
168 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine irrek (npk, nks, xk, wk, at, bg, nrot, invs, nsym, irg, &
! Given a set of special points in the Irreducible Wedge of some
! group, finds the equivalent special points in the IW of one of
! its subgroups.
#include "machine.h"
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nks, npk, nrot, nsym, invs (3, 3, 48), irg (nrot)
! in/out: number of input special points
! input: maximum number of special points
! input: order of the parent point group
! input: order of the subgroup
! input: inverse of the elments of G
! input: partition of the elms of G in
! left cosets, as given by SUBROUTINE COSET
real(kind=DP) :: xk (3, npk), wk (npk), at (3, 3), bg (3, 3)
! in/out: special points
! in/out: corresponding weights
! input: basis of the Bravais lattice
! input: basis of the reciprocal lattice
logical :: minus_q
! input: .true. if q = -q+G
! here the local variables
integer :: nks0, jk, kpol, irot, jrot, ncos, jc, ic, isym
! used to save the initial number of k-poin
! counter on k-points
! counter on polarizations
! counter on rotations
! counter on rotations
! total number of cosets
! counter on cosets
! counter on cosets
! counter on symmetries
real(kind=DP) :: xkg (3), xks (3, 48), w (48), sw, one
! coordinates of the k point in crystal axi
! coordinates of the rotated k point
! weight of each coset
! buffer which contains the weight of k poi
! total weight of k-points
logical :: latm, satm
! true if a k-point is equivalent to a prev
! true if equivalent point found
real(kind=DP), parameter :: degspin = 2.0d0
! spin degeneracy used in normalization of
nks0 = nks
do jk = 1, nks0
! The k point is first computed in crystal axis
do kpol = 1, 3
! xkg are the components ofx k in the crystal RL base
xkg (kpol) = at (1, kpol) * xk (1, jk) + &
at (2, kpol) * xk (2, jk) + &
at (3, kpol) * xk (3, jk)
! Then it is rotated with each symmetry of the global group. Note th
! the irg vector is used to divide all the rotated vector in cosets
do irot = 1, nrot
jrot = irg (irot)
do kpol = 1, 3
! the rotated of xkg with respect to the group operations
xks (kpol, irot) = invs (kpol, 1, jrot) * xkg (1) + &
invs (kpol, 2, jrot) * xkg (2) + &
invs (kpol, 3, jrot) * xkg (3)
! For each coset one point is tested with all the preceding
ncos = nrot / nsym
do ic = 1, ncos
irot = (ic - 1) * nsym + 1
latm = .false.
! latm = .true. if the present k-vector is equivalent to some previous
do jc = 1, ic - 1
do isym = 1, nsym
! satm = .true. if the present symmetry operation makes the ir and ik
! k-vectors equivalent ...
jrot = (jc - 1) * nsym + isym
satm = abs (xks (1, irot) - xks (1, jrot) - &
nint (xks (1, irot) - xks (1, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xks (2, irot) - xks (2, jrot) - &
nint (xks (2, irot) - xks (2, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xks (3, irot) - xks (3, jrot) - &
nint (xks (3, irot) - xks (3, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5
! .... or equivalent to minus each other when minus_q=.t.
if (minus_q) satm = satm .or. &
abs (xks (1, irot) + xks (1, jrot) - &
nint (xks (1, irot) + xks (1, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xks (2, irot) + xks (2, jrot) - &
nint (xks (2, irot) + xks (2, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5 .and. &
abs (xks (3, irot) + xks (3, jrot) - &
nint (xks (3, irot) + xks (3, jrot) ) ) < 1.0d-5
latm = latm .or. satm
if (satm .and. w (jc) /= 0.d0) then
w (jc) = w (jc) + 1.d0
goto 100
100 continue
if (latm) then
w (ic) = 0.d0
w (ic) = 1.d0
! here the k-point list is updated
sw = wk (jk) / SUM (w(1:ncos))
wk (jk) = sw * w (1)
do ic = 2, ncos
irot = (ic - 1) * nsym + 1
if (w (ic) /= 0.d0) then
nks = nks + 1
if (nks > npk) call errore ('irrek', 'too many k-points', nks)
wk (nks) = sw * w (ic)
do kpol = 1, 3
xk (kpol, nks) = bg (kpol, 1) * xks (1, irot) + &
bg (kpol, 2) * xks (2, irot) + &
bg (kpol, 3) * xks (3, irot)
! normalize weights to degspin (every band can accomodate 2 electrons)
one = SUM (wk(1:nks))
if ( one > 0.d0 ) wk(1:nks) = wk(1:nks) * degspin / one
end subroutine irrek