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These are basic instructions on how to run the examples contained
within the "examples" directory of the PWscf distribution (same
directory where this README file should be).
1) Edit the file "environment_variables" in the "examples" directory
and set the following variables as needed:
BIN_DIR = path of compiled PWscf executables
PSEUDO_DIR = path of pseudopotentials required by the examples
TMP_DIR = temporary directory to be used by the examples
If you have downloaded the full PWscf distribution, you may set
BIN_DIR = $TOPDIR/bin and PSEUDO_DIR = $TOPDIR/pseudo, where
$TOPDIR is the root of the PWscf source tree. (Accordingly, the
examples directory should be $TOPDIR/examples.) To have the
executables in $TOPDIR/bin, you must have run "make links" after
TMP_DIR must be a temporary storage area you have read/write access
to, is large enough to host the temporary files produced by the
PWscf programs, and possibly offers high I/O performance (no NFS).
2) Check that the directory specified by PSEUDO_DIR contains the
following files:
Al.vbc.UPF, As.gon.UPF, Cu.pz-d-rrkjus.UPF, CUS.RRKJ3.UPF,
CuUS.RRKJ3.UPF, Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF, Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF,
Pb.vdb.UPF, O.vdb.UPF, Ti.vdb.UPF
If any of these are missing, you may not be able to run some of the
examples. You can download the missing ones from the web at the
address: http://www.pwscf.org/pseudo.htm
3) ONLY FOR PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES: to run parallel jobs, your machine
may require that executable programs be run through a driver
program such as "poe" or "mpiexec". For example on an IBM SP4,
pw.x could be run on 4 processors this way:
poe pw.x -procs 4 < file.in > file.out
If this is the case, you must edit again the file
"environment_variables" and set the PARA_PREFIX and PARA_POSTFIX
variables as needed. Parallel executables will be run by a command
like this:
$PARA_PREFIX pw.x $PARA_POSTFIX < file.in > file.out
Thus, in the example above, you should set PARA_PREFIX="poe" and
PARA_POSTFIX="-procs 4".
Also, if the machine does not support interactive use, you should
write the commands specified below in a batch script, and run it
through the batch queuing system installed on that machine.
4) To run a specific example: cd to the corresponding directory (i.e.,
example01) and execute:
A subdirectory "results" is produced which collects the input and
output files generated by the calculation. The results can be
compared to those in the "reference" subdirectory coming with this
The reference results where generated on a 1.7 GHz Pentium IV using
Intel compiler (ifc) v.6 and MKL libraries v.5.1.
On different architectures the precise numbers could be slightly
different (in particular if different FFT dimensions are
automatically selected) but not in any significant way.
5) To check the generated results against those in the "reference"
directory coming with this distribution, execute:
./check_example example_dir
from the "examples" directory.
"example_dir" is the directory of the example that you want to
check (i.e., ./check_example example01). You can specify multiple
Note: at the moment "check_example" is in early development and
known not to work in many cases, in particular you should only run
it on examples 1 to 4.
6) To run all the examples in one go, execute:
from the "examples" directory.
7) To restore the examples subdirectories to their original content,
run the "make_clean" script. For each example, this removes the
subdirectory "results" together with all files apart from "README",
and "run_example". If additional subdirectories have been created
they are not deleted.
This example shows how to use pw.x to calculate the total energy
and the band structure of four simple systems: Si, Al, Cu, Ni.
This example shows how to use pw.x and ph.x to calculate phonon
frequencies at Gamma and X for Si in diamond structure.
This example shows how to use pw.x to compute the equilibrium
geometry of a simple molecule, CO, and of an Al (001) slab.
In the latter case the relaxation is performed in two ways:
1) using the quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm
2) using a damped dynamics algorithm.
This example shows how to use pw.x to perform molecular dynamics
for 2- and 8-atom cells of Si starting with compressed bonds along
This example shows how to use pw.x and postprocessing codes to
make a contour plot in the [110] plane of the charge density for
Si, and to plot the band structure of Si.
This example shows how to calculate interatomic force constants in
real space for AlAs in zincblende structure.
This example shows how to calculate electron-phonon interaction
coefficients at X for fcc Al.
This example shows how to use pw.x to calculate the DOS of Ni.
This example shows how to use pw.x and phcg.x to calculate the
normal modes of a molecule (SiH4) at Gamma.
This example shows how to calculate the polarization via Berry
Phase in PBTiO3 (contributed by the Vanderbilt Group in Rutgers
This example shows how to calculate the total energy of an
isolated atom in a supercell with fixed occupations.
Two examples: LDA energy of Al and sigma-GGA energy of O.
This example shows how to use pw.x and pwcond.x to calculate the
complex bands and the transmission coefficient of an open quantum
This example shows how to use pw.x to calculate the total energy
and the band structure of four simple systems in the non-collinear
case: Fe, Cu, Ni, O.
This example shows how to use pw.x, ph.x and d3 to calculate the
third-order expansion coefficients of the total energy of Si.
This example shows how to use pw.x, ph.x, and ram.x to calculate
the Raman tensor for AlAs.
This example shows a calculation of STM maps.
This example shows how to use pw.x to calculate the minimum energy
path (MEP) in the collinear proton transfer reaction H2+H => H+H2.
This example shows how to use cp.x to perform molecular dynamics
simulation of SiO2.
This example shows how to use par2.x to perform molecular dynamics
simulation of H2O.
This example shows how to use par2.x to perform molecular dynamics
simulation of NH3.
This example shows how to use par2.x to perform molecular dynamics
simulation of medium to large systems.