
129 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE electrons_nose
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
REAL(DP) :: fnosee = 0.0_DP ! frequency of the thermostat ( in THz )
REAL(DP) :: qne = 0.0_DP ! mass of teh termostat
REAL(DP) :: ekincw = 0.0_DP ! kinetic energy to be kept constant
REAL(DP) :: xnhe0 = 0.0_DP
REAL(DP) :: xnhep = 0.0_DP
REAL(DP) :: xnhem = 0.0_DP
REAL(DP) :: vnhe = 0.0_DP
subroutine electrons_nose_init( ekincw_ , fnosee_ )
USE constants, ONLY: pi, au_terahertz
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: ekincw_, fnosee_
! set thermostat parameter for electrons
qne = 0.0_DP
ekincw = ekincw_
fnosee = fnosee_
xnhe0 = 0.0_DP
xnhep = 0.0_DP
xnhem = 0.0_DP
vnhe = 0.0_DP
if( fnosee > 0.0_DP ) qne = 4.0_DP * ekincw / ( fnosee * ( 2.0_DP * pi ) * au_terahertz )**2
end subroutine electrons_nose_init
function electrons_nose_nrg( xnhe0, vnhe, qne, ekincw )
! compute energy term for nose thermostat
implicit none
real(dp) :: electrons_nose_nrg
real(dp), intent(in) :: xnhe0, vnhe, qne, ekincw
electrons_nose_nrg = 0.5_DP * qne * vnhe * vnhe + 2.0_DP * ekincw * xnhe0
end function electrons_nose_nrg
subroutine electrons_nose_shiftvar( xnhep, xnhe0, xnhem )
! shift values of nose variables to start a new step
implicit none
real(dp), intent(out) :: xnhem
real(dp), intent(inout) :: xnhe0
real(dp), intent(in) :: xnhep
xnhem = xnhe0
xnhe0 = xnhep
end subroutine electrons_nose_shiftvar
subroutine electrons_nosevel( vnhe, xnhe0, xnhem, delt )
implicit none
real(dp), intent(inout) :: vnhe
real(dp), intent(in) :: xnhe0, xnhem, delt
end subroutine electrons_nosevel
subroutine electrons_noseupd( xnhep, xnhe0, xnhem, delt, qne, ekinc, ekincw, vnhe )
implicit none
real(dp), intent(out) :: xnhep, vnhe
real(dp), intent(in) :: xnhe0, xnhem, delt, qne, ekinc, ekincw
xnhep = 2.0_DP * xnhe0 - xnhem + 2.0_DP * ( delt**2 / qne ) * ( ekinc - ekincw )
vnhe = ( xnhep - xnhem ) / ( 2.0_DP * delt )
end subroutine electrons_noseupd
SUBROUTINE electrons_nose_info( delt)
use constants, only: au_terahertz, pi
USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
USE control_flags, ONLY: tnosee
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: delt
INTEGER :: nsvar
REAL(DP) :: wnosee
IF( tnosee ) THEN
IF( fnosee <= 0.0_DP) &
CALL errore(' electrons_nose_info ', ' fnosee less than zero ', 1)
IF( delt <= 0.0_DP) &
CALL errore(' electrons_nose_info ', ' delt less than zero ', 1)
wnosee = fnosee * ( 2.0_DP * pi ) * au_terahertz
nsvar = ( 2.0_DP * pi ) / ( wnosee * delt )
WRITE( stdout,563) ekincw, nsvar, fnosee, qne
563 format( //, &
& 3X,'electrons dynamics with nose` temperature control:', /, &
& 3X,'Kinetic energy required = ', f10.5, ' (a.u.) ', /, &
& 3X,'time steps per nose osc. = ', i5, /, &
& 3X,'nose` frequency = ', f10.3, ' (THz) ', /, &
& 3X,'nose` mass(es) = ', 20(1X,f10.3),//)
END SUBROUTINE electrons_nose_info
END MODULE electrons_nose