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! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine drhoc (ngl, gl, omega, tpiba2, mesh, r, rab, rhoc, rhocg)
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: ngl, mesh
! input: the number of g shell
! input: the number of radial mesh points
real(DP) :: gl (ngl), r (mesh), rab (mesh), rhoc (mesh), omega, &
tpiba2, rhocg (ngl)
! input: the number of G shells
! input: the radial mesh
! input: the derivative of the radial mesh
! input: the radial core charge
! input: the volume of the unit cell
! input: 2 times pi / alat
! output: the fourier transform of the core charge
! here the local variables
real(DP) :: gx, g2a, rhocg1
! the modulus of g for a given shell
! the argument of the exponential
! the fourier transform
real(DP), allocatable :: aux (:)
! auxiliary memory for integration
integer :: ir, igl, igl0
! counter on radial mesh points
! counter on g shells
! lower limit for loop on ngl
allocate (aux( mesh))
! G=0 term
if (gl (1) < 1.0d-8) then
do ir = 1, mesh
aux (ir) = r (ir) **2 * rhoc (ir)
call simpson (mesh, aux, rab, rhocg1)
rhocg (1) = fpi * rhocg1 / omega
igl0 = 2
igl0 = 1
! G <> 0 term
do igl = igl0, ngl
gx = sqrt (gl (igl) * tpiba2)
call sph_bes (mesh, r, gx, 0, aux)
do ir = 1, mesh
aux (ir) = r (ir) **2 * rhoc (ir) * aux (ir)
call simpson (mesh, aux, rab, rhocg1)
rhocg (igl) = fpi * rhocg1 / omega
end subroutine drhoc