
140 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine allocate_nlpot
! This routine computes the dimension of the Hamiltonian matrix and
! allocates arrays containing the non-local part of the pseudopotential
! It computes the following global quantities:
! ngk ! number of plane waves (for each k point)
! npwx ! maximum number of plane waves
! nkb ! number of beta functions for the solid
! nqx ! number of points of the interpolation table
! nh ! number of beta functions for each atom type
! nhm ! maximum number of beta functions
#include "machine.h"
USE parameters, ONLY: nbrx, nchix
USE pseud, ONLY: lmax, lloc
USE basis, ONLY: ntyp, nat, ityp
USE cell_base, ONLY: tpiba2
USE cellmd,ONLY: cell_factor
USE gvect, ONLY: ngm, gcutm, ecutwfc, g
USE klist, ONLY: xk, wk, ngk, nks, nkstot, xqq
USE lsda_mod, ONLY: nspin
USE ldaU, ONLY: Hubbard_lmax, ns, nsnew
USE wvfct, ONLY: npwx, npw, igk, igk_l2g, g2kin
USE us, ONLY: nh, indv, nhtol, nhtolm, qq, dvan, deeq, qrad, vkb, tab, &
tab_at, dq, becsum, nhm, lqx, nqx, nqxq, nkb, lmaxkb, lll, nbeta, &
tvanp, newpseudo, nhtoj
USE spin_orb, ONLY: lspinorb, qq_spinorb, fcoef
implicit none
! a few local variables
integer :: nt, na, nb, ldim
! counters on atom type, atoms, beta functions
! calculate number of PWs for all kpoints
call n_plane_waves (ecutwfc, tpiba2, nks, nkstot, xk, g, ngm, npwx, ngk)
! igk relates the index of PW k+G to index in the list of G vector
allocate (igk( npwx))
allocate (igk_l2g( npwx, nks))
igk_l2g = 0
allocate (g2kin( npwx))
! calculate the number of beta functions for each atomic type
lmaxkb = - 1
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (tvanp (nt).or.newpseudo (nt)) then
nh (nt) = 0
do nb = 1, nbeta (nt)
nh (nt) = nh (nt) + 2 * lll (nb, nt) + 1
lmaxkb = max (lmaxkb, lll (nb, nt) )
nh (nt) = (lmax(nt) + 1) * (lmax(nt) + 1) - (2 * lloc(nt) + 1)
if (lloc (nt) .eq.lmax (nt) ) then
lmaxkb = max (lmaxkb, lmax (nt) - 1)
lmaxkb = max (lmaxkb, lmax (nt) )
! calculate the maximum number of beta functions
nhm = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
if (nh (nt) .gt.nhm) nhm = nh (nt)
! calculate the number of beta functions of the solid
nkb = 0
do na = 1, nat
nkb = nkb + nh (ityp(na))
allocate (indv( nhm, ntyp))
allocate (nhtol(nhm, ntyp))
allocate (nhtolm(nhm, ntyp))
allocate (nhtoj(nhm, ntyp))
allocate (qq( nhm, nhm, ntyp))
allocate (dvan( nhm, nhm, nspin, ntyp))
allocate (deeq( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin))
if (lspinorb) then
allocate (qq_spinorb(nhm, nhm, 4, ntyp))
allocate (fcoef(nhm,nhm,2,2,ntyp))
nqxq = ( (sqrt(gcutm) + sqrt(xqq(1)**2 + xqq(2)**2 + xqq(3)**2) ) &
/ dq + 4) * cell_factor
lqx = 2*lmaxkb+1
if (lqx > 0) allocate (qrad( nqxq, nbrx*(nbrx+1)/2, lqx, ntyp))
if (nkb > 0) allocate (vkb( npwx, nkb))
allocate (becsum( nhm * (nhm + 1)/2, nat, nspin))
! ... Allocate space for Hubbard potential
! ... These arrays are allocated ALWAYS even if lda_plus_u = .FALSE.
! ... This is needed since they are passed as arguments of mix_rho
! ... no matter lda_plus_u is .TRUE. or .FALSE. ( 23/10/2003 C.S. )
! if (lda_plus_u) then
ldim = 2 * Hubbard_lmax + 1
ALLOCATE( ns( ldim, ldim, nspin, nat ) )
ALLOCATE( nsnew( ldim, ldim, nspin, nat ) )
! endif
! Calculate dimensions for array tab (including a possible factor
! coming from cell contraction during variable cell relaxation/MD)
nqx = (sqrt (ecutwfc) / dq + 4) * cell_factor
allocate (tab( nqx , nbrx , ntyp))
allocate (tab_at( nqx , nchix , ntyp))
end subroutine allocate_nlpot