
193 lines
5.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cg_readin
use pwcom
use cgcom
use io_files, only: tmp_dir, prefix
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only: me
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
integer :: iunit =5, ionode_id = 0
character(len=256) :: outdir
namelist /inputph/ prefix, fildyn, trans, epsil, raman, nmodes, &
tr2_ph, niter_ph, amass, outdir, asr, deltatau, nderiv, &
first, last
call start_clock('cg_readin')
outdir = './'
prefix = 'pwscf'
fildyn = 'matdyn'
epsil = .true.
trans = .true.
raman = .false.
asr = .false.
tr2_ph = 1.0e-12
niter_ph= 50
nmodes = 0
deltatau= 0.0
nderiv = 2
first = 1
last = 0
#ifdef __PARA
if (me == 1) then
read(iunit,'(a)') title_ph
tmp_dir = trim(outdir)
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast(prefix,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(fildyn,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(trans,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(epsil,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(raman,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(nmodes,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(tr2_ph,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(niter_ph,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(amass,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(tr2_ph,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(tmp_dir,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(asr,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(deltatau,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(nderiv,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(first,ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(last,ionode_id)
call init_pool
! read the input file produced by 'punch' subroutine in pwscf program
! allocate memory and recalculate what is needed
call read_file
! various checks
if (.not.trans .and. .not.epsil) &
& call errore('data','nothing to do',1)
if (nks.ne.1) call errore('data','too many k-points',1)
! if (xk(1,1).ne.0.0 .or. xk(2,1).ne.0.0 .or. xk(3,1).ne.0.0)
! & call errore('data','only k=0 allowed',1)
if (nmodes.gt.3*nat .or. nmodes.lt.0) &
& call errore('data','wrong number of normal modes',1)
if (epsil .and. nmodes.ne.0) call errore('data','not allowed',1)
if (raman .and. deltatau.le.0.d0) &
& call errore('data','deltatau > 0 needed for raman CS',1)
if (nderiv.ne.2 .and. nderiv.ne.4) &
call errore('data','nderiv not allowed',1)
if (last.eq.0) last=3*nat
call cg_readmodes(iunit)
call stop_clock('cg_readin')
end subroutine cg_readin
subroutine cg_readmodes(iunit)
#include "machine.h"
USE kinds, only: DP
use pwcom
use cgcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only: me
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
integer :: iunit
integer :: ionode_id = 0, na, nu, mu
real(kind=DP) utest, unorm, DDOT
! allocate space for modes, dynamical matrix, auxiliary stuff
allocate (u( 3*nat, 3*nat))
allocate (dyn(3*nat, 3*nat))
allocate (equiv_atoms( nat, nat))
allocate (n_equiv_atoms( nat))
allocate (has_equivalent(nat))
! nmodes not given: use defaults (all modes) as normal modes ...
if (nmodes.eq.0) then
call find_equiv_sites (nat,nat,nsym,irt,has_equivalent, &
& n_diff_sites,n_equiv_atoms,equiv_atoms)
if (n_diff_sites .le. 0 .or. n_diff_sites .gt. nat) &
& call errore('equiv.sites','boh!',1)
! these are all modes, but only independent modes are calculated
nmodes = 3*nat
u(:,:) = 0.d0
do nu = 1,nmodes
u(nu,nu) = 1.0
end do
! look if ASR can be exploited to reduce the number of calculations
! we need to locate an independent atom with no equivalent atoms
if (asr.and.n_diff_sites.gt.1) then
do na = 1, n_diff_sites
if (n_equiv_atoms(na).eq.1 ) then
nasr = equiv_atoms(na, 1)
go to 1
end if
end do
1 continue
end if
if (asr) call errore('readin','warning: asr disabled',-1)
! ... otherwise read normal modes from input
do na = 1,nat
has_equivalent(na) = 0
end do
#ifdef __PARA
if (me == 0) then
do nu = 1,nmodes
read (iunit,*,end=10,err=10) (u(mu,nu), mu=1,3*nat)
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast(u,ionode_id)
do nu = 1,nmodes
do mu = 1, nu-1
utest = DDOT(3*nat,u(1,nu),1,u(1,mu),1)
if (abs(utest).gt.1.0e-10) then
print *, ' warning: input modes are not orthogonal'
call DAXPY(3*nat,-utest,u(1,mu),1,u(1,nu),1)
end if
end do
unorm = sqrt(DDOT(3*nat,u(1,nu),1,u(1,nu),1))
if (abs(unorm).lt.1.0e-10) go to 10
call DSCAL(3*nat,1.0/unorm,u(1,nu),1)
end do
go to 20
10 call errore('phonon','wrong data read',1)
20 continue
end subroutine cg_readmodes