
USE fft_types, ONLY : fft_type_descriptor, fft_type_init
USE gvec_3drism, ONLY : gvec_type, gvec_init_3drism
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp_bands, ONLY : nproc_bgrp, nyfft
USE mp_rism, ONLY : mp_rism_task
!USE symm_base, ONLY : fft_fact
TYPE(fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(INOUT) :: dfft
TYPE(gvec_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: gvec
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: gamma_only
TYPE(mp_rism_task), INTENT(IN) :: mp_task ! must be same as intra_bgrp_comm
INTEGER :: ngm_
INTEGER :: intra_comm
LOGICAL :: lpara
lpara = (nproc_bgrp > 1)
intra_comm = mp_task%itask_comm
! ... set up fft descriptors, including parallel stuff: sticks, planes, etc.
!CALL fft_type_init(dfft, smap, "rho", gamma_only, lpara, intra_comm, &
! at, bg, gvec%gcutm, 1.0_DP, fft_fact=fft_fact, nyfft=nyfft, nmany=nmany_)
CALL fft_type_init(dfft, smap, "rho", gamma_only, lpara, intra_comm, &
at, bg, gvec%gcutm, 1.0_DP, nyfft=nyfft, nmany=nmany_) ! do not use symmetric mesh
dfft%rho_clock_label = 'fftr' ! this is the label of FFT for 3D-RISM
ngm_ = dfft%ngl(dfft%mype + 1)
IF (gamma_only) THEN
ngm_ = (ngm_ + 1) / 2
! ... initialize local and global number of G-vectors
CALL gvec_init_3drism(gvec, ngm_, intra_comm)
END SUBROUTINE data_structure_3drism