
117 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cgramg1_nc (lda, nvecx, n, start, finish, psi, spsi, hpsi, npol)
! This routine orthogonalizes several vectors with the method of
! Gram-Schmidt and imposing that <psi_i|S|psi_j> = delta_ij.
! It receives on input the psi and the spsi.
! It updates also the Hamiltonian so that it contains the new hpsi.
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: lda, n, nvecx, start, finish, npol
! input: leading dimension of the vectors
! input: physical dimension
! input: dimension of psi
! input: first vector to orthogonalize
! input: last vector to orthogonalize
! input: number of coordonates of wfc
complex(kind=DP) :: psi(lda,npol,nvecx), spsi(lda,npol,nvecx), hpsi(lda, &
! inp/out: the vectors to be orthogonalized
! two parameters
integer :: ierrx
! maximum number of errors
real(kind=DP) :: eps
! a small number
parameter (ierrx = 3, eps = 1.0d-6)
! here the local variables
integer :: vec, vecp, ierr
! counter on vectors
! counter on vectors
! counter on errors
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: ps (:)
complex(kind=DP) :: ZDOTC
! the scalar products
! function which computes scalar products
real(kind=DP) :: norm, DDOT
! the norm of a vector
! function computing the dot product of two v
call start_clock ('cgramg1')
allocate (ps( finish))
do vec = start, finish
ierr = 0
1 continue
do vecp = 1, vec
IF (npol ==1) THEN
ps (vecp) = ZDOTC (n, psi (1, 1, vecp), 1, spsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
ps (vecp) = ZDOTC (lda*npol, psi (1,1,vecp), 1, spsi (1,1,vec), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2 * vec, ps)
do vecp = 1, vec - 1
IF (npol ==1) THEN
call ZAXPY (n, - ps (vecp), psi (1, 1, vecp), 1, psi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call ZAXPY (n, - ps (vecp), spsi (1,1,vecp), 1, spsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call ZAXPY (n, - ps (vecp), hpsi (1,1,vecp), 1, hpsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call ZAXPY (lda*npol, - ps(vecp),psi(1,1,vecp),1,psi(1,1,vec),1)
call ZAXPY (lda*npol, - ps(vecp),spsi(1,1,vecp),1,spsi(1,1,vec),1)
call ZAXPY (lda*npol, - ps(vecp),hpsi(1,1,vecp),1,hpsi(1,1,vec),1)
norm = ps (vec) - DDOT (2 * (vec - 1), ps, 1, ps, 1)
! print*,norm,vec
! norm = DDOT( 2*n, psi(1,vec), 1, spsi(1,vec), 1 )
#ifdef __PARA
! call reduce (1,norm)
if (norm.lt.0.d0) then
print * , 'norma = ', norm, vec
call errore ('cgramg1_nc', ' negative norm in S ', 1)
norm = 1.d0 / sqrt (norm)
IF (npol == 1) THEN
call DSCAL (2 * n, norm, psi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * n, norm, spsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * n, norm, hpsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * lda * npol, norm, psi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * lda * npol, norm, spsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
call DSCAL (2 * lda * npol, norm, hpsi (1, 1, vec), 1)
if (1.d0 / norm.lt.eps) then
ierr = ierr + 1
if (ierr.le.ierrx) goto 1
call errore ('cgramg1_nc', ' absurd correction vector', vec)
call stop_clock ('cgramg1')
end subroutine cgramg1_nc