
322 lines
9.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine scala_cdiaghg (n, a, ilda, b, ildb, w, z, ildz)
#ifdef __T3E
#ifdef __AIX
#define PCELSET pzelset
#define PCHEGVX pzhegvx
! Solves the generalized problem Ax=lambdaBx for
! hermitian comples matrix using Blacs and
! Scalapack routines.
! n integer (input)
! Size of the problem.
! a(ilda,n) complex*16 (input/ouput)
! Matrix to be diagonalized ( identical on each processor
! ilda integer (input)
! Leading dimension of matrix a.
! b(ildb,n) complex*16 (input/ouput)
! Overlap matrix ( identical on each processor ).
! ildb integer (input)
! Leading dimension of matrix b.
! w(n) real*8 (output)
! Eigenvalues.
! z(ildz,n) complex*16 (output)
! Matrix containing eigenvectors (on each processor)
! iopt integer (input)
! if iopt > 0 the routine calculate both eigenvalues and
! eigenvectors, if iopt <= 0 only the eigenvalues are
! computed.
! This driver work just if npool=1
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: n, ilda, ildb, ildz
! input: size of the matrix to diagonalize
! input: see before
real (kind=DP) :: w (n)
! output: eigenvalues
complex (kind=DP) :: a (ilda, n), b (ildb, n), z (ildz, n)
! input: matrix to diagonalize
! input: overlap matrix
! output: eigenvectors
real (kind=DP) :: zero, mone
! zero
! minus one
parameter (zero = 0.0d+0, mone = - 1.d0)
integer :: maxprocs, maxn
! maximum number of processors
! maximum dimension of the matrix
parameter (maxn = 2000, maxprocs = 256)
integer :: context, i, j, info, npcol, nprow, mycol, myrow, &
rowsize, colsize, lda, nb, idum, iam_blacs, nprocs_blacs, lwork, &
lrwork, liwork, m, nz, desca (50), descb (50), descz (50), &
iclustr (maxprocs * 2), ifail (maxn)
! the context for the matrix division
! counters
! integer of error checking
! number of row and columns of the proc. gri
! row and column of this processor
! size of the local matrices
! leading dimension of the local matrix
! blocking factor for matrix division
! used for input of the diagonalization rout
! the processor me
! number of processors
! sizes of the work space
! number of computed eigenvalues and eigenve
! description of matrix divisions
! clustering of eigenvalues
! on output tells which eigenvalues not conv
real (kind=DP) :: gap (maxprocs)
! gap between eigenvalues
complex (kind=DP), allocatable::at (:, :)
! local matrices of this p
complex (kind=DP), allocatable::bt (:, :)
complex (kind=DP), allocatable::zt (:, :)
! some variables needed to determine the workspace's size
integer :: nn, np, npO, nq0, mq0
complex (kind=DP), allocatable::work (:)
! work space
real (kind=DP), allocatable::rwork (:)
integer, allocatable::iwork (:)
integer :: PSLAMCH, iceil, numroc
external PSLAMCH, iceil, numroc
integer :: iws, first
real (kind=DP) :: time1, time2, tt
if (n.gt.maxn) call errore ('scala_cdiaghg', 'n is too large', n)
! Ask for the number of processors
call blacs_pinfo (iam_blacs, nprocs_blacs)
if (nprocs_blacs.gt.32) call errore ('scala_cdiaghg', &
'work space not optimized ', - nprocs_blacs)
! Set the dimension of the 2D processors grid
call gridsetup_local (nprocs_blacs, nprow, npcol)
! Initialize a single total BLACS context
call blacs_get ( - 1, 0, context)
call blacs_gridinit (context, 'R', nprow, npcol)
call blacs_gridinfo (context, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol)
! Calculate the blocking factor for the matrix
call blockset_priv (nb, 32, n, nprow, npcol)
! These are basic array descriptors
rowsize = n / nprow + nb + 1
colsize = n / npcol + nb + 1
lda = rowsize
! allocate local array
allocate (at (rowsize, colsize) )
allocate (bt (rowsize, colsize) )
allocate (zt (rowsize, colsize) )
! initialize the data structure of description of the matrix partiti
call descinit (desca, n, n, nb, nb, 0, 0, context, lda, info)
if (info.ne.0) call errore ('scala_cdiaghg', &
'something wrong with descinit1', info)
call descinit (descb, n, n, nb, nb, 0, 0, context, lda, info)
if (info.ne.0) call errore ('scala_cdiaghg', &
'something wrong with descinit2', info)
call descinit (descz, n, n, nb, nb, 0, 0, context, lda, info)
if (info.ne.0) call errore ('scala_cdiaghg', &
'something wrong with descinit3', info)
! allocate workspace needed
! NB: The values of lwork, lrwork, liwork are important for the
! performance of the routine,
! they seem appropriate for 150 < n < 2000. The routine should
! work also for n < 150, but it is slower than the scalar one
! The sizes could be adjusted if something better is found
! only 4 < nprocs_blacs =< 32 has been tested
iws = 0
if (iws.eq.0) then
lwork = 40 * n / (nprocs_blacs / 16.d0)
if (n.gt.1000) then
lrwork = 300 * n / (nprocs_blacs / 16.d0)
liwork = 8 * n
liwork = 10 * n
lrwork = 300 * n / (nprocs_blacs / 16.d0)
lwork = max (10000, lwork)
lrwork = max (2000, lrwork)
liwork = max (2000, liwork)
! following the notes included in the man page
if (iws.eq.1) then
nn = max (n, nb, 2)
npo = numroc (nn, nb, 0, 0, nprow)
nq0 = max (numroc (n, nb, 0, 0, npcol), nb)
mq0 = numroc (max (n, nb, 2), nb, 0, 0, npcol)
lrwork = 4 * n + max (5 * nn, npo * mq0) + iceil (n, nprow * &
npcol) * nn
! note: the following few lines from the man page are wrong: the right s
! the other way around !!!!!!!
! lwork Integer. (locak input)
! Size of work array. If only eigenvalues are requested, lw
! >= N + (NPO + MQP + NB) * NB. If eigenvectors are request
! lwork >= N + MAX(NB*(NPO+1),3)
lwork = n + nb * (npo + mq0 + nb)
liwork = 6 * max (n, nprow * npcol + 1, 4)
if (iws.eq.2) then
! the first way we did ( just to compare)
nb = desca (6)
nn = max (n, nb, 2)
np = numroc (n, nb, myrow, 0, nprow)
liwork = 6 * max (n, nprow * npcol + 1, 4)
npo = numroc (nn, nb, 0, 0, nprow)
nq0 = max (numroc (n, nb, 0, 0, npcol), nb)
mq0 = numroc (max (n, nb, 2), nb, 0, 0, npcol)
lrwork = 4 * n + max (5 * nn, npo * mq0) + iceil (n, nprow * &
npcol) * nn
lwork = n + max (nb * (npo + 1), 3)
lwork = 3 * (max (liwork, lrwork, 2 * lwork) + 3) + 200000
lwork = lwork / 3
lrwork = lwork
liwork = lwork
! allocate sufficient work space:
allocate (work (lwork) )
allocate (rwork (lrwork) )
allocate (iwork (liwork) )
! copy the elements on the local matrices
do i = 1, n
do j = i, n
call PCELSET (at, i, j, desca, a (i, j) )
call PCELSET (bt, i, j, descb, b (i, j) )
! compute work parameters and allocate workspace
call PCHEGVX (1, 'V', 'A', 'U', n, at, 1, 1, desca, bt, 1, 1, &
descb, zero, zero, idum, idum, mone, m, nz, w, mone, zt, 1, 1, &
descz, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, iwork, liwork, ifail, iclustr, &
gap, info)
! check the info variable to detect problems
#ifdef DEBUG
if (info.ne.0) then
if (iam_blacs.eq.0) then
if (info.lt.0) then
if (info> - 100) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'scala_cdiaghg: Argument', - info, &
'to PCHEGVX had an illegal value'
if (info< - 100) then
i = - info / 100
j = mod ( - info, 100)
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'scala_cdiagh: Element', j, 'of argument', i, &
'to PCHEGVX had an illegal value'
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'given and requested lwork', lwork, work (1)
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'given and requested lrwork', lrwork, rwork (1)
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'given and requested liwork', liwork, iwork (1)
if (info.gt.0) then
if (mod (info, 2) .ne.0) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'scala_cdiaghg: PCHEGVX: Calculation failed', &
' to converge'
if (mod (info / 2, 2) .ne.0) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'scala_cdiaghg: PCHEGVX: Insufficient workspace', &
' to orthogonalize eigenvectors'
if (mod (info / 4, 2) .ne.0) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'scala_cdiaghg: PCHEGVX: Insufficient workspace', &
' to compute all eigenvectors'
! compute the eigenvalues
call eigen (n, z, ildz, zt, descz, work)
deallocate (at)
deallocate (bt)
deallocate (zt)
deallocate (iwork)
deallocate (rwork)
deallocate (work)
call blacs_gridexit (context)
end subroutine scala_cdiaghg