
777 lines
26 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Quantum-Espresso group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine ld1_readin
! This routine reads the input parameters of the calculation
use kinds, ONLY : dp
use radial_grids, only: ndmx, nullify_radial_grid
use ld1_parameters, only: ncmax1, nwfx, nwfsx
use parameters, only: lmaxx
use constants, ONLY : rytoev, c_au
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id, stdout
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc, only : els, lls, betas, qq, qvan, ikk, nbeta, pseudotype, &
el, nn, ll, jj, oc, isw, nwf,rcut, rcutus, &
enls, nns, jjs, ocs, isws, nwfs, &
eltsc, nntsc, lltsc, jjtsc, octsc, iswtsc, nwftsc, &
enltsc, rcuttsc, rcutustsc, &
vpsloc, vnl, iswitch, tr2, &
nspin, lsd, rel, isic, latt, vdw, lpaw, tm, &
grid, zed, lmax, beta, rhoc, nconf, prefix, &
nnl, jjts, zval, title, write_coulomb, &
nlc, rm, rho0, lloc, rcore, rcloc, nlcc, &
upf_v1_format, file_pseudo, file_pseudopw, &
file_potscf, file_screen, file_qvan, file_recon, &
file_wfcaegen, file_wfcncgen, file_wfcusgen, &
file_core, file_beta, file_chi, author, &
nld, rlderiv, eminld, emaxld, deld, &
ecutmin, ecutmax, decut, rytoev_fact, verbosity, &
frozen_core, lsdts, new_core_ps, cau_fact, &
lnc2paw, pawsetup, rcutnc2paw, & !paw
rmatch_augfun, which_augfun, & !paw
rhos, bmat, lsmall, & ! extra for paw2us
lgipaw_reconstruction, lsave_wfc, &
use funct, only : set_dft_from_name
use radial_grids, only: do_mesh, check_mesh
use atomic_paw, only : paw2us
implicit none
integer :: &
n,i, & ! counters on wavefunctions
nc, & ! counter on configuration
ns,ns1,& ! counters on pseudo wavefunctions
c1, & ! counter
ios ! I/O control
real(DP) :: xmin, dx, rmax, zdum ! auxiliary variables
character(len=6) :: zval_,zdum_
character(len=80) :: config, configts(ncmax1)
character(len=2) :: atom
character(len=20) :: dft, rel_dist
character, external :: atom_name*2
integer, external :: atomic_number
logical, external :: matches
namelist /input/ xmin, & ! the minimum x of the linear mesh
dx, & ! parameters of the mesh
rmax, & ! the maximum r of the mesh
zed, & ! the atomic charge
atom, & ! atomic symbol - can be specified instead of zed
beta, & ! the mixing coefficient
tr2, & ! the scf threshold
iswitch, & ! the type of calculation
nld, rlderiv, eminld, emaxld, deld,& ! log derivatives
config, & ! a string with electron configuration
lsd, & ! if 1 lsda is computed
rel, & ! 0 non-relativistic calculation
! 1 scalar-relativistic calculation
! 2 dirac-relativistic calculation
rel_dist, & ! 'energy' or 'average'. Distribution of electrons in
! relativistic case
dft, & ! LDA, GGA, exchange only or Hartree ?
isic, & ! if 1 self-interaction correction
latt, & ! if <> 0 Latter correction is applied
title, & ! the title of the run
verbosity,& ! if 'high' writes more information on output
prefix, & ! the prefix for file names
lsmall, & ! if true the small component is written on file
rytoev_fact, & ! conversion between Ry and eV
cau_fact, & ! speed of light in a.u.
vdw, & ! if .true. vdW coefficient in TF+vW will be calculated
write_coulomb, & ! if .true. write a fake pseudopotential file with the
! Coulomb potential for usage in all-electron calculations
relpert ! compute relativistic perturbative corrections
namelist /test/ &
nconf, & ! the number of configurations
configts, & ! the configurations of the tests
file_pseudo, & ! input file containing the pseudopotential
file_pseudopw, & ! output file containing the pseudopotential
file_potscf, & ! output file with the scf potential at each iteration
frozen_core, & ! if true make a frozen-core all-electron calculation
lsdts, & ! the lsd of each configuration
ecutmin, & ! for test with spherical Bessel functions:
ecutmax, & ! min and max energy cutoff for j_l(qr),
decut, & ! step: ecut = ecutmin, ecutmin+decut, ... , ecutmax
rm ! radius of the box
namelist /inputp/ &
pseudotype,&! the pseudopotential type
tm, & ! use Troullier-Martins instead of RRKJ
rho0, & ! value of the charge at the origin
zval, & ! the pseudo valence
lloc, & ! l component considered as local
nlcc, & ! if true nlcc is set
new_core_ps, & ! if true the core charge is pseudized with bessel funct.
rcore, & ! the core radius for nlcc
rcloc, & ! the local cut-off for pseudo
author, & ! the author of the PP
! paw variables:
which_augfun, & ! choose shape of aug.fun. (GAUSS, BESSEL..)
lpaw, & ! if true generate or test a PAW dataset
lnc2paw, & ! if true the PAW dataset is generate from the NC one
rCutNC2paw, & ! a cut-off radius for NC wavefunctions to be used
rmatch_augfun, & ! define the matching radius for aug.fun.
! output files:
upf_v1_format, & ! set to true to use UPF version 1 file format (instead of version 2)
file_pseudopw, & ! output file where the pseudopotential is written
file_screen, & ! output file for the screening potential
file_core, & ! output file for total and core charge
file_beta, & ! output file for the beta functions
file_chi, & ! outpu file for the chi functions
file_qvan, & ! output file for the qvan functions
file_potscf, & ! output file with the scf potential at each iteration
file_wfcaegen, & ! output file where the all-electron wfc used for
! pseudo generation are written
file_wfcncgen, & ! output file where the norm-conserving wfc used for
! pseudo generation are written
file_wfcusgen, & ! output file where the ultra-soft wfc used for
! pseudo generation are written
file_recon, & ! output file needed for the paw reconstruction
lsave_wfc,& ! set to true to save all-electron and ps wfc to file
lgipaw_reconstruction! write data for (GI)PAW reconstruction
prefix = 'ld1'
file_pseudo = ' '
file_pseudopw= ' '
file_recon = ' '
file_screen = ' '
file_core = ' '
file_chi = ' '
file_beta = ' '
file_qvan = ' '
file_potscf = ' '
file_wfcaegen = ' '
file_wfcncgen = ' '
file_wfcusgen = ' '
! nullify grid object before it is used
CALL nullify_radial_grid( grid )
! set default values
atom = ' '
zed = 0.0_dp
! xmin = -7.0_dp
! dx = 0.0125_dp
xmin = 0.0_dp
dx = 0.0_dp
rmax =100.0_dp
beta = 0.2_dp
tr2 = 1.0e-14_dp
rel = 5
lsd = 0
dft = 'LDA'
isic= 0
latt= 0
title = ' '
config= ' '
lpaw = .false.
vdw = .false.
write_coulomb = .false.
lsave_wfc = .false.
lgipaw_reconstruction = .false.
relpert = .false.
! read the namelist input
if (ionode) read(5,input,err=100,iostat=ios)
100 call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id)
call errore('ld1_readin','reading input namelist ',abs(ios))
call bcast_input()
call mp_bcast( xmin, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( dx, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rmax, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast(atom, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast(config, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast(dft, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast(rel_dist, ionode_id )
call set_dft_from_name(dft)
if (zed == 0.0_dp .and. atom /= ' ') then
zed = DBLE(atomic_number(atom))
else if (zed /= 0.0_dp .and. atom == ' ') then
if (DBLE(int(zed)) /= zed .or. zed < 1.0_dp .or. zed > 103) then
write(zdum_,'(f6.2)') zed
call errore('ld1_readin','wrong nuclear charge zed: '//zdum_,1)
end if
atom = atom_name(nint(zed))
zdum = DBLE(atomic_number(atom))
if (zdum /= zed) call errore &
('ld1_readin','inconsistent Z/atom specification',nint(zdum))
end if
if (iswitch < 1 .or. iswitch > 3) &
call errore('ld1_readin','wrong iswitch',1)
if (eminld > emaxld) &
call errore('ld1_readin','eminld or emaxld wrong',1)
if (deld < 0.0_dp) &
call errore('ld1_readin','negative deld',1)
if (nld > nwfsx) &
call errore('ld1_readin','too many nld',1)
if (isic == 1 .and. latt == 1) call errore('ld1_readin', &
& 'isic and latter correction not allowed',1)
if (isic == 1 .and. iswitch .ne. 1 ) call errore('ld1_readin', &
& 'SIC available with all-electron only', 1)
if (iswitch==1.and.verbosity=='high' .and. .not.relpert) then
write(stdout,'("High verbosity not available with iswitch=1")')
if ( relpert ) then
if (iswitch.gt.1 .or. rel.gt.0) call errore('ld1_readin',&
'perturbative SO-splitting for AE calculations with rel=0 only',1)
if (lsd.ne.0) call errore('ld1_readin',&
'spin-polarized perturbative corrections not available',1)
if (rel == 5 ) then
if (zed < 19.0_dp) then
if (rel < 0 .or. rel > 2) call errore('ld1_readin','wrong rel',1)
! No lsda with pseudopotential generation
if (iswitch > 2) lsd = 0
if (lsd == 0) then
nspin = 1
else if(lsd == 1) then
nspin = 2
if (rel == 2) call errore('ld1_readin', &
& 'local spin density and spin-orbit not allowed',1)
call errore('ld1_readin','lsd not correct',1)
if (config == ' ') then
if (ionode) call read_config (rel, lsd, nwf, el, nn, ll, oc, isw, jj)
call bcast_config()
call el_config (config, rel, lsd, .true., nwf, el, nn, ll, oc, isw, jj)
end if
! In the spin polarized or relativistic case adjust the occupations
if (lsd == 1.and.iswitch==1) then
call occ_spin(nwf,nwfx,el,nn,ll,oc,isw)
else if (rel == 2) then
call occ_spinorb(nwf,nwfx,el,nn,ll,jj,oc,isw,rel_dist)
if (xmin==0.0_DP) then
if (iswitch==1.and..not.vdw.and.rel>0) then
if (dx==0.0_DP) then
if (iswitch==1.and..not.vdw) then
if (xmin > -2.0_dp) call errore('ld1_readin','wrong xmin',1)
if (dx <=0.0_dp) call errore('ld1_readin','wrong dx',1)
! generate the radial grid - note that if iswitch = 2 the radial grid
! is not generated but read from the pseudopotential file
if (iswitch /= 2) then
call do_mesh(rmax,zed,xmin,dx,0,grid)
which_augfun = 'DEFAULT'
if (iswitch == 1) then
! no more data needed for AE calculations
else if (iswitch == 3) then
! reading input for PP generation
tm = .false.
! format defaults
upf_v1_format = .false.
! paw defaults:
lnc2paw = .false.
rmatch_augfun=-1.0_dp ! force a crash
rcutnc2paw(:) = 1.0_dp ! reasonable
if (ionode) read(5,inputp,err=500,iostat=ios)
500 call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id)
call errore('ld1_readin','reading inputp',abs(ios))
call bcast_inputp()
if(which_augfun=='DEFAULT') then
if( (lpaw .and. lnc2paw) .or. (.not. lpaw) ) then
if (lloc < 0 .and. rcloc <=0.0_dp) &
call errore('ld1_readin','rcloc must be positive',1)
if (pseudotype < 1.or.pseudotype > 3) &
call errore('ld1_readin','specify correct pseudotype',1)
if (rel==2 .and. pseudotype==1 ) &
call errore('ld1_readin','Generation of a FR PP with'// &
& ' pseudotype=1 not allowed',1)
if (which_augfun=='PSQ'.and.pseudotype.ne.3) &
call errore('ld1_readin','PSQ requires pseudotype=3',1)
if (ionode) &
call read_psconfig (rel, lsd, nwfs, els, nns, lls, ocs, &
isws, jjs, enls, rcut, rcutus )
call bcast_psconfig()
if (rel==2) call occ_spinorbps &
lmax = maxval(lls(1:nwfs))
do ns=1,nwfs
if (pseudotype < 3) rcutus(ns) = rcut(ns)
do ns1=1,ns-1
if (lls(ns) == lls(ns1).and.pseudotype == 1) &
call errore('ld1_readin','Two wavefunctions for the same l',1)
if (enls(ns) /= 0.0_dp .and. ocs(ns) > 0.0_dp) &
call errore('ld1_readin','unbound states must be empty',1)
if (rcut(ns) /= rcutus(ns)) then
! this channel is US. Check that there is at least another energy
do ns1=1,nwfs
if (lls(ns) == lls(ns1) .and. jjs(ns) == jjs(ns1)) c1=c1+1
if (c1 < 2) then
write (stdout,'(/,5x,A)') &
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
call infomsg ('ld1_readin', &
'US requires at least two energies per channel '//els(ns))
write (stdout,'(5x,A)') &
if (nwfs > 1) then
if (els(nwfs)==els(nwfs-1) .and. jjs(nwfs)==jjs(nwfs-1) .and. &
lloc > -1) call errore('ld1_readin','only one local channel',1)
if (lnc2paw) then
call errore('ld1_readin', &
'You have chosen to generating PAW on top of NC', -1)
do ns=1,nwfs
if (rcutnc2paw(ns) <= 0._dp) rcutnc2paw(ns)=rcut(ns)
end do
end if
end if
! reading input for PP testing
configts=' '
ecutmin = 0.0_dp
ecutmax = 0.0_dp
decut = 5.0_dp
rm =30.0_dp
if (ionode) read(5,test,err=300,iostat=ios)
300 call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id)
if (iswitch==2) call errore('ld1_readin','reading test',abs(ios))
call bcast_test()
call mp_bcast(configts, ionode_id)
! PP generation: if namelist test is not found, use defaults
if (iswitch == 3 .and. ios /= 0 ) then
! use for testing the same configuration as for PP generation
! (unless a different one is explicitely specified in namelist &test)
ns1 = 0
do ns=1,nwfs
if ( ocs(ns) > 0.0_dp .or. &
(ocs(ns) == 0.0_dp .and. enls(ns) == 0.0_dp) ) then
! copy states used in the PP generation to testing configuration
! Only bound states must be copied. Note that this WILL NOT WORK
! if bound states are not used in the generation of the PP
ns1 = ns1 + 1
eltsc (ns1,1)= els (ns)
nntsc (ns1,1)= nns (ns)
lltsc (ns1,1)= lls (ns)
octsc (ns1,1)= ocs (ns)
iswtsc(ns1,1)= isws(ns)
jjtsc (ns1,1)= jjs (ns)
end if
end do
nwftsc(1) = ns1
if (nconf > ncmax1.or.nconf < 1) &
call errore('ld1_readin','nconf is wrong',1)
if (iswitch == 3 .and. nconf > 1) &
call errore('ld1_readin','too many test configurations',1)
if (frozen_core.and.lsdts(1)==1) call errore('ld1_readin',&
'With frozen-core the first configuration must be spin-unpolarized',1)
if (iswitch==3.and.lsdts(1)==1) call errore('ld1_readin',&
'No spin-polarization with iswitch==3',1)
if (frozen_core) verbosity='high'
do nc=1,nconf
if (lsdts(nc)<0.or.lsdts(nc)>1) call errore('ld1_readin', &
'lsdtsi must be 0 or 1',1)
if (rel==2.and.lsdts(nc)==1) call errore('ld1_readin',&
'Fully relativistic spin-polarized calculations not allowed',1)
if (configts(nc) == ' ') then
if (ionode) &
call read_psconfig (rel, lsdts(nc), nwftsc(nc), eltsc(1,nc), &
nntsc(1,nc), lltsc(1,nc), octsc(1,nc), iswtsc(1,nc), &
jjtsc(1,nc), enltsc(1,nc), rcuttsc(1,nc), rcutustsc(1,nc) )
call mp_bcast(eltsc(:,nc),ionode_id)
call mp_bcast(enltsc(:,nc),ionode_id)
do ns=1,nwftsc(nc)
do ns1=1,ns-1
if (eltsc(ns,nc) == eltsc(ns1,nc) &
.and.ABS(jjtsc(ns,nc)-jjtsc(ns1,nc))<1.e-5_DP.and. &
iswtsc(ns,nc)==iswtsc(ns1,nc)) &
call errore('ld1_readin', &
& 'Two test wavefunctions for the same n l',1)
call el_config( configts(nc), rel, lsdts(nc), .false., nwftsc(nc), &
eltsc(1,nc), nntsc(1,nc), lltsc(1,nc), octsc(1,nc), &
iswtsc(1,nc), jjtsc(1,nc))
call bcast_pstsconfig()
do nc=1,nconf
! adjust the occupations of the test cases if this is a lsd run
if (lsdts(nc) == 1) then
call occ_spin(nwftsc(nc),nwfsx,eltsc(1,nc),nntsc(1,nc),lltsc(1,nc),&
octsc(1,nc), iswtsc(1,nc))
else if (rel == 2) then
call occ_spinorb(nwftsc(nc),nwfsx,eltsc(1,nc), &
end do
zdum = zed
do n=1,nwf
if ( oc(n) > 0.0_dp) zdum = zdum - oc(n)
end do
do ns=1,nwftsc(1)
if ( octsc(ns,1) > 0.0_dp) zdum = zdum + octsc(ns,1)
end do
if (zval == 0.0_DP) then
zval = zdum
if ( abs(nint(zdum)-zdum) > 1.d-8 .and. iswitch==3 ) then
write(zdum_,'(f6.2)') zdum
call errore ('ld1_readin', 'found noninteger valence ' &
&//zdum_//', if you want this specify zval in inputp',1)
end if
else if ( abs(zval-zdum) > 1.d-8 ) then
write(zdum_,'(f6.2)') zdum
write(zval_,'(f6.2)') zval
call errore ('ld1_readin','supplied ('//zval_//') and calculated (' &
//zdum_//') valence charge do not match',1)
end if
! PP testing: reading the pseudopotential
if (iswitch ==2) then
if (file_pseudo == ' ') &
call errore('ld1_readin','file_pseudo is needed',1)
if (matches('.upf',file_pseudo) .or. matches('.UPF', file_pseudo)) then
! UPF format
call import_upf ( )
call check_mesh(grid)
else if ( matches('.rrkj3', file_pseudo) .or. &
matches('.RRKJ3', file_pseudo)) then
! Old RRKJ format
call read_pseudo_rrkj3 (ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
! try old Norm-Conserving format
pseudotype = 1
call check_mesh(grid)
do ns=1,nwfs
end if
! Old Norm-Conserving format
pseudotype = 1
if (pseudotype == 1) then
call read_pseudo_ncpp (file_pseudo,zed,grid,ndmx, &
call check_mesh(grid)
call set_dft_from_name(dft)
do ns=1,lmax+1
if (lpaw) then
lsave_wfc = .true.
if (pseudotype /= 3) call errore('ld1_readin', &
'please start from a US for generating a PAW dataset' ,pseudotype)
if (rel > 1) call errore('ld1_readin', &
'relativistic PAW not implemented' ,rel)
if (latt /= 0) call errore('ld1_readin', &
'Latter correction not implemented in PAW' ,latt)
call errore('ld1_readin', &
'PAW dataset generation and test is experimental' ,-1)
end subroutine ld1_readin
subroutine bcast_input()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( zed, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( beta, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( tr2, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( iswitch, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nld, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rlderiv, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( eminld, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( emaxld, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( deld, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lsd, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rel, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lsmall, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( isic, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( latt, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( title, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( prefix, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( vdw, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_input
subroutine bcast_inputp()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc, ONLY : pseudotype, tm, rho0, zval, lloc, nlcc, &
rcore, rcloc, new_core_ps, lpaw, verbosity, &
file_pseudopw, file_screen, file_core, file_beta, &
file_chi, file_qvan, file_wfcaegen, file_wfcncgen, &
file_wfcusgen, file_recon, which_augfun, &
rmatch_augfun, lgipaw_reconstruction, lsave_wfc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( pseudotype, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( tm, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rho0, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( zval, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lloc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nlcc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcore, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcloc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( new_core_ps, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lpaw, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( verbosity, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_pseudopw, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_screen, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_core, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_beta, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_chi, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_qvan, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_wfcaegen, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_wfcncgen, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_wfcusgen, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_recon, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( which_augfun, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rmatch_augfun, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lsave_wfc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lgipaw_reconstruction, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_inputp
subroutine bcast_test()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( nconf, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( file_pseudo, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( ecutmin, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( ecutmax, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( decut, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rm, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( frozen_core, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lsdts, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_test
subroutine bcast_config()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( nwf, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( el, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nn, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( ll, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( oc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( isw, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( jj, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_config
subroutine bcast_psconfig()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( nwfs, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( els, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nns, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lls, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( ocs, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( jjs, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( isws, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( enls, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcut, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcutus, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_psconfig
subroutine bcast_pstsconfig()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
use ld1inc
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_bcast( nwftsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( nntsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( lltsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( octsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( jjtsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( iswtsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcuttsc, ionode_id )
call mp_bcast( rcutustsc, ionode_id )
end subroutine bcast_pstsconfig